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Chapter 15.02 Wisdom is not limited to planes

 In the supervisor space, Bai Linglu and Jing Guyu were analyzing Wei Keng's current situation.

The entire monitoring space is now invalid, and the detection values ​​​​of each system are things like "???". The surrounding dimensions are very bright, like stars twinkling along with it.

If a monitoring system cannot use data to determine the information about the plane area where the traveler is located, it means that it has been invaded by unknown information enthalpy on the plane, and a large number of dangerous alarms will appear.

However, after the monitoring platform data issued a warning, and after communicating with Wei Keng, Wei Keng was able to fill in the missing data.

This means that only the supervisor system is disabled, and Wei Keng himself has supported a more complex system in the dimension.

As for the reason why all this happened!

Bai Linglu: The information from the Dark Plane has information backlash against the space membrane.

In the supervisor's space, the gravity well of the main world projected information. Wei Keng traveled to the dark plane and began to use the dark plane energy to reversely project onto the plane film.

In short: Wei Keng's construction of traceable dark energy has realized his original idea: "Since I can be projected down, can I use the dark energy of this plane to climb out of this plane?"

…Wei Keng is now a large individual in the higher dimension, and the supervisor space has become a pendant hanging on Wei Keng’s body in the dimension…

At this time, Wei Keng is crawling in the dimension and space near this dark plane in a "worm" posture.

The crawling process ultimately "eats" some timelines and also excretes some timelines.

Don't laugh at "eating, drinking and having diarrhea". The most important characteristic of life is metabolism! Even advanced life cannot escape from this characteristic.

Bai Linglu and Jing Guyu communicated that this high-dimensional satellite can be directly recognized by human beings at the current stage of the earth: it is just composed of countless parts of space-time films. A single satellite on the plane belongs to the most basic cell. A cell is

It is impossible to understand the consciousness of the entire brain.

Individual Wei Keng on the plane cannot fully understand his own overly complicated thoughts "in time and space".

But Wei Keng on the plane understands the basic needs of "higher self". Just like when cells are slow in metabolism, they know that they need to fill up with sugar to keep themselves active.

The "sugar" in space and time is "possibility".

Now on the plane membrane, the crawling "Wei Keng" is eating the time and space with high possibility and excreting the timeline with low possibility.

"High Dimension Wei Keng" is based on time and space and will pursue at least the most likely time and space line. That is, the timeline where "the traceability legion is most prosperous".

If in a certain timeline, other comrades who are pursuing possibilities are gone, then Wei Keng will not be so passionate! And Wei Keng's departure from this plane is considered "excretion" in terms of the entire dimension.

Currently, Bailinglu's monitor platform can observe three parallel time-spaces where there are no satellites. Not only are there no satellites in these time-spaces, there are even very few human auras flashing in the starry sky.

Most people are driven by profit and cannot break through possibilities.

These "possible" space-times are the "poop" pulled out by the "high-dimensional satellite".

Of course, these "poo" time and space are still marked on the supervisor's platform, because the main world requires Jing Guyu to provide coordinates. They can be handed over to the main world.

…in the supervisor’s space…

After confirming the information about various countermeasures given by Wei Keng, Bai Linglu said to Jing Guyu: "This information must be kept secret."

Jing Guyu: "Of course, hey, and there is not enough information at the moment."

At present, Wei Keng's dimensional metabolic existence is unheard of in the entire space-time administration.

Bai Linglu speculated that Wei Keng might have entered the dimensional life state.

Before this, there were only sporadic concepts about the main world, and these concepts were only regarded as fantasies.

Dang Wei Keng raised concerns and verified this concept himself, asking whether there is such a "stronger existence" in space and time.

Wei Keng's concept of "Zhongrenzi": When you have completed an achievement, others may have already completed it. Your previous "Fermi Paradox" is often caused by your "ignorance" and narrow perspective.

…In the era of slash-and-burn farming, humans didn’t have to worry about asteroids falling from the sky, and in the early days of the time-travel era, they didn’t have to worry about dimensional invasions either.…

Based on Bai Linglu and Jing Guyu, we reviewed the details of this dark plane.

Wei Keng's high-dimensional state cannot be replicated, and it occurs due to countless coincidental collisions.

First, this can only occur through "deep cultivation" in the big plane.

The so-called big plane is very vast, and it is difficult for travelers to reach the high end, and they are even always faced with being "suppressed".

Ordinary travelers in the main world are not recommended to go to this plane, because after coming here, they may just click on it and then disappear.

As for Shangqing, as well as the king-level time travellers, they are currently concentrated in the popular multidimensional planes.

More importantly, Wei Keng's attitude cannot be copied! After a large number of consciousnesses enter this plane, they return without thinking and truly move forward based on their own survival in this plane. Oh, there is only Wei Keng these days.

Such a "fool" still follows the ideals of the pastoral era and creates such a hole in the web of planes.

Bai Linglu turned around and looked at "Zhenxun". This girl, who had just arrived at the mezzanine of space, was looking at the interface curiously. When she saw Bai Linglu staring at her, she was on guard reflexively.

In the dark plane, she has been the god of time and space for at least three thousand blue star years.

But Bai Linglu really calculated the time with her. Shenzhou, Pandora, Austrian Law, and multiple planes, her monotonous time really couldn't be called an elder in front of the supervisor.

As a time traveler, Wei Keng has always carried only a small amount of memories, so he can be said to be young when traveling lightly.

Bai Linglu, on the other hand, has always retained a relatively comprehensive memory and thinking. She is already an old lady accumulated over the years, well, a mature woman.

Oh, compared to other supervisors who are obsessed with opening up various "glorious timelines", Wei Keng's accumulation for Bai Linglu is very practical. Therefore, Bai Linglu did not fall behind when dealing with Jing Guyu. Perspective,

The logical chain is stronger.

Bai Linglu: "This is the time and space management center of humans in another dimension. Dear Gu Liang, you are welcome to join us."

"Zhenxun" looked at the information screen in front of him and said leisurely: "Sure enough, there are humans in other time and space."

Bai Linglu projected a table and chair, sat in front of her, and said: "The evolution of human beings has a projection effect in dimensions, so we and you have different evolutionary routes, but we have all reached this point in the end."

Zhenxun: "You are much better than I thought. Of course, except when we first met." She clamped her legs because Jing Guyu was maliciously checking (omitting the forty-digit crosses.)

Bai Linglu waved his hand: "Let go of those unpleasant memories just now. Your contact with us is a great meeting of human wisdom in time and space. Let us now discuss the follow-up of this meeting as equals."

Zhenxun tasted the word "equality" carefully and nodded.

Bai Linglu has just introduced the Earth. Due to the different physical rules of the planes, the Earth plane is suitable for dimensional travel. He has reached the "Dark Plane" unilaterally, but he is at the beginning of the exploration of the star sea.

Although Zhenxun has now tunneled out of the plane film and is very rudimentary, it is also the first time that it has detected the existence of dimensions.

Note: This 'equality' is what Wei Keng repeatedly requested. Otherwise, if Zhenxun was so arrogant when they first met on the dark plane, Jing Guyu and Bai Linglu would have a round of "killing stick" on the territory of the dimension area.


Wei Keng emphasized the reason: This "equality" is because the "Dark Plane" is a large plane and is for long-term development. It must not be operated in the current mainstream "plane colony for time travelers" method!

Wei Keng himself has completed a qualitative change in the dark plane and has feelings for the dark plane.

To Wei Keng, this place is as important as the "earth plane".

Wei Keng's qualitative transformation is the beginning of this historical stream of this plane! As a super life derived from the dark plane, there is no reason not to treat this place as a place for his own growth and manage it patiently.

...Wei Keng: What is an alien plane? I don't regard this place as my hometown, so it is "alien". Now this is where I grew up...

After Bai Linglu finished talking to Zhenxun, Zhenxun transferred from the secret room to the outer warehouse of the supervisor's space, facing the vast dimensional information flow like a sea of ​​stars.

Wei Keng appeared in the sea of ​​stars, and when Zhenxun and Zhenxun looked at Wei Keng again, Zhenxun really felt that he was "little" this time.

In the process of direct conscious dialogue between the two parties.

Wei Keng's consciousness is very stable, so the information Zhenxun obtained from Wei Keng was all refined, and the information Zhenxun leaked, oh, including the private memories of the carbon-based era, was exposed.

Wei Keng began to patiently persuade Comrade Zhenxun: "I want to enter the base area here. Of course, the premise is to complete the "civilization reconstruction" in this area. After the birth of a civilization that pursues 'possibility', from here to a diverse position

The surface channel will be opened."

Zhenxun: "I am the defeated, you are telling me this, right?" Her emotions were very complicated. Of course, she knew that she could not hide the complexity, so she was weak and wanted to know Wei Keng's exact answer.

Wei Keng: "As an intelligent consciousness trying to leave this plane, you are also a 'possibility'. When I come and you leave, it is all wisdom trying to break through. There is no reason to belittle each other.".

…Wei Keng is using a father’s attitude to introduce the development of his civilization in dimensions.…

In another monitoring space area, Jing Guyu, who was sorting out information, took a look at the dialogue system between two consciousnesses.

Jing Guyu's tone was suggestive: "Tell me, is he starting to trick little girls again?"

Bai Linglu asked back: "Wei Qiang, did I often lie to you before?"

Jing Guyu said briefly: "No."

Bai Linglu (pursing after him): "Maybe I'm lying to you, you don't know." He pulled out a crispy horn in his hand to add to the fun.

Jing Guyu wanted to deny it, but there seemed to be no evidence. So he piled aside the information he had compiled in his hands.

Bai Linglu reviewed the past information on the dark plane as if watching a movie. When he flipped through several encrypted areas: "Before coming into contact with you, he never talked too much with the opposite sex, he only knew about work. Basically, novices in the pastoral era

The tutorial was strictly guarded by him until the third plane war."

In the pastoral era, in the tutorial for novice time travellers, in order to strictly guard against danger, avoid being jumped by fairies, and avoid being tricked by beauties, the requirement for newcomers is not to have close communication with strangers of the opposite sex.

Mr. Wei lay down, abided by this principle, and simply stopped communicating.

...Beep beep, the supervisor space prompt sounded...

The channels in the main world are also connected. When the previous monitoring space "collapses" alarm, a rescue signal will be passively sent out. This is a mechanism that existed in the pastoral era. Of course, the two supervisors later said that this was a misunderstanding and nothing happened.

Bai Linglu connected to the main world: "It's okay, everything is fine, huh?"

Bai Linglu handed the phone message to Jing Guyu and pursed his lips.

Jing Guyu connected to the communication: "Hey, um, everything is fine here. All alarms have been lifted. The space is in good condition. Well, the traveler is in good condition."

...Wei Keng ascends the dimension, and the main world is aware of certain phenomena...

The earth discovered that all the shuttle channels in the dark plane were blocked, and only the node Wei Keng could continue to shuttle.

There is now such an analysis in the main world's intelligent system: there may be some kind of existence that blocks the tunnel! Then it captured the system where Wei Keng, Bai Linglu, and Jing Guyu were located.

This kind of thing where time-travelers and supervisors fall together in a different world in a large physical area happened many times in the pastoral era.

But is it possible that Wei Keng will fall? In the associated Shenzhou plane (Daluo Zhenxian level consciousness echoes) Wei Keng's consciousness chain is still stably linking various time and space, which is enough to confirm that Wei Keng is still living in the darkness, and no "death" has occurred


Therefore, the group headed by Qin Tianfang believed that a special opportunity should have occurred in the dark plane, and the "king" effect was achieved in this plane.

In one area, Qin Tianfang found Qin Xiaohan, who had become a king, and consulted her on this issue.

Qin Xiaohan looked at it and whispered: "You need to pay close attention to his upcoming return to the 'Multiple Physics Area'."

Qin Tianfang: "What's wrong?"

Qin Xiaohan: "After leaving the multidimensional plane, he has been carrying out methodical technological upgrades. The core goal of many technologies is plane war. I have been away from him for too long, and my current understanding of him is only in the Shenzhou plane.

, the plane of Pandora is now missing, and in the plane of darkness, the passage is blocked again. Behind this is the change of 'strategic elements'."

A few minutes later, Qin Tianfang received the same message from Jing Guyu and Bai Linglu (seemingly hiding it collectively), and whispered: "You may be right. He may have achieved an unparalleled advantage in the Star Sea technology plane.


Qin Xiaohan knew Bai Linglu quite well.

Qin Xiaohan: Bai Linglu will reveal some information. But the 'treacherous' Bai Linglu will not reveal the key.

Bai Linglu had encrypted all the information on Wei Keng's trip to the dark plane, and the only information that was used to fool the Space-Time Administration was "combat modes of human beings at various energy levels", which seemed to be a cliché.

…The following are the “main findings” and “technical summary” of Bai Linglu’s exploration of the dark plane…

The primary carbon-based human interstellar battle mode: it is a battle group composed of one or two hundred meters long mechanical fighters. The weapons on both sides are lasers and electromagnetic guns. The kinetic energy weapons are weapons that can only take effect at a distance of ten kilometers. This is to prepare the bayonet to see the red.

distance, and humans have not yet left the carbon-based state, and if they stay in this war state for thousands of years, specific carbon-based evolution will occur.

(This is a common weapon of human colonial armies in many super-light speed warp interstellar worlds)

At a slightly higher energy level, energized nano-shields are used, and they collectively come to the sky above the planet, presenting a visual effect of a sea of ​​stars. This is already a common technology used by humans in the interstellar expansion on a mature interstellar plane like the Shenzhou plane.


(In many stagnant star sea civilizations, the 'antique' energy weapons left behind by the peak of these civilizations are standard equipment. As for why they are the symbol of stagnant civilization, it is because civilizations that have not stagnated have long used this high technology to escape.

Where is it? It is equivalent to using a well-smelted fire ax in the end of the world. In the human era when fire axes were actually developed, they would have used muskets to blast them, and then colonized the world.)

It cannot be said that these "technical summaries" of Bai Linglu are not related to Wei Keng's development in the dark plane, but they are too clumsy.

Is Wei Keng only studying this here? Everyone knows that Bai Linglu is in "Don't Leak Money"

...In fact, Bai Linglu is still moral...

Qin Tianfang also received a piece of information, but this piece of information required Qin Xiaohan to decrypt it.

During the final conversation, Qin Tianfang handed this information to Qin Xiaohan, and his sister was slightly startled, then understood something, but did not say anything.

Qin Xiaohan entered the key, and the last technological system picture appeared, which was a huge blue star with extremely gorgeous "lotus petals" spread out.

Then, throughout the entire star, thousands of cutting surfaces appeared on the sides of those super battleships that could be called "behemoths", which were enough to break through the Ark-class defenses. These cutting points not only hit these smallest "super battleships"

Even the internal structure of the planet's internal structure was penetrated by the majestic battleship "thousands of kilometers long." So much so that at the other end of the planet, cuts shot out from the earth.

Qin Xiaohan finished reading everything, took a deep breath and said to Qin Tianfang: "This is the Immortal Killing Formation."

Qin Tian reassured and complimented absently: "In this big plane, in one mission, we collected all the technological levels from top to bottom. The efficiency is really terrible." (He knew that Bai Linglu was speaking in secret, or he didn't.

Send all the information on the Dark Plane.)

This chapter has been completed!
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