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Chapter 706 Chapter 16.24 (Part 2) Who is brought to the line by fate?

 The perspective returned to two hours ago, and the Imperial Dragon Blood Military Police also encountered a "drama".

When the Angles were performing the Holy Grail ceremony, Wei Keng was "dispersing" the heroic spirits one by one.

The Aurors in the palm department "accidentally" faced off with the Empire's Dragon Blood Military Police. In the fighting area, as some "Venomous Bees" launched an attack on the Aurors, the Aurors had to

Use some very destructive spells.

On the empire's suppression position, a "plasma cannonball" accidentally landed on a leyline node of the Great Holy Grail ceremony.

A huge electric current spread in the room, but then caused the energy on the entire earth to go out of control, and a small earthquake broke out on the spot.

As more than a dozen buildings in the area swayed, large amounts of debris spattered from the buildings.

The Imperial soldiers who were originally preparing to patrol the controlled area were injured by the large amounts of falling debris and began to evacuate one after another.

However, there are not so many perfect things in the world. A large number of people below were hit. And the hits were very precise. Many fleeing imperial soldiers seemed unable to see the falling fragments, and sometimes they even moved towards the place where the fragments fell strangely.

Escape. This is due to the interference of negative mental information.

Conflicts accumulated during the uprising broke out in the entire city. As the rebels became more tenacious, the imperial soldiers who were originally prepared to "easily suppress" became more and more negative as time went on. These emotional effects were affected by the empire.

They used "speech skills" and "morale encouragement" to suppress them, but this kind of suppression has side effects.

This side effect was induced at the moment.

The cause is the "arcane" of these Anglos

Before they enter Swan City, they take lucky potions such as Felixir.

This potion is to enhance your luck.

But luck is constant, you are lucky and I am unlucky.

For example, in terms of personal luck: the whole village is poor and the average is very low. If you pick up a coin, it is lucky. But if the whole village is rich, if you pick up a coin on the road, it is not lucky and is very common.


In addition, there is group luck: when you get rich, you lead the whole village to work together to become rich. This is the result of your striving for a happy life and cannot be counted as luck. For the whole village, meeting a good person like you will get

It's their luck to have a good result.

When the lucky potion taken by the Anglos reaches the battlefield of Swan City, they all belong to the auspicious category of "Snow Wind Ship". Their luck is all set off by the misfortune of the general environment.

Things like luck have cause and effect. In ancient times, even a ninth-level arcane mage couldn't increase it out of thin air!

Random extraction will eventually lead to unexplained retribution.

Otherwise, Master Ao will have a bottle every day. Wouldn't it be great to use wolfberry as a health supplement?

In fact: the old Anglo wizards will only equip young people (children of luck) who are born in times of calamity.

…Wei Keng’s view of multi-dimensional luck in his worldview is objective…

Wei Keng: In the observation of the main world, this is the flash of quantum information surrounding a certain consciousness. This information will secretly prompt the "lucky person" to do certain correct things.

For example, the gods will favor someone, and they will occasionally focus the luck of mortals on a certain god's favored person to defeat the big devil. In order to generate "quantum" information, they will even use people around the protagonist as pawns to prioritize exploring dangers.

, after detecting the situation, when the life or even the soul disappears. These fragments of quantum information will flash to the "protagonist" with vital reminders.

Wei Keng's memorandum: As a mortal, if you don't want to support the protagonist, you should never believe in luck, accumulate steadily, don't use fate as a test, and don't gamble. As a life, you are responsible for yourself. Concentrate yourself and observe the general trend.

…Wei Keng’s luck value. Sometimes even the God of fate cannot control it, it’s full of variables…

Now the Auror from England is in Wei Keng's place, using a little trick like "blessing elixir" to adjust the fortune.

I really don’t know how many pits the “Shovel Dancer” has prepared, waiting for the lucky boy to jump.

On the day of the Great Holy Grail, the Imperial Dragon Blood Military Police and the Anglo Aurors all fell into the pit. The only effect of the Felixir was to decide who would support whom in the pit.

To put it arrogantly: Even the gods can't change this. (Enma: I said, even if the God of Destiny comes, he can't change your bad luck today.)

To be precise, the gods did not bother to take action on the fate of the two little people "Zhang Ke" and "Seagate" at this time. They are now engaged in the more useful "chess".

...God will not be so superficial, nor will he be angry because a chess piece is lost at the beginning...

Nowadays, the revolutionary uprising in the empire is obvious and unstoppable.

This country's refining has a great fortune. Compared with such a big event, those "mysterious people" are nothing, and they were ruthlessly abandoned by the gods.

On the timeline of Enma, the gods seized a certain opportunity in the future and planned for the next step. From the perspective of the gods, they had to create a son of destiny.

Please note: In the current overall perspective of the gods, the failure of the uprising in Swan City cannot change the outcome of the overthrow of the Sky Empire.

God knows: Wei Keng has already planned an evacuation path for the rebels.

If the urban uprising fails, it will completely follow the route of "surrounding the city from the countryside." With Wei Keng having laid a deep foundation in the countryside, the empire's suppression methods in the city will simply not be able to deal with it. In this case, the fate of history

It was because Wei Keng took advantage of him.

Therefore, in the planning of some gods: rather than allowing an incompetent empire to exist, it is better to allow the urban uprising to succeed.

As long as the urban uprising is successful, others can be supported to become protagonists in this great tide, and Wei Keng's route can be developed into a supporting role.

When Wei Keng surpassed his divine status, now he was suppressed into a "supporting role". This was the purpose of the gods.

So at the same time in the city, the "Ludis" in the rebel army had received the favor of God. This uprising, which was originally hasty and difficult to succeed, has made a huge turn for the better.

On the seventh day after the Swan City Uprising, the entire empire and other forces sympathetic to the revolution began to think for themselves.

...The gods are operating, and the middlemen must also prepare a margin. Some confrontations are bloodless, but the "blood and sweat" can be wasted...

Returning to the present moment, Seagate from the Dragon Blood Military Police counted the number of casualties and stared at the mysterious man on the building who was unscrupulously using powerful arcane magic with a livid face.

During the battle, Seagate learned that the reason why these Anglos came was to "seal the empire's dirty gold coins."

The patrons of the Great Holy Grail were dismantled here, and the Holy Grail ceremony was used to counterattack the Palmists. They monitored these Aurors from a distance. After learning: Anglo's so-called "explanation" to the Dragon Blood Military Police, he almost stopped laughing.


Enma laughed sarcastically: The Anglo-Magical Defense Department is indeed the most powerful mystic group in the world. This gesture of rushing in and pointing here and there is the police of the world.

Enma knew that this explanation from the Anglo Aurors would further cause division within the imperial camp.

As expected, the Dragon Blood Military Police, who had firmly rejected the so-called "collusion between the Empire and the Anglos" in the rebel broadcast, were now angry.

Seeing that the morale of her troops was unstable, Seagate wanted to execute these Anglo wizards directly, but she still had to ask her superiors for instructions. However, after more than ten minutes, an order came over the phone from the upper echelons of the empire: give priority to exterminating the rebels.

Can cooperate with the Anglos.

This telegram was like a wave of cold water that poured over the loyal and patriotic heart of the military policeman whose uniform was charred and stained with blood.

Seagate had no choice but to come to the battle hall and talk to Zhang Ke.

However, the upper echelons of the empire did not know that this was a fate arranged by the gods, and neither Zhangke nor Seagate knew that the process of signing the agreement was captured by Wei Keng using ultra-long-range optical cameras, and the recordings of the empire's phone calls were also backed up.

Come down.

The empire has obtained irrefutable evidence that it will not hesitate to collude with the outside world in order to destroy the rebel army.

…When the old forces are on the verge of extinction, the last operation of drawing firewood is often done by oneself…

After getting these evidences, Enma contacted Greif. This writer got this good material and wrote a good article worth thousands of troops.

"Communicating with foreign countries" was the most hated crime among the citizens after the defeat of the Sky Empire at this time. This anger was like a blazing fire. It was about to ignite the dissatisfaction of the entire empire.

Enma sealed the last "Swordsman" card and started recording the documentary of the trial of the Anglo prisoners.

The witnesses and physical evidence are all there. There is no room for denial by the empire.

This chapter has been completed!
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