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Chapter 720 Chapter 16.36 For whom the sword is drawn!

 In the northern sky of the empire, an airship with an iron star symbol floated quietly in the sky.

This 300-meter-long airship is in the "stealth" state and looks like a white cloud from the outside. (Enma's "camouflage" skill)

On the command platform, Enma watched the deployment of the Imperial Army. He held a bowl of fried noodles in his hand. He stirred the noodles with his chopsticks. After the minced meat and peanut butter stuck to the noodles, Enma sucked them in.

After finishing a bowl of noodles, Enma paused, and his fingertips radiated a "softening technique". The properties of the original ceramic changed, the hardness became softer, and the toughness became stronger, just like rubber, and the concave bottom of the entire bowl was turned out.


After Enma licked the peanut butter on the bottom plate clean, wiped it with a napkin, turned it over, and put it in the dishwasher nearby. Oh, it probably didn't need to be washed anymore.

The contemporary hero is an "arcane boiler". This boiler is fueled by the national spirit and morale and driven by "concepts".

A super large combat vehicle is the most powerful war unit and a spiritual totem (similar to the concept of Yamato). On this vehicle, every driver can drive some vehicles just like "sacrifice in the temple" in the past.

Phenomenons such as "material changes" and "supernatural restoration" that are unimaginable to the outside world.

As a heroic unit, Enma can now use its "conceptual power" at will to allow its body to undergo special strengthening.

Note: The last time he went to the arcane world, Wei Keng had completed the "Human Immortal" system. That system could slap the dragon's butt at that time, but now times have changed. For heroic units, this "system" is just

Just like Cambrian biological vision, it is standard compared to Quaternary animals.

In the current fierce changes, the "information" Enma obtains from the industrial field every second is converted into self-vitality, which can be worth decades of hard work in the "meditation system". In a "modern temple" like the Land Cruiser

In the film, the heroes break rocks and punch through steel plates with their bare hands, which is basically the norm.

Of course, if you wantonly destroy the Land Cruiser where you are, the recovery of the above-mentioned abilities of the heroes will be weakened. This is like people can break off their own fingers, but no one will go crazy.

Even when a large airship fell from a height of several thousand meters and exploded, the hero unit could still "the clothes were torn but the body was fine." In the past, the rebel army bombed the imperial army's large cruiser several times, and there were still people inside who survived.

This is also the reason.

…After people occupy scarce resources, they always like to specialize themselves.…

Rich people in recent times would forget about things like having all kinds of cars hidden in their garages, beauties stepping on their feet and so on.

In this world, under the empire system, heroic units will be even more like this. But at this time, during the great changes, the growing heroic units will also be gradually affected when they come into contact with the "heroic" culture.

During the great uprising in Swan City a year ago, among the two leaders, there was no news from Ludis in the south of the empire for a long time.

Enma is still a country person, and in his daily life, he will do funny things like "turning the bottom of the bowl and licking the sauce". Of course, Enma's "irregularity" is limited to daily life.

On the airship, Enma, wearing a boilermaker's uniform, stood on the map and whispered: "War is a fight of life and death, and your attitude must be correct. As a rule of life."

...The perspective comes to the other side, another "chess player"...

In the imperial palace, while the noble staff spread out the huge parchment map, the regent stared at the magnificent mountains and rivers in the northern part of the empire.

On his map, there are no large red areas, just like there are no large "starvation areas" in the empire's administrative areas. The most basic way to whitewash peace is to turn "bad omens" into insignificant and insignificant threats.

, let alone appear on the top-level general map. (So, don’t blame Mr. Jiang for not being able to resist showing off his operations, because the map he saw has a lot of room for operation.)

On the map of the Regent, with the landing of the Angles, the main force of the Iron Star Rebel Army has been locked in a cage.

The empire's northern rebellion is about to be crushed.

Of course, these are no longer the regent's main concerns now.

The Prince Regent squinted as he watched Minlar's troops suddenly disobey the command and suddenly move north. Of course, after learning that General Henry hurriedly went north alone, he nodded slightly.

Fifty years later, war historians of two generations of Anglo immigrants who tended to be imperialists lamented that "Henry" went north alone, because if he had to take five units to go north together and gather into a large force, it would be too much.

It will not cause a series of chain reactions.

Of course, these are all from the perspective of mortals. From the perspective of gods, you can understand that the complex and bloated politics of the empire made it impossible for Henry to lead his troops northward.

Henry went north without troops, that was his attitude to persuade Minlar.

If Henry brought a small amount of troops, it would be an attitude of joining forces with Minlar to force the empire into submission.

Henry would not make the regent suspicious, and did something that was perfect politically but fatally flawed militarily.

Of course, even if Henry led his troops northward, he would not be able to save the empire from being bloated in this war.

Because, Enma can completely adjust the deployment to fight the "Henry Leaves" unit.

All in all, Enma's combat effectiveness is very subjective. As long as the empire, a rigid combat force, makes mistakes such as dividing its troops, it will be killed.

With such a "hopeless" empire, the gods just watched from the sidelines.

…Under the clustered flowers are rotten roots…

The regent clapped his hands and made a decision, while the attendants put away the parchment rolls and maps.

"While it is certain that Henry will take control of Minlar, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, the Imperial Capital first escorted Her Royal Highness Princess Sherry to the northern port."

When the regent made such a decision, a knight attendant in the palace couldn't help but raise doubts: "Now that the northern rebellion is still there, will it be a surprise for Her Royal Highness to set off at this time?"

The Prince Regent looked at this knight's squire and in his heart he labeled him as a faction "opposing peace".

Narrator: Once a person is either yes or no on a political issue, no matter how smart he was before, he will start to ignore a lot of fatal loopholes.

The regent still responded publicly: "The imperial army has achieved a major victory near Swan City. The rebels of the straw mudbloods in the north have melted under the attack of the main force of the empire. Only some people in the south (urban faction)

Party members) maintain a pessimistic view of the situation in the empire, but I believe that in the face of "iron facts", any sophistry is meaningless.

In addition, I can reveal a secret. I will equip Sherry (Her Royal Highness the Princess) with three airships, three "Knight Chariots", and three "Energy Destroyers" to escort her to Nobing Port in the north."

From the Regent's point of view, it was completely impossible for such an accident to occur under the protection of the Imperial Army.

In the eyes of the regent, it would be a huge surprise if Minlar achieved a complete victory during the suppression of the rebels and then used this opportunity to propose to the princess while the princess was still in the country!

…For the flower growers in the palace, they only need flowers and no need to think about the root system.…

Ever since, on September 7th, when Enma was licking fried noodles and directing the troops to quickly arrive at the forward assembly area, he was sure that a fighting force had appeared in the imperial capital and left in the other direction.


At first, Enma thought that the strategic determination of the imperial capital was to "first go north and then go south", but intelligence along the way showed that the empire's various forces did not implement the "central bloom tactic" with the Minlar Group.

The "strange" dispersion of the Imperial Army made Enma confirm that this created an opportunity for Iron Star to be annihilated.

Mr. Wei: "I brewed a barrel of wine, just enough to get a table of people drunk. Now that half of the table has come, it will be easier. When the other half of the table comes, just knock them out with a stick."

...The battle of annihilation prepared by Iron Star has awaited its best opponent...

Following Enma's order, the main force of the entire Northern Iron Star Army began to assemble.

Iron Star dispatched three thousand-ton "mountain giant class" ships in this battle.

The "mountain giant class" is 60 meters long and 30 meters high. The armed chariots, which look like a small building, are taking advantage of the darkness to start gathering southward.

These "mountain giant" classes assembled to the north have thick-looking armor, but they use key protection. There are a large number of partition structures on the outer shell. In these partition structures, the steam power of the boiler can control the filling of the water layer to

On the defensive side. As for the internal power furnace, it is heavily protected by coal seams and water tanks.

The main attack weapon of the "Mountain Giant" is a twin-mounted 280mm main gun.

The siege warheads it carries can smash open fortified fortresses. Of course, Enma's main purpose of building this large unit is to provide logistics. There is a welding maintenance system inside the huge vehicle body.

The huge "hatch" at the tail of the Mountain Giant can swallow "Heavy Knight" class land cruiser units, and repair this unit with residual health that was severely damaged in both physical and conceptual structures by the bombardment.

At the same time, a mechanical arm can be extended from the rear of the turret to perform a series of guarantees such as turret replacement, engine replacement, and track replacement for those "light armored units of more than 40 tons" on the field outside the "Giant" car body.

Iron Star's heavy armored corps pounced directly on the Minlar Group.

The troops mobilized by Iron Star totaled three mountain giants, four airships, fifteen magic destroyers, fourteen heavy missile tanks (9 female, 5 male), and 27 heavy infantry level tanks.

Thousands of tons of armored vehicles crossed the river along the way, blocking the water flow in the river. These rivers, which were originally 40 to 50 meters wide, were temporarily blocked by long steel-like armored troops. The river water was cut off by this "steel dam" and the water surface overflowed.

The dike was removed, and the width of the river temporarily expanded to one hundred meters. The overflowing river water flooded the forests along the way and filled the surrounding ponds with water.

All along, Enma has been accumulating troops, because Enma knows exactly his hero skills. The larger the size of the army, the stronger the effect of skill assistance.

...On the northern land of the empire, the metal mountains are advancing like a mudslide...

On September 8, the Minlar Group, due to the lack of strategic reconnaissance force, did not know at this time that large-scale enemies had appeared within 60 kilometers of the Imperial Army's left and right sides.

The industrialization of the empire was concentrated in large cities. In large cities, steel structures were carefully carved. Each construction plant was like an incubator, using geometric steel and solutions to build giant units.

However, this kind of industrialization was so arrogant and lacked the ability to survive in marginal areas. During the war, the light infantry platoons and steam truck-based battalions originally used by the Empire to gain battlefield awareness were replaced by the Iron Star peasant army.

After suppression, we can only rely on the observation of airships. However, even if it is an airship, it does not dare to fly far away from the city under the constant monitoring of Iron Star's pesticide aircraft, otherwise the air bag will be blown out by the "strong wind".

The ground camouflage on Iron Star's side was very good. During Minlar's three aerial observations during the pursuit, the main force of Iron Star was not found. Minlar's airship had a blurry view of the Iron Star ground force. From the sky, it could only

I saw that the area where Iron Star was stationed was a huge slope and woods.

What's worse is the imperial system, where only colonel-level officers are involved in intelligence analysis.

The map accuracy of Minlar's lieutenants is at the tourist map level.

The officers of the imperial military were too busy fighting against the Iron Star. Faced with the complicated and fake news on the battlefield, it was difficult to notice these details on the map.

Even if a few people notice it, they won't say anything and just bring it up.

Now, in the high-spirited mood of Commander Minlal, those who are too cautious and worried are not suitable for the "team spirit" of Commander Minlal and his leadership.

Therefore, in the Imperial tanks, these elegant Imperial officers in neat uniforms will never show their "timidity and allergies" with the small question of a map at this time.

…When a leader establishes a “self-centered” system, he can only be right.…

Minlal's map showed that his troops were marching straight in. The map was surrounded by small forces. His front was clear and he would advance to Misul Industrial City, the rebel base camp, in two days.

For Minlar, at this time, the peasant army's agricultural motorcycles, single-turret tanks, and these mudblood gangsters were harassing the rebels more and more frequently. This kind of "dog-jumping-over-the-wall" obstruction made him feel that he had captured the rebels.

their vulnerabilities.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Minlar's armored division paused briefly. On the flagship tank, the empire's intelligence staff spread out the map. Minlar himself was sketching the front and back rows of the troops during the offensive route with the tip of his pen.


The reason for his suspension was that several informative messages were sent from the Empire's rear.

Faced with the "questions" of the giants in the rear of the empire, Minlar, a "pure soldier", had to suspend the army and wait for the arrival of General Henry.

…The two imperial generals, just before they were about to enter the encirclement, wasted precious energy on a “political topic”…

A "buzzing" sound of air flow descended from the outside of the giant armored vehicle.

In a protective circle formed by five hill-like "heavy infantry" level armored fighting vehicles, the 120-ton steam helicopter Henry was riding on (refer to the Soviet Mil V-12) landed with a crash.

General Henry walked down the gangway, and Minlar held a proper reception ceremony for the general. Fifty soldiers and twenty-five pairs of soldiers pulled out their swords, formed a sword arch, and opened it for the general in turn.

When Henry saw Minlar, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Minlar, you just left without saying hello. You made everyone worried."

Minlar wanted to explain, but Henry interrupted: "It goes without saying, you continue to fight, and I will cooperate and assist you."

These two hero units didn't know that right above them, the "see-through drone" made of gold foil paper was floating in the sky above them, clearly filming the meeting between the two "hero units".

...After the war, Enma expressed emotion: When you are making serious arrangements, you never know how distracted your opponent will be...

On the other side of the battlefield, Enma was already sitting on the command chariot of his Energy Destroyer. Three hundred meters in front of the chariot, there was a mountain giant-level vehicle blocking it as an anti-damage human shield.

The car is divided into eighteen work areas. Enma is in the center of the three-cubic-meter operating space. The magic crystal interface is placed on the left, with hundreds of interfaces on it. In fact, Enma activated "psychic transmission"

"(exploit loopholes in the plane and add abilities to yourself), and obtain an overall perspective similar to that of a "Total War game".

In this battle between Enma and Ma, six representatives of the Iron Star emerging officer corps from the elite team, Bess, Kaidang, Lina (female), Cruise, An Jiexin (female), and Willy (an old friend), were in the remote

Participate in the meeting via communication

These young generals of Iron Star were currently in various positions in the encirclement of the Minlar Group, on different Iron Star giant combat vehicles.

Enma confirmed that these "columns" had arrived at their positions on time. From Blue Birch Bay to the basalt hilly area, everything was clearly arranged for the imperial army. In the space and time of the battle, our side was completely in control of the initiative.

Enma raised his palms with five fingers and said to the combat officers of each department in the metal cockpit: "I have a 50% chance of winning this war, but I am 100% sure. You will start from now on."

Yangtianxia. But at this moment, I want to ask you a fundamental question, that is, for whom do we hold our swords?

A princess, and the honor and disgrace of being a knight, or the overall situation of high-ranking big shots maintaining the balance of power?"

Enma looked at Willie.

This Grave's student has been a partner in the trenches since Swan City. Master Wei is sure that he has begun to show his qualifications for a hero in recent days, and there is an unknown interfering force behind this.

Willy looked at Enma and said: "General, we draw our swords for a just cause."

Enma stared at him and wanted to ask "What is justice?" However, the atmosphere at this time was not suitable for a discussion because justice was too huge.

Enma turned to the platform, picked up the microphone, and announced to the entire army: "All of us are here to draw our swords for the cause of justice! We are inseparable from oppression."

In the center of the etheric world, the concept of the red iron star is rising in a vast information field, eclipsing the sky empire gryphon emblem.

This chapter has been completed!
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