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Chapter 751 Chapter 17.25 (Part 1) Failure and smear

 The Imperialist War continues to collide on the Wanlun Continent. In the west of the continent, although the rebels have dealt heavy losses to Anglian's rule, they are still a little far away from overthrowing Anglian.

Anglo is a sea-power country, and sea-power countries and land-power countries have many differences in common sense in governance.

For land-based countries, the source of wealth is the land, and the focus of operations is also the land. Once the land is cut off and this part of the wealth system comes into the hands of the rebels, then the dominance will be replaced.


However, the sea power governance model is to control the ports. As long as the ports are controlled, the rule can be maintained. Therefore, no matter how much the rebels make a fuss, as long as the big cities are in hand, the rule will still be stable.

When the land area had been completely destitute by them (the pirates and the imperial rulers) and fell into the hands of the rebels, Anglo only lost a source of raw materials, and its industry was not lost.

It can even be said that the original inland raw material production areas may not necessarily be lost, because in the future, as long as a small number of uprising leaders are bribed, it will be nothing more than purchasing raw materials at a higher price during this period.

Just like a prison warden, Anglo controls the gates of major regions by controlling major seaports, and ultimately uses "imprisonment" to suffocate various rebellious regions.

...Mediterranean civilization likes to "lock up"...

In modern times, this logic was the reason why those maritime powers were able to pay lip service to internal conflicts but did not act on them.

Whether it is disaster relief under hurricanes, or taking drugs, they always show the so-called polite humanistic care of "I sympathize, I am sad, and I send flowers", but do not pay attention to practical treatment.


Because, how do we manage the production areas of raw materials? As long as the contradictions in the production areas of raw materials are not aligned with our own governance and the price of raw materials does not rise to harm our own interests, then everything will be fine.

Therefore, for countries with maritime powers, when difficulties arise in governance, public relations will suffice and sufficient "humanistic sentiments" can be shown.

That's right, their management of the inland area is the public relations of a large company. Have you ever seen public relations really bring back feedback, and then the whole company works together to solve the problem?

Public relations in the company only represent the company and ask you to stop making trouble, and will specifically "express sincerity". Well, it is best to use sincerity instead of compensation."

Wei Keng: The victims can't blow up the boss's building, let alone sue their legal department in the local court where they must win.

…The rule of sea-power countries cannot be transferred to the civilized countries of the mainland.…

In the Wanlun Continent's Fire Pattern Calendar 3238, the rebel army clearly investigated the current situation on the continent.

At this time in Anglian, major cities are still well-defended, with reinforced concrete walls tens of meters high, which are much stronger than the molten steel tower city that Iron Star defended back then. Each of the launch ports of the cement fortress is filled with fortresses inside.

The loading and firing of the cannon is basically automated. Unless such a city collapses under a long-term siege, it is really difficult to attack from the outside.

Even if "attacking the heart first" attempts to dismantle this fortress internally, it still needs strong external deterrence to provide backing. This "external deterrence" not only relies on land siege, but also requires a powerful naval blockade to ensure that external food and material supplies are completely cut off.

Just like Rome did to Carthage. However, the Anglo naval power has always been the strongest on the continent. So judging from the situation on the continent at this time, the enemies of the Anglo cannot do this yet.

In addition, Wei Keng also discovered regional cultural issues. Many places in the Anglo-Surre area and the South Wales area are not connected. In the past, they were completely connected by the seaport.

This kind of governance model, which cuts regions vertically, reduces their horizontal connections, and finally converges them into a single big city, also ensures the stability of Anglo rule to the greatest extent.

Wei Keng: "It's just like the mother nest of the insect swarm. The only place where each area can communicate is the central area. There is no commercial and cultural exchange in neighboring areas, even if they are very close."

...The Anglo-American uprising cannot achieve the Eastern model of "all the people are rebelling against each other" and "the heroes are competing against each other"...

The rebels brought food to the next door to support the uprising, but they could not bring back substantial help. Moreover, because there was too much food to support the rebels next door, there were even problems with food production depending on the mood in the area.

Because we also trade with the Anglo purchasing officer, the purchasing price is more affordable due to Anglo's advantages in shipping and railways.

The local people who joined the rebel army think that this is good. Relying on the voice obtained by the resistance now, the local area can gain more advantages. As for the neighbors and so on, they did not resist successfully, why should the fruits of the resistance be distributed to them?

This is obvious mountain-headism, a small country with few people. Zuo Cao and other thoughtful people understand that the reason why Anglo is not suppressing it is not because of the kindness of the empire, but because the empire cannot free up its hands for the time being.

And once the empire frees up its hands, how can it be willing to purchase food raw materials at today's "high prices"? It will definitely counterattack by then. If there is no help from the revolutionary forces in nearby regions, it will soon be defeated one by one.

However, Wei Keng could not condescendingly rebuke these later local rebels, because their original ideal was to reduce oppression in their hometown, rather than liberating the oppressed in Wanlun.

A goal that is invisible to people at this stage, and is not being implemented well at this stage. How can people believe it?

...The push of fate keeps pushing the resister Wei Keng to a high and stable position, but Wei Keng always keeps his feet grounded...

At the end of 3238, Wei Keng led his team to leave the northern base and continued to develop southward, but this time it was not so smooth. The Anglians bribed insiders and exposed the location of the uprising.

October 9, 3239.

The individual codenamed Zuocao was blocked by the Angles because his troops were surrounded, and he died in the battle after being defeated.

After the Anglo Empire soldiers determined that the enemy was the rebel army that had caused them headaches for several years, they did not respect their opponents like gentlemen as they said, but ruthlessly cut off their heads and stabbed their bodies with bayonets.

Come to vent your joy in killing this big bandit who destabilized the empire.

Of course, the traitor who corrected Zuocao didn't have an easy time. After this traitor spread rumors and testified that the leader of the rebel army was actually a bandit, he snatched women wherever he went, and liked to eat human flesh and other strange evil deeds, he finally

Lost value to Anglos.

How could the Anglos, as "just" knights, allow the devil's accomplices to live (retract their confessions)? Of course, they executed the devil's attendants with cannons and amidst the applause of everyone, huh.

...Wei Keng experienced a lot of dead ends woven by the gods' webs, and understood why no one could get through them in the past...

In the following period, in October 3240, the empire supported a pro-imperial element in the rebel army to come to power through economic exchanges with the Sur base area, and began to conduct large-scale friendly transactions with the empire. It suppressed the internal revolutionary faction,

In Fire Emblem Calendar 3241, the Anglo Empire instigated an internal power struggle within the Sur Rebellion area, deliberately tricking the radical faction of the rebel army into reorganizing, forcing the pro-imperial faction to clean up internally.

However, during this clean-up, Anglo again supported the conservatives in the base area and began to form a so-called "multiple democratic politics" with the original pro-imperialists, allowing the Sur region that still had independent tendencies to proceed to the next step of "gradual democracy".


This is the next course of treatment, referred to as "progressive evolution". The Anglos are professional in suppressing uprisings and dividing uprisings.

…In the history books of the Anglo-Victors, all resistance is defined as a lich that “destroys civilization”…

At the end of October 3239.

In the Anglo-Clock Tower City, Lance, who had withdrawn from the front line, was looking at the latest intelligence. Sherry saw her husband coming back, wearing a Western-style dress and bringing him coffee. Next to the bungalow, there was a four-year-old

Daughter and son are playing,

Lance saw the leader of the rebel army in the photo, his expression silent.

Sherry made a splash, stretched out her hand to collect the newspaper, and said with a slight dissatisfaction, "You are back to rest, so you don't need to work anymore."

Lance apologized: "I'm sorry, dear, it's really hard to let go without taking a look." Sherry put the newspaper aside, took a brief look at the contents of Lance's newspaper, and sighed: "That gangster

He is already dead, but it is a pity for those girls who were killed by him."

Lance: "Yes, the empire is weakened, and all kinds of monsters will come out." Then he raised Sherry's hand and kissed it: "My beautiful princess, don't worry, I will always protect you."

This chapter has been completed!
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