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Chapter 753 Chapter 17.26 (Part 1) Ver's missed opportunity

 In 3241, Boma led his regiment to defeat the enemy again in the Battle of Yandang.

In this battle, Verre mobilized 67 ground armor units, six heroes including himself, and 670,000 troops on the northwest front.

Boma accurately judged the supply cycle of Anglo's cargo ships, dispatched maritime destroyers to maintain reconnaissance efforts, and then dispatched submarines (a battle against weak maritime powers), successfully causing Anglo's cargo ships to be short of cargo for two consecutive months.

When the Anglo troops ran out of cargo, they naturally stopped large-scale offensives on land.

When all the Anglo land mobile forces slowed down, Poma also found the weak spot in the Anglo defense line. In February 41, the regiment led by Poma was like a heavy hammer hitting the gap. 200,000 troops were in the gap.

Under pressure, the defense lines of the Anglo and Allies in Yandang City were crushed.

Boma looked at the front line intersecting into the enemy's line, his own motorcycle cuirass knights, these knights had just directed the firepower of his own artillery, so looking at them from a distance, these mechanical black dots were hazy in the smoke.

You can tell by the dust raised by the motorcycle.

Boma pointed his finger in the air in front of him.

Poma: "System, count my victory points this time"

…What makes time-travelers different these days mostly comes from “future dividends”…

In the command platform, where the smell of ink mixed with the smell of telegraph sparks, the atmosphere became solidified and tense with the sound of ticking telegrams.

On a street pockmarked by artillery bombs, Boma sat in a rivet-welded steam armored vehicle. Beside him were a large number of documents from the occupied territories that needed to be dealt with.

The allies that Pomerania cooperated with in the Battle of Yandang were very "confused" and "incomprehensible" about the operation of the imperial capital.

The Boma war was fought very well, but this kind of military master plan on the front line violated the taboos of the men. There were more than 600,000 troops, six army generals and seven local governors working in tandem, as well as the mobilization and cooperation of the navy.


If Ver hadn't encountered this war, Poma's efforts as a soldier would not have been recognized so easily.

…Boma effectively took advantage of the opportunity of the “insurgents” to create destruction in the Anglo colonies…

The Communist Party deliberately or unintentionally downplayed the role of the frontline commander. It was a clever act. They thought that the soldiers on the frontline could not see it. They thought that the rhythm was still very good. In fact, they made a major mistake. Their tricks were actually visible to everyone.

, just because they thought others couldn’t see it, they were performing hard.

Originally, even if the noble generals on Ver's side knew that Anglo was weak, they would not easily launch such a risky attack with their "personal reputation gamble".

Bureaucrats from more than ten generations of "hard-working" military aristocrats believe that the Southern Campaign was won by Pomerania at an advantage. It just happened that a blind cat encountered a dead mouse and seized this opportunity. - There are some, Ver.

The aristocratic generals who were born in the capital area, at this time issued a comment theory: "If I go up, I can do it." (All "correct decisions" in Boma are inseparable from the advice of the time-travel system.)

The factional politicians in the imperial capital of Vern attributed Poma's victory to luck, both covertly and covertly.

Just when all the subordinates thought that the general was going to get angry, Boma said: "These gentlemen are really smart little guys."

After the colonial troops he led rolled out of the artillery fire, they needed to take a breather from the long tension. When they arrived in the city, they would immediately scream when they saw a woman. All moral rationality was put aside, and they needed to


In the Congress of Versailles, the Communist Party was not impressed by Pommar's series of victories in the southern colonies.

Therefore, in this war, neither the Anglo nor Vernal noble officers were able to "actively create offensive opportunities and then actively seize the opportunities."

…In this great upheaval, who is God protecting?…

In this front-line war mode of fortress confrontation, the cost of attacking is greater, so the conservative officers of Angles and Verses will not launch large-scale attacks unless they have political last resort.

Because Pomeranian's origin was not in the metropolitan area of ​​Versailles, but in the periphery at the bottom of the contempt chain.

When the news of the victory of the Southern Colonies came, the parachute officials of the Republic of Korea did not examine "why it was successful" but instead talked about the poem "God Bless Ver" and the lyrics of "Long Live the Elders of the Congress" in the office, which were mixed with "the bravery of the frontline soldiers".

"As an embellishment, this invisibly brings disgust to the frontline soldiers.

These things include the issue of emotional venting after the occupation of one's own army. Generals are gentlemen, but soldiers are the madness of victors. "In modern times, traffic stars spoke in a polite manner on stage, and fans in the audience were like

Not so rational anymore.”

The aristocratic generals are more inclined to "see that the enemy is struggling, then it means that the decision is successful, so is it not good to continue to follow the rules and use slow and heavy pressure to make the opponent fail?"

If the attack fails and the so-called "lost the entire war in one afternoon" situation occurs, then taking the blame will be enough to make the high-ranking noble generals irrecoverable.

The gentlemen of the Communist Council had known for a long time that the troops from the south, Puma, were working together to fight this war.

In this process, Boma cannot protect the interests of all people in the occupied areas, but priority must be given to protecting some important people to maintain the rule of the area. The collection of materials is to prevent chaos. Oh, even if it occurs, it must be ensured to be suppressed.


This way of ascribing glory to the few at the top, thinking about personal reputation in war, and not daring to take responsibility, therefore lacks "try" in strategy.

Regardless of the scale of Enma's battles in the sky a few years ago, they were also very large, but most of the battles were mainly about movement, and they would never repeatedly dump artillery shells in one place. Because Sky Iron Star Industry couldn't afford it, so En

Ma, who lives a poor life, cannot afford to shoot artillery shells, and is better at intercepting and intercepting the opponent's supplies, making the opponent unable to prepare for such a large-scale artillery attack.

…The system of collective discussion brings some selfish people together, but within the shell of this “joint discussion”, there is still a stinking mess…

…Boma calls himself a realist and does not believe in “liberation”…

On his land cruiser, Poma announced that he would obey the dispatch of the parliament and be stationed on the western front of the empire. This aroused the "surprise" of the members who were watching.

In the past few years of the Dilong War in Wanlun Continent, the two sides have been facing each other on the front line. Both sides used trains and airships to transport massive amounts of supplies to the front. In this tug-of-war, both sides had to hit each other's positions every week.

Thousands of artillery shells were fired. Wei Keng commented: "In this way, the artillery fire is no longer bombarding people, it can completely burn the river."

In the luxurious parliament hall in the capital of Ver, the upper-class gentlemen saw Poma accept the order and shook their wine glasses proudly.

However, the gentlemen of the Versailles Council did not know what kind of crisis Boma's move of retreating into advancement would bring to them.

Nowadays, the imperial monopoly war is completely a "squandering" war. The capitalists have accumulated capital for decades and use it like water on the war at this time.

After the Battle of Yandang, on April 23, Poma began to reorganize the troops. Some veteran non-commissioned officers were promoted to the school officers by him. Such promoted "rustics" were not regarded by those who graduated from the "National School" in the capital of Verde.

"Military Academy" recognized by noble officers, so these capable "country bumpkins" can only be loyal to Boma in the future.

The defensive line of the Yandang area is the core industrial area of ​​Anglo. It has accumulated industrial accumulation for nearly a thousand years and has a dense railway network, which provides strong transportation capacity for the war.

The nobles in the Palace of Mirrors calculated that it was just a small victory, but they never expected that this was a big victory. The whole of Ver is now shocked and joyful. In this way, more than 600,000 troops unite to take unified actions.

, is a threat to the parliamentary gentlemen. Therefore, we urgently want to dismantle this unofficial military commander-in-chief, and then send our own people to key positions to take over the improving situation of the war.

…In the Palace of Mirrors, those marshals who were decorated with medals all “receded behind the scenes” during this battle…

...Politicians now think they can act as "thread pullers" and manipulate frontline generals as puppets, but the stage they are on is not stable...

Before the war, they secretly acquiesced, because at that time these gentlemen were not sure whether they could win, and thought that if the adventure failed, this country bumpkin from the south would take the blame.

Even if the one who is suppressed by the council is not himself, it is still the end of a rabbit and a fox. Because in this case, the military generals will be of no use after winning the war, and won't they be kicked away by the masters of the council?

The other generals who attended the meeting overtly and covertly persuaded Boma to counterattack this order. (Li Xlong encouraged his colleagues: Why don't you fight with the brigade commander? It's the same situation as he himself wouldn't dare to do it.)

Facing the recommendation of these colleagues, Poma expressed that he was very moved, but he still had to obey the orders of the parliament.

Just when Boma was keeping his army stable in the ruins after the artillery plowing and bombing, and looking through the remaining loot, a commendation order from the rear made Boma put down what he was doing, and frowned as he looked at the people coming from

Commendation order from the rear.

The generals on the front line here had just won the war, and were about to be transferred by the masters at the rear, and then parachuted in to pick up Tao Zi. The local factions in Vern who were originally waiting for Boma to fight saw the operations of the big shots in the Mirror Palace.

Suddenly it became.

On June 7, 3241 in the Fire Emblem Calendar, Lupine V, the new general sent by the Verne Council, arrived on the battlefield. When the airship landed in the city of Yandang, rows of female soldiers held flowers in their hands and prepared a welcome ceremony.

Boma looked up at the rivet-linked airship armor shell in the sky, and inadvertently there was sarcasm on the corner of his mouth.

This general is a level 5 hero, his military ability is good, but he is still at the level of the old army. More importantly, he is airborne from above, and the political forces who airborne him require him to expand his victory.


The change of generals at the last moment disrupted the old coordination and command, and the war returned to the state of continuous bombardment with heavy artillery and repeated consumption around the gap.

This chapter has been completed!
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