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Chapter 18.17 Right is worthy of guilt, wrong is heart-breaking

 Fire Emblem Calendar Year 3252, March 3, Su Ni and Sheng Changcheng began to establish a joint staff.

In the combat base, Su Shun took a look at Zheng Nian who was coming out. He had red lips. It was obvious that he had been eating spicy noodles a few minutes ago when he arrived.

Of course, a year ago, everyone might have focused on what he was doing before attending the meeting, but now everyone is doing their job and quickly entered a fighting state.

Unity, tension, seriousness, and liveliness. An excellent leader can prevent everyone from interfering with each other at all times.

As Zheng Nian nodded to start, Su Ni also nodded, without any jokes, and asked straight to the point about the current arrangements.

Regarding the combat team led by Su Ni this time, they will not participate in any wars in the past two months. The wars within Osimar will be resolved internally by Osimar. This is a matter of principle.

During this period, the Soviet Union troops were required to participate in training at the rear, always preparing for the expansion of the campaign, which was when the Osimar crisis began to involve external interference.

The staff map is drawing up the movements of the imaginary enemy. The arrows on land come from Vers and Cyrol, and the arrows at sea come from Anglian.

As the highest level of this cooperation, Zheng Nian and Su Ni communicate with each other and make preparations before jointly dealing with certain disasters in the future.

Axis' "overall margin" ensures that every action is safe, and Pi's "decisive execution in critical time and space" perfectly complements each other.

At this time, the battle front of Osimar Iron Star (abbreviated as Osimar Iron Star) has been pushed to the northern coastline of Osimar, and the Wind Whispering Plain has been captured across the board. The final group of Feng Whispering with forty land cruisers will be directly surrounded by the Wind Whispering Plain.

In the imperial capital, let’s review: the war situation in late February.

In mid-February, Holy Great Wall's new tactics, as well as being proven to be powerful through the practice of many Osima legions, have made the major military groups understand that under the current morale and quality of the Fengyu Group, there is no solution.

"Autie's Dragon Guard mobile combat force." Therefore, the generals under the Fengyu Group felt that all land cruisers going out of the city to fight in the field would be extremely risky.

Of course, although these generals who want to be warlords do not want to continue fighting, they do not want to surrender. They want to guard an acre of land under the mediation of external forces.

On February 25th, the reactionary group in Osima's major cities issued a joint "persistence" agreement.

Fengyu Zhengfu, which has been controlled by the military, is trying to delay changes by relying on the strong defenses of large cities.

After all, the key reason for the collapse of Osima's current ruling group is economic problems. At the moment when the rural and urban material exchange systems are dismantled, the arteries are cut off, and no matter how strong the muscles are, they cannot exert their power.

Urban groups like Oshima have determined that recent farming will require large amounts of fertilizers, pesticides, and synthetic diesel.

The industrial output currently controlled by Iron Star in Osimar is not enough. The warlords who control the city's industrial resources (aided by Sky Iron Star in Willy's era) have a fluke mentality: trying to use "economic pressure" as a bargaining chip in the peace talks.

achieve a decent outcome.

Of course, this luck was quickly broken. With the current popular sentiment, the reactionary military power of the Fengyu Group simply cannot defend the big city.

From February 26th to 28th, the Iron Star Dragon Guard Group conquered four cities in two days!

Facing the urban defense system with stacked armor, Zheng Nian adopted the "bounce random body" and thunder penetration style of play, which can penetrate the core of the city within five minutes like a burning knife stabbing a honeycomb.

[Zheng Nian: The Dragon Guards are not ancient knights, and the Dragon Guards’ tactics are not individualistic. On the contrary, they are more about coordination]

This tactic is to embed a large group of eight land cruisers in urban areas for protection, and the Dragon Guard Group maneuvers around the city at high speed to test the weak points of the city's firepower.

The city defenders had to be constantly vigilant in the face of multiple raids by dragon guard groups circling in all directions. As a result, firepower had to be evenly distributed in all directions.

The dragon guards circled in batches, making the city defenders very tired.

After ten hours of "sky intimidation" like this, the city defenders had become numb, and external observation and reconnaissance were no longer in the Octavia time. The Austrian Railways' low-trajectory gliding warhead suddenly launched. Followed by high-trajectory guided rockets

, has also started and will complete the synchronous landing.

At the same time, Zheng Nian, who had rested, appeared on the scene, leading an elite team of three dragon guards, also under the cover of his own strongest firepower.

[Su Ni: The Dragon Guard does not eliminate artillery, heavy armor, and infantry, but fills in the gaps in this combat system to make tactics closer]

During the short period of balance in the confrontation between the old tactical equipment, one needle of the new tactical equipment can penetrate the heart.

The Holy Great Wall has launched informationized electromagnetic fortress control, and all the data centers of these cruise missiles and volley ballistic missiles are connected to the data centers of these four Dragon Guard mechas.

When the city's old force defenders were hurriedly facing the sky airships, ground missiles, and countless artillery fires, with no time to care about anything else, the gap left was directly penetrated by the Holy Great Wall.

In terms of space, Zheng Nian entered from the southwest corner of the defense line, and then drove all the way along the street. This street passage was the ammunition supply space left by the defenders themselves, and the rails were used to transport materials to the city wall for defense.

While these soldiers who were transporting supplies towards the city wall on the street tram tracks were still rushing towards the city wall, they saw the dragon guards painted with iron star symbols on the street flying over with their winged knives raised, and then, the power of the vehicles

The system was destroyed by a guided warhead, and everyone was reduced to scattered pieces in the shrapnel explosion.

The entire charge time, from the observable perspective outside the city to the time it hits the city, is only three minutes. To be precise, it is controlled within one hundred and fifty seconds.

At this time, it was difficult for the city defenders to mobilize troops to intercept the assault route, and even to mobilize multiple groups of rapid-fire artillery firepower on the city wall to form a barrage and fire in a unified manner.

This period of time during which cruise missiles and ballistic missiles are suppressed can be easily maximized by the "Zheng Nian" combat team.

Zheng Nian quickly marked the threatening firepower for his own artillery. The new-type troops were also very quick to respond, so the bombing fire, accompanied by the flash of electromagnetic pulse warheads, spread all over the street.

The city's fortress system, which was regarded as indestructible by the special commissioners of the Royal Capital of Osima, was killed by the "Holy Great Wall" on its face. The central base's automatic anti-aircraft guns didn't even have time to raise their heads, and all the power hubs were hit by warheads falling from the sky.

Destroy them all.

General Nusi in the city (the guy who Enma left a poem "I wish we could meet again" at Yuzui Port) heard the alarm and before he could evacuate to the fortress, the wall of the corridor collapsed.

The Dragon Guard mecha's wing blade was directly aimed at a place less than a foot away from the forehead. The strong suction of the engine sucked in the general's fallen hat and crushed it.

…The transformation of war is the home field of the brave. Death rate is not the most important, but the mission is the most important…

Logically speaking, the Holy Great Wall's style of play has a very high reincarnation rate, but in "Four Cities in Two Days", Zheng Nian's assaults were consecutively successful, even with divine blessing.

Because even if God predicted the direction of the attack and sent a revelation to mortals, the assault on the Holy Great Wall would change.

"Pi" does not follow fate, but steps on the wall tiles according to the situation. Even if God changes the prompts, these city defenders will never have time to keep up with God's rhythm.

As for Fengyu Capital, the only city with the highest degree of defense, it has gathered about one-third of its troops and is capable of containing an assault like the Holy Great Wall, but for this big city, Zheng Nian will not be able to surprise!

Yes, in the eyes of outsiders, Zheng Nian is skinny and proud, but he has a full understanding of the "boundary line". Wherever he can penetrate, he should boldly try to achieve the level and height.

Where the degree of loss is too high, make preparations first, and then strategically arrange preparations continuously, so that you do not need to "poke immediately", but "poke whenever you want."

During a certain exercise, Zheng Nian joked with Su Ni: "I'm riding on the face, and you're crawling underneath."

Regarding Zheng Nian's style of play, Su Ni sarcastically said: "You're not dead, it's really the gods who have lost their minds." while he began to "imitate" it.

After all, Wei Keng Cluster can also do such things as "not afraid of sacrifice".

In the process of Pandora's plane, group operations are strengthened, and Wei Keng's assault battle also has a probability of death, but in fact "very few people die in the later stage". As long as the degree of firepower mobilization is high enough and the execution speed of the action is decisive enough, passive defense cannot be overridden.

Come on. No matter how thick the turtle's shell is, it will break through if it is carried into the sky by an eagle and smashed against a rock.

…dye your hair with gel and drink coffee on the battlefield. These useless nobles are decent and don’t understand war…

After Nusi was captured, he looked at Zheng Nian shining brightly in the cockpit and said leisurely: "As expected, he is a handsome man as rumored." (This is the healthy beauty modified by body fixation.) However, Zheng Nian glanced at it and said: "Fighting.

It’s not a beauty pageant, you’re focusing on the wrong thing.”

After capturing four major cities after March 1st, Osimar Iron Star gave the surrenderers the latest conditions, which were unconditional surrender and safe transfer of the city's industrial furnaces to ensure order. Otherwise, they would be severely punished.

Nowadays, in the Wind Whispering Plain, the reactionary group has only shrunk to the central city, and diplomatically refers to itself as the legal subordinates of Osimar, but the other peripheral cities have all been disarmed.

Strategically, threats to New Iron Star's production chains such as fertilizers, pesticides, and synthetic fuels no longer exist. Eighty percent of industrial furnaces are operating at full capacity, which is enough for agriculture to fully recover.

The Iron Star Group besieged the conservatives on the Wind Whispering Plains, and fell into a state where they were not in a hurry and the other party was. The entire Iron Star was filled with optimism.

However, amidst this optimism, Zheng Nian is very concerned about the situation on the northern coastline!

Now, after Su Ni read the information, he took a deep breath.

Zheng Nian added: "We now have sufficient evidence to show that Anglo is trying to take advantage of this chaos to carry out biochemical poisoning operations against us."

As a member of the Wei Keng cluster, Su Ni already understood the general situation. At this time, he looked at Zheng Nian and asked: "What do you need me to do, is it investigation?"

Zheng Nian looked at Su Ni: "As you said! As for me, my playing style is a bit risky, but my nature is like this and I can't change it." When he said this, a helpless smile appeared on his face.

Su Ni looked at him, seemed to feel something, and paused.

Zheng Nian: "I'm not afraid of death, but I don't want to have no successors and lose the torch. This war must be fought."

Su Ni: "Then, live well."

Zheng Nian waved his finger and said in denial: "No, I want to be brave and wonderful. How about this, how about you help me support part of it?"

Su Ni shook his head and refused: "No, you are out of control and must be tied up. Don't use me as a ballast. You have to be responsible for what you should do."

Zheng Nian patted Su Ni's shoulder heavily and said, "Young man, be brave enough to take on your responsibilities. I'm optimistic about you." Then, before Wei Su Ni could object, he came up with a preliminary plan.

This preparation: When Iron Star is jointly interfered by Ver and Angla, the Iron Star Alliance of Wanlun Continent will be activated. In terms of the composition of the reserve team of Osimar, Su Ni is at the top.

…Some people’s life is like “earth”, and some people’s life is like “fire”…

At this time, at Yuzui Port, Lance once again led the fleet to the northeastern area of ​​the mainland, which is currently covered by frozen soil.

After being invited by the ruling group on the Fengyu Plain, the Yuzui Port base was successfully transferred. There is a large energy tower supplying power, which is steaming every day. A certain amount of ammunition is also stored.

Some large containers were also transported quietly in the frost, using the excuse that Anglo had prepared: a war was going on in Osimane at this time, and with black magic becoming more and more frequent on the continent, there would often be some corpses.

Monsters. And these corpse monsters were created by Iron Star in order to maintain the evil rule.

At this time, in public opinion, Anglo and Ver had already smeared Tie Xing as someone who did all kinds of evil.

…In multiple dimensions, information enrichment can form “influence”, while dark information enrichment can become pollution to a certain extent…

In Ver's overseas laboratory, the corpse monster is an undead creature. Although the body is cold and rotting, some muscle nerves are still active. However, in fact, these muscle nerves are a parasitic plant. However, due to limited observation in the past,

Unable to recognize it, and coupled with the long-term influence of human mysterious concepts, its plant DNA has also written frightening pollution information.

After being bitten by this monster, within forty minutes, you will find a large number of spreading cyan veins under the blood vessels under the skin. This is actually the situation after the abyss lichen has infected the cell structure. The most effective method at present is

, entering the radiation room for radiotherapy, well, it is the holy light magic of the temple.

After being affected by this kind of hyphae, there is a high probability that it will continue to be eroded until it turns into a zombie with shriveled skin and flesh, and finally becomes a moving scaffold with only a skeleton. The whole process is symbiotic with the host. The host, that is, the infected person will continue to

Eating, after receiving a supply of nutrients, can support the transfer of consciousness in the original cells of the organism to the neural network composed of new hyphae.

The evolutionary point of hyphae is "biological control". In fact, they are not good at how to preserve brain information. Advanced undead creatures often have a passive madness skill.

...In the fixed upper class, all needs can be satisfied at birth without struggle, which will form a "novelty" addiction...

Just like in modern times, some hegemonic countries have been unable to get rid of their addiction to research on "viruses and genes" in order to maintain their transcendent interests on their own isolated islands and continents.

Anglo will not give up on this mysterious technology of necromancy and darkness that was tabooed thousands of years ago.

Colonel Mu Gang, the general director of the base, was very enthusiastic towards Lance. Lance also restrained his psychological discomfort and showed respect to the professor.

However, even if "psychological brightness" leaves the possibility of "whitewashing" in the future, what is the use? Sharp blades have appeared in the sky over Wanlun Continent, and as for Wei Keng, "discussing the deeds does not care about the heart."

After the Anglian battleship from Lance arrived, the Weiqiang split code-named "Confirmation" infiltrated into the base as a porter.

Soon I discovered that there were some unknown things in this military base. There was a special icehouse here, which was strictly guarded by people sent by the military commander. As a newcomer, "Qiu Yu" was unable to enter, but as a result of a

In a loading and unloading accident, the container fell and was broken. In the cracks, Wei Keng (Chide), an undercover port worker, used the arcane detection of nanomolecules to break into the container. This detection arcane soon spread a "ten

Observation picture inside the container.

Judging from the shape of these things stored in the icehouse, they are undead creatures (giant fat monsters, smart corpses). They then emit detection particles and determine that they are undead creatures. There are tubes and circuit systems inserted into the heads.


In this age that is gradually entering the information era, the Anglo-occultists are at the forefront of the dawn of science, and they have also begun to twist hard.

It's just that unlike Wei Keng's vision of "technological power" for a better tomorrow, turning gunpowder into fireworks, the Anglos need "new technology" with high returns, and as the famous saying in modern times goes, "the most profitable businesses are prohibited by law."

", the high returns of new technologies are also linked to plunder.

Chip technology, control of undead creatures, oh, this is the perfect match that the conquerors naturally thought of at the moment~!

...human beings who are struggling for survival will be prompted by their own genes to do what they should and should not do...

Wei Keng split up in the port and directly ignited the gasoline, preventing the biological and chemical warheads from entering the war and wreaking havoc on all sides.

As the "Plane Tunnel" was rebuilt, Wei Keng's trap was reopened. During the mycelial leakage, Wei Keng's individual survived. And he successfully obtained the "Be able to do things" and "Know flattery".

The commander is optimistic about it."

In the alpine region, the commander also arranged Wei Keng to the outer node area so that he could have contact with some internal members of the base.

Of course, during this period of time, Wei Keng also connected to his "system" and asked the system to record this "evil experiment" and then blocked it again.

This caused Qian Qian, the seraph who replaced Yan Beixiang, to fall into "camp chaos" on the operating platform.

As for whether this "system operator" has completely turned into an angel who knows too many dark secrets and will passively fall in the future, or whether he will remain silent and become silent during this battle, Mr. Wei doesn't care.

Wei Digger: "I dug the hole, you live in it, I won't cover it with earth (fill the hole)."

Wei Keng: "The mistake is yours. Whether or not you can solve it depends on your attitude. It is not my responsibility. I am just informing you that I will take action based on your attitude at any time."

This chapter has been completed!
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