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Chapter 19.36 Collapse

 The perspective shifts to the Anglo side, and the time is set back to June 15th.

At this time, the Anglian capital experienced the blow of June 6, and the news of Iron Star's encirclement and annihilation of Ver's main force on June 11 also came. For mortals, time is still flowing, and it seems that there is no change in the sky.

As for the Iron Star, the combat effectiveness of the Dragon Guards did not decrease due to the lack of a Holy Great Wall. They hammered no matter how hard they hammered! And the air mobility force formed by Anglo and Vern, a few days after the descent of the gods, was still strong.

In the final act of madness, he attempted a miracle in which a superhero could turn the tide, but due to his constant reckless actions, he was quickly defeated by the discipline and organization of the Iron Star mortals.

The Anglo military had to admit that Iron Star's combat strength would not decline with the loss of a famous general, and the glimmer of hope they had just wiped out the idea of ​​salvation was cruelly shattered before it could bloom. Such despair,

It is far more cruel than having no hope at the beginning.

Of course, more importantly, God seems to have been really knocked out by the Iron Star. In the eyes of believers, a world without God is a world of hell. Is the Iron Star an orderly evil? I don’t know yet. Anglo itself has lost it.

Even God can no longer believe that he is righteous.

In the old Anglo capital, the imperial conservatives were unwilling to give in. They still allocated resources to rebuild the altar.

The Anglo naval fleet was guarding the 100-meter-high metal altar on the seaside.

On the Imperial Royal Navy's 150,000-ton supership "The Sun Never Sets", Marshal of the Anglo-Royal Navy looked up at the creation on the shore that was even greater than the "The Sun Never Sets" battleship, with an expression as if made of iron.

The nobles around him acted like fanatical believers, praising this creature that was "loyal to the gods". As for whether it was really fanaticism? Or was it an uneasy panic?

In a society with a religious atmosphere, those with "brains" are always used to creating a wave of "correctness" to drown others.

In such a wave, those who benefit do not need to understand the meaning of the concept, as long as they believe in the correctness and create the correctness more than everyone else, they can survive this wave.

As for the correct way for religious people to create! Oh, this is completely different from Zheng Niankang's way of defending and exposing the emperor's new clothes. They are creating "new clothes" and repeating the lie of "new clothes" ten thousand times.

, anyone who does not recognize their "new clothes" will be caught and killed to emphasize this.

At this moment when the Anglo myth has come to an end, crazy "believers" will continue to kill, rob, and destroy all those who do not move closer to the right path in the name of faith.

This inertial process lasted for four months, and later generations recorded it as Anglo 120 days.

...However, when faith collapsed, fate found a way out for itself...

On the morning of June 15th, a very, very huge building was being constructed on the east side of Anglian.

This building is 600 meters long and wide, comparable to a square. It is supported by six legs and has a hemispherical system in the upper part. This is not a radar. Judging from several surrounding substations, the scale of this radiated energy is comparable to

Compared with large-scale beam weapons, that is to say, if the energy is converted into heat energy, within a few hours, the upper half of the building may turn red, starting to mark half of the Anglo residents with loyalty.

This is a transmitter with the same thinking frequency! It is used to mind control the residents of the entire city.

It is easy for human beings to forget their "original intentions" in their development. Generations of people who took over the steering wheel faced the initial "framework" and began to "emphasize" and "emphasize" some things, mention less of certain things, and classify some "disadvantages" into


And extremes often come quietly like this.

Wei Keng: Originally, herding was driven by shepherd boys. To a certain extent, humans and cattle and sheep fulfilled the ancient symbiosis contract. However, later on, people unilaterally began to produce livestock intensively in order to satisfy their own requirements.

People have unilaterally forgotten the original tacit understanding between cattle and sheep, and the same is true for people.

The development goal of the early industrial era was to enjoy a better life together, but with development, some people began to focus only on their own wealth and trampled on the original contract.

For example, at present, in order to emphasize "sacred", "glorious" and "unshakable freedom", madmen like the Anglo have quietly abandoned their previous "compassion" and "benevolence", and have begun to use ordinary people as fuel and drive them into the city to turn them into dry wood.


In this madness, there are naturally normal people. Sherry expressed her opposition to this and stood up when the lower class petitioned for hardship.

Today, Sherry came to the Governor's Mansion again with a petition. The city's governor looked at Sherry with an incomprehensible smile. Then he waved his hand, and six people stood up.

These were originally the Dragon Blood Military Police newly recruited by Sherry. Oh, they left Iron Star and joined the mercenary team because of profit. Sherry used the royal family's wealth to recruit them, and they joined Anglian, and now Anglian has failed.

, they have attached themselves to new people.

The governor looked at Sherry's very handsome body and said with extremely greedy eyes: "Madam, I extremely suspect that you are ungrateful to God, so you should check it out."

Sherry understood something, then smiled, holding the arcane crystal in her hand, which was a sharp crystal.

Slowly placed it on the snow-white neck, but the governor showed no concern: "Madam, you are more interesting to me when you are motionless."

Sherry couldn't help but feel angry: "That's how you believe in God."

In fact, this governor did not believe in gods at all, he just wanted to use gods to carry out his final madness.

However, when Sherry was in despair, she was praying.

With a "pop", a line shot out from the side, wrapped around Sherry's waist, and was pulled directly out of the window. Among the glass fragments, Sherry, who had a bloody scratch on her forehead, fell from the sky.

The governor shouted: "Chase!" and then added: "We have caught up, and everyone has a share."

The person who saved Xue Lisi was Liu Si. Originally, her life and death had nothing to do with Liu Si, but when he saw it, he had to take care of it.

Liu Si, who came here to look for Seagate, sighed: "For Zheng Nian's sake."

Liu Si was now sure that he was a step too late, Seagate was no longer in this world, and now he was just investigating the mastermind behind the scenes, so he happened to follow the traitor of the Dragon Blood Gendarmerie and came here.

Liu Si put the "extra goal" on his shoulders and left on the spot.

Snowy was bumping on her broad shoulders. She couldn't see the face of the person who saved her, but she saw the chased people being intercepted by lines. The sharp silk threads hung on the walkway, cutting off the blood of these traitors of the Dragon Blood Gendarmerie.

legs and feet.

Ten minutes later, we stopped in a museum on the edge of the Anglo-Saxon capital.

Liu Si put Xue Lisi down, found the clothes he had prepared in advance, and asked her to change into them. Xue LiSi's crystal high heels had fallen off a long time ago, but by chance, the Seagate size boots just matched her.

Just for a moment, Liu Si frowned and looked at this lady in denim clothing. She always felt that something was wrong. Well, her breasts were always dangling, so when she was told to run, she always hugged her breasts.

As a man who has never understood women, I finally understood from a mechanical point of view that for a woman to escape, she not only needs to put on a simple coat and jump around, but also needs a corset, suspenders, and other things.

When Liu Si looked at Xue LiSi's breasts with critical eyes, Xue LiSi also felt the dissecting gaze and looked a little embarrassed.

Liu Si patted his forehead, sighed and said, "Is it okay to wrap it in cloth?" Sherris nodded.

Liusi unfolded the radar sensing band on the Dharma line, determined that the next door was a shopping mall, and was about to look for objects. Xue Lisi added: "It needs to be breathable."

Liu Si looked angry and scolded in a low voice: "You are running for your life, where can I get it for you?"

But when I saw Sherry's weak expression, I immediately understood why my good comrade rebelled against the revolution. Finally, I sighed.

Twenty minutes later, Liu Si found something from the mall, brought it to her, and said, "Let's go. Whether you can escape and see your daughter depends on your luck."

When Xue Lisi heard this, she, who was originally weak, immediately stood up, grabbed the arm of Liu Si's mechanical shell, and gestured anxiously: "Sir, have you seen my daughter? She is so tall."

Liu Si tried to shake it off, but found that he couldn't get rid of her hand. Even though her arm was almost dislocated by himself, it was still like a piece of tape that couldn't be shaken off.

Liu Si was helpless: "That girl is still alive. In the southern continent. Of course, there is no sky royal family anymore. We overthrew it back then."

When Xue Lisi heard the word "Sky Empire", she felt as if she was getting an electric shock. She slowly let go of her hand, and then looked at Liu Si in disbelief. The group of people who overthrew the Sky Empire had always been people she could not face.

Liu Si stared at her and showed his cards: "You are curious about who I am and why I want to save you, right? Because, I brought up a naughty boy. Well, he just turned twenty years old. He is handsome and tall. Well,

, No, he should be the best in the world, the most heroic! He left this world five days ago, well, in Anglo. You should know who he is. In short, his growth has nothing to do with you. However, I will not allow anyone to blaspheme him."

Narrator: Anglo was beaten so hard by Holy Great Wall that he could hardly find any way to take advantage of Holy Great Wall. Perhaps he could only vent his anger to Holy Great Wall's biological mother, Sherry.

...The Anglo scumbags are preparing to conduct a dark temple ritual, and the ritual carrier (mother body) is Sherry...

Of course, fate will not let this happen.

On July 10, on the southern Versailles border, Liu Si fled here with Sherry.

This morning, Liu Si determined the location based on the reference objects recorded on the map, and said to Sherry: "We have escaped from the pollution of Anglo beliefs."

Shirley paused for a moment. It was difficult to get around the contamination of Liusi's so-called "gods" belief.

She has believed in the God of Life since she was a child, and she even received blessings from the god during her baptism.

However, Liu Si told her: "The god was defeated. He was stepped on and defeated by my son, um, your son (Zheng Nian)."

However, Sherry had to accept the fact that the crystal jewelry on her chest was broken. This is a prop, a prop that can turn the stored spiritual power into prayers and send them to the gods. This prop crystal has been missing since June 6th.

No prayer message was sent, and the crystal was shattered directly by the spiritual power.

Liu Si: "Next, the gods will become history and myths. As mortals, you and I should be prepared. In the next few thousand years, we will not be able to prove the existence of the gods to those born after."

Sherry was ready to skip this topic, pointed to the other side of the mountain and asked, "When are we going there?" She wanted to see her daughter.

Liu Si squatted down, raised his head and looked in the direction of the Phoenix constellation, and said leisurely: "The star is getting brighter and brighter. I feel like something will definitely happen today."

After June 6, everything was just the beginning. All of Wei Keng's clones saw the star in the Phoenix constellation, but then the star was not hidden, but became brighter and brighter in the eyes of those who could see it.

At this time, from Liu Si's perspective, the star was still shining on the side of the sun, forming a strange scene of "a star transiting the sun".

...The stars in the Phoenix constellation correspond to the leather stars that grew up on the ground. When Zheng Nian came out with the concept of this world, the Phoenix Constellation received the signal of this civilization and also expanded the iron star band...

At this time, a strange scene was also happening in the territory of Iron Star. Although summer had just entered, the temperature was definitely not hot.

But in the iron star in the sky, everyone looked up at the iron star in front of the Zhengfu Building. Not only the iron star logo on the Zhengfu Building, sports fields, public hospitals, and all facilities was now red-hot and released.

Sparkling energy.

After research, experts concluded that it was exposed to the sun. To be precise, it received energy from celestial bodies outside the sky.

But why are people okay? The reason is that this energy (black hole ray flow) from outside the sky is in a frequency band that has no impact on humans.

At this time, in the astronomical telescope, it can be seen that the energy from the universe has swept across the entire Wanlun planet. To be precise, it has swept across the star field of 600 light-years with Wanlun as the center.

This energy only bakes and destroys relevant things on Wanlun Continent. When it encounters irrelevant things, it tunnels through like neutrinos.

Now, strange phenomena are not only appearing in the sky and the land of Osimar Iron Star! The collapse is spreading in all "foreign magic circles"

In some luxurious buildings in the Anglian territory, those nobles who have achieved immortality through mysterious means are now facing the end. The medical lights are constantly flashing due to the changing physical conditions, and combined with the miserable howling atmosphere, they are like ghosts.

These human beings whose bodies were occupied by alien cells (biochemical transformation, mysterious witchcraft regeneration), in the house, their eyes instantly turned black, then they rolled around with smoke rising, and finally shriveled up as if burning under the sunlight.

On the southern continent, suddenly many people who had lived for hundreds of years and had unknown structures implanted in them knelt down, and black smoke began to emit from their bodies. They began to kneel down devoutly in front of the statues to repent. But it was to no avail. They were very

Almost all burned.

The frequency band emitted from the Phoenix Constellation has intelligence. Now part of the energy has been converted into a "purification" frequency band, and it has begun to specifically target some anti-life and decaying information structures. Therefore, in the mortal world, those existences that absorb similar life to sustain themselves, in

Under this light frequency band, it is like an electronic chip under magnetic pulse. It suddenly turns into slag.

Zhou Yan, an astronomer on Saturn, concluded: "In the past, the huge information capacity of the ether realm allowed many things to remain stable in a polluted environment. But this is no longer possible." After that, he waved to the starlight.

...In the past etheric realm, the complex accumulation formed by huge amounts of information could make a certain physical coefficient on a planet have several constants...

For example, under certain normal conditions, it is highly unstable, but in certain environments, it can maintain the existence of mimetic life (referring to elemental puppets, including the flame man in magma, the eye of the atmospheric storm, the wind-devouring beast, and the stalactite and clay man puppet in the cave).


These things all depend on the past constant being able to fluctuate to a value different from the normal value in order to exist.

But now the etheric realm is gone, and all material constants on the planet are unified and have intermediate values! There are no more strange non-carbon-based living entities.

Of course, elemental creatures were rarely seen in the industrial age.

Before Wanlun Continent shined in the Phoenix constellation, the most common thing was the "thinking body" transformed by necromantic technology. These were all things created by noble people for the sake of eternal life.

The "rule levers" that Austrian law relies on are rapidly weakening.

In a few months, the "conceptual spell" that the hero may have mastered will no longer exist.

Of course, the basic rules of "quantum traces" on this plane will not change, but now all the "quantum traces" of the past will be erased like the mass extinction.

In a mass extinction event, the giant beasts will be finished, the trilobites will be finished, but the bacteria will not be finished, and some tiny and potential animals will still survive.

In the time and space of Wanlun Continent, the etheric realm has accumulated too many old things. The extraterrestrial disaster in the Phoenix constellation destroyed the prosperous "old ecology" and moved its place to the new ecology in the next era.

Narrator: Just like the asteroid in the late Cretaceous, which ended the era of vigorous dinosaurs, it left room for greater wisdom for the next, more glorious era of primates.

All etheric realms in the multiverse that involve "industry" and "science" have now undergone an ecological restart.

This chapter has been completed!
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