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Chapter 20.10 State the bottom line.

Thirty years after the Jiulan Star expedition, the last seven-level confrontation between Wei Keng and the native dark energy users of the Behemoth Nebula was stopped quickly and powerfully.

Wei Keng felt "very shameful and humiliated" by the white-haired Lolita's (Qing Su) looming touch in space.

Wei Keng had no choice but to put away the "sword formation" in the nebula and prepared to explode, just like a tiger secretly hiding its claws and claws in its meat pads. But he said to Yin and Yang: "You (Qing Suyi) really have a mind that is equal to the world."

In the sea of ​​​​stars, Qingsu also saw Taxi Qiduo being so "obedient" and was very satisfied.

Qingsu Yi’s request is: Taxi Qiduo and the other seventh-level dark energy users in the sea of ​​​​stars will finally fight!

Zhenxun, who was monitoring in the dimension, explained: "This kind of final battle is often a treaty between the eighth level of dark energy. The purpose is to prevent the main sequence civilization of this universe from being destroyed."

Wei Keng: "Eighth level? I'm not."

Zhenxun: "Seventh-level dark energy users with extremely high dark energy quality, because they have overwhelming advantages over other dark energy systems, will also be required to abide by this agreement after the second or third contest with the outside world."

Wei Keng paused in Dimension and looked at Zhen Xun doubtfully.

Zhenxun nodded, indicating that he also signed.

This is why a series of big forces such as Jiulan Star have heard about the top dark energy systems such as time and space, creation, etc., but lack understanding of the true level of these dark energy.

This is just like non-industrial countries in the 21st century, which always learn about modern weapons through Hollywood, but do not know the power of modern industrial machines at all. As a result, they are stupid and engage in color... After success, they still charge for freedom.

I thought that with the blessing of "Lost Master", I could be like the protagonist of the game, shooting directly into the enemy's base camp without missing a shot.

During the Battle of Jiulan Star, those planetary sect masters realized how terrifying time and space were only after they were beaten by Taxi Qiduo.

Wei Keng frowned and suddenly thought of something, and asked Zhen Xun: "Then you were on Jiulan Star at that time, why were you looking for me?"

Zhenxun's eyes began to wander upwards, and then he concealed: "At that time, you pounced on me. According to the rules of your world, a woman has the right to fight back in self-defense."

Wei Keng wanted to argue, but he finally shut up.

Here, Wei Keng acquiesced to Qing Su Yi's proposal and let the behemoths go. Of course, while abiding by the agreement, he "stopped conflicts" with other dark energy forces in the Xinghai. Qing Su Yi would also "stop" for this kind of "

End of War" endorsement.

However, the Behemoth Nebula was a remote place, and the masters of the Behemoth planets, who only woke up once every few hundred years, did not feel that they had escaped disaster.

The seventh-level planet master in the Behemoth Nebula felt like he was swallowing it with his teeth.

Mingya from the Behemoth camp stared at "Taxi Qiduo" with eyes as big as lakes. She had regarded the tracing force led by Taxi Qiduo as the second interstellar expedition of the old humans. In the face of the eighth-level darkness

When a capable person (also a light speed one) becomes overbearing, they feel that they must compromise and take a step back.

In the universe, these giant beasts bared their teeth at Wei Keng, as if to say, "Boy, you have a backstage to protect you today, we'll see tomorrow."

Little did he know that Wei Keng was also very depressed. The sword he had sharpened today could no longer dissect the internal organs of these monsters.

Wei Keng looked at the space dogs barking at him and complained: This is a "blocking dog railing" effect. When a railing falls in front of the dog, the dog will bark very happily, but once the railing is raised,

, the dog will be very honest and cautious. This is a very realistic "political theorem" in modern times. A lot of cheerful little people will show lawlessness because they hide in the railings of the world's rules.

Paradoxical Silla: The US imperialist army is stationed there. They claim that their military power is the third in East Asia and will be the largest in East Asia twenty years later. The US military announced that it would withdraw, and they immediately claimed that this was not conducive to peace.

Wei Keng was dissatisfied with Qingsu Yi's intervention at this time, but he knew rationally that establishing the treaty this time would help the "possibility" of this dark plane.

If you don't adapt to the light speed and go down this step, you will keep fighting, and you won't be able to stop at all.

Wei Keng took one last look at the starry sky sword formation he had deployed. It was almost time for him to close the sword.

…In the process of teaching Fan Hong and Yan Ming, Wei Keng determined that it was up to them to walk their own path, and traceability is irreplaceable…

In the white dwarf, Wei Keng "reluctantly" bid farewell to the behemoth planetary masters in the starry sky, planning to train other third-level traceability descendants to kill them.

Wei Keng has no intention of exterminating the human population in the Behemoth Nebula here. His only requirement is not to turn into a behemoth. If you become a behemoth, you will not be able to maintain social attributes and promote social development. And the progress of human society has always been

It is about strengthening cooperation and collective innovation.

Master Wei's spiritual language, strengthening each individual's communication, enhancing production, and war capabilities, all rely on a series of complex system combinations in the group. The route of the giant beast seems to be powerful alone, but it sleeps for hundreds of years at a time and rests with other humans.

There is no unity. The genetic route of the group of people who entered the Behemoth Nebula was to make themselves elite, and they were originally anti-social.

Therefore, the bottom line of Wei Keng (Human Emperor) is that humans here must give up the "Guardian Behemoth Heritage", and these existences that have become behemoths and bad examples are a stumbling block to the orthodox line of humanity.

…Eliminate big monsters, determine the four seasons, organize the time sequence, and start crops...

At this time, only Taxi Kairuo and Qingshuo are left in the white dwarf.

Qingshuo also stirred up the clear space in the space, and the space ripples passed by Wei Keng's sword formation that still did not relax, and then said leisurely: "Long time no see, you are still so defensive."

Wei Keng: "You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others."

Qingsu Yi raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are you guarding me? Aren't we friends?"

Wei Keng felt that someone on the monitoring platform was starting to gossip, and paused: "What about this? What are you doing, just tell me?"

Qingsu also said: "Oh, back then, didn't we want to establish a contract (the so-called sworn knot with Jinlan.)."

In the supervisor's space, there was a snap sound, and Qin Xiaohan put down the cup with a smile on his face, and casually asked Jing Guyu: "What kind of contract is this? Why don't I have any information on it?"

Jing Guyu was also looking for a solution, but he said duplicitously: "It's okay. When he entered the plane, he and she met by chance, and they made some jokes."

Qin Xiaohan looked at Jing Guyu sorting out some "encrypted information" and sneered: "They were just joking. Didn't they commit any evil?"

Jing Guyu curled his lips: "What evil can he do?"

Wei Keng has done a lot of evil in this world, but he moves so fast that very few can catch up.

Qingsu is not here to ask for a good moon at this time, but to seek something from Taxi Qiduo.

In the space of six light seconds, Qingsuo also used the angle of "examination" to look at the up and down of Taxi's rudder.

The light speed has also been determined, and Taxi Qiduo can now reconstruct the dark energy of "seventh level of space-time system".

The problem with Wei Keng is that it is a "dual dark energy system". The current dark energy of the space-time system and the dark energy structure of the Eternal Heart are linked, causing instability. If used rashly, it may be like the Jiulan Star at that time, and it can only last for a while.

, will collapse.

Of course, for Taxi Qiduo, as long as the "seventh-level dark energy of the space-time system" can persist for more than ten hours, it can kill and maim all the seventh-level behemoths in the Behemoth Nebula for decades.

Cannot be restored.

However, Qingsu also let them run away at this time.

…Men on Earth, with their mindset of trading injury for life, are particularly cruel.…

Qingsu Yi "sniffed" the space information around Taxi Qiduo and asked: "Zhenxun, are you here?"

The real purpose of her trip was the seventh-level dark energy user of the space-time system who was tunneled after a fatal fight with Wei Keng in the battle of Jiulan Star.

Wei Keng did not rush to deny it, but asked the supervisor team not to mark the "red danger" randomly and get down to business quickly, while dealing with Qingsu.

Taxi Qiduo spread his hands and looked innocent: "Where is that guy? How do I know?"

Qingsu did not directly deny Qi Duo's words, but gave space data. The space data showed that Taxi Qi Duo was conducting a large-scale space calibration operation. This was a calibration spanning tens of thousands of light years, so it can be speculated that

Come on, Taxi started some small tricks.

Qingsu also pointed out the escape route planned by Wei Keng, while casually asking the dark energy smelting factory above the Behemoth Nebula: You are creating an unprecedented large dark energy structure. Can you tell me what it is?

When the topic extended to his own secret plan, Wei Keng couldn't sit still.

The "Great Space Calibration Project" is one of Wei Keng's projects to conduct large-scale statistics on the existing "negative entropy" in the universe. This project is a high-level secret, and Mr. Wei has not revealed the details on a large scale to the supervisor team.

Qingsu Yi saw this tricky look at once, and Wei Keng couldn't help but feel a prick in his back for this "smart woman".

Wei Keng sighed inwardly: "The woman from Promise Star is too smart to marry."

Before the supervisor in space could find out the reason why the dark energy signature in the space-time dark energy mid-shock of Taxi's rudder was locked, he quickly gave the answer.

Qingsu also said: "Yes, you let the seventh-level space-time tunnel tunnel, which caused the spatial coordinates of her area to be on you. If you advance to the seventh-level space-time system, you can self-examine and sense this situation.


The purpose of Qingsu Yi's coming here is very simple, that is to let Wei Keng put Zhen Xun back.

In the universe, seventh-level space-time dark energy users are all positioning beacons in the universe. They are also seed players who can quickly tunnel to other areas of the universe.

Of course, after most of the space-time system tunnels out, it is just like an insect larvae that can never come back after it leaves the water. If you want to return quickly, you want to know the "tunneling data".

Qingsu also guessed that Taxi Qiduo was related to the outer dimension. She could speak so politely instead of directly grabbing Maomao for interrogation (Qingsu also cleaned some parts of Chang Hengxi).

The past relationship comes up...

Here in the Supervisor Space, Zhenxun also explained the history of their dimension exploration of the Promise Star.

(All Zhen Xun’s “confession” had to be confessed, because in the secret room, Jing Guyu took a knife and cut the black silk on Zhen Xun’s legs while stroking Zhen Xun’s face to create a “good” communication atmosphere.


Previously, when Zhenxun was used as a space watchtower, a large number of response signals were located. When she ended, these time and space coordinates were shaking in the process of searching for "Zhenxun". It stands to reason that if Zhenxun was really missing, these time and space watchtowers would

The towers are all covered, but in fact these watchtowers are not 100% unresponsive. Zhenxun is destroyed and dragged into the dimension. In fact, the ripple characteristics of space-time are the same as those of the ripples carried by the dark energy of Taxi Kaidu's space-time.

Overlapping, Wei Keng is now responding to the space-time coordinate tower in the universe on behalf of Zhen Xun,

Quickly passing through these "coordinate towers still have owners", it was determined that Wei Keng was "carrying" Zhen Xun.

After Jing Guyu heard this, he pinched Zhen Xun's nose angrily and asked, "Why hide such an important thing?"

Zhen Xun felt aggrieved: "I didn't know she was looking for me. She and I are not familiar with each other."

Of course, Zhenxun cursed in his heart: Wei Keng and Qing Su were unclear in the information, and now they are back together, no matter what excuse they find, it is not an excuse! It is a joke to mess with me regardless of your men.

...In the dimensional space, mothers are loving, daughters are filial, sisters are loving and sisters are respectful...

On the other side, Wei Keng has already made a decision, which is to accept Qing Suyi's proposal and release Zhen Xun completely so that she can move freely.

Qin Xiaohan immediately objected and listed the major risks of doing so. First: Zhenxun knows a lot of secrets of the main world, which is risky. Second: After knowing your existence, that is, after the last defeat,

If you are dissatisfied and want to take revenge, it will bring you risks, and then you will be targeted on a large scale.

Of course, what's even more terrible is that after the earthquake went off to search, Qin Xiaohan felt a little unhappy and felt that there would be a threat.

Wei Keng: "Let me talk to her."

Ever since, Wei Keng saw Zhen Xun in the surveillance space. At this time, Zhen Xun's main consciousness in the dimensional space had already changed into a large bamboo hat. The previous "battle-damaged version" of the interstellar commander's combat uniform showed signs of torn and damage.

It was cleaned up by Jing Guyu.

In a space similar to the interrogation room, Wei Keng asked Zhen Xun, "Someone in your plane called you to go back. I want to know the situation."

Zhenxun showed no excitement or other expressions. He said calmly: "You tell me."

Wei Keng: "If we go back again, is it possible that there will be conflicts and wars between us?"

Zhen Xun (promising seriously): "I don't think so. I think I already know you. If you don't fight, you won't be acquainted. Also, if you need me..." She clasped her fingers. This scene was learned from Qin Xiaohan.

, as a seventh-level dark energy user, her learning ability is of course top-notch. Especially, she found that Wei Keng was soft-spoken rather than tough-minded.

Wei Keng waved his hand: "To be honest, conflicts may occur at any time. As equals in terms of personality, there are so-called red circles, that is, places that cannot be touched. Regarding this point, I will be honest: I will not take the initiative.

Interfering with your development and free movement in time and space, and the bottom line of my actions is to maintain the possibility of the "civilized circle" and my personal development."

Wei Keng behaved well and told the possibility of another fight between the two sides: and showed a posture of "not asking for a fight, not afraid of a fight, willing to come, and always with me."

Zhen Xun couldn't help but cover her head. She understood what attitude Wei Keng was looking at her with.

This man only wants to cause trouble in the plane and doesn't want others to bother him!

...On the star sea, Wei Keng faced the space fluctuations that were getting closer and closer at a faster speed. He used his sword light to cut off the entangled dark energy in two parts...

In the sea of ​​​​stars, Wei Keng also made a promise to Qingsu: "She will shuttle back. The dimensional channel will open in the Milky Way area 450 light-years away."

Qingsu also heard this and said with interest: "So, can you see the dimensional area that she (Zhenxun) travels through?"

Wei Keng: "She did not travel to other universe areas, she just fell into a depression. Well, the universe is not smooth. She may be in a bubble."

Qingsu also glanced at Wei Keng, as if to say, "Wei Keng's bad intentions."

Her understanding was that Wei Keng sent Zhen Xun into a pit, and Zhen Xun kept trying to climb out, but Wei Keng kept blocking the entrance of the hole, preventing Zhen Xun from jumping out. Until now, she (Qing Su) proposed

It was only at this time that Zhen Xun was released from captivity.

Narrator: If it is true, it is difficult not to doubt that there is something wrong with Wei Keng’s character.

Qingsuyi couldn't hold it back in the end, and asked Wei Keng with a suspicious look: "You didn't do anything to her, right?"

Hearing this, there was a momentary pause in the interstellar space. At this time, the flow on the white dwarf became a little special.

Wei Keng laughed loudly, and then said to the lady in front of him, who was dressed in white halo: "Little sister, um, that (Mr. Wei forgot Qing Suyi's last name) you, um, you know me,

If I really always want to take advantage of others' danger and want to do something (at that time, Taxi Qidao was able to take advantage of others' danger even against light speed), you would have a reason to come over and pin me to death today.


Wei Keng patted his chest and boasted: "I am an absolute gentleman! I am immune to all evil."

Qingsu Yi: "But this time, your eyes scanned my whole body no less than thirty-five times! (So it's hard not to doubt Wei Keng's.)"

Wei Keng, who told the truth, narrated to himself: That's because the lightness and halo connect the lines of the clothing, very much like a white wedding dress. It's brilliant and delicate. It's definitely not a jade peak half-hidden.

…After being liberated, Wei Keng has now made up for his shortcomings in temperament.…

Wei Keng's current carbon-based body is too young, with 20-year-old skeletal muscles and 14-year-old organ tissue activity. The advantage of such a carbon-based body is that it can best introduce incremental consciousness growth! Human worldview, values, and outlook on life are often in

generated at this time.

Of course Wei Keng wants to maintain this state, but the flaw is that this physical state is too "natural". Men are the first to enter the "reproductive period" during this period, which is "restless" burned into the genes.

Wei Keng In the sea of ​​stars, all bodies are unified and coordinated like this! Preventing premature love is the top priority.



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