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Chapter 210 Lord, Sun Ce has been defeated

Liu Bei still used the previous formation, with Gan Ning and Gao Shun as the front formation, Zhang Fei and Taishi Ci as the left and right formations, Liu Bei led the middle formation, Cao Cheng adjourned the rear formation, and Zhou Ping followed Liu Bei.

Sun Ce left Zhou Yu and a thousand soldiers in the city to defend the city and respond, while he led 18,000 men to fight.

The leading general in the front line is Zhou Tai. Apart from Zhou Tai, Sun Ce now has no strong generals available.

Both Liu Bei and Zhou Ping were full of confidence in winning this battle, especially Zhou Ping, who was even more convinced that Liu Bei had so many brave generals, but Sun Ce now had only a few generals, and the victory or defeat was already obvious.

And this will be the most critical battle for Liu Bei to capture Yangzhou. As long as he defeats Sun Ce, Yangzhou will be within easy reach.

However, the opponent's soldiers and horses also looked high-spirited and energetic, and even Sun Ce's face seemed to show confidence in victory.

Both sides formed their military formations, and Liu Bei ordered: "Order the front line to advance."

As the drums beat and the flags waved, Gan Ning held a broadsword and the two feathers on his back were particularly eye-catching, and shouted: "Enter."

The trapped camp is now under his command. The eight hundred men in the trapped camp are all wearing armor, holding shields and weapons, and are advancing steadily.

Gao Shun led 5,000 people to follow behind, and then headed towards the enemy soldiers.

Sun Ce also ordered: "Forward, advance the troops."

Zhou Tai received the order and led five thousand soldiers to march forward against Gan Ning.

When the two armies are fighting, the generals in the front line are very important. If the front line wins, the whole army will win. Therefore, the braver people will be appointed as the generals of the front line, and the soldiers in the front line will also choose strong people.

The drumbeats on both sides became increasingly louder and louder, and the pace of the advance became faster and faster.

After Gan Ning sent troops to rob the people in Shucheng, Liu Bei asked him to lead the enemy camp. After that, whether it was to attack Xiang'an or Chungu, he had no chance to lead the troops into battle, and he had long been suffocating.

Now it was finally time for the battle in the formation, and it was time for him to show off his power. He had already disregarded life and death, holding a shield in one hand and a knife in his hand, walking in front of the formation.

The people he led to fall into the camp were all personally selected by Gao Shun before. They were all strong and strong. After Gan Ning took over, they even improved their courage. Now that Gan Ning is in front of him, they are even less likely to

What are you afraid of?

A brave man like Zhou Tai couldn't help but be slightly amazed when he saw Gan Ning acting like this. His soldiers couldn't help but feel a little fear when they saw the enemy on the opposite side covered in armor.


The two sides were getting closer and closer, and when they were less than thirty steps apart, Gan Ning suddenly shouted and rushed forward with his sword raised.

The people trapped in the camp behind him also raised their swords and spears and rushed forward.

Unlike Gao Shun's training, which focused on advancing in strict formation, Gan Ning did not care about this and just let the soldiers rush forward, regardless of whether the formation would be chaotic or not.

Gao Shun saw it from behind and couldn't help but frown slightly. He was trapped in the camp and handed over to Gan Xingba. How could it become like this?

However, although they advanced in a chaotic formation, the moment they rushed into the enemy's formation, they immediately disrupted the enemy's formation and everyone fought on their own.

Gan Ning was the first to charge in, howling and slashing with his sword. The two feathers on his back allowed Liu Bei and Zhou Ping to see his whereabouts at all times.

Gao Shun did not dare to be slow and urged his troops to advance quickly. He quickly rushed to join the battle formation.

It has to be said that this battle is the first battle in the trapped camp, but because they are protected by armor, they are all strong and courageous people, and they are led by generals like Gan Ning. When they fight hard, one against five is more than enough.

According to Gan Ning's instructions before the battle, because Gao Shun was followed by 5,000 soldiers and horses, Gan Ning led the trapped camp into the enemy's formation.

Split into two so that they cannot be connected.

Liu Bei and Zhou Ping looked from a distance and saw Gan Ning leading his troops to advance into the center of the enemy's formation, and was still advancing forward, threatening to separate the enemy's formation.

Gao Shun, who was behind, led his troops to attack again, covering up the enemy from both sides.

Liu Bei laughed and said: "Hahaha... It's just as Mr. said, Xingba and Boping are a perfect match!"

"Xingba is brave and fearless, Boping is majestic and steady. With the two of them together as the front line, we will be invincible."

Zhou Ping followed with a smile.

The combination of these two people is similar to the combination of Guan Yu and Zhang Liao. The combination of Guan Yu and Zhang Liao can kill Yan Liang. Now even if Gan Ning cannot kill Zhou Tai, he can definitely defeat his opponent.

Zhou Ping is very confident about this.

"Sir, you always know people. What do you think of the enemy general Zhou Tai?" Liu Bei asked.

He saw the enemy general Zhou Tai wielding his sword wildly, and several men in armor who had fallen into the camp were cut down by him. He then clapped his horse to meet the soldiers and horses behind Gao Shun, and slashed wildly, killing more than a dozen people in the blink of an eye.

"Zhou Tai's bravery is probably not weaker than Gan Xingba's, but this time his troops are out of power and a defeat will be inevitable." Zhou Ping replied.

Liu Bei nodded slightly: "Sun Ce has such a brave general, no wonder Liu Zhengli will be defeated."

Unlike Liu Bei and Zhou Ping who were laughing happily, Sun Ce was tensed up. He saw that Gan Ning led the enemy camp and almost penetrated his front formation. The soldiers and horses led by Gao You were behind to cover them up. The soldiers led by Zhou Tai were about to be killed.

If you cannot withstand it, you will be in danger of defeat.

At this time, he had to go up. If he didn't go up, Zhou Tai's front line would collapse, and he would be completely defeated.

"Send the order, the whole army marches."

Sun Ce waved his spear and shouted an order.

"Dong dong dong dong dong..."

The drums were beating loudly and the flags were flying. Sun Ce fired his spear and mounted his horse, followed by Xu Kun and other soldiers running out behind him.

Liu Bei saw that Sun Ce's entire army was pressing forward at this time, and he quickly ordered: "Order, the left and right armies advance."

Zhang Fei and Taishi Ci received the order and quickly led their troops to rush forward from both sides.

Sun Ce only had 18,000 troops in total. Liu Bei's front line commanders Gan Ning and Gao Shun commanded 6,000 men, and Zhang Fei and Tai Shici each commanded 5,000 men. In total, there were 16,000 men in the front line.

Now that he has gained the upper hand, he can match the enemy's troops. Liu Bei's 6,000 troops and horses in the formation do not need to be pressed down yet.

You have to wait until the two sides are fighting inextricably, and then press forward with these 6,000 soldiers, which will become the key to defeat the enemy. If you press all the chips too early, you will appear too passive later.

"Lord, Sun Ce has been defeated."

Although Zhou Ping didn't know how to fight, he already knew that Sun Ce would lose this battle when he saw that Sun Ce had pressed all his troops and horses so early.

Sun Ce was too anxious, but he couldn't be anxious. He couldn't just watch the front line of troops collapse.

Liu Bei also saw that the only thing needed now is for the soldiers to work hard and kill the enemy soldiers. Soon, the enemy soldiers will flee.

"Sir, don't underestimate the enemy too much. Sun Ce's bravery is extraordinary. If you can't see his death in person, you will be lonely and sad!" Although Liu Bei agreed with Zhou Ping's words in his heart, he did not dare to say anything to underestimate the enemy.

"Lord, Sun Ce may really die this time."

Zhou Ping saw Zhang Fei galloping towards Sun Ce. The two were only a dozen steps away and they would soon charge into each other.

This chapter has been completed!
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