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Chapter 248: Duke Ming, I always feel that something is not right

The trumpet sounded, and the whole camp was shocked.

Gan Ning knew that he didn't have much time left for him. He had been shocked once last night. These enemy soldiers must be calmer this time than last night. They would gather their troops and come soon.

But I've come here myself, and it would be too shameful to go back empty-handed, so I have to get a few heads back anyway.

"That military tent, go quickly and get a few heads before leaving."

Gan Ning pointed to a nearby military tent and rushed over with his sword in hand.

At this time, the whole camp was awakened, the sound of shouting shook the sky, and the lights in every tent were lit.

As soon as Gan Ning and his men ran outside the military tent door, someone immediately rushed out from inside.

He didn't have time to think too much, and when he saw someone coming out, he slashed with his knife.

The soldiers behind him did not dare to delay. After rushing over and cutting down a few enemy soldiers who rushed out, the people inside did not dare to come out again.

When these enemy soldiers woke up after hearing the shouting, they ran outside the tent. Little did they know that they were being targeted.

Gan Ning shouted: "Go in."

He rushed in and saw more than thirty enemy soldiers gathering together. Some of them had knives in their hands and looked at the tent door in horror.

Gan Ning didn't care how many people there were on the other side, he immediately rushed over and started slashing, and his own soldiers also rushed in. After a while, almost all the soldiers in the tent were cut down.

"Behead and retreat."

Just as Gan Ning finished speaking, a soldier outside the tent shouted: "Lieutenant, the enemy soldiers are coming soon, leave quickly."

The soldiers who rushed into the tent cut off more than a dozen heads with knives and carried them out of the tent.

At this time, many torches were gathering towards their location.


Gan Ning gave another order and led everyone to retreat outside the camp.

"Lord, look, Yan Liang's reaction tonight is slower than last night. He must think that we won't attack the camp again, hahaha... This man is too confident!" Zhou Ping pointed to the middle camp in the distance outside the city.

The torches of Beiying were gathering together. After gathering together, they moved quickly towards the city. It was obvious that they were chasing Gan Ning and others.

Although the middle camp was also full of lights and lights, no soldiers and horses were seen gathering.

Liu Bei laughed and said: "This man's military use is really unpredictable, hahaha..."

Outside Yan Liang's tent in Zhongying, he had just put on his armor, holding a big sword in his hand, and asked: "How is the situation in Beiying?"

"General, it's the same as last night, but one or two hundred enemy soldiers sneaked into the camp to attack. They have retreated, and the people of the northern camp are chasing them."

"One or two hundred people? Huh, even if they don't dare to bring many people here, since they have retreated and have nothing to do, we order all the tents not to move and go into their tents to rest. Also, send two more teams of people to patrol."

After Yan Liang finished giving instructions, he went into the tent, took off his armor, and went to sleep again.

He understood that the enemy soldiers had attacked once and there was no chance they would come again that night.

Therefore, Liu Bei and Zhou Ping did not see the troops gathering in the middle camp, let alone leaving the camp.

There were no troops gathering or leaving the camp in the south camp.

The North Camp was attacked for two consecutive nights. Perhaps the camp general was already angered, but the soldiers and horses chasing Gan Ning and others did not stop and kept chasing towards the city.

It can be seen from the number of torches that there are at least two to three thousand people.

Gan Ning looked back while running. He saw that as soon as they climbed over the fortress wall, the enemy soldiers rushed out from the camp gate. They quickly discovered them and pursued them with all their strength.

Now the distance between these enemy soldiers and him was only over a hundred steps, and it was pitch black in front of him, and some of them stumbled while escaping.

"Get up quickly and run."

Gan Ning shouted, and the shouts of death from behind were loud and getting closer and closer.

Guan Yu led a hundred men to guard outside the city gate. He had long seen enemy soldiers chasing Gan Ning and others in the distance.

The opponent has a lot of troops, and I only have a hundred men. It may not be feasible to rush forward to resist.

Guan Yu thought for a moment and immediately said: "Quick, everyone shouts kill with me."


After Guan Yu finished shouting, the soldiers shouted in unison: "Kill!"

"Don't stop, keep shouting."

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The soldiers shouted repeatedly, and in this silent night, the sound was so loud that even Yan Liang heard it in the camp.

The enemy soldiers chasing Gan Ning also heard it.

They didn't know how many people were hiding in front, but what was certain was that there were enemy soldiers waiting in the dark to chase them.

They all stopped, hesitating whether to continue chasing.

"Sima, there are enemy soldiers ambushing ahead."

One of the enemy soldiers said.

The Sima next to him thought for a moment and cursed: "It can't be an ambush. If it were, they wouldn't have made a sound. There weren't many people in front of the sound. There should only be two or three hundred people."

"Could it be that they deliberately let only a few people speak out to attract us?"

"It's possible, forget it, the enemy soldiers have already fled far away, don't pursue them anymore, just go back to camp."

Liu Bei and Zhou Ping were a little worried at first, until they heard the shouts of death from Guan Yu and others, and they knew that Gan Ning and others were safe.

Watching the torches of the pursuers move back quickly, Liu Bei was overjoyed: "Haha, the sound of hundreds of people shouting can drive back thousands of enemies!"

Panting, Gan Ning and others ran back to the city gate. When they saw Guan Yu, they returned to the city together. Xu Sheng ordered his people to close the city gate.

"Lord, we came back with more than a dozen heads beheaded. In fact, there were still twenty or thirty enemy soldiers killed by us, but we were too late to behead them. Ninety-five of us went, and ninety-five came back. Not a single one was killed.

Few, no one will be hurt!"

Gan Ning returned to the city gate tower and reported to Liu Bei.

Those dozen heads were thrown in front of Liu Bei and Zhou Ping.

"Hahaha... Xingba is such a warrior! From now on, you will be promoted to Yangwu Zhonglangjiang!"

Liu Bei was overjoyed and immediately promoted Gan Ning to the rank of Zhonglang General.

Zhang Fei was previously a general named Yangwu Zhonglang, but now he has been promoted to a general named Yangwu.

Gan Ning was equally overjoyed and hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you, Lord!"

"You go back first, I will be rewarded tomorrow."


Gan Ning retreated with his soldiers.

Liu Bei then looked at the bright enemy camp outside the city and said, "Sir, Yan Liang's camp was attacked for two consecutive nights. Do you still want to leave the city from here? How about leaving the city from the north instead?"

"My lord, Cao Ren in the north is very good at using troops, so defense must be tight. Moreover, Cao Cao is in the west, and troops and horses can come to the rescue very quickly, so it is better to go to the east. Even if Yan Liang wants to step up his defense, he will only attack the camp, not us.

Breaking out of the city will not increase the number of troops garrisoning the passage. Yan Liang did not lead the troops out of the camp tonight, which shows that he does not pay attention to the attack on the camp. When we leave the city tomorrow night, even if we wake them up, they will not expect that we will break through the passage.

Break out of the city."

"Haha, what sir said is right, go back and rest early!"

Yan Liang's troops did not move, and Liu Bei and Zhou Ping had nothing to see, so they returned home.

Zhou Ping returned home, and this time he did not get into Da Qiao's bed, but into Gan Qian's bed.


Gan Qian woke up and saw Zhou Ping lying next to her.


Zhou Ping just hummed and moved his hands up and down again, enjoying the bliss.

Over the years that Gan Qian was married to Zhou Ping, Zhou Ping spent most of his time fighting with Liu Bei and had very little time together. Now that he is back, he has brought back a big Qiao, and there are even fewer opportunities to sleep with Gan Qian.


After being satisfied, Gan Qian hugged her husband who was lying beside her and asked softly: "You seem to have something on your mind these days. Is it difficult to guard Xiapi?"

"No, I will break out of the city tomorrow night and go to Yecheng." Zhou Ping replied softly.

"Going to Yecheng? General Yuan's troops are besieging the city. What else do you want to do in Yecheng?"

Gan Qian didn't understand why her husband wanted to go to Yecheng when Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses were surrounding him outside the city.

"If we want to relieve the siege of Pi, we can only persuade General Yuan to retreat."

"Will the general withdraw his troops?"

"It should be possible."

"I believe in my husband!" Gan Qian said and buried her head in his arms.

Zhou Ping stroked her hair and said, "When I leave this time, Da Qiao will be entrusted to you to take care of her. You treat her very well, so I can rest assured."

"I will take good care of Sister Qiao, husband, you must be extremely careful on the road!"

Zhou Ping knew that it would be more dangerous for him to break out of the city this time, and he might die.

But he did not explain those things to Gan Qian. He was fighting with Liu Bei and taking risks almost every day. In that case, there was no need to explain anything special.

Zhou Ping was still sleeping after dawn, but Gan Qian did not wake him up or let others disturb him.

Zhou Ping woke up leisurely after sleeping until nearly noon.

After washing, I went out and saw that Zhang Wu was already guarding the door with a bow and arrow on his back.

"Ziwei, if you don't sleep a little longer, we won't be able to sleep tonight."

Zhang Wu replied: "I have had enough sleep, so you don't have to worry about me."

"Let's eat first, and then follow me to see the lord."

When they arrived at the Prefectural Mufu, Zhou Ping knew that Yan Liang had not brought troops to call for battle today, but Liu Bei still returned the head that Gan Ning had brought back to them.

"Sir, General Yan Liang has piled the walls higher and added a few more weights to the antlers."

Zhou Ping laughed and said, "Haha, if he had sent more people to guard outside the camp, he wouldn't have had to go to such trouble."

"However, after these two nights of attacking the camp, there is no guarantee that he will not send people to guard outside the camp tonight. If Mr. goes out of the city, they may find out early." Liu Bei was a little worried.

Zhou Ping didn't think so: "Don't be afraid if they find out. They will probably set up an ambush inside the camp. As for outside the camp, except for the sentries, there should be no one else."

"Yes, how could Yan Liang expect that we would leave the city?"

Liu Bei and Zhou Ping discussed some details of leaving the city and carefully planned out the strategy for leaving the city at night. If the breakout failed, how to retreat, who should take over, etc.

But in Cao Cao's camp outside the west city, Guo Jia had a worried look on his face.

"Ming Gong, I always feel that something is not right!"

"Is there anything wrong?" Cao Cao asked with a smile.

"Why did Liu Bei send troops to attack the camp for two consecutive nights?"

After Guo Jia finished speaking, he looked at Cao Cao, and Cao Cao was also looking at him, waiting for his explanation.

"The soldiers they sent to attack the camp were only about a hundred people. The first time they could show off their power, but the second time was completely unnecessary. Did they know that General Yan did not put up any defenses? Or were they testing the strength of General Yan's defenses in the camp?


Cao Cao still said nothing and listened quietly.

Guo Jia continued: "Could it be that... Liu Bei wanted to send people out of the city, so he deliberately tested General Yan's defenses. They wanted to leave the city from the east."

Cao Cao nodded slightly: "It's possible, but... if Liu Bei sends people out of the city, he can just go out on the first night. Why would he want to attack the camp?"

"Liu Bei doesn't know how General Yan's defense is going? He wants to find out what's true first, so he first sends people to attack the camp to see how General Yan's troops react," Guo Jia replied.

"What about last night? Liu Bei has already detected General Yan's defense situation. Wouldn't it be nice to leave the city last night?"

"Last night Liu Bei must have thought that General Yan had strengthened his defenses, so he tested again. Jia thought that Liu Bei would probably send someone out of the city tonight to ask for reinforcements."

Cao Cao asked: "If you just send someone to deliver a message to ask for help, you can send someone to leave at any time, so why do you do this?"

"Ming Gong, is it Zhou Wen'an who wants to leave the city?"

Guo Jia suddenly showed his face and seemed to have figured out something.

"Zhou Wen'an? Where can he go to ask for help? Jingzhou?" Cao Cao felt a little incredible.


"Yecheng?!" Cao Cao was quite surprised. He thought for a while and nodded, "You mean Zhou Wen'an wants to go to Yecheng to persuade Yuan Benchu ​​to withdraw his troops?"

Guo Jiawei said happily: "That's right. Now the only one who can save Xiapi is General Yuan. If Jizhou's soldiers and horses retreat, Yanzhou's soldiers and horses alone may not be able to break Xiapi City."

"But how can Zhou Wen'an persuade Ben Chu to withdraw his troops?"

Cao Cao seemed to be talking to himself. He couldn't think of any reason why Zhou Ping could persuade Yuan Shao.

"Ming Gong, Zhou Wen'an is quite resourceful. If he really goes to Yecheng, he must have a countermeasure in mind. You must be on guard!"

"Well, General Yan was attacked once, and he was attacked again the next day. Using troops like this... Haha, let someone tell General Ju and ask him to talk to General Yan. We must take extra precautions and don't let anyone break through.

He ran out of the city."

Cao Cao was both angry and happy when he thought of Yan Liang like this.

Fortunately, Yuan Shao has such a well-used general, which will be more beneficial to him in the future.

But he couldn't give orders to Yan Liang directly, he could only ask Yan Liang to strengthen his defenses through Jushu.

"Also, if Zhou Ping really goes to Yecheng, the Langya Road is full of Qingzhou soldiers and horses at this time. They will not detour from Qingzhou and must go through Yanzhou. Ming Gong, you can let Yanzhou soldiers and horses set up an ambush on the road, even if

They break out of the city and can be captured as soon as they arrive."

"Hahaha... Fengxiao is thoughtful, as he should be."

Cao Cao immediately sent people back to Yanzhou and asked Cheng Yu to send a team of soldiers and horses to ambush and guard on the only way to Yecheng. If Zhou Ping was seen, they could immediately capture or kill him directly.

Jushou heard about Cao Cao's proposal and thought it was strange that Liu Bei attacked the camp twice. He felt that it was probably just as Cao Cao said, Liu Bei wanted to send Zhou Wen'an out of the city.

So someone went to tell Yan Liang and asked him to send more troops to be on guard against the enemy's third attack on the camp, especially to guard the passage out of the city to prevent the people in the city from escaping.

However, as soon as the soldier who came to inform him finished speaking, he was kicked away by Yan Liang.

"This general knows how to set up defenses. What can I fear from just one or two hundred people? If they want to come, I will let them come. When the city is broken, I will let them pay back ten times as many people as they kill me. Leave the city? If they want

They have already left the city, so why wait until today? In my opinion, they want to attack the camp with a large number of troops. The order is given that no one in the three camps should sleep tonight, and they should keep their armor on and stand by in their tents. Especially the North Camp,

We must hold weapons in hand and hide in the darkness of the camp. As soon as the enemy soldiers come, we can kill them all!"

"General, do you want to set up sentries outside the camp?" a captain next to him asked cautiously.

"No, if sentries are set up, will the enemy soldiers still enter our camp? If they don't enter the camp, how can our ambush soldiers kill the enemy?"


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