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Chapter 69 A talented person, as it should be

Lu Bu wrote to Yuan Shu immediately after Xu Si came back, so when he wrote the letter, he did not know that Yuan Shu had been defeated by Liu Bei.

Although Liu Bei agreed to accept him, he was still fighting Yuan Shu.

But no matter what, Yuan Shu's identity could not be ignored by him, so Lu Bu wrote to Yuan Shu to tell him that he was only living in Xuzhou temporarily and was not seeking refuge with Liu Bei and would not become an enemy of Yuan Shu.

He wanted to show Yuan Shu that he was neutral and would not help anyone, and that he did not want to offend anyone.

However, Yuan Shu was extremely excited after receiving Lu Bu's letter, feeling that he had found a helper to deal with Liu Bei.

Yuan Shu still knew something about Lu Bu, and knew that this man could do anything for profit.

Even Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo, who were kind to him, could betray him, let alone Liu Bei, who only temporarily accepted him.

Moreover, Yuan Shu could offer him enough benefits to make him excited. I don't believe Lu Bu would refuse.

Yuan Shu immediately wrote a letter to Lu Bu personally.

The letter stated that Dong Zhuo killed dozens of members of the Yuan family, and that General Lu killed Dong Zhuo, avenged the Yuan family, and sent Dong Zhuo's head. This was his first contribution.

He also said that he once brought Jin Yuanxiu (Jin Shang), the governor of Yanzhou appointed by the imperial court, to Yanzhou. However, he was rejected by Cao Cao and was defeated. He fled and almost perished. Now General Lu attacked Cao Cao and avenged himself. This is his merit.


He also said that he had never heard of Liu Bei in the world during his lifetime, but now Liu Bei dared to raise his troops to fight against him and defeated him, which made him humiliated. Fortunately, with the power of General Lu, he was not destroyed and won the victory.

Preserving strength is the third skill.

General Lu owes these three achievements to Yuan Shu, and Yuan Shu is willing to repay him in life and death.

Now that General Lu has been fighting for many years and has little food, he is willing to send 200,000 dendrobium rice to the general. This is only part of the supply, and he will continue to send it in the future. There are also weapons, horses and other war equipment. Whatever the general lacks, he is willing to give.

As for Xuzhou, I am willing to cooperate as much as possible to help General Lu capture Xuzhou so that he can have a safe place.

Although he is defeated now, he still has tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, which can continue to attract Liu Bei's soldiers and horses to stay in Xuyi, giving the general the opportunity to send troops to attack Xiapi.

Although there are thousands of soldiers and horses left in Xiapi, they are all newly recruited soldiers with no fighting ability. Moreover, I heard that Cao Bao, the prime minister of Xiapi, was at odds with Liu Bei because Liu Bei was planning to seize his troops. The general could argue with Cao Bao.

Liaise with each other, cooperate inside and outside, and in this way, Xiapi will surely be captured.

The families of Liu Bei's generals, military supplies, and supplies are all in Xiapi. If Xiapi is lost, Liu Bei's army will be disheartened and his troops will be defeated. If he then leads a counterattack, Liu Bei will be defeated and destroyed, and Xuzhou can be captured by the general.

He has only one purpose now, which is to kill Liu Bei and avenge himself.

It can be said that Yuan Shu went all out in order to avenge his shame.

If you can't get Xuzhou, then you would rather give it to Lu Bu than let it be owned by Liu Bei.

Yuan Shu sent people to see Lü Bu with a letter, and then led his troops to Huai Ling, preparing to wait for Lü Bu's reply in Huai Ling.

There are now 30,000 soldiers and horses in Huailing city, but Liu Bei still leads his troops to stay in Xuyi, which is far away. The soldiers and horses stationed on the other side of the Huaihe River seem to be only more than 10,000 people, so they are not to be feared at all.

At the same time, Yuan Shu kept sending people to Shouchun to urge grain and grass to be sent to Huailing.

Liu Bei sent people to investigate and discovered that Yuan Shu led his troops to camp in Huailing City and once again repaired the city defenses. It seemed that he had no intention of leaving, but seemed to be staying here permanently.

Is it possible that sir’s prediction is correct?

Liu Bei had doubts in his heart. He always felt that Yuan Shu did not immediately return to Shouchun despite his defeat, but stayed in Huailing and ordered people to transport grain from Shouchun to Huailing. It seems likely that he was preparing to attack him as Zhou Wen'an expected.

He is colluding with Lu Bu to capture Xia Pi!

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, so according to Zhou Ping's words, the soldiers and horses did not move for the time being, but stayed in Xuyi to rest and pay attention to Yuan Shu's movements. At the same time, he sent people to rush to Xiapi to inform Zhou Ping of the news.


But Lu Bu was caught in an ambush by Cao Cao in Yanzhou. After the defeat, he saw that the situation was over and he could no longer stay in Yanzhou, so he had to lead his troops to flee Yanzhou.

On the way to escape, Lu Bu was wearing armor and holding a Fangtian painted halberd. Next to him was Chen Gong, and behind him were generals such as Cheng Lian and Wei Yue.

He looked back at the defeated soldiers following him, and couldn't help but lament in his heart, thinking of what he had experienced over the years.

I remember that after I conspired with Wang Situ to kill Dong Zhuo in Chang'an, I was ranked as a general, named Wenhou, and Yitong three divisions. How glorious!

Unexpectedly, Li Jue, Guo Si and others led hundreds of thousands of troops to attack, but they were too small to defeat them, so they had no choice but to escape from Chang'an.

At that time, he took only a few hundred soldiers and Dong Zhuo's head, rushed out of Wuguan, and went to Nanyang to surrender to Yuan Shu.

However, he had the ability to kill Dong Zhuo to avenge the Yuan family, but Yuan Shu was afraid of his own bravery and was too defensive. In desperation, he had no choice but to surrender to Zhang Yang, a native of Tongzhou in Hanoi.

In Hanoi, Li Jue and others offered a reward for his head. Zhang Yang's subordinates wanted to get a reward for his head, so he had no choice but to surrender to Yuan Shao of Jizhou.

With these brave generals, he helped Yuan Shao defeat Zhang Yan's cavalry, and also helped him exterminate the bandits in Heishan. However, unexpectedly, Yuan Shao, like Yuan Shu, was jealous of his own bravery. Not only was he unwilling to give him troops, but he also plotted to kill himself.

Fortunately, I had noticed it early and was able to escape.

In the final analysis, it was because he was from a border county, not a descendant of a Central Plains family, that he was treated so poorly by the Yuan brothers.

Therefore, he could only surrender to Zhang Yang in Hanoi again.

This time, fortunately, Chen Gongtai and Zhang Mengzhuo of Yanzhou thought highly of me and invited me to visit Yanzhou.

Yanzhou was already in his hands, but he didn't expect Cao Cao to be so good at using his troops and defeated him with an ambush, leading to this situation.

However, when he left Chang'an, he only had a few hundred cavalry, but now he has more than 6,000 soldiers and horses, which is a blessing. With these soldiers and horses, it will be much easier to plan for counties and seize states.

Now, it is impossible for Yuan Shao to surrender again, and the same is true for Yuan Shu, and Zhang Yang only has one county in Hanoi and cannot accept so many troops.

Lu Bu thought about it and thought of Liu Bei who was in Xuzhou.

Hearing that Liu Bei has a reputation for benevolence and righteousness, and that Xuzhou has a grudge against Cao Cao, he will definitely be willing to accept him.

After Lü Bu made up his mind, he discussed with Chen Gong, who also agreed to defect to Xuzhou, so he first sent Xu Si to see Liu Bei.

Later, Liu Bei agreed to accept him and let him station troops in Lucheng of Pengcheng Kingdom.

With a temporary place to stay, Lu Bu immediately sent a letter to Yuan Shu to express his attitude, and then led his troops to Pengcheng and entered Lucheng.

As soon as Lu Bu led his troops to garrison Lu City, Pengcheng Prime Minister Xiao Jian followed Liu Bei's order and sent food and grass. It can be said that he treated him very well.

"We came here in dire straits, and to be treated so favorably, Liu Xuande is so benevolent and righteous!" Lu Bu couldn't help but praise.

"I heard that when Liu Xuande was in Yuzhou, he distributed food to save the people. It can be seen that he cares about the people of the world and has a reputation for benevolence. The general can have no worries here." Chen Gong said.

"I just didn't expect that Liu Xuande not only has a reputation for benevolence, but now that he has defeated Yuan Jiujiu, he is even more famous. I think Cao Cao will not dare to invade Xuzhou again."

After arriving in Lucheng, Lu Bu had now heard about Yuan Shu's defeat.

Chen Gong responded: "Not necessarily. Cao Cao is good at using troops and has never been afraid. He dare not attack today. When he becomes strong, or when Xuzhou is in chaos and weak, he will definitely send troops to capture Xuzhou. He attacked Xu twice before,

We are already determined to capture Xuzhou and will never give up so easily."

Lu Bu was a little worried after hearing this: "If Cao Cao leads troops to attack Xuzhou, and we station troops in Lucheng, we will be the first to bear the brunt. So, Liu Xuande asked us to station troops here to stop the enemy for him!"

After the defeat, Lu Bu was already afraid of Cao Cao. Now he only had thousands of troops stationed in such a small town. If Cao Cao led a large army to attack, he would definitely not be able to withstand it.

Chen Gong smiled slightly: "A talented person should be like this."

Lu Bu let out a long sigh: "Now that I am living as a sojourn among others, I can only take orders from them! It seems that I need to have my own state and county so that I can recruit troops and gather food and protect myself!"

The two could not help but remain silent. After a long time, a soldier came to report that the person sent to deliver a letter to Yuan Shu had returned. At the same time, Yuan Shu also sent someone to deliver a reply.

This chapter has been completed!
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