"The affairs of the Wang family are the affairs of our brothers! Don't worry, Mr. Wang, and promise to complete the task. Lu Mingjun and Zhou Qi, we will take care of it."
Shi Tong directly assured Wang Wanfu that their brothers must take this matter next.
The Wang family treats them well, and their duty is to protect the safety of the Wang family.
Now that someone is provoking the Wang family, it's time to use them.
No matter what the background of the other party is, they will always be thief.
Over the years, several people have never taken action.
As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it takes only a short time to use it. Now is a good time for them to take action.
If this thing is done, Mr. Wang will probably be even more grateful to them.
"Mr. Shi, I would like to thank you first on behalf of the Wang family! This time is about the reputation of the Wang family. I hope you can complete this task."
After Wang Wanfu finished speaking, he stood up and bowed to Shi Tong.
I have to say, this guy is really good at winning people's hearts.
Logically speaking, he is the young master of these people and the person in charge of the Wang family.
There was absolutely no need to do this, but he did it, and Shi Tong and others were also very moved.
If the young master can do this, it proves that he has himself in his heart.
Isn't it better to work hard and die?
He hurried forward and helped Wanfu up.
"Mr. Wang, don't worry, we promise to complete this matter! We will book a flight ticket soon and go to Binhai to meet Lu Mingjun and Zhou Qi!"
Just as they were told, Shi Tong immediately started asking people to book flights for them.
Mr. Lu has been staying at Lin's Entertainment Co., Ltd. for the past two days, and now he has almost chosen someone.
So he just followed along in Lin's Entertainment, and the things about the crew were quite curious.
Of course, Lu Mingjun was no exception. He followed him inside and outside, while also inquiring about the situation at the Wang family.
"Lao He, what's going on at Tianhong Entertainment now? Is there any movement at all?"
Now that Lin's Entertainment is making such a fuss, it has already spread throughout the entertainment industry.
You must know that Tianhong Entertainment has been in the leading position before.
After suffering such a big loss, one can imagine the bad reviews in the circle.
The Wang family is also a reputable existence in Shangjing, how can they endure it?
So Lu Mingjun is very curious, why haven't they made any move yet?
Afraid of yourself?
Lu Mingjun didn't think so. There was no doubt about the strength of the Wang family.
"So far, there has indeed been no movement. But I think this is just the calm before the storm. Mr. Lu, you should be aware of the forces behind Tianhong Entertainment.
Looking at the entire Shangjing, they are extremely powerful beings. How could they give up so easily? They probably have nothing to hold back, and maybe they will take action soon."
He Yongqiang expressed his opinion. The Wang family is definitely not a master who just accepts a loss.
What does the upper class pay attention to? That is face!
The previous poaching by Lin Entertainment was a slap in the face of the Wang family.
Now we are preparing to prepare for such a big production, and we have signed many people who need to be signed again.
It is no exaggeration to say that the current Tianhong Entertainment has been knocked down from the leading position by Lin's Entertainment.
If they don't take action, the reputation will get even worse.
Not to mention face, even the lizi is totally lost.
If the Wang family doesn't take action, how can they continue to hang out in this circle?