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Chapter 156 Take action

At the beginning, Fang Linyan also considered whether Zhan Fang would directly bring out fakes for safety, but now it seems that he is thinking too much.

Most of the cultural relics in the Mayan civilization are made of gold. After thousands of years, they are still golden and beautiful, so there are many people watching.

This weapon is called the Obsidian Sacrificial Dagger. In fact, from a distance, it looks like two stones sandwiching a blade.

When you look closer, you will see that there are some obscure patterns carved on the stone, there are some brown things that look like rust on the blade, and there are some things that look like vines or wires wrapped around the handle.

It looks really rubbish!

However, laymen were watching the excitement, while experts were watching the doorways. Soon after Fang Linyan and the others entered, they saw several people gathered in front of the display cabinet, and then they kept taking photos and the like. This was fine. The key was that they looked different.

Like ordinary tourists, the greed in their eyes is not concealed at all.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan's heart moved and he immediately pressed the headset:

"Bat bat, call bat."

The connecting team quickly said:

"Bat is online, please give instructions."

Fang Linyan adjusted his glasses and actually started to take videos of the group of people in front of him. Then after filming for more than ten seconds, he tapped the temples of his glasses and passed the video data over.

"I found a group of suspects. I want their detailed information and monitor them."

"The data has been received during data transmission. The bat has begun analysis and will transmit the data later."

After arranging the situation here, Fang Linyan and Fang Linyan, although they had achieved the basic purpose, pretended to be interested in other things and continued to wander around for almost half an hour before leaving...

When they got into the car after leaving the museum, the Bat team had successfully completed their work, and then transmitted a piece of data they had intercepted, and it was actually in video mode.

As can be seen in the video, this group of people was in a hotel room, and started chatting around several IPADs. The sound was not very clear, but it could still be barely distinguished:

"Wow, look at the traces of blood on the blade!"

"What is carved on the handle of this knife is a terrifying magic circle, which can suck all the resentment of the deceased into it! The person who carved this magic circle is probably not a human being!"

"Of course this cannot be carved by human beings. These are the marks of blood sacrifices gnawed out by the enshrined feathered serpent spirit with its fangs! These are the marks engraved on the soul of a divine creature."

"What are these things wrapped around the handle of the knife? I heard that they like to tie vines to the handle of the knife to prevent the blood from flowing down and making the hand slippery."

"Don't talk nonsense. This dagger is at least thousands of years old. What kind of vine can be preserved for thousands of years without decaying? This should be the legendary soul-eating leech!"

"what is that?"

"This thing is a mysterious creature between animals and plants. Once the dagger starts harvesting life, the soul-eating leech will be released, one end will pierce the blood vessel of the person wearing the dagger, and the other end will penetrate deep into the prey

From the flesh and blood, absorb the essence and feed it back to the host!"

"Of course, it also draws quite a bit of power from it."

"There is such a thing, my God!"

"This is why the Mayan high priests are very powerful. They can gain a very long lifespan through this, so the Mayan priests are keen on blood sacrifices, even at the expense of weakening the potential of the city-state."


After seeing this scene, Fang Linyan thought to himself that these people are still very sharp, and they have actually investigated this thing so deeply.

However, at this time, Dante suddenly pointed to the bottom of the screen. Fang Linyan saw that there was a logo of AM:11:27 on it, and he couldn't help but almost said "fuck".

Why? Because it’s only AM: 11:03 now. Unless the Bat intelligence organization uses a time machine, how can it obtain footage 24 minutes into the future?

Therefore, the only explanation is that this video was taken yesterday or even the day before yesterday.

"Huh??" Fang Linyan pondered for a moment and sent a message directly to Bat.

"You have been targeting that group of people for a long time? So as soon as I gave the message, you got their information?"

Bat replied:

"Yes, when we received the deposit two days ago, we knew that the key targets of surveillance were the museum and the Pearl Harbor Memorial Hall, so we directly retrieved the surveillance within a week, and then screened out a group of suspicious people, and that's it.

Focus on monitoring.”

Fang Linyan said:


Then Fang Linyan couldn't help but glance at Dante, and thought to himself that you are really sharp with thick eyebrows and big eyes. You seemed silent and very low-key, but you discovered even this small detail first, which made me very stressed.

so big.

Next, the bat continued to send information about this group of people. They came from an organization called "Hizen Suisan Co., Ltd." and arrived in Hawaii eighteen hours ago. It is worth mentioning that the museum released

After getting the information about the exhibition, this group of people immediately purchased tickets online, which shows that they have long been eyeing this sacrificial knife.

Not only that, at the request of Fang Linyan, Bat also sent over the relevant information of two other groups of highly suspicious people, and discovered that among these two groups, one group was also from Namba, Japan, and the other group was actually from South Korea.


What these three groups of people have in common is that they showed extraordinary interest in the sacrificial dagger after the museum was opened.

After collecting so much information, Fang Linyan began to frown gradually. It was obvious that three groups of evil gods/cults had their eyes on this place in advance, but none of them took action in advance.

What does this mean? They are also afraid of something. They are afraid and have deep concerns.

Something that can make cult/evil god believers fear it, you should be careful about it no matter what.

At this time, Fang Linyan couldn't help but heard Evelina's words again, and immediately felt deeply convinced:

"You are right. There is also a huge crisis lurking in this world of ours. At least, it is a huge crisis that would cause the rest of the space warriors to perish in their adventures!"

After pondering for a while, Fang Linyan said:

"Let's go to the Pearl Harbor Memorial."

Of course, Dante had no objection to this. The two of them walked directly there under the guidance of the guide. They soon discovered that the memorial hall was quite popular. Even when they entered, they discovered that there were three people inside. A Japanese man was wearing a kimono and bowing deeply to an old white woman with tears streaming down her face. There were many people taking photos nearby.

After listening to others' explanations, Fang Linyan realized that these three Japanese were members of the left in Japan. The old white woman's father died in the attack on Pearl Harbor, so they came to apologize to this woman.

To be honest, Fang Linyan thought this was just a damn farce, but he still patiently watched the whole process and cheered and applauded.

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After wandering around for a long time, Fang Linyan found the target object, the piece of imperial guard salvaged from the sunken ship at the bottom of the sea.

This thing is actually a large amulet, made of very hard ironwood. The colloid secreted on the surface effectively resists the corrosion of seawater, but it also leaves mottled marks. Its appearance is somewhat like It's a dog tag, but it's much bigger than a dog tag, about the size of a palm.

If you look carefully, you will see that there is a Chinese character "Longevity" written on the front of the sign, followed by four large characters "Martial Arts Prosperity" written on the back, and a row of small characters at the back: Li Gaoye/Kongsheng/Jingzhi.

In addition, there are some seemingly chaotic patterns engraved around it.

It stands to reason that the guard is something similar to a peace charm. In fact, it is for peace of mind. However, if you look carefully, there are many signs of damage on this guard. The most eye-catching one is a pit in the center. There are still many scratches.

If you look at the introduction next to it, it’s very detailed:

This piece of guard is a weapon salvaged from the Japanese aircraft carrier Akagi, and its owner is Osato Tao.

According to Masaaki Osawa, Fujita's orderly who survived, this guard was handed down from Fujita's ancestors and has a history of more than 200 years.

And it was hand-made by the mysterious Archmage of Ura Takano: Kongsheng, claiming that it can protect the fate of the wearer of the Fujita clan.

Fujita's father was a politician, and he was assassinated three times. Once, a ronin shouted, "Death to the national thief," and stabbed him in the chest with a ribashi (short sword). Blocked it.

Let’s not talk about Fujita. When he was participating in the Russo-Japanese War, he was also hit in the chest by a stray bullet. The same bullet also hit Temu Yushou and successfully saved his life!

Osawa worked for Fujita as an orderly for fourteen years and was transferred out a year before Fujita's death. As Fujita's close confidant, his words are highly credible.

There is no doubt that the introduction on the side casts a mysterious veil on this royal guard.

At this moment, Dante whispered to Lin Yan:

"That sign has a very weird smell on it."

Fang Linyan nodded:


At this moment, Fang Linyan suddenly heard a loud "boom" in the distance, as if something exploded!

After about ten seconds, Fang Linyan suddenly felt the right temple of his glasses vibrating slightly. This was a reminder that there was a call request, so he stretched out his hand to hold it, and the words immediately came from his ears:

"The bat calls daddy, the bat calls daddy (Fang Linyan's code name)."

"Dad is online, please speak."

"There was an explosion here in the museum, and someone attacked our cheese (sacrificial dagger)."

After the news came, Fang Linyan's expression suddenly changed and he immediately said:

"What's going on now?"

Bat simply sent over a few screenshots. It can be seen that a large area of ​​​​the museum has collapsed at this time, and many tourists are lying around. Some of these people are moaning in pain, and some are crying.

At every turn, it is obvious that the power of the explosion is not small.

The counter containing the sacrificial dagger has been smashed, and the contents inside are empty. It must have been taken away after the explosion.

Fang Linyan said simply:

"Bat will continue to track it and notify me immediately if there is any relevant information."

Then Fang Linyan’s voice changed:

"Daddy calls for the hammer, daddy calls for the hammer!"

Hammer is of course a code name, and it is also a mercenary recruited by the church. This is a well-trained medium-sized mercenary group, mainly Caucasians from Europe. They are active in Chechnya and Ukraine, and even participate in

through the war in Syria.

This group of people has a brutal style, powerful firepower, and very powerful fighting ability.

Of course, the fundamental reason why the church chose them was that their resume showed that this mercenary group had taken over two "biochemical pollution" incidents, although due to confidentiality agreements, the details of the process were not detailed.

But the power that the church has at this time is also vast, it can be said that it is everywhere, and it has obtained some internal information.

These data show that the Hammer Mercenary Group has been exposed to/experienced some unconventional bloody and terrorist incidents, and also has an effective method of dealing with them.

Eight seconds later, a rough voice came:

"Iron Hammer is online, please give me any orders."

Fang Linyan said:

"Someone tampered with our cheese (referring to the sacrificial dagger), I think it's time for you to flex your muscles."

A grumpy laughter came from the other side of the hammer:

"Aha! Is it our turn at last? My bones are going to be rusty!"

Fang Linyan said:

"If you need intelligence support, please call the bat. Repeat, the mission goal is to get back our cheese. Remember, it must be intact, otherwise, you will have to say goodbye to the promised one million bonus."

Iron Hammer said with a ferocious smile:

"Don't worry dad, we'll treat cheese like a fifteen-year-old stripping down!"

Fang Linyan sighed and said:

"That's the source of my concern."

A sharp whistle came from the other side of the hammer, and then a loud voice was heard calling:

"You bastards, you villains, move, move, or I'm going to kick your asses!"


"The boss finally spoke. Let's work more quickly. In two hours, we can go on vacation to the Baltic Sea with several boxes of green and cute little things!"


After Fang Linyan arranged things properly, he winked at Dante, and then the two of them quickly left the memorial hall and returned to the rented RV.

The sealed space in the back of the RV has enough privacy, and the guide and driver in the front have a tacit understanding not to talk or take the initiative to ask any questions.

Because it was made very clear when placing orders online that these two customers have depression and autism, so the only service they have to do is to meet all their requirements, whether they are reasonable or not.

This chapter has been completed!
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