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Chapter Five: Teahouse Experience

Of course, the old farmer is not a real old farmer, but a famous thief! He has been playing with knives for forty-eight years, and one stab with a dagger will be absolutely accurate.

However, at this time, the assassinated target did not have any scars on his waist!

"Is this guy a human or a ghost..."

There was a sudden chill in the old farmer's heart.

At this time, the target of the assassination actually changed the direction of his advance again. He turned and jumped to the side, borrowed strength from the wall, and unexpectedly tumbled into the yard next to him with extraordinary dexterity.

Such a move immediately caught the old farmer and others by surprise. Because the plan they made was to intercept and kill the target in this alley!!

There were three people on this side of the alley, namely the old farmer Xu Jiang, the scholar Wu Sheng, and He Wu who was pretending to sell vegetables. On the other side of the alley, waiting for work and preparing to intercept and kill, was the second master of the village.

Zhao Chuan and his younger brother Zhao Shan.

These five people are also well-known thieves throughout Shandong. They commit murder, arson, and all kinds of evil!

Zhao Chuan, Zhao Shan and scholar Wu Sheng were in the same group.

Xu Jiang and He Wu are from another group,

They had made an appointment to discuss things here, but suddenly they received a big deal! The reward of this big deal was so generous that it was enough for the five of them to wash their hands. Although the buyer was unknown, the other party

I paid in advance ten small yellow croakers! (gold bars)

And the person he wanted to kill was not a great and extravagant person, he was just a student who should have returned from studying abroad.

The five of them have never seen such a good deal in their lives. Originally, these two groups of people usually don't like it very much. At a critical moment, they might want to find another deal. But with such a huge sum of money, it is the murderer of the father.

The hatred of seizing your wife must be put aside first.

What's more, the kid they wanted to kill was single and a student! In their eyes, the money was just picked up.

Unexpectedly, the five of them joined forces and set up a dragnet. They thought they would be able to catch them. Butcher Xu had already succeeded when he stabbed him with a dagger, but they didn't expect...

Chapter 5: Teahouse Experience (Page 1/7), click the next page to continue reading.

The idea was so troublesome that when he was escaping, he killed the scholar Wu Sheng with a counterattack. He did not take the usual route and fled directly into the nearby courtyard wall.

At this time, the four people saw their prey trying to escape, and were frightened and angry, so they chased after them. Xu Jiang and He Wu climbed over the wall, while the two brothers Zhao Chuan and Zhao Shan blocked the way from the side and outflanked them, but they did not know that Fang Linyan was going to

Let them divide their forces like this!!

When Xu Jiang and He Wu climbed over the wall and chased them, Fang Linyan not only did not escape, but was waiting directly below.

When he killed the scholar Wu Sheng, he discovered that this group of people was a typical type with high attack power and low blood pressure. They killed people very quickly, and of course they were killed quickly too!

After Xu Jiang and He Wu jumped off the courtyard wall, they faced Fang Linyan's extremely fast and violent attack. This was the full attack of a lv16 melee master.

The basic melee combat skills of the two Jiangyang thieves were actually only around level 10. Fang Linyan calculated with his mind but not with intention, and directly attacked Xu Jiang when he jumped off the wall.

He calculated mentally but not intentionally, and at the same time he used his spiritual tentacles, so of course he easily killed him. Then he singled out He Wu, who was already panicking, and it was not difficult to kill him.

By the time Zhao Chuan and Zhao Shan successfully walked around, Fang Linyan was already standing there, shaking off the blood on his hands.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the next battle. Fang Linyan faced off against the two brothers of the Zhao family. He first found an opportunity to break Zhao Chuan's left leg, then seized on the weakness of their brotherly love, and began to fight, and finally succeeded in killing Zhao Chuan.

The two were captured alive.

However, Fang Linyan's efforts were in vain. His purpose of capturing the two men alive was to interrogate the mastermind behind the scenes, but in the end the two brothers still didn't know anything about it, and it was obvious that they really didn't know.

In the end, Fang Linyan finally figured it out. Even if he really transformed into Sherlock Holmes and tracked down the mastermind behind the hiring of these people, that guy would definitely not know all the questions. He must give the answer, that is, he suddenly dislikes you on a whim...


Why does a surveillance system need a reason to do things? Don't make it too simple by arranging a few people to be chasers.

These five people came here to take their own lives. Of course, Fang Linyan also...

Chapter 5: Teahouse Experience (Page 2/7), click the next page to continue reading.

He would not hold back, he killed them all, and then a prompt appeared in front of his eyes:

"Colonizer CD849116, congratulations on escaping from the first pursuer."

Fang Linyan shrugged, then exhaled and reached out to touch his lower back! A wound suddenly appeared there.

The wound was not big, but it was extremely deep! The blood kept flowing outward and reached deep into the internal organs. It was exactly what Xu Jiang had done before. Fang Linyan even used two hemostatic bandages to stop the blood flow.

If he had continued to fight with this wound before, his combat effectiveness would have been reduced by at least one-fifth.

But now Fang Linyan has replaced his gun with a cannon, and things are different now! With the power of the artifact, after the war started, Fang Linyan forcibly accelerated the time of this wound, moving it to the next two hours, and then immediately moved it back.

In this case, the consumption of one's own time power is minimal.

These five people only dropped one key, which made Fang Linyan, who had returned from the golden branch world, extremely uncomfortable! After all, the last key he opened was a direct blast to the artifact.

The good news is: the alley where Fang Linyan killed people is quite remote, but it was also a place carefully chosen by these killers. Therefore, he was only seen by two or three beggars. These guys immediately ran away like flying. In this troubled world

Even if the incident comes to light, it will probably be a long time later.

[By the way, the best app for reading and listening to books is Mimi Reading, please install the latest version.]

At this time, Fang Linyan was wrapping his wounds while reviewing his thoughts. Fang Linyan's eyes gradually became colder. If he had entered this world without the Mobius Mark to point him out, his attributes would be compressed and he would only have a little over 200 health points at best.

And the attack power of these guys who play melee combat is frighteningly high. If nothing else, just being hit by Xu Jiang's dagger, Fang Linyan is probably half disabled! Once the five of them join forces to successfully attack, it will be really high.

There is a chance of killing yourself.

At this time, Fang Linyan thought of what happened before. If the Mobius Mark didn't help him get rid of that bullshit Atli United Guard system, then these "pursuers" sent...

Chapter 5: Teahouse Experience (Page 3/7), click the next page to continue reading.

Should it come in two batches?

In other words, this time there are not five people coming, but... twenty-five?

Thinking of this, Fang Linyan suddenly swallowed his saliva!

There are twenty-five enemies of this level, so it is estimated that there are long-range weapons such as guns and darts. This is really a big trouble.

Because combat is not a simple matter of addition and subtraction. For Fang Linyan, if the threat of five enemies coming together is 10, then the threat of ten enemies coming together is definitely not 0, but at least 0, twenty-five

The threat generated by individuals together is at least 80!

Next there is good news and bad news.

The bad news is that Fang Linyan opened the key dropped by the "Scholar". His European Qi should have been used up when he opened the artifact with a 7.4% chance, so... this one

The treasure chest opened by the silver-gleaming key is huge, and the total value is worth 10,000 utility points.

The good news is that Fang Linyan no longer has to go to the Xianggong Hall to be the rabbit master, because the key opened a gold bar. Not only that, Fang Linyan also found some copper coins and broken silver from the corpse.

Although there is no corresponding "body search" ability, nothing obtained can be taken out of this world, but at least it solves Fang Linyan's current economic crisis.

So, ten minutes later, Fang Linyan, who had undergone a makeover, came to the door of the teahouse again and walked in without hesitation this time.

The seat in the middle of the teahouse near the stage was the most expensive, and you had to pay 20 yellow coins to sit there. Fang Linyan didn’t want to be so high-profile, so he found a place to sit against the wall and ordered a cup of Gao Moer for eight yellow coins.

In the end, the waiter found fault with him and told him that it was free money and he had to make up for it by twelve, so Fang Linyan had no choice but to pay him honestly.

What is yellow money and white money?

It turns out that since the turmoil of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the central government of the Qing Dynasty has almost lost control over the local areas. The symbolic incident ended with the death of the last famous clan general, Seng Gelinqin.

The most awesome thing this prince has done is...

Chapter 5: Teahouse Experience (Page 4/7), click the next page to continue reading.

In 1860, they led eight thousand Mongolian cavalry to charge towards the machine gun positions of the British and French allied forces... The final result was that the enemy suffered single-digit casualties and our own side suffered thousands of casualties.

In this case, if the imperial court asks someone to do something, they won't be able to get any money. They can only give it to the envoy. Or they may allocate a piece of land to you, and you can go there to collect taxes and raise soldiers.

The most typical example is Zeng Guofan's Hunan Army. The imperial court assigned Anqing to them and said if you need money, this place will be given to you. So the Hunan Army set up a card here to collect taxes.

When places like this begin to become semi-autonomous, it is really common for private copper coins to be minted. The money minted by the central government has a high copper content, good technology, and is willing to bear the cost. It looks yellow, so

It's called yellow money.

The level of privately minted money varies, and it must be cutting corners and adding a lot of cheap iron. The color turns white, which is called white money.

After Fang Linyan sat down, he looked around and found that the teahouse was quite large, covering an area of ​​seven or eight rooms, at least one or two thousand square meters. The walls were simply painted with white ash, and the words "Don't talk about national affairs" were posted on it.


The ground is still mud, but it has been simply smoothed, and has been made hard and shiny by the soles of countless people.

There are six or seven stoves on the tiger stove facing the door, all of which are filled with steaming pots. The tea shop owner is a very particular person, and there are ten large pots of water lined up next to the stove.

There are four words on the vat: Lu Yu’s legacy.

Then the water in the water tank must be very clear, and according to local customs, a lot of washed calamus and mugwort are thrown into the water surface, which is green and pleasant, indicating disinfection.

The second brother quickly served tea to Fang Linyan. Gao Mo'er is actually the teahouse that uses the leftover tea waste from those high-spending customers, and re-dries the good tea leaves that have been brewed and recycles the waste.

The characteristic of this thing is that it still smells quite fragrant when it is first soaked, but after the second soaking in water, it quickly turns into tasteless white water.

And this is also the tea that people in teahouses order most often when entertaining friends...

Chapter 5: Teahouse Experience (Page 5/7), click the next page to continue reading.

From this, it can be seen that Fang Linyan also did a lot of homework before coming to this world, trying his best to integrate into this world without arousing suspicion.

In order to attract business, there is a stage in the center of the teahouse, and performances are performed here every morning:

There are those who are telling stories on it, and there are those who are performing busking and smashing rocks on their chests,

Of course, the most popular ones are opera singers.

At this time, there was a woman on the stage babbling and singing "Second Sister Liu Missing Her Husband". Of course, it was adapted into a version that the working people loved to hear:

The specific content describes a series of stories about a newlywed young woman, Xiao Liu, who lives alone in a vacant house while her husband is on a business trip. She misses her husband so much before going to bed, including but not limited to psychological activities, hand and local movements, etc.

Although the woman's lyrics were unclear and often off-key, her watery eyes were very charming and sexy enough, so the cheers from below came one after another, and many coins were thrown in.

Fang Linyan waved, and then handed a copper coin to the second brother to deliver a newspaper. This copper coin gave the right to borrow, so the newspaper could not be taken away. Not many people can read now, so in

There are also dedicated people in the teahouse who read newspapers and analyze and explain important domestic news.

Soon after receiving the newspaper, Fang Linyan discovered that it was a "Declaration", but when he looked at the date, it was from ten days ago. However, in a small place, newspapers are not widely circulated, which is normal.

The declaration may not be very famous to modern people, but it was famous at the time. The most famous thing was that it bribed the eunuchs in the palace and published records of Emperor Tongzhi's illness for six consecutive months, including who saw the disease and prescribed it.

All the medicines are listed.

It was equivalent to giving the people of the whole country a live text broadcast of the emperor's entire journey from his serious illness to his death. This really made him famous and established his status as the largest newspaper in the country.

Fang Linyan flipped through the news above and found that it mentioned a lot of information collected from his own information. For example, the Japanese army had already entered North Korea at this time, and Japan issued the "first letter of cessation of diplomatic relations" against the Qing court in June.


However, at this moment, a piece of news jumped into Fang Linyan’s eyes: #...

Chapter 5: Teahouse Experience (Page 6/7), click the next page to continue reading.

"How could this happen?"

It turns out that in the second page of the declaration, almost half of the page was devoted to one thing, that is, Mr. Li Gongzhang has been ill at home recently and is unhappy.

The reason was that a treasure was lost at home, which was a picture scroll given by an eminent monk to ***'s old mother on her eightieth birthday: the picture of Mulian rescuing his mother.

If someone can find this treasure, then the emperor has spoken out to make this person rich and prosperous, and all his wishes will come true.

Fang Linyan did not collect this matter from any information. He shook his head and put the matter aside. Then he found a few newspapers to read, such as Beijing News, Current Affairs News, etc., and found that these newspapers were all the same.

mentioned the theft at Li Gongzhang’s home. (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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