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Chapter 1431 Dispatch! Agency soldiers

What finally broke the stalemate was a fort hundreds of meters away! This fort had small firepower and weak power. After discovering that bombarding invading ships at night was ineffective, the officer in charge of the fort observed that the friendly forces below were blocked from attacking.

, so he ordered some of the artillery in the fort to turn around and bombard the positions guarded by the Russians!

Although the fort's condescending bombardment used backward solid artillery shells, it felt uncomfortable to be beaten without being able to fight back. After enduring two or three rounds, Nicholas found that his morale was low, so he could only order to retreat while yelling and gritting his teeth.


Among the Japanese on the other side, there are also generals who have a very strong sense of battlefield. After all, those stationed in key places like Nagasaki Military Port must be elite army troops.

So this group of Japanese soldiers only waited for the friendly bombardment to end, and then immediately charged with shouts of "board load". This was like hitting a snake seven inches away, and instantly inflicted huge heavy losses on the Russians.

Nicholas was seriously wounded by six bullets, and at least fifty Russians were beaten to death during the retreat!

Under such circumstances, the Japanese pursuers swarmed into the Statue Square. They must have thought that the overall situation was settled, and they relaxed in their hearts, preparing to capture prisoners and clean up the battlefield.

However, at this moment, four terrifying tongues of fire suddenly shot out from four condescending hiding places nearby!!

At the same time, a dull sound of "chunk, chugging, chugging, chugging" sounded throughout the statue square!

This is the most terrifying infantry killer that has appeared in the world at this time, the 11.43mm Maxim heavy machine gun!!

This thing was invented by the British-American H.S. Maxim in 1884. It uses the gas energy of gunpowder to complete the shooting cycle. It has been around for ten years and has been updated to the third generation.

These four heavy machine guns were placed in four hidden corners around them, covering the positions previously established by the Russians. The crossfire formed had no dead ends! Its maximum rate of fire was 600 rounds per minute!

The current standard weapon of the Japanese army is the Murata rifle, which is single-shot loading and single-shot manual shooting. This thing can shoot ten rounds per minute. It is already an elite existence in the Japanese army - provided that the rifle

Can't get stuck yet.

Therefore, in just ten seconds, the three to four hundred Japanese soldiers who rushed into the Russian position suffered heavy casualties. The position looked like a slaughterhouse of flesh and blood!

The Northeastern horse bandit Li Dabeard and his gang, commanded by Mr. Cayenne, finally took action. They did not disappoint Fang Linyan's expectations. They had endured until now, and then used the Russians' failure as bait, inflicting heavy losses on the Japanese in one fell swoop.

What's even more terrifying is that the low roar of the heavy machine gun covers up the sporadic gunshots!

These gunshots sound very chaotic, but in fact, if you listen carefully, they are actually regular. Often three gunshots are fired at the same time. This is because Mr. Cayenne, the captain of the Japanese army who has been attacking for a long time, is the sergeant.

The class is marked.

Of course, this mark is his special ability, and can only be seen by himself and designated people. As for how to identify and mark junior officers in the Japanese army at night, it is of course Mr. Cayenne's personal ability.

Then, these horse bandits were divided into ten groups, each group of three, and then each group chose the same target to snipe directly!!

This is a commonly used sniper tactic in modern warfare. Kill the officers first, and the soldiers below will become nothing more than a pile of loose sand.

This group of Northeast horse bandits are already experienced with guns. They usually practice shooting by knocking off lit incense heads fifty meters away. If three people shoot at a target at the same time, this ensures absolute sniper kills.

Success rate.

Since Mr. Cayenne has equipped this gang of horse bandits with four Maxim heavy machine guns, he must have also paid great attention to the other weapons.

The rifle used by the horse bandits is also one of the most advanced rifles in the world. The Mosin-Nagant rifle has only been officially put into production in Russia for two years. It has formed a generation gap over the Murata rifle currently used by the Japanese army. Skilled shooters every

It takes four seconds to shoot.

Therefore, when the heavy machine gun stopped firing and began to change magazines, more than twenty junior Japanese officers in the surrounding area were also sniped to death. In addition, it was still a night battle, so it was normal for the Japanese army to immediately fall into chaos.

Strictly speaking at this time, the 1,500 Japanese troops stationed here, equivalent to eight brigades, were suddenly raided by the previous Russian commandos. At least 200 people lost their combat effectiveness as a result. In addition, the positional warfare commanded by Nicholas continued.

Almost two hundred Japanese soldiers were killed and wounded.

At this time, the combat attrition of the Japanese army reached nearly 500 people. Then the Northeastern horse bandits commanded by Mr. Cayenne attacked them severely, causing the Japanese army to lose 300 to 400 people in an instant, plus many junior officers.

In this case, the Japanese troops stationed in Hong Kong have suffered more than half of their casualties!

Not only that, a clear spatial prompt appeared on Mr. Cayenne’s retina at this time:

"Congratulations, Colonist XXX, the Northeast horse bandit Yang Wei you controlled caused 284 points of damage to the Japanese infantry captain/Zhongsao Yanaka Misaki!"

"Japanese infantry battalion captain/Zhongsao Yanchu Misaki died."

"Nakasa Enaka Misaki's identity is quite special. He is a secondary time point figure. The history of this world will undergo certain subtle changes."

"Your contribution to the war progress bar has been greatly improved!!!"

"The morale of the Japanese troops you are attacking has been severely damaged!"

"The Japanese troops near you are in chaos."

After this series of prompts appeared, Mr. Cayenne's eyes suddenly widened. He looked at the long row of prompts that seemed to be swiping across the screen in disbelief. He read it two or three times in a row before he realized that he was really the winner.

Won the grand prize!!

"Wa hahaha."

Mr. Cayenne couldn't help but let out a series of wild laughter, because he knew that characters at secondary time points were actually heavily protected, and it would be extremely difficult to assassinate them.

However, the wonder of history is that big people often die at the hands of little people.

Just like several presidents of the United States have died of assassination - these presidents are all famous in history: Lincoln, Garfield, Kennedy, McKinley.

But who knows the names of the murderers who assassinated the four of them?

The fuse of World War I was also sparked by a small man. Archduke Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was shot dead by a young student.

This is the power of little people!!

Therefore, there is a very small chance that a small person can directly break through the numerous defenses and inflict heavy losses on these guys who have left their names in history.

Mr. Yang Wei, the horse bandit, also had great luck and directly succeeded Mr. Cayenne.

After witnessing this scene on the battlefield, Nicholas, who was seriously injured, immediately showed the characteristics of an excellent commander. He immediately roared loudly at any cost:

"Stop!! Stop!!!"

"Draw your sword, Cossack!!!"

When he shouted the last sentence, blood foam even flowed from the corner of Nicholas's mouth!

After hearing his words, the eyes of all the fleeing Russians immediately turned red, as if they had drank half a kilogram of vodka at the same time, and they shouted at the same time:

"Draw your sword, Cossack!!"

Then they stopped running away together, turned around, took out the scimitar from his waist, pointed it at the battlefield ahead, and rushed forward.

This seemingly ordinary sentence has infinite magic power for the Cossacks, simply because it is the battle cry of the Cossacks, which means that they will regard death as home and move forward indomitably!

When this group of Russians, who fought desperately and started hand-to-hand combat, rushed into the Japanese army, the Japanese army immediately collapsed. Their morale was extremely low, they lost the command of grassroots officers, and they were still at night.

Fighting, so most people had a normal reaction - turned around and ran away.

Considering the current chaotic situation in the Nagasaki military port, if the Japanese want to organize an effective counterattack again, it will be at least an hour later.

Obviously, Mr. Cayenne also knew this. He simply gave an order to Li Big Beard, asking him to bring people to reinforce the attack on the fort. However, he himself found a place to lie down and began to bandage

The wound on his arm

Yes, Mr. Cayenne was in the team participating in the war this time, but he felt that there was a high probability that others would not be able to guess his identity, because he now looked like a typical Russian! In fact, this guy's true self was directly mixed in.

Among Nicholas's team.


While Mr. Cayenne was showing off his skills below, Fang Linyan was also not idle. Every roar of heavy artillery in the Linggang Fort made him feel worried!

The three boats below are almost all over fifteen years old. Although the maintenance and repairs have been done reasonably well, it is a fact that they are still there.

There are a full six heavy guns with a caliber of 120 mm or more in the Linggang Fort. Once the bombardment is accurate, it is absolutely not surprising that one gun can sink a ship directly.

In this case, the situation must be very urgent!

Fortunately, at this time, Fang Linyan had already taken advantage of the shadows next to him and used darkness and stealth to successfully sneak into the Linggang Fort. At this time, he stayed next to the 260mm main gun in the Linggang Fort.

But there are also seven or eight people guarding here, and Fang Linyan can clearly feel that among these seven or eight people, there are at least two master-level experts.

It was already quite difficult for him and Li San to team up to deal with a master-level master Go Sakazaki. In this situation, if he showed up like this, he would probably be beaten into a pig head!

Fortunately, Fang Linyan has always been a person who makes plans before acting. Since he dares to sneak in, he is sure to achieve his goal. Of course, in this situation, he must use a trump card.

Just when Fang Linyan hesitated for a moment, he suddenly heard a series of fierce cheers coming from outside. Fang Linyan's heart tightened and he hurriedly looked outside!

Suddenly, I realized that there was still smoke rising from the muzzle of a Krupp cannon more than 20 meters away. In the harbor below, a fire was burning on the port side of the Narwin, and the entire ship began to have obvious signs of fire.

tilting condition.

Obviously, what Fang Linyan was most worried about has happened! As far as the current situation is concerned, the Narwin is already in danger. Once it sinks, it will be nothing more. The hundreds of Russian soldiers on it will be buried in the belly of the fish, which will affect the big plan.


Faced with such a situation, Fang Linyan also took a deep breath, knowing that he could no longer hesitate, and he simply touched a room next to him.

The room was about two to three hundred square meters, with no windows. There was a pungent smell of gunpowder inside, which was quite choking. There were some tattered wood, coverings, and several empty barrels scattered on the floor.

Obviously, this is a place used to store gunpowder, but I don't know when it was vacated, and no one should come here normally.

After entering here, Fang Linyan took out a palm-sized leather bag, bit his finger and smeared blood on it, and then heard a "click-click" sound inside the leather bag.

Fang Linyan took the leather bag and shook it toward the outside. Soon he saw an arm extending from the mouth of the bag, and then the mouth of the bag was stretched, and an agency soldier climbed out of it!

This scene looks very strange, as if the mouth of this leather bag is the exit from another dimension, and machine soldiers are constantly crawling out of it.

The key is that if Aunt Qing were here, she would have discovered that there were obvious signs of modification on these guys. For example, these machine soldiers were originally all sword and shield soldiers, and the armors on their bodies were all Ming army standards and were worn directly.

But now several of them have been changed beyond recognition:

For example, the machine soldier who appeared at this time holds a giant shield, wears two layers of heavy armor, and specializes in defense.

Another example is that the two machine soldiers who appeared next did not wear any armor, and their hands were removed at the wrist. They were replaced by two black tubes, with a gleaming bayonet stuck above the tubes.

Ten crossbow arrows can be fired continuously from the tube. Each crossbow arrow is about three inches long and has a range of more than thirty meters!

This transformation is obviously to allow the mechanized warriors to focus on long-range attacks. Once the enemy gets close to the crossbow, they can also use two bayonets to counterattack.

There are also several machine soldiers whose legs have been modified to appear thicker and longer, and they also have four arms. These are high-mobility and high-destructive assault units. As long as there is a chance to rush into the enemy pile, then

There will be a huge bloody storm in an instant.

It's just that after Fang Linyan's transformation, he had no choice but to find that the transformed machine soldiers seemed to be incompatible with the leather bag given to him by Aunt Qing. Before, this leather bag could hold more than a dozen machine soldiers, but now

Then it can only hold nine people.

This chapter has been completed!
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