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Chapter 1458 The final battle

When Fang Linyan heard this, he couldn't help but admire him. Such a method of directly holding the entire Nagasaki hostage was something he had never thought of, and it was so clever that it was breathtaking.

While the two were talking, a supervisor next to him suddenly started yelling and scolding him. He found out a worker who was lazy in digging and beat him and kicked him very harshly. In the blink of an eye, his head was bleeding and he was wailing again and again.

The rest of the workers continued to work numbly, and no one came out to break up the fight.

You know, this supervisor is still Japanese. He is just a temporary foreman. His salary is that he can get a bowl of vegetable porridge and five corns more than the workers, but he seems to be extraordinarily conscientious.

This is why the Zheng family has a thorough understanding of the Japanese character. This supervisor was not randomly selected, but someone with a violent personality who was usually oppressed at the bottom of society. In today's terms,

He has a potential antisocial personality.

Once such a person gains power, the torture and humiliation he suffered before will be doubled on the people around him. Not to mention additional benefits, even if there are no benefits, he is still the best choice for supervisor.

It is said that the Japanese are a nation with really strong endurance and obedience. Submission to the strong seems to be engraved in their genes.

Although the entire Nagasaki armed force has been defeated long ago, Zheng Xianren currently only has about six to seven hundred men, and most of these men were recruited from the expeditionary force.

Therefore, for Nagasaki City, which has as many as 300,000 citizens, if the residents below want to resist, they can easily tear Zheng Xianren and his gang into pieces!

But they did not, or did not dare to do so.

Not only that, the administrative agencies in Nagasaki were actually doing things according to Zheng Xianren's wishes, appearing to be extremely patient, silent, and obedient.

Those who dug these trenches were actually Nagasaki citizens who were recruited! The same was true for the supervisors.

The Zheng family placed five of their own men every five hundred meters to patrol and supervise the progress of the project. The key is that these people who worked hard to dig the gully have not yet received any monetary reward.

What tempted them to come was the large iron pot that Zheng Xianren set up at the excavation site. The pot was just porridge made from old rice and wild vegetables. Everyone who came to dig the trench could drink porridge until they were full.


At the same time, after digging for eight hours, as long as the foreman ensures that you are not lazy, you can bring back a piece of solidified vegetable porridge and four wowotou. This piece of vegetable porridge weighs almost a kilogram, and the wowotou is about the size of a fist.


As for why the porridge cooked with moldy rice and wild vegetables is so tempting, it is because the life of Japanese civilians is really hard now, and they are always in a state of semi-starvation. At this time, the average height of the Japanese is only 1.5 meters.

, the reason is malnutrition.

It is even common sense that it is so hard in the factory that one is so tired that he vomits blood, and it is common for porters on the dock to be exhausted to death.

Under such circumstances, "having enough" is really a rare happiness experience in this life for the lower-class commoners and untouchables, not to mention being able to take a piece of porridge back to feed their families.

Not to mention anything else, from the first day of digging the trench, people were being stretched to death next to the porridge pot, but their faces actually showed happy smiles.

His death state was also very ugly. His arms and calves were slender, his ribs had turned out from hunger, and only his belly was bulging. He looked like a powerful ghost from the realm of hungry ghosts had come to the world.

Fang Linyan even felt that if Zheng Xianren ordered this group of people to dig their own graves at this time, these numb and tame citizens would accept it honestly and would not see their ferocious appearance during the riot at all - people with such contradictory personalities

Nation, perhaps it can only be explained by the fact that there is a beast living in everyone's heart!

After continuing to look at the sketch, Fang Linyan said:

"When I return this time, I actually need your help for something."

Zheng Jiaguang laughed and said:

"Between you and me, we can't decide whether to help or not. All of us Japanese Chinese businessmen owe you a life. As long as we have it, you can just use it! Money, resources, and manpower, you

Just speak!"

Fang Linyan nodded with a deep look and said:

"I want to meet Mr. Hattori Kazumasu. Of course, there are some other things I need your help with, such as collecting some cinnabar, animal blood, red wine, cherry cakes and the like."


About half an hour later, Fang Linyan saw Hattori Kazumasa.

This ninja's face is a little pale. This is because he suffered serious injuries in the previous battle to defend Navel Hair Village. It is obvious that he has not recovered yet.

However, he is in a cheerful mood now. He is laughing and clinking glasses with the people next to him, drinking a wine that he has never seen in his life - this wine is as red as blood, and it must be served in a crystal-like bottle.

Drink from the cup.

The reason why this guy is in a good mood is very simple. Relying on the power of the expeditionary force, he personally killed his family's enemies after entering Nagasaki, which can be regarded as comforting the spirit of the deceased family leader in heaven.

For Hattori, who attaches great importance to loyalty and family name, he is so happy that he has no regrets.

As for things like loyalty to family and country, there is no need to worry, because for an old-fashioned person like Hattori, who is deeply attached to the feudal system of the shogunate, his loyalty is dedicated to the Daimyo Niwa family.

What does it have to do with these current thieves?

This somewhat deformed and twisted loyalty is similar to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, when Emperor Zhou was on the throne and the seven kingdoms of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei, and Qin were juxtaposed. Xiang Shaolong, who was loyal to Zhao, saw that Emperor Zhou was humiliated. Of course, he would not

Any feeling.

If the Emperor of Zhou had humiliated the king of Zhao, then maybe Xiang Shaolong would kick him a few more times.

After meeting Fang Linyan, Hattori Kazumasu immediately invited him to join him.

Fang Linyan smiled and nodded, drank a glass of wine with Hattori Kazumasu and said:

"I came here this time because I actually want to ask Mr. Hattori something."

Hattori Kazuki laughed and said cheerfully:

"Don't take it seriously if you ask for advice. If Hu Sang has anything to say, please tell me. I will definitely tell you everything I know."

Fang Linyan pondered for a while and said:

"I heard that there was a very special swordsmith deep in the mountains of Shinano. His original qualifications were quite mediocre, and he was unknown until he was forty years old. But after the age of forty, his talent became...

It shocked the whole of Japan in an instant."

"People say that he met the teachings of ghosts and gods, so he was able to forge very strange weapons. I wonder if Mr. Hattori has heard of his rumors?"

The Niwa family, the loyal daimyo of the Hattori clan, used to have its territory in Shinano, Japan. Hattori Kazuyoshi's grandfather even served as the elder of the Niwa family. He was an out-and-out local snake. That's why Fang Linyan was here.

Look for Hattori to ask this question as soon as possible.

Hattori pondered for a while but before he spoke, Murawa Onian next to him said with a bit of drunken surprise:

"Shinano, a late bloomer, the sword-making technique taught by ghosts and gods. Are you talking about that person? The man known as the Akai Demon Craftsman, Araiden?"

Fang Linyan said:

"I don't know his name, but I know that this man forged many strange samurai swords, such as the reverse blade with the blade facing the user, and the continuous blade with two blades, which makes it difficult to bandage and heal wounds.

There are even infinite blades that can accumulate the fat of the slain and have a large number of tiny serrations."

After hearing this, Hattori said simply:

"That's right, the person you are looking for is the Akai Oni Craftsman. He has all kinds of terrifying and novel ideas. The key is that he can transform these ideas into famous swords. Even members of the Muramasa clan saw his hands

After he forged the Infinity Blade that could spontaneously ignite, he was willing to accept the defeat, thinking that there was a Shosoin hidden in his mind."

Shoso-in is the most famous treasure house in Japan, which shows how much the Muramasa clan admires the craftsmen of Akaki!

Fang Linyan nodded slightly and said:

"How do I find him?"

Cunhe Guian spread his hands and said:

"I'm just a traveling trader. I really don't know. I only know that after the self-burning Infinity Blade forged by Arai became famous, I was so annoyed by the samurai who came to ask for the sword, so I went to live in seclusion in the mountains.


"And Arai has set a rule. Anyone who wants to see him must pass the test of his three ghosts."

"Among these three ghosts, some are famous disciples who have come to worship under their sect, while others want Arai to forge a legendary sword for them. A swordsman who has been willing to be his servant for ten years has amazing strength! So don't ask Arai to cast it.

Even seeing his face is not easy."

Fang Linyan pondered after hearing this.

The Japanese custom is to call strong people "ghosts" when they encounter them. Therefore, three ghosts are not a derogatory term in Japanese culture, just like the Tiger of Langfang in Chinese.

It would be difficult for Fang Linyan, a foreigner, to meet a master craftsman with an eccentric temper like Arai. If he were to ask him to do something, it would be even more difficult.

Fang Linyan sighed secretly in his heart, but still said firmly:

"Even though it sounds very difficult, I must meet this red ghost craftsman this time."

Hattori said at this time:

"If that's the case, then when you arrive in Shinano, please take this token with you and go to Chiyoda Lodge to find a geisha named Ume Yasha. She should be able to help. However, she was a greedy girl before.

Women should be even more serious now."

Fang Linyan looked over after hearing this and found that the token handed over by Hattori was quite scary. It was actually a withered palm!

But if you look closely, you can tell that this thing should be the paw of a monkey or a baboon, because it is still furry and the nails are very long, with only four fingers.

Fang Linyan took the token, gave a slight salute, and walked out of the door.

After leaving this izakaya, Fang Linyan was slightly stunned. It turned out that it was already night, and the entire Nagasaki sky was already dyed red by the raging fire!




There was already a carnival atmosphere in the temporarily established war headquarters.

A dozen or so temporarily invited waitresses were walking around carrying wine trays, smiling brightly.

Many officers, staff officers, and counselors in suits were participating in the reception, and the atmosphere was very lively.

There was a lot of noise mixed together, including cheers, shouts, and even tearful shouts of "Long Live the Emperor."

Several long tables that were usually used to place maps, telegraph machines, and documents had been vacated and covered with expensive tablecloths with tassels, covering up their original old and clumsy appearance.

On these long tables, there are various kinds of alcoholic drinks, including rum, whiskey, and red wine, but the most popular one is Midai Sake produced in the 21st year of Akechi.

This wine has good taste and low price, making it one of the most popular wines among middle-class people.

However, the dishes on the long table used to accompany the wine were clearly shabby. Placed in the center like stars holding the moon, there was only a plate of sea bream sashimi, and even seaweed rice balls, natto and miso.

The soups were all served together to make up the numbers.

Among the appetizers, there is a small bowl of kombu mixed with vinegar. The most eye-catching thing is a large plate with a large amount of salted plums and several dishes of sugar next to it.

From time to time, an officer walked over, picked up a plum, dipped it in sugar and put it in his mouth, with a look of excitement on his face as he was eating something delicious.

Such a buffet is something that the entire headquarters tried their best to put together.

Yes, this is Japan at this time, a Japan that has been dragged to almost the end of the road by the war, a Japan that has been hit by continuous bad news and is almost desperate!

Especially after learning that the United Fleet was also sneak-attacked by the Beiyang Fleet and sank two warships, even Japanese newspapers began to cry out in despair, "Where is the Kamikaze?"

Because once Japan loses control of the sea, it means that the six regiments sent to North Korea will become a lonely army and will soon run out of food - well, even if food can be obtained by squeezing North Korea, what about arms supplies! This is tens of thousands

In terms of human supplies, a medium-sized battle requires dozens of tons of ammunition!

But at this moment, the great god Amaterasu really appeared, and the central government of the Qing Dynasty actually sued for peace. The Qing Dynasty actually planned to find a neutral country to mediate and prepare to surrender!

At this time, several officers, probably because they were drunk, rushed directly to the balcony outside, knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, and then shouted sadly to the sky in the distance with tears streaming down their faces.


"Japan will finally be revived! The Japanese sun flag will fly throughout Asia! Your Excellency Sakamoto Ryoma (assassinated in 1867) and His Excellency Okubo Toshimichi! Are you protecting Japan after becoming gods?"

"The pinnacle of Asia finally reveals its steps to the empire at this moment!"

(Note: Sakamoto Ryoma and Okubo Toshimichi were both powerful promoters of the Meiji Restoration, and both died at the hands of assassins. They were the founders of capitalist Japan, similar to the status of China's Sun Yat-sen in history.

, an amazing coincidence is that their successor Hirobumi Ito also died at the hands of an assassin. This historical inertia even extends to the 21st century a hundred years later, ahem.)

This chapter has been completed!
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