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Chapter 88 Return of fear

The appearance of this big man made Fang Linyan realize that for some reason, he had indeed returned to the scene he feared most:

That was the first time he met the Lord of the Abyss head-on.

Fang Linyan suffered an unparalleled and terrible defeat at that moment. He didn't even hurt the opponent's hair, and his own head was chopped off.

He didn't know why he returned to this moment again, but when he calmed down and thought about it, he was basically sure that he had fallen into a nightmare that he couldn't wake up from, and it was probably related to Freddy!

But this nightmare is different from the previous ones, as if some rules have changed.

Therefore, Fang Linyan immediately decided not to move forward at this time. In fact, after learning from the pain, Fang Linyan had already simulated this bad experience countless times in his mind.

It's like a boy who fails to express his love and will think back countless times about which details he failed to do - but in fact the truth is probably very cruel: you did an impeccable job, but she just wants more money.


Of course, a crucial breakthrough point found by Fang Linyan in his review is:

Determined not to take action.

You must know that Fang Linyan is under the protection of the S space at this time, and he has Kino's turban to hide himself, so as long as he does not take the initiative, the abyss lord can't do anything with just the few snippets he spied.

Keep track of your own whereabouts.

In other words, Fang Linyan is actually in a state of invisibility + semi-invincibility now. As long as he doesn't take action, there are really not many ways to hurt him.

So, now Fang Linyan is getting angry. I will fight to the death today. Even if someone spits on my face, I will not fight back. By the way, I will go directly towards the residential area. It is only one or two kilometers away. Naturally, there are

The stairs return to Noah's space.

According to Fang Linyan's estimation, as long as he does this, he can successfully escape from this nightmare.

What surprised Fang Linyan was that as soon as he left the station, he suddenly felt a strange feeling on his face, as if spider threads were brushing against his face.

Then Fang Linyan realized that there were strange hidden threads nearby. These threads were so thin that they seemed to be made of light. They were intertwined and woven together, like monsters one by one.

The web woven by the spiders actually sealed the entire station area tightly.

And I just broke through this net inadvertently.

In the next second, the figure that Fang Linyan could not forget flew directly into the sky. The abyss lord wearing a beige windbreaker hovered thirty meters in the air and looked directly in this direction:

"Little insect! You are actually here?"

Only then did Fang Linyan realize that the inexplicable threads he had triggered were definitely caused by the Lord of the Abyss and could actually reveal his whereabouts.

Immediately afterwards, another person walked out from next to the station, and this person was also familiar to Fang Linyan. It was the astrologer Deng who died in his hands.

The third eye between Deng's eyebrows suddenly opened, and then he raised his cane, and there was a sudden flash of light in the sky, and then he could see a seemingly illusory meteor falling. Its whereabouts were erratic, and its speed was extremely fast.

Fang Linyan fell down.

Fang Linyan was not dead, so he ran away quickly, but the meteor actually had the ability to locate and track, and hit Fang Linyan hard.

Immediately, a heartbreaking pain was felt, and blue flames appeared on Fang Linyan's body. He couldn't help but rolled on the spot in pain.

But at the same time, the Abyss Lord's eyes flashed with light, and the beige windbreaker on his body seemed to be blown by the strong wind. It unfolded with a "peng" sound and came to Fang Linyan as if teleporting.

The biggest shadow in this life suddenly approached. Fang Linyan was so shocked that he no longer cared about it. He suddenly took action and kicked him.

The Abyss Lord kicked Fang Linyan, and a mysterious smile appeared on his lips.

At this time, Fang Linyan felt cold in his heart. He took the initiative and broke through.

You have lost the protection provided by the S space.

The Abyss Lord took action calmly at this time, and had no idea what the specific effects of the skills he used were. He could only see an indescribable darkness rushing towards Fang Linyan.

Fang Linyan originally wanted to use his mental tentacles to control the Nioh Shield to block the blow, but he immediately realized that he couldn't use it!!

"Damn it, has your strength been solidified to that point in time?"

Therefore, within this attack range, Fang Linyan currently has only five ways to cause immediate damage to the enemy:

Long cough flash,


Rubes attacks,

Pull out a gun and fire,

Athena's wonder!

However, because Fang Linyan hesitated, he immediately missed the best opportunity to respond.

The darkness that the Lord of the Abyss shot out suddenly stretched out and turned into a black and evil figure. He opened his arms and immediately hugged Fang Linyan and merged into his body:

At this moment, Fang Linyan did not feel any pain, but instead felt an indescribable biting coldness passing from the surface of his body, straight into the depths of his bone marrow, and even his soul seemed to be frozen by it.

The scary red warning prompt also pops up from the retina:

"Contractor Zb419, you were attacked by an unknown enemy, and you received the negative effect, Death Chill (Legendary)!"

"During the duration of this negative effect, neither you nor the caster will be able to obtain any external treatment effects, including but not limited to external skill treatment, prop treatment, and all other treatment methods."

"During the duration of this negative effect, the characteristics of your and the caster's digitized bodies will disappear. After your vital points are hit, the serious effect will be considered, regardless of the remaining health level\/Team Skills\/Near Death

Set to death directly!"

"The duration of this negative effect is 600 seconds. The special effects of Death Cold are very authoritative. Military-level drugs purchased in space, such as comprehensive recovery potions, etc. will be suppressed by it. Only the corresponding effects of laws can restrain death.

The special effects of cold."

After being attacked, Fang Linyan did not run away, because he knew that it was still impossible to escape at this time, so he rushed forward to fight hand-to-hand with the abyss lord.

Obviously, although Fang Linyan at this time was definitely much richer in experience than before, he was really far behind in terms of hard power, so he was no match for the Abyss Lord, and he was quickly beaten to the point where he lost the ability to resist.

So the scene in history repeated itself. Fang Linyan was grabbed by the neck and carried to the edge of the familiar cliff, and his head was beheaded by the dimensional rift.

Of course, after his head was chopped off, Fang Linyan's vision went dark and he didn't know anything anymore.

When Fang Linyan regained his consciousness again, he found that he was standing in front of the light rail station again. The familiar scenery was still a bit crazy.

"Damn it, is it an infinite loop?"

Although he had to face the Abyss Lord again, Fang Linyan's reaction was much better. After all, the unknown is the scariest thing. Since he knew that he would not really die, but seemed to have entered an infinite loop of nightmares, of course Fang Linyan could

Adjust your mentality to face it.

First of all, he was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he stood there and took stock of his trump cards. He immediately regretfully discovered that his strength was indeed greatly limited, and he could only use the moves and props he had at the time.

There is no sword or the Ring of Ouroboros.

Basic attributes have also been suppressed to the previous level.

Then he carefully thought about what he had experienced before, and realized that the root cause of being found was that he broke through the mysterious network outside the light rail station, and then his whereabouts were discovered.

Therefore, Fang Linyan began to try to run in another direction, but unfortunately, he still broke through the mysterious net, and then the broken threads were stuck to his body.

At this time, Fang Linyan discovered that he was still protected by space. The abyss lord and even Deng could not directly attack him.

The target of the technique is not himself, but the mysterious thread adhering to the body!

This time Fang Linyan ignored him and ran away with all his strength, but Deng seemed to be well prepared. The seemingly illusory meteor kept falling, catching and burning him. In the end, Fang Linyan was actually less than 200 meters away from the stairs of the residential area.

The place was directly burned to death by the mysterious blue flames on his body.

Fang Linyan was very speechless about this. Fortunately, he had no fear in his heart before he died, because he knew he would do it all over again.

Sure enough, this time after his death, Lin Yan returned to the light rail station again. He simply stopped where he was and wanted to think carefully about how to solve this murderous situation.

As a result, after Fang Linyan stayed in place for almost ten minutes, he suddenly found that the strange feeling of spider silk passing by appeared again, and then out of the corner of his eye, he saw what seemed to be a strange spider-like phantom crawling past.

Immediately afterwards, his body was stained with mysterious threads again.

This time Fang Linyan was also a bachelor and knew he couldn't escape, so he simply went to the Abyss Lord to seek a quick death.

However, when Fang Linyan had sex this time, he found that he had opened his eyes and had quietly woken up from the nightmare. Then his head was in a mess and his condition could be said to be very bad. He came to the sink to wash up.

I even retched several times while eating.

Only then did Fang Linyan realize that he was in a negative state:

Deep nightmare.

The explanation is: you have been infected by an evil and crazy force, so you will continue to be tortured by nightmares while sleeping, causing you to suffer certain effects in reality, and this power also contains the power of chaos.

Certain characteristics are difficult to remove by various means.

The only way to get rid of this evil and crazy power is to stay away from the source of this power!

Immediately afterwards, Fang Linyan discovered that all his attributes were temporarily reduced by 12%, his movement speed was reduced by 7%, and the biggest decrease was his mental recovery speed, which was reduced by a full 87%.

This state will last for 10 hours.

There is also a special note next to it: after the Deep Nightmare is accumulated many times, there is a high probability that the basic attributes will be permanently reduced.

After realizing this, Fang Linyan narrowed his eyes and said calmly:

"***Freddy, you are really difficult to deal with."

But what is surprising is that Fang Linyan did not fall into the calculation at all. Instead, he put his hand on his chin and thought for a while, then suddenly laughed out loud:

"I understand. Your purpose is actually to ask me to take your statue out of my private space and find another place to store it. In this way, it seems that I can completely get rid of the nightmare."

"But, if you do this, it actually gives you a perfect opportunity to escape! Hahaha."

Having said this, Fang Linyan directly took out the statue of Freddy and put it in his hand, with a sneer on his lips:

"I advise you to give up on this idea. It is impossible for me to release you, absolutely impossible! No matter how much you use nightmares to torture me!"

Freddy's statue didn't speak, and didn't seem to move at all, but his eyes were fixed on Fang Linyan fiercely, and he seemed to reveal three words: "We'll see!"

That night, before Fang Linyan fell asleep, he hung a talisman on his chest. The talisman was carved into the shape of a four-leaf clover.

However, this thing is not a four-leaf clover, it just looks like it. It is actually a symbolic clover flower, and its shape is composed of four petals.

The wormwood is also a symbol of sleep in ancient Greece. Legend has it that this thing was planted outside the palace of Hypnos.

This amulet was given to him by Fang Linyan who went directly to Athena.

It must be noted that this reflects Fang Linyan's high emotional intelligence. He can actually go to Hypnos directly, and I believe Hypnos will definitely give him face.

But Fang Linyan still went directly to Athena. This was actually a disguised statement on his part, that is, he would deal with everything only to my god as much as possible.

Not dealing with foreign gods is also part of the expression of loyalty.

Obviously, Athena is also very satisfied with Fang Linyan's disguised form of loyalty, so in addition to the magic imprinted by Hypnos, the God of Sleep, this amulet also has Athena's blessing.

So Fang Linyan had a good night's sleep, and all his status was restored. Of course, he was busy continuing to work on the mecha. He also planned to take a nap at noon. After lying down, he thought about it, took the amulet and put it away.

On the table next to him, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

So, after Fang Linyan fell asleep, he found himself outside the light rail station again.

But at this time, Fang Linyan already knew what was going to happen, and of course he was very calm and calm. After all, during the day, Fang Linyan had already thought of a way to break the situation.

This time he entered the light rail station directly, and after waiting among the passengers for five minutes, he boarded the light rail directly. When the light rail started, he realized that even when he was in the carriage and leaving the platform, he was still contaminated by the mysterious thread, and then

The light rail was quickly stopped, and the astrologer Deng then chased himself to death.

This chapter has been completed!
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