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Chapter 30 Discovery

When the fisherman saw Fang Linyan's actions, he was instantly frightened and angry. He almost wanted to take out a knife and chop the bastard to death.

But I didn't expect that the other party actually threw another five taels of silver over.

So after this guy did the math, his eyes suddenly lit up. This money is enough to buy a new boat! The remaining money can still allow him to spend ten days and a half.

So the boatman immediately greased his feet and ran away, apparently because he was afraid that Fang Linyan would regret it.

After Fang Linyan fumbled around on the boat for a while, he quickly learned how to sail the boat.

Although this ship seemed to be sailing very slowly, it had a oar beside it.

With this thing, Rubes can transform into a mechanical elite warrant officer and start rocking the oar.

With the powerful "engine" of Rubes, the ship's forward speed suddenly accelerated.

If the material of the ship itself did not limit the performance of the mechanical elite warrant officer, the speed could be at least twice as fast.

Not only that, when Fang Linyan saw the paddle next to him, he directly picked it up and helped paddle it.

Therefore, this journey was smooth and smooth, and it felt a bit like "the apes on both sides of the strait can't stop crying, and the boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains".

But Fang Linyan's quick escape on board the boat immediately made it extremely difficult for those who were tracking him.

At this time, there were only a dozen people left alive in Fangjiazhuang.

But basically it is certain that it will be more difficult to kill these dozen people than to kill the hundreds of people from the Fang Family Fishing Village in front!!

Don't forget what kind of world this is. This is a cruel space battlefield. The tone is to kill or be killed.

Under such circumstances, how many people are really capable and thoughtful enough to do side quests?

Survival is the most important thing!

The thought of guarding against someone hiding behind you is even more important.

Therefore, for the task of extermination, most people's thoughts are hunting rabbits and killing every one they encounter.

What's more, even if most of the Fang family in Nuo Da are ordinary people, there must be a few elites.

This is a world with monsters and magical powers. The difficulty of hunting the remaining dozen people can only be described as hard-core.


After a period of sailing, Fang Linyan suddenly discovered something to his surprise:

The red mist masses that appeared one after another on the river not only did not fade, but became clearer.

This can only mean one thing, the distance between him and Zhou Zhuo is getting closer and closer.

When we first boarded the boat, Zhou Zhuo had passed by the river probably forty minutes ago.

Because of the river wind, the bloody smell he left behind became very weak.

Therefore, in Rubes' field of vision, the blood-colored scent cloud became thinner.

Now, Fang Linyan estimated that Zhou Zhuo passed by just twenty minutes ago, so the smell of blood left behind was much stronger.

The color of the bloody mist in the field of vision will obviously be much darker.

Soon, a tributary appeared in front, and the path of the bloody mist began to point to the tributary.

Fang Linyan was overjoyed and hurriedly drove his boat to turn in. After entering, he found that the tributary was not wide, but the water was very deep and the current was quite rapid.

On both sides of the river are deep and dense forests, shrouded in clouds and mist, so that even the sun cannot fully shine through, casting mottled light spots on the ground.


Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Fang Linyan saw a large black-red scent cloud appearing more than thirty meters away.

There is a clear difference between this black-red scent cloud and the bright red blood mist left by Zhou Zhuo.

This is obviously not the trace left by Zhou Zhuo, but it also shows that there is a strong and putrid smell of blood there.

According to Fang Linyan's speculation, we are probably reaching our destination soon, and the smell of blood on the tributaries will not dissipate for a while, nor will it delay tracking.

So they ordered the ship to stop and go ashore, dragged the ship up and threw it into the vines nearby to hide it.

Then he led Rubeus towards the place where there was an abnormality, and soon discovered that it was a corpse, and it had been dead for at least five days.

As soon as Fang Linyan and Lubos approached, they immediately saw the flies and mosquitoes lying on the corpse feasting on it, soaring like a black cloud. The buzzing sound in the air could even remind people of the dive of a bomber.


As a robot, Rubes said he had no feelings at all, but this scene gave Fang Linyan goosebumps!

So he snapped his fingers, and the mechanical gyrfalcon simply fired a smoke bomb at it.

This was a smoke bomb with the added ingredient of crotch itch. Immediately, the flies and mosquitoes fell like raindrops, most of them died, and the rest all flew away.

Fang Linyan then stepped forward to check the body and found that it was a middle-aged man in his forties.

He was wearing the clothes of a traveling trader, and he looked not much different from the traveling trader on the road, except that the calluses on his hands and feet were thicker.

The cause of his death was very obvious, as his neck was directly wiped with something sharp.

A wound about five centimeters long with red flesh curled up on the neck, and blood flowed all over the floor, forming black and red lumps, so the air was filled with the rancid smell of blood.

This is also the reason why Fang Linyan can see the big putrid smell of blood here from Rubes' shared vision from all the way.

The wound showed a strange crescent shape, as scary as a smiling face.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for a dagger or a sword to cause similar damage, so the most likely weapon is a claw.


Fang Linyan searched this man's luggage as usual and found that except for a few taels of silver, he seemed to have nothing else on him.

But at this time, Rubeus stepped forward. In human form, only his combat effectiveness would be affected, but the rest of his abilities could still be retained.

He reached out and pointed at the man's pants, which was the calf area.

Fang Linyan immediately noticed that in the image shared by Rubes, there were actually strands of yellow mist coming out that were completely different from the smell of black and red blood.

Fang Linyan's eyes lit up, and he immediately stretched out his hand to pinch it, and soon discovered that there was actually a layer of interlayer on the inside of the pants.

He tore open the interlayer and found that there were two pieces of silk with writing on them, a few yellow pills, a yellow talisman, and a waist card.

Fang Linyan then searched and found that there was no other harvest. After thinking about it, he asked Rubes to carry the body to the river and throw it away.

While he continued to trace Zhou Zhuo's bloodstains, he started to retrieve the things on the silk.

What was written on the first piece of silk was:

secret order

To the sixth office of Qintiansi

According to current investigation, pedestrians often go missing in Youjiang County/Tianyang County. According to survivors’ oral accounts, an inn will occasionally appear near the official road after dusk and disappear at dawn.

The name of the inn is Gaojia Inn. The hotel is built on the mountain. The main structure is built in the middle of the mountain. It is quite grand and spacious.

It is suspected that there is a psychedelic circle near this inn. People who see the inn will feel hungry and thirsty and enter it directly.

The proprietress responsible for hospitality will warmly entertain travelers who stray into the place and actively promote the specialty roast pig in the store. Anyone who eats this dish will definitely die.

Of the only three survivors, two had been vegetarians since childhood, and one was seriously ill, so none of them had eaten this food.

According to the calculations of Lord Qin Tianjian Fu, this Gaojia Inn was built by a big demon, and the heart of this big demon was the main ingredient for refining the immortal elixir for the emperor.

When the Sixth Division receives the order, it will immediately send people to investigate without any mistakes.



The second piece of silk was written with a record.

Since I arrived in Tianyang County on the 16th, I have discovered that there are indeed strange events circulating in the Gaojia Inn.

After a detailed investigation of the survivors, it was discovered that what was stated in the secret order was wrong. In fact, there were people who had not eaten the roast pig and were left here forever.

The reason the survivors survived was that they were all turmeric traders.

The monsters there hate the smell of turmeric.

So when I go to investigate, I will definitely sprinkle turmeric powder on my body, which should be able to ward off evil spirits.

According to my investigation, that big demon is really very advanced, probably around eight or nine hundred years ago, and it already has a powerful magic weapon in its hand!

This big monster is currently preparing to summon all the monsters around it in the name of its birthday in seven days. It seems that it wants to become the monster king.


The waistband is very simple. It says Si Shi Er on the front and A Kun on the back.

It should be his proof of identity.

Fang Linyan looked at the yellow pills in his hand and thought that this should be the turmeric powder mentioned by A Kun, the secret agent of Qin Tiansi's Sixth Division.

It seems that this thing is still somewhat useful, at least it saved his body from being eaten alive by monsters.

However, the use of this method is still limited. It is estimated that it can only disgust monsters but cannot ward off evil spirits.

It is equivalent to feeding a bad wolf with a lot of manure. It may prevent the hunter from eating the wolf meat, but it does not prevent the hunter from breaking its neck at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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