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Chapter 34 Captain?

Seeing an enemy yelling strangely, he took out a dagger and rushed towards him. Fang Linyan gently let go of his stabbing and kicked him on the knee.

The guy's face suddenly turned pale, and he immediately staggered a few steps, but before he had time to breathe, Fang Linyan had already taken another big step forward and kicked him accurately on the knee.

The key is that it is still the same position, still the place where the severe pain came from before.

Immediately after this kick, there was a crisp sound of "click"! The guy's lips turned white from the pain immediately, and he knelt down because the pain in his knees could no longer support his weight.


A sneer appeared on Fang Linyan's lips. He had considered the other party's madness before.

It seems that this thing is very cool, but it is not something produced in space. It can't completely violate the laws of physics and instantly repair the abnormal state like a full recovery, right?

I'm going to break one of your legs first, and it's a direct fracture. Let's see if you can catch up with me and blow yourself up after you go berserk?

Soon, Muba felt something was wrong, because after two of his men rushed forward, in front of the young man with an indifferent expression, they all had their right legs kicked off before they could even hold on for twenty seconds!

You must know that these two men have stayed in the cruel Siberian training camp for three full years. They have killed more than double digits of people with their bare hands. Not only that, they can even fight with people in the Rocky Mountains with only a dagger.

Giant brown bear duel.

Seeing this heart-wrenching scene, Muba gritted his teeth and waved the golden Desert Eagle in his left hand, wanting to aim and fire. Why his left hand? Because his right hand had been broken by Fang Linyan.

However, what stood in front of Muba at this time was Max, who was as silent as a wall!

At this time, Muba was in danger, and all the people were so frightened that they rushed forward to save others, without caring about formation or anything like that.

But in this chaos, it is also a good time for vultures, assassins who come and go without a trace, to do bad things.

The Vulture's position is to assassinate, pick up holes, and kill the enemy's most vulnerable person in the fastest way.

Therefore, after he escaped from danger, he immediately responded and aimed directly at Liteuk, who was responsible for communicating with the artificial AI: Venomous Fang!

This guy looks very low-key, but he is actually a core member of human-computer interaction, and he looks very easy to kill.

Not only that, but on the other hand, the vulture has discovered that this guy might be the culprit who caused him to be discovered, so if he doesn't kill him, who will he kill?

In the chaos, the vulture's shadow clone sneaked out its head again, pursed its lips at Li Teuk's side and blew, and immediately a special blow dart flew out.

This arrow had neither speed nor range, it relied on unexpected precision, and it nailed Li Teuk's neck steadily!!

Li Te felt an itch on his neck, so he just thought that the vegetation here was rich and the environment was well protected, so being bitten by a mosquito was not a big deal, so he easily ignored it.

But after just a few seconds, Li Teuk began to feel that something was not right, because he felt that something was not quite right about the things in front of him! Why did everything look like double images, and there were also...

With blood!?

After about ten seconds, Lite fell to the ground, his skin as red as a freshly cooked prawn, his chest heaving rapidly, and a large amount of blood-colored mixture flowing out from the corners of his mouth.

Obviously, Leeteuk's health is even worse than Williams...

Staying up late for a long time, masturbating, drinking Fatty Happy Water, and continuing to smoke hemp and other bad behaviors seriously emptied his body. Therefore, the toxins in his body are not easy to conquer. It is impossible to describe it as overwhelming.

Not an exaggeration.

At this time, the Rattlesnake gang was completely at a disadvantage, and the entire team's combat effectiveness had dropped by more than half.

Not only that, Muba and the two Rattlesnake soldiers whose legs were broken were treated like hostages. They had a scuffle with Fang Linyan and others, which directly caused the Rattlesnake men to not dare to shoot at will, and even to self-destruct.

You can't even use your trump cards.

The Diamondbacks are not afraid of death, but they really can't do it even if their comrades who fight side by side and live and die together are killed together!

But at this moment, a man suddenly walked out of the last Hummer.

This person also looks very ordinary. The most eye-catching thing is that there is a scar on his face, which starts from the left side of his forehead and goes straight down to the corner of his lip.

Needless to say, when this scar was still a fresh wound, this man's left eye must have been blown out. However, he did not wear an eyepatch. There was an electronic eye installed in the orbit of his left eye, which was able to expand and contract freely.

There was a layer of energy protection around this man's body. As soon as he appeared, Hakan quickly shot him with quick eyesight. However, you could see that the bullet directly hit his body surface about half a meter before being bounced away. It looked like Fang Linyan's

Athena's Blessing is quite similar.

However, immediately after, you can see that something seems to be swooping down directly from the sky, there is even a sharp whistle, and a long white smoke is dragged behind.

At first glance, this thing looks like a missile, but unless the Diamondbacks and the others want to die together with Fang Linyan and the others, it is absolutely impossible.

Soon, the white smoke thing began to spin and fall, and then the man raised his right hand high, and the thing fell directly...

Only then can we see that the thing falling from the sky is like a metal Rubik's Cube with a hole in the middle. The extremely metallic surface rotates rapidly, and then quickly covers the surface of the person's body as if it is dissolved. It looks like

It looked like it was wrapped in a very technological metal armor.

Seeing this scene, Muba and others suddenly shouted excitedly:

"team leader!"

"Kill them!"

"Cut their heads off..."

The captain of the Cobra stepped forward slowly, and suddenly two streams of flames shot out from his feet. He rushed forward at an astonishing speed and aimed at Fang Linyan with a punch!

This punch was so sudden that Fang Linyan had no time to defend himself. He flew about ten meters away and rolled on the ground several times before hitting a cycad tree next to him, breaking it with a click.

Max roared angrily and bumped towards him while holding up the tower shield, but the captain kicked off his feet and shot up, then dived down.

But at this time, he had been locked by the goat, and a series of fireballs immediately hit him. However, amid the large firework, the captain appeared to have passed through without any damage, and grabbed the goat's neck.

Lifted high.

But at this time, a strong figure from the diagonal stab also swooped out and threw the black Muba to the ground. The sharp alloy steel teeth had already been embedded in his neck. With just a little force, the neck would be cut directly.

The artery was severed.

Muba suddenly became stiff and fell into an embarrassing situation where he did not dare to move.

Even though he looks like he is charging ahead and not afraid of death, is he actually afraid of death? Of course he is!

To be able to reach the current position, earn millions of dollars a year, and have six months of paid vacation, to be honest, apart from professional players in the NBA, there is really no other career that can compare with it.

Ten years ago, Muba could bite his teeth and close his eyes to play with others' lives, but now he really can't do that.

The person who knocked down Muba was none other than Fang Linyan's trump card: Rubes!

At this time, both sides had hostages in their hands, and a melee situation had already formed, so they unanimously decided to cease fire.

The captain of the Cobra organization suddenly said:

"I let him go, and you let him go too. It's a tie today."

Fang Linyan immediately sneered:

"You said it's a tie? If the mercenary dies, I just have to pay to hire him again! You attacked my mechanical Gyrfalcon as soon as you came up. Do you know how much this prototype costs!?"

The captain said coldly:

"What do you want?"

Before Fang Linyan could speak, Omi suddenly weakly chatted to him privately:

"I can't suppress the counterattack of fate. In thirty seconds at most, this star (reverse position) will switch to the upright position, which in turn will bless the enemy!"

This chapter has been completed!
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