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Chapter 140 The Administrator’s Special Task, Star Cage

 [The man in black robe covered his buttocks, turned around angrily, wearing a familiar single-sided glasses on his old face... He is the 'librarian'.]

[‘Librarian’ sneered disdainfully when he saw that you were the one who attacked him.]

[He took out an 'Invasion Bookmark' and threw it to you...]

[You have obtained the ‘Invasion Bookmark’!]

[The 'Librarian''s eyes revealed a hint of sarcasm. He silently recited a spell and his figure gradually became translucent.]

[The red light flashes in front of your eyes, and the whole world is faintly trembling.]

【You have been invaded by unknown apostles!】

Lin Xun raised his eyebrows.

The ‘librarians’ in the game chapters are all clones.

According to the original administrator in the library, when you encounter his clone in the chapter, some additional tasks will be triggered, and after completion, the invasion permissions can be increased again.

[A figure with flashing red light appears in front of you. It is the Invader Apostle. He is holding a magic book and muttering words.]

[The powerful apostle, how should you treat him?]

[1. Force him to kneel down. If you are in a good mood, you may choose to spare his life.]

[2. Pop out the hidden sword in the gauntlet and let him know what cruelty is!]

Lin Xun was still possessed by the dancer's body at this time.

The invasion apostle seems to be a mage profession. Assassin versus mage is equivalent to professional restraint.

He pressed the body skill ‘Blood Shadow Dance’.

[You used the ‘Blood Shadow Dance Step’, and you took out smart dance steps, and the body shape gradually disappeared.]

Then click on the second option.

[You remain invisible, a sharp sword pops out of your gauntlet, and you quickly approach the intruder apostle flashing red light.]

[The intruder apostle flashing red light was about to launch an attack spell, but you suddenly disappeared...]

[You touch the back of the intruder, and the hidden sword in your hand stabs into his back!]

[You easily defeated the invasion apostle "General Inazuma Raiden" and you gained 1505 spiritual points.]

[Due to the increase in your invasion authority, you can obtain an additional item belonging to the other party's apostle.]

[You have obtained the ‘Purple Short Women’s Kimono’ (sophisticated equipment)]

[You have obtained the ‘Guardian Bookmark’ (prop)]

Get 1,500 points of spirituality for free, plus a piece of sophisticated equipment.

After successfully resisting the invasion, a guardian bookmark will be given as a gift.

Open the inventory to view.

['Purple Short Women's Kimono' (premium equipment), a lavender women's kimono. Because it is short, the hem of the kimono can only reach the top of the thigh, which is very sexy. As for why it is purple, maybe it is because my sister said purple is very sexy.

Has charm?】

Lin Xun's face was full of black lines.

The intruder is obviously a male apostle, why is there such female equipment?

Is he a crossdresser?

[The ‘Librarian’ looked you up and down, as if he didn’t expect you to be able to defeat the intruder.]

[He tells you that he will wait for you on the third floor of the Astrology Tower. As long as you can defeat the monsters on the fourth floor of the Astrology Tower to prove your strength, he will give you a special task.]

[Complete special tasks, you will not only get the benefits of increased invasion permissions, but also the most precious bookmark.]

The most precious bookmark?

Lin Xun couldn't help but think of the 'anchored bookmark', which is a bookmark that allows you to go to the subsequent chapters of the chapter you have experienced. It is very precious and the value of the bookmark is amazing.

However, if you want to receive the special mission, you must first defeat the monsters on the fourth floor of the Astrology Tower.

He retreated to the elevator.

[You step into the elevator, and the ‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’ follows closely behind.]

[You pull the lever device, and with the sound of gears biting and hinges turning, the elevator slowly rises...]

[The elevator gradually rises to the floor masonry on the third and fourth floors of the Astrology Tower. The open elevator allows you to see clearly without any obstruction. The masonry on the next floor is as thick as half a body...]

[The elevator reaches the top of the Astrology Tower and slowly stops...]

[In the hall, a huge stargazing telescope, including its base bracket, fell to the ground. The lenses of the telescope tube were broken, and the floor was covered with shards of glass.]

[The dome at the top of the tower is open, and the faint light of the stars shines through the fog.]

[You leave the elevator and step forward...]

[There is a huge spherical creature floating in the air in the center of the hall. It has no limbs and only has a giant eye that takes up most of the body.]

[Your arrival has attracted the attention of ‘Master Astrologer—Xia Mara’!]

Lin Xun twitched the corner of his mouth.

Is this giant-eyed monster a master astrologer?

He remembered that the name of this astrological tower was called 'Shyamala's Astrological Tower'.

In other words, the giant-eyed monster in front of us is the owner of the Astrology Tower.

[The giant eyes of ‘Master Astrologer—Xia Mara’ look at you, and an inexplicable light flashes in those dark giant eyes.]

[The first time you saw the form of ‘Master Astrologer—Xia Mara’, the giant black eyes made your hair stand on end. You only felt dizzy, and a sense of disordered knowledge was poured into your soul.]

[You have acquired knowledge, and your knowledge has increased by 200! Current knowledge: 1030/1100]

Damn, I almost had my head exploded!

The dancer's stealth skills are probably ineffective against giant-eyed monsters, and the amount of knowledge gained from meeting the monster for the first time has been gained.

Lin Xun quickly opened the body bar and clicked on the earth giant's body.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘fallen earth giant’!]

[With a bang, an arrow shot out and pierced the monster's huge eyeball!]

['Astrologer—Xia Mara's' giant eyes suddenly shot out a scorching light, burning the flying arrows into ashes...]

Lin Xun was very angry after losing arrows worth 100 spiritual points for no reason.

[You stride forward, jump up, and hit the monster with the 'Ancient Dragon Tooth Club' in your hand...]

[The body of ‘Master of Astrology—Xia Mara’ floats in mid-air, rising rapidly, causing your attack to fail.]

Lin Xun sneered.

He can fly, right? He has the body of a ground-to-air master, how can he let a flying eyeball be so arrogant here?

Just about to change into the body of Bishop Huang...

[‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’ drew a ‘hurricane arrow’ from her back.]

[She listened to the singing of the wind, and suddenly she drew her bow like a full moon, and the white air waves swirled and gathered at the tip of the arrow like a strong wind!]

[With a bang, the arrow tail dragged a snow-white cyclone, turned into a speeding meteor, and shot towards the monster...]

[The meteor penetrated the monster's giant eye, and with a shrill howl, the monster fell to the ground...]

[Your Watcher defeated the ‘Master of Astrology—Xia Mara’, and your experience value increased significantly!]

Well, I was killed by the Valkyrie again.

"Should I educate the Valkyrie that opportunities like this to show off should be left to the master to do it himself?"

I say this, but in my heart I feel that Valkyrie smells really good.

When I have time, I will go back to the library and buy her some powerful arrows, one with ten thousand souls.

[You have obtained the ‘unyielding little piece of spirituality’*1]

[You have obtained the ‘Giant Eyeball for Stargazing’ (rare grade)]

[You have obtained the ‘key to the treasure chest’ (key)]

[You look at the body of the monster in front of you...]

['Master of Astrology—Xia Mara', an astrologer who transformed and alienated his body, is keen on looking up at the stars and looking for knowledge that people have never obtained. In order to better observe the stars, he transplanted and transformed the eyeballs of the star monsters. It died.

The lasing power that penetrates the giant eye. Correspondence 51% (45%)]

The giant-eyed monster's body has low similarity and does not meet the requirements for possession.

Lin Xun opened the inventory and checked the loot.

The "unyielding little piece of spirituality" is worth ten thousand spirituality, which can be used as a reserve to buy arrows for the Valkyrie.

[‘Stargazing giant eyeball’ (rare grade), a magical eyeball obtained from an unknown extraterrestrial creature, that is, a star monster, has the ability to look up at the starry sky without stargazing glasses.]

[This prop needs to be used with the vacant eye socket. After use, you will definitely obtain the skill to increase the amount of knowledge.]

[This prop needs to be used with a vacant eye socket. After use, there is a certain probability of obtaining the special skill ‘Hot Star Light’.]

The ‘hot star light’ should be the scorching light used by the giant-eyed monster just now.

This skill is somewhat similar to the Yellow Bishop's "Filthy Sunlight".

If this eyeball is transplanted into Master Fa, will there be any wonderful chemical reaction?

Look at the next item.

[‘The key to the treasure chest’ (key), a key made of fine copper, can open the corresponding treasure chest.]

The first, second and third floors of the Astrology Tower have all been raided by Lin Xun, and no treasure chests were found.

In other words, the treasure chest is on the fourth floor of the Astrology Tower!

He immediately started digging three feet into the ground...

However, after searching for a long time, I only got a "book containing some knowledge".

Lin Xun frowned. The treasure chest was not on the fourth floor of the Astrology Tower. Where would it be?

Unwilling to give up, he searched for a while and saw that there was indeed no treasure chest on the fourth floor of the Astrology Tower, so he had to retreat angrily.

Take the elevator back to the third floor and find the ‘Librarian’.

[The 'Librarian' saw you returning in triumph and obtained the 'key to the treasure box'. He nodded slightly and told you that there is a secret area in the Astrology Tower...]

[The treasure chest of ‘Master Astrologer—Xia Mara’ is hidden there. After you find the secret area and open the treasure chest, he will tell you how to carry out the special mission.]

It turns out that the treasure chest is in a secret area. No wonder he can't find the treasure chest on the fourth floor of the Astrology Tower.

Lin Xun frowned and thought.

All four floors of the Astrology Tower have been developed by him... So, where is this so-called secret area?

Talk to 'Librarian' again.

[The 'librarian' raised his chin and motioned for you to find the secret area yourself. He will not tell you. If you cannot find the secret area, it means you are too stupid and not suitable for accepting special tasks.]

Good guy, being ridiculed by NPC for being stupid is really a big girl getting into a sedan chair - this is the first time.

Lin Xun returned to the elevator and returned to the first floor of the Astrology Tower to start exploring again.

I searched twice from the first floor to the fourth floor, and then from the fourth floor to the first floor, but I couldn't find the so-called secret area.

"Did the old librarian lie to me? Maybe there is no secret area in the Astrology Tower at all."

Lin Xun, who couldn't find the secret area back and forth, began to suspect that the librarian was playing tricks on him.

Immediately prepare to go to the third floor to find the librarian to settle the score.

[You step into the elevator, and the ‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’ follows closely behind.]

[You pull the lever device, and with the sound of gears biting and hinges turning, the elevator slowly rises...]

[The elevator gradually rises to the floor masonry on the first and second floors of the tower. The open elevator allows you to see clearly without any obstruction. The masonry on the next floor is as thick as half a body...]

[The elevator reaches the second floor of the Astrology Tower and stops slowly...]

Looking at the text in front of him, Lin Xun had an idea flash in his mind.

The elevator car is open. What would happen if he jumped out of the elevator when it was halfway up?

Just do whatever comes to mind and operate the elevator to return to the first floor.

Then pull the elevator lever again.

[You pull the lever device, and with the sound of gears biting and hinges turning, the elevator slowly rises...]

[The elevator gradually rises...


Lin Xun directly pressed the return option.

[You jump out of the ascending elevator and return to the first floor of the Astrology Tower.]

[‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’ looked at you blankly, as if she didn’t expect you to take such an unreasonable action.]

[The elevator continues to rise, and soon it takes the ‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’ to the second floor of the Astrology Tower.]

The Valkyrie was half a beat too slow to react and couldn't keep up with Lin Xun's pace.

But this is not the point. As long as he is summoned again, the Valkyrie will return to him.

Arrive at the original location of the elevator.

[The elevator has risen to the second floor, leaving a shaft leading to the underground level of the Astrology Tower.]

【Do you want to jump into the shaft and enter the underground level of the Astrology Tower?】

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

Sure enough!

The elevator does not have an option to go to the basement level.

Only by jumping out of the elevator car on the way up the elevator can you enter the elevator shaft leading to the underground floor.

[With the sound of gears biting and hinges turning, the elevator slowly descended...]

Will Valkyrie take the initiative to operate the elevator and return to the first floor to find him?

I can see that the elevator is descending and is about to block the shaft.

Lin Xun immediately pressed the option and chose to jump in.

【You jump into the shaft...】

[When your feet land on the ground, the height difference of only five or six meters will not cause damage to your strong body.]

[You come to the underground level of the Astrology Tower...]

[The light of the kerosene lamp illuminates the entire hall. Among the neatly arranged desks, there is a golden treasure box half a person's height.]

[You step forward slowly. The golden treasure chest is engraved with countless twinkling stars. The treasure chest alone looks valuable, let alone the treasures inside.]

[However, the treasure chest is locked by an extremely strong fine copper lock, and the treasure chest cannot be opened without the corresponding key.]

【Do you want to open the treasure chest?】

Lin Xun skillfully took out his giant stick and hammered the treasure box. He was relieved when he saw that it was not a Mimic.

[You take out the 'treasure box key' and insert it into the fine copper lock, turn it slightly, and open the lock.]

【You open the treasure chest...】

[A puff of gray smoke spurted out from it. You were choked by the smoke and coughed repeatedly. You felt dizzy and couldn't help but fall to the ground.]

Lin Xun raised a question mark.

What's going on!

Now that Mimic Monsters have been eliminated and outdated, have they been replaced by Treasure Chest Traps?

[Before you fell into coma, you vaguely saw the strange light of stars shining in the treasure box, sucking you into it...]


The game text is stuck here.

Lin Xun tried to open the body bar and change a body.

[You are currently in teleportation state and cannot possess the body!]

He slowly typed three question marks.

Delivery status?

He was sucked into the treasure chest and then teleported... to where?

[An ordinary wandering soul awakens in an ancient prison cell...]

[You have entered the ‘cage where the stars are imprisoned’!]

PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

This chapter has been completed!
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