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Chapter 144 Legendary Skill Meteor Light, Star Monsters

 [The 'Servant of the God of Knowledge' shows a kind smile, takes out something and hands it to you...]

[You have obtained the ‘Quick Reading Knowledge Scroll’ (legendary item)]

Lin Xun's eyes lit up.

Another legendary item!

Previously, when the ‘Children of the Stars’ died, they also dropped a legendary item.

[The 'Servant of the God of Knowledge' waves his staff, and a white light covers your whole body...]

[The disordered knowledge in your soul has been cleared away!]

[The upper limit of your knowledge is increased, the current knowledge is 0/2000]

[You have received the effect of ‘Blessing of Knowledge 3’, and the upper limit of knowledge has been increased again. The current knowledge amount is 0/2700]

[The 'Servant of the God of Knowledge' tells you that now it's time to say goodbye, and it will send you away from the temple and back to the place where you were before entering the 'cage of the stars'...]

[The 'Servant of the God of Knowledge' waves his staff again, and white light fills your body...]

【Start transmitting...】


【Transmission successful!】

[Ordinary wandering souls wake up in the astrological tower...]

[The light of kerosene lamps illuminates the hall. There are many desks and small planetariums in the hall.]

[At the end of the hall is a fine copper elevator, which can lead to the second floor of the tower.]

【Are you going to take the elevator or exit the Astrology Tower?】

Lin Xun ignored the text options, but quickly opened the items and checked the loot.

The first is the items dropped by the ‘Children of the Stars’ after their death.

['The dried spirituality of the Children of the Stars' (special spiritual props): The extremely powerful spirituality that remains on the body of the god is what was left after the death of the 'Children of the Stars'. For some reason, the spirituality that should have been full at this time seems a bit...

Withered, as if it had been squeezed too much.]

[Using this prop, you can get 500,000 points of spirituality. You can also add this spirituality when forging body equipment. There is a certain probability that the awakening effect will occur and related additional attributes will be generated.]

Lin Xun's eyes widened.

After using the spiritual props of ‘Children of the Stars’, you can gain a full 500,000 spiritual points!

This is the result of the 'Child of the Stars' being squeezed out of all his strength in the cage. If the 'Child of the Stars' were at full health, I can't imagine how much spirituality he would gain by using this item... One million? Or three to five hundred?


He thought for a moment and decided that he was not going to use this prop for spiritual purposes at the moment.

As a god, even the weakest lower god who has been drained dry, the special spiritual awakening effect should be quite extraordinary.

Spirituality can be earned slowly, but the awakening effect of equipment is hard to come by.

Using this spirituality to awaken equipment will definitely make the equipment extremely powerful.

Let’s look at the next item, which is a legendary item!

['Light of Falling Stars' (Legendary Item): Nothing in the world can last forever, not even the eternal stars. When a star falls, it will erupt with the most brilliant light in its life.]

[Specify the body to use this prop, and this body will understand the powerful skill called "Light of the Meteor"!]

['Light of the Meteor' (legendary skill): The light that blooms when a star falls has extremely powerful destructive power! Using this skill, you can release a destructive starlight containing the power of a meteor, which requires a long time of chanting and casting. (Spell


Lin Xun's eyes lit up.

This item can be used to master the legendary skill called "Light of the Meteor", which is undoubtedly the exclusive skill of Master Fa.

However, he noticed that 'Light of the Meteor' requires a long time of chanting and casting, which means that this skill has considerable limitations.

Although the Bishop’s shell equipment ‘Bishop’s Crown’ can slightly increase the casting speed. However, it is only a sophisticated shell equipment, so the increase in casting speed can only be said to be better than nothing.

Lin Xun opened the body bar.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘Yellow Bishop of the Sunken White Moon Church’!]

Click on ‘Light of Falling Stars’.

[Using this prop will make the current body realize the body skill ‘Light of the Meteor’. Do you want to continue to use this prop?]

Of course, Lin Xun clicks to continue using it.

[The current quality of the body is too low. Using this prop will reduce the quality of comprehension skills. Do you want to continue to use this prop?]

Lin Xun slowly typed three question marks.

Open the panel of the Bishop in Yellow. The quality of the body is still rare, which seems to be lower than the powerful skills of legendary quality.

The body of the Bishop in Yellow has been with him for a long time, and he got this body not long after entering the Blood Sun World.

Before acquiring the Earth Giant, Bishop Huang also had a very powerful body, defeating countless BOSS.

But compared with the epic earth giant, this body has gradually become a tactical supplement.

"Unconsciously, even the bishop in yellow has fallen behind..."

Lin Xun sighed, put away the props, and continued to check the next prop.

[‘The lubricating mucus of the Children of the Stars’ (material), the mucus dripping from the surface of the smooth arms and legs, this is not ordinary mucus, this is the mucus of the gods!]

He twitched the corner of his mouth.

['Quick Reading Scroll of Knowledge' (legendary item), a scroll as white as snow with flashing characters engraved on it, containing unimaginably complex knowledge.]

[Specifying the body to use this item will greatly increase the casting speed of the body! Spells chanted for a short time will be activated instantly without chanting, and spells chanted for a long time will also greatly shorten the chanting time.]

Lin Xun looked at this prop thoughtfully.

The 'Servant of the God of Knowledge' must have known that he had obtained the 'Light of the Meteoric Star', so he changed the reward for joining the oath into a 'Quick Reading Scroll of Knowledge' to help him improve his strength.

However, this ‘Light of the Meteor’ cannot be learned by the Bishop in Yellow…

He tried to learn the 'Light of the Meteor' from the 'Earth Giant'.

The text of the underworld game shows that the earth giant's body is of sufficient quality, but this body is not suitable for learning this skill, and forced learning will also reduce the quality of the skill.

Lin Xun suddenly thought that the astrologers in the Astrology Tower were also mages. Could it be that most of the scholars and bachelors in this world were mages?

He also has an unexplored driving map to the ‘Multi-viewing School Association’.

There may be a more powerful Master there!

Just as Lin Xun was about to exit the astrology tower, he suddenly remembered that he still had something to do.

Take the elevator at the end of the hall to the third floor of the Astrology Tower.

[The elevator reaches the third floor of the tower and slowly stops...]

[In the hall, as on the second floor, there are many desks and small planetariums, but the black-robed figure stationed here has disappeared at this time.]

He frowned.

The librarian ran away?

"Shouldn't it?"

According to the Apostle Forum, in the game chapter, the administrators the Apostles met were all clones of the original person in the library.

These avatars are not very powerful and have different memories. Each administrator avatar you encounter is a different existence and has a different personality.

You cannot judge whether the administrators in this world treat the apostles well or evil based on how you met the administrators in the previous world.

But one thing is common to all administrators, that is, as long as the tasks issued by the administrator are completed, the administrator will give corresponding rewards to the apostles even if they are unwilling.

There will definitely be no such thing as breaking one’s promise not to give rewards or letting go after completing a task.

Lin Xun had already opened the treasure chest and explored the 'cage where the stars are imprisoned' as the administrator said. The administrator should show up and give him a reward.

After thinking for a moment, he came to the underground floor of the Astrology Tower again.

[You come to the underground level of the Astrology Tower...]

[The light of the kerosene lamp illuminates the entire hall. Among the neatly arranged desks, there is a large golden treasure box half a person's height tightly closed.]

[You step forward slowly. The golden treasure chest is engraved with countless twinkling stars. The treasure chest alone looks valuable, let alone the treasures inside.]

【Do you want to open the treasure chest?】

Lin Xun has a black question mark on his face.

Wasn't the treasure chest opened by him before? Why was it closed again?

Will opening the treasure chest this time spew out some unknown objects and teleport him away...

Open the inventory and summon the Valkyrie.

[You take out the 'fine copper sand mallet' and shake it gently...]

[With the beautiful rhythm of rustling sounds, you summon the Watcher ‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’.]

[A beautiful long-haired girl walks from the void. She is wearing a short lavender kimono, with a pair of huge copper wings on her back...]

When she was transported to the 'Temple of Knowledge' in the cage, the Valkyrie automatically canceled the summons and did not die in the cage.

He checked Valkyrie's combat instructions and confirmed again. There were no combat instructions similar to opening a treasure chest.

Lin Xun directly pressed ‘Open Treasure Box’.

The 'cage that imprisoned the stars' has collapsed and disappeared, and there is probably no place to send the treasure box to him.

【You open the treasure chest...】

[There was a faint sound of gears biting underground, and there was nothing in the huge treasure box. With the sound, the bottom of the treasure box shrank and disappeared, revealing a stone staircase leading to the underground.]

[You step into the treasure chest and walk down the stone steps...]

[‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’ holds a long bow and follows you step by step...]

[Soon you will arrive at the second underground floor of the Astrology Tower along the stone steps.]

[In the hall, there are more than a dozen fine copper cages placed against the wall, and only the ferocious bones that have long since decayed remain.]

[On the open space in the center of the hall, huge characters are painted. The characters are not white, but bright red, giving people a creepy feeling.]

[An old man in black robe is leaning on a fine copper cage, holding a book, reading and waiting. From time to time he blows his beard and stares, impatiently pushing the unilateral glasses on the bridge of his nose. He seems to be here.

Waiting for a long time.】

[The 'Librarian' stared at you when he saw you, and loudly complained about your stupidity. The secret area of ​​the Astrology Tower is in the shaft under the elevator. Such a simple question has puzzled you for so long.]

[He is impatient to wait here. If you still want to carry out special tasks, hurry up and complete the tasks without wasting his time.]

Lin Xun frowned.

The 'librarian' seemed unaware that he was transported by the treasure chest to the 'cage where the stars are imprisoned'.

The content of the conversation with him still remained in the process of finding the secret area in the Astrology Tower, opening the treasure chest, and then accepting the special mission.

"Is this old man pretending, or does he really not know?"

He thought carefully.

According to the astrologer's memory, Shyamala did finally see the 'real stars', that is, the 'children of the stars' or other gods among the stars.

However, according to the strength of Xia Mara, the owner of the Astrology Tower, he is not able to connect the teleportation array of the treasure box to the 'cage where the stars are detained'.

Moreover, the teleportation array of the treasure box seems to be only effective for him, and the 'librarian' can pass through the treasure box safely and reach the second floor of the astrology tower, waiting for him to carry out a special mission.

Who asked him to go to the 'cage where the stars are imprisoned'? Is it the administrator, the 'bright stars' or the 'omnipotent true knowledge'...

Lin Xun couldn't figure it out for the time being, but he could rule out a wrong answer.

[You strode forward, waiting to receive the special task. The 'Librarian''s face brightened slightly, and he told you that the characters carved on the ground in the center of the hall were the magic circles used by the owner of the Astrology Tower to imprison the star monsters.]<


[If you can defeat the star monsters released after he activates the magic circle, then you will have completed the special mission.]

【Do you want to accept the special task of ‘librarian clone’? 】

Why not accept the reward if there is one?

Lin Xun was possessed by an earth giant at this time, and there was a Valkyrie beside him with explosive fighting power. The little star monsters were still easy to capture.

Press ‘yes’ without hesitation.

[The 'Librarian' held up his single-sided glasses and sneered, his eyes becoming more and more sarcastic. He put down the book in his hand and silently recited a spell...]

[The character array in the center of the hall flashes bright red, and with the sound of spells, the entire hall is enveloped in bloody light...]

[The blood light became brighter and brighter. The 'librarian' stopped reciting the incantation silently, ducked to the corner of the hall, and began to recite another incantation in his mouth. His figure gradually became translucent...]

[The hall is filled with blood, and the blood on the ground in the center is the brightest. Something in the characters seems to be about to break out of the ground!]

[An extremely ferocious monster appears in the center of the characters. It has huge horns on its head and chewing mouthparts. The upper ridge of its black carapace is arched and dotted with twinkling stars.]

[This huge monster looked up to the sky and let out a roar, as if the stars in the sky were attracted...]

[The first time you saw the form of the ‘Star-horned Rhinoceros’, the twisted form made your hair stand on end. You only felt dizzy, and a sense of disordered knowledge was poured into your soul.]

[You have acquired knowledge, and your knowledge has increased by 500! Current knowledge: 500/2700]

[The 'Librarian''s eyes under the monocle are even more excited, staring at the star monsters...]

[You raise the ‘Ancient Dragon Tooth Club’ in your hand, and the muscles all over your body swell...]

[‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’ placed an arrow on the bowstring, closed her dark golden eyes, and tilted her ears slightly, as if listening to the whisper of the wind...]

[‘Star-horned Rhinoceros’ roared to the sky, and then fell suddenly, the light in its eyes disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, it lost all life...]

[‘Star-horned Rhinoceros’ is dead and you have not gained experience points.]

[You have obtained the ‘unyielding little piece of spirituality’*1]

[You have obtained ‘Starlight-embellished carapace’ (material)]

[You have obtained ‘emerald green biological fluid’ (prop)]

Lin Xun:?



Why did this monster die before being beaten?

This chapter has been completed!
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