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Chapter 146 New spell skills, Multi-vision School Association

 [You defeated the apostle ‘Talking about fate but not about origin’! You gained 3450 spiritual points.]

[Due to the increase in your invasion authority, you can obtain two additional items from the opponent's apostle.]

[You obtained ‘Plasma Battery’*1 (ammunition)]

[You got an ‘old photo frame’ (scrap)]

[Due to the special power of the ‘Sacred Relic Bookmark’, you will randomly obtain a sacred relic of the apostle!]

[You have obtained the ‘Type 1 Holy Artifact Fragment (Deep Space Dream)’!]

【You are returning to your chapter...】

"It's really a cruelty..."

Lin Xun used the 'Holy Bookmark' and defeated the opponent's apostle without any surprise.

He followed the principle of fighting a lion against a rabbit and using all his strength. During the PK, he even summoned the Valkyrie for fear of accidentally overturning.

As a result, the opponent was instantly killed.

The enemy apostle dropped two items because he used the 'Librarian's Monocle' to increase his invasion authority.

After the invasion authority is upgraded, two items will be dropped by defeating the apostle.

It's just that I wasn't very lucky this time. The enemy apostles didn't reveal any valuable items except holy items.

Open the inventory to view the holy objects you just obtained.

['Type 1 Holy Artifact Fragment (Deep Space Dream)': Equipping this holy object can increase your soul, and the increase effect is 10%!]

This holy object is type 1, which is produced in the first difficulty chapter.

Lin Xun is equipped with Type 2 and Type 3 holy items at this time, and is still missing a Type 1 holy item.

[You are equipped with ‘Type 1 Holy Artifact Fragment (Deep Space Dream)’!]

【Your soul is stronger!】

Open the apostle panel and see that the holy objects column has changed.

[Holy Object: ‘Type 1 Holy Object Fragment (Deep Space Dream)’]

[Holy Object: ‘Type 2 Holy Object Fragment (Corruption Mire)’]

[Holy Object: ‘Type 3 Ultimate Holy Object (Filthy Bloody Sun)’]

[Cumulative soul increase: 70%]

After equipping three holy objects, the soul increase has reached 70%

It's a pity that the sacred object he just obtained is only an S-level sacred object fragment. If he replaces it with an SSS-level ultimate sacred object, his soul increase will exceed 100%, and his soul strength will also increase a little more.

"Dong dong dong~"

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the rental house.

Lin Xun turned off the game, stood up and opened the door.

A cool-looking woman wearing a skirt and black stockings is standing at the door.

Li Xingyue walked into the rental house and saw the clean house. Liu Meishu smiled and said: "Remembered to clean the house?"

The female boss reminded him.

The one who cleaned the room was an 'auxiliary maid doll'. Now the maid doll has become a 'battle angel - Valkyrie'. I wonder if her ability to do housework has deteriorated.

Lin Xun thought for a moment and understood the purpose of the female boss's visit.

"Team Leader Li, is there any news from the headquarters?"

"Not bad." The black stocking lady sat on the sofa. The black stockings under her skirt covered her beautiful legs, which were round and attractive. "Tomorrow is the deadline for the task given to you by Yamos. In order to improve your status in the new world,

In order to obtain more intelligence. The headquarters decided to let you attack the armed group..."

Lin Xun's eyes widened: "Do you really want to blow up the armed group? Is the price too high? And what about the security officers who are ordinary people?"

"You don't have to worry. Since the headquarters has arranged for you to continue carrying out Yamos's mission, you must be fully prepared." Li Xingyue said, and a prop appeared in his hand.

It was a palm-sized miniature landscape model, like a sandbox model of a sales office. There were landscapes and buildings in the model, which were lifelike.

['Utopia far away from the world' (legendary item): Utopia is the final habitat of great heroes, a mysterious paradise in the other world, guarded by nine magic fairies. Using this item, you can specify the creation

The illusion called 'Utopia'. This illusion will not be destroyed until the nine magical fairies in Utopia die.]

Lin Xun looked at this prop and said thoughtfully: "Team Leader Li, is this for acting?"

"Yes, it's just acting."

Li Xingyue flipped her wrist and took back the props: "Yamos will soon be selected as the eleventh disciple. This person's methods and mind cannot be underestimated. It is impossible to gain his trust without paying a price.

, the organization can only minimize the cost."

"Before you use the 'Source of Doom' in the Public Security Department, the organization will transfer all the ordinary people in the Public Security Department, and then use this prop to create an illusion. Even if people in the new world observe in the dark, they will not be able to find any clues."<


"But in order to make the acting realistic, the organization will allow a small number of security officers to be 'sacrificed' in the pollution created by the source of doom. After this incident, they will change their identities and become behind-the-scenes staff."

Lin Xun nodded, knowing that the organization had made arrangements, so he naturally had no objection.

"Before tonight, the organization will transfer ordinary people in the Public Security Department. At twelve o'clock at midnight, you will bring Amos to give you the 'Source of Doomsday' and go to the Public Security Department to create a contaminated area."

"At that time, the apostles of the armed group will fight against the pollution with all their strength..."

After chatting about business, Lin Xun noticed that the black stockings worn by his female boss today were different from those in the past. They were not smooth stockings, but ones with letters embroidered on them.

Her slender legs are wrapped in black stockings, and her calves form a seductive arc.

"Does it look good?"

The lady in black silk stockings sat on the sofa, crossed her legs, and said something out of nowhere.

"It's beautiful...it would be a pity not to use three wheels with such beautiful legs."

Li Xingyue rolled her eyes charmingly, waved her hand, stood up and said goodbye to Lin Xun, leaving the rental house, leaving only the faint fragrance of violet on the sofa.

Seeing his beautiful boss being driven away by his incomprehensible charm, Lin Xun smiled and took out his cell phone...

Book of Salvation, start!

【You have entered the doomsday chapter.】

【Chapter 82740874】

[An ordinary wandering soul wakes up in a transplant clinic...]

There are still some eyeballs in his inventory.

Find Bennett on the first floor of the clinic and re-transplant the 'eyeball of the pale dragon of the ancient wise man' back to the earth giant.

He thought for a moment and transplanted the remaining 'stargazing giant eyeballs' and 'underground compound-eyed demon's eyeballs' to the yellow-robed bishop.

[You have successfully transplanted the ‘giant eyeball for stargazing’]

[You have successfully transplanted the ‘eyeball of the underground compound-eyed demon’]

[You slowly open your eyes...]

【Everything that comes into view becomes clearer, and even the dust in the air cannot escape your eyes.】

[Due to the special nature of the new eyeballs, you vaguely feel that you have a unique ability.]

[You have obtained the body skill ‘Knowledge Seizing’]

[Knowledge Capture (Rare Level), everyone has an endless desire for knowledge, and exploring knowledge is the only meaning of life. Turning on this skill can greatly increase the amount of knowledge gained.]

[You have obtained the eyeball’s special skill ‘Hot Star Light’ (rare level)]

[Hot Star Light (rare grade), the light released by scorching stars, has powerful burning power! Using this skill, you can release a ray that gathers scorching starlight, and requires a short time to chant and cast.]

[You have obtained the eyeball’s special skill ‘Illusory Knowledge Infusion’ (epic level)]

['Illusory knowledge infusion' (epic level), infuse your own complex knowledge into others. People with insufficient brain capacity will suffer huge trauma. Using this skill, you can cause damage to the target according to the upper limit of your knowledge.

The higher the upper limit of knowledge, the higher the damage caused to the target. This skill does not require casting time.]

‘Hot Star Light’ is a skill from the ‘Stargazer’s Giant Eyeball’. It is only one word different from ‘Meteor Star Light’, but its power is completely different.

One is a rare skill and the other is a legendary skill, so naturally they cannot be compared.

It is worth mentioning that the ‘Dirty Sunlight’ that the Bishop in Yellow comes with is only of rare quality, and the newly obtained ‘Hot Star Light’ is one level higher than it and should be more powerful than the ‘Filthy Sunlight’.

The skill called 'Illusive Knowledge Infusion' comes from the smelting plant owner's 'Underground Compound Eye Demon's Eyeball'. It is an epic skill that can be released without casting time, which greatly increases the combat effectiveness of the Yellow Bishop.<


Moreover, this skill will increase in power as Lin Xun's upper limit of knowledge increases, making it a powerful skill that can grow.

After the eyeball transplantation, Lin Xun packed up and left the transplant clinic.

[At the entrance of the clinic, there is a brass carriage parked.]

[The brass horse’s eyes look at you, and a stream of hot water vapor spurts out from its nose from time to time.]

[Behind the carriage, there is an overwhelming white fog, a vast expanse of white that occupies the rest of your field of vision.]

【Are you going to step into the fog and explore, or board a carriage?】

[When you come to the carriage, the carriage door opens to the left and right by itself.]

[You step onto the brass steps extending from the bottom of the carriage and step inside...]

[Please select the destination you want to go to...]

【1. Diss Academy of Multi-viewing School】

【2.Doll Factory】

【3. Refined copper smelting plant】

【4. Multiview School Association】

The first three options have been explored, and Lin Xun directly pressed the fourth option.

[You give the order to the brass horse to go to the ‘Multi-viewing School Association’.]

[As the carriage door closes, the carriage moves slowly in a certain direction.]

During this period, he encountered a giant monster again in the fog, and Lin Xun resisted the urge to open the door and get out of the car to spawn monsters.

At present, he has obtained another holy object, which increases his body body by 10%.

But I guess I still can't beat the giant monster in good condition, so I can only wait to strengthen my own strength before getting the divine items.

His goal is the body of the powerful academic (fa) scholar (ye) in the association.

As long as you can obtain a high-quality body, you can learn the legendary skill ‘Light of the Meteor’.

Using legendary skills to defeat giant monsters should have a good winning rate.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the carriage successfully arrived at its destination.

[The carriage slowly stops, the carriage door opens by itself, and you slowly get out of the car...]

[A huge brass fence door appeared in the pale fog, connected to tall fence walls on the left and right. A tall and magnificent building inside the wall was looming in the fog.]

【Do you want to push open the brass fence door and enter the ‘Multiple Vision School Association’?】

Lin Xun thought for a while and summoned the Valkyrie first.

Without Valkyrie by my side, I always feel a little insecure.

[You take out the 'fine copper sand mallet' and shake it gently...]

[With the beautiful rhythm of rustling sounds, you summon the Watcher ‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’.]

[A beautiful long-haired girl walks from the void. She is wearing a short lavender kimono, with a pair of huge copper wings on her back...]

[You step forward and slowly open the door...]

[The harsh crunching sound echoed in the silent mist...]

[The huge noise seems to have attracted the attention of some creatures, and figures in the mist are approaching you.]

[Soon, several shambling figures gradually became clear!]

[‘Knowledge-seeking association guards’ charge at you with their spears raised...]

【Are you going to turn around and run away, or are you going to step forward to meet the enemy?】

At this time, Lin Xun was still possessing the body of the bishop in yellow, and a few monsters came to his door for him to test his new skills.

Give the Valkyrie the command to mount the battle.

['Battle Angel - Valkyrie' walks up behind you, stretches out his hands and gently hugs you around the waist. The fine copper wings behind his back flutter, whipping up the strong wind, and takes you flying into the air...]

Check in the panel and click ‘Hot Star Light’!

[You raise the ‘Thunder Dragon Staff Spear’ and recite the spell silently...]

[The shining starlight gathered at the tip of the staff, and the thunderous starlight flashed...]

[You have defeated the ‘Knowledge-seeking Association Guard’, and your experience points have increased slightly!]

[You are flying in the air, and the guards on the ground are jumping on the spot with their spears, stabbing at you, but they can't even touch the corners of your clothes...]

Lin Xun changed skills again and clicked 'Illusive Knowledge Infusion'.

[You open the dense eyes on your face, and countless complex characters rush toward the monster...]

[A guard who was stabbing with a gun suddenly froze on the spot, and with a bang, his head exploded...]

[You have defeated the ‘Knowledge-seeking Association Guard’, and your experience points have increased slightly!]

Several mobs are too weak and can be killed instantly with one hit using skills, failing to achieve the purpose of testing strength.

Lin Xun canceled the ride and gave battle instructions to the Valkyrie.

[‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’ takes you to the ground, retracting its fine copper wings.]

[She quickly pulled out several arrows from her back, placed them on the giant bow one after another, pulled the bow and shot the arrows, and the sound of the bowstring vibrating could be heard...]

[Your watcher defeats the ‘Knowledge-seeking Association Guard’, and the experience value will increase slightly!]

[Your watcher defeats the ‘Knowledge-seeking Association Guard’, and the experience value will increase slightly!]


The Valkyrie killed several mobs with three strikes, five divided by two.

[You look at the body facing the monster...]

['Knowledge-seeking association guard', a young guard employed by the Multi-viewing School Association, possesses ordinary martial arts. In its empty eye sockets, the eyes have long been gouged out. It died from the arrow nailed to the heart. Xiangxing


Lin Xun threw away the astrologer's body and replaced it with the guard's body.

I opened the panel and took a look, then closed it immediately.

This kind of monster body can be used as a scapegoat, and you can't expect the monster to have any unnatural attributes.

[You continue to walk towards the inside of the ‘Multi-viewing School Association’...]

[Outside the brass fence door behind you, deafening footsteps gradually come...]

[The sound of footsteps is getting closer and closer, and a huge creature appears faintly in the mist. It seems to have discovered you and is gradually approaching the 'Multi-viewing School Association'...]

"Damn! Why is the deranged monster here!"

At present, he can't defeat the giant monster, so he can only run away first.

Lin Xun didn't have time to think more, so he rode on the Valkyrie and escaped.

[The brass fence wall surrounding the 'Multi-viewing School Association' suddenly emitted a dazzling white light, and countless finger-thick knowledge gratings were pulled up from the ground, protecting the entire association!]

[The 'knowledge-seeking deranged monster' wants to enter the association, but is blocked by the knowledge grating and cannot move forward!]

[It roared angrily, and the loud noise made you dizzy.]

[‘The confused monster seeking knowledge’ has been lingering outside the knowledge grating for a long time, unwilling to leave...]

Lin Xun's eyes lit up and he stopped riding.

The giant monster can't come in, can he shrink into the solid knowledge grating and use magic to spawn monsters from a distance!

He did whatever he thought of, opened the panel and clicked on skills...

This chapter has been completed!
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