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Chapter 158 Looking directly at the body of the association president, the strongest master!

 "Three-headed lion...I'm sorry!"

[You take out the 'copper whistle', put it to your mouth and blow it...]

【You cannot summon two creatures at the same time!】

[With a crisp whistle, you summon the ferocious and strong ‘Three-Headed Lion of Sinking’.]

[The figure of ‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’ dissipated into the void...]

[The 'Three-Headed Lion of Sinking' appears next to you. It bared its teeth fiercely at the Grand Scholar behind you, and then turned its six eyes to see the huge thing looming in the mist.]

[Then it looks at you with complex eyes, its eyes are deep. Without waiting for you to issue a battle command, it suddenly rushes towards the 'knowledge-seeking enigmatic monster overlord'...]

[Its figure disappeared into the mist, and soon you heard its roar and the deafening footsteps of the giant monster.]

[The huge, deformed body in the fog begins to move, heading in a certain direction. You know that the direction the giant monster is traveling is the direction in which the three lions are escaping...]

"This kid is so sensible, he has learned to be fully automatic..."

Lin Xun actually felt a little sad for the three lions at this moment.

Shake your head and quickly get rid of distracting thoughts.

Now that time is running out and there is no time to think too much, the top priority is to go find President Direct Eyes!

[You were about to take the ‘Grand Bachelor of the Knowledge-seeking Association’ to the ruins, but unexpectedly it smiled coldly and refused to search for the president with you.]

[It bluntly said that now that your powerful puppet is not around, you are still far from done if you want it to do things for you based on your strength alone.]

[It threatens you to immediately hand over the brass carriage beacon and give it the command of the carriage, otherwise don’t blame it for being cruel!]

[Are you going to give it the ‘Brass Carriage Beacon’?]

Good guy! At the critical moment, this guy will fall out faster than turning the page in a book.

Lin Xun smiled angrily, opened the inventory, and clicked on the props.

[You take out a scroll. The paper of the scroll seems to be made of the skin of some legendary creature. The terrifying power of thunder and lightning surrounds the scroll. It seems that as long as the scroll is torn open, the wild thunder power in it will destroy everything!

[The ‘Grand Bachelor of the Knowledge-Seeking Direct Gaze Association’ stiffened and explained with a change of expression. It just made a harmless joke with you, and now it will immediately take you to find the president in the ruins!]

[Speaking, it was afraid that you would kill it directly in anger, so it hurriedly ran forward to lead the way.]

[Soon you arrived in front of the ruins of the association building. The 'Grand Master of the Association who seeks knowledge looked directly at the association' pointed to the front with a surprised expression, which was piled up like a hill of rubble and bricks.]

[It quickly explains to you that the president is under this pile of ruins. When it escaped before, there were still some gaps under the ruins, and you can get in and out just by curling up.]

[Perhaps the 'Mysterious Overlord' just walked over the ruins and stepped on the hill a little tighter, causing the gaps to disappear.]

[It quickly advises you that if you want to find the president now, you must first remove the rocks. This is definitely a big project and cannot be completed in a short time.]

[While the ‘Mysterious Overlord’ has not returned yet, you’d better go back to the carriage with it first, so as not to be unable to leave even if you want to...]

【Do you want to evacuate and return to the carriage?】

The running speed of the three-headed lion is far slower than that of the giant monster.

Although the death text of the three lions has not yet been transmitted, there is probably not much time left to act!

The situation before us is exactly as the dean, the Grand Master, said.

He wanted to move away the hill-like ruins and search for the president, but he would definitely not be able to finish it in less than ten days and a half.

But if he just returned without success and left first, Lin Xun would be unwilling to do so.

If after he leaves, the troll finds the president under the ruins and devours him... the president's body will say goodbye to him.

His brain was working rapidly and he quickly came up with countermeasures!

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘fallen earth giant’!]

Quickly open the panel and use the earth giant's body talent to maximize your size!

[Your body is good at facing the wind, and you will soon become a huge giant nearly thirty meters tall!]

[The hill-like ruins in front of you are just a small mound to you now.]

[You wave the ‘Ancient Dragon Teeth Giant Stick’ that grows in size in your hand, and with a loud bang, rocks fly all over the sky!]

[You sweep away the small mound of soil in a few strokes, revealing a tiny spot of light underneath.]

[You squat down your huge body and look down. It is a 'knowledge grating'. The grating protects a tiny person who collapsed on the ground. Its legs have disappeared from the knees down, and the whiteness of snow can be faintly seen among the blurred flesh and blood.

Bone stubble.]

[Your summoned creature ‘The Three-Headed Lion of Sinking’ has died!]

Lin Xun was overjoyed to see the president, but his heart sank when he saw the text that the three lions were dead.

[The 'President of the Direct Gazing Association for Knowledge' saw the great bachelor escaping from the ruins alone, and returned with you, a giant he had never seen before, to save him. His expression was very complicated.]

[It raised its hand with difficulty and removed the knowledge grating, signaling you to take it away from this place quickly...]

Lin Xun knew that time waits for no one, and the giant monster may return here at any time.

He felt cruel, changed his body shape back to normal, and equipped the Earth Giant with the Dancer's Hidden Blade.

[Your body size shrinks and becomes the size of a normal person in the blink of an eye.]

[You looked directly at the president who collapsed on the ground in front of you, dragging two broken legs, and stepped forward to set it up without saying a word.]

[The ‘President of the Knowledge-Seeking Direct Gaze Association’ looks at you gratefully, and then his two weird eyes of different colors widen, his lips purse, but he cannot say a word.]

[The light in its eyes is dim, and its head hangs weakly...]

[You pull out the hidden sword that pierces its chest, and wave your hand to scatter a patch of blood.]

[You defeated the ‘Knowledge-seeking Direct Gaze Association President’, and your experience points increased tremendously!]

[The power within the body begins to boil, and the body level of the ‘Sunken Earth Giant’ increases. The current body level is: 43]

[You have obtained ‘a small piece of spirituality of enlightenment’*1]

[You have obtained the ‘Direct Gaze School Association President Badge’ (prop)]

[You have obtained the ‘Abyss Pleasure Demon’s Eyeball’ (epic-level prop)]

[You have obtained the ‘Eyeball of the Ancient King’s Crimson Dragon’ (epic-level prop)]

[You look at the crippled body of the president in front of you...]

['President of the Knowledge-seeking Direct Gaze Association', a tall and thin old man is the most powerful and status person in Sophia City. He controls the most powerful organization in this city of wisdom - the Direct Gaze School Association. It is a pity that this

The aloof figure has become a disabled person. It died from a stabbing through the left chest. Relativity: 113% (45%)]

【Do you want to possess this body?】

Lin Xun took a deep breath and threw away the naked body of a bachelor.

Then press ‘Yes’ without hesitation!

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘President of the Knowledge-Seeking Direct Gaze Association’!]

[Your eye sockets are empty, your vision is dark, and you cannot see anything. You struggle to get up, but your legs are crippled and you lose your mobility.]

[You can only crawl on the ground with your hands in the dark and crawl forward...]

Lin Xun was unable to complain about the underworld game.

What kind of eyeball is it to pop out? You have to trouble him to go to Bennett's place and transplant it back.

[In the darkness, the footsteps of some kind of giant thing were faintly heard, and the sound became louder and louder...]

"Damn! The troll is back!"

Lin Xun immediately operated quickly.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘Sunken Ancient Theater Dancer’!]

[You stood up suddenly, ignoring the 'knowledge-seeking bachelor of the association' who was already stunned beside you, and ran towards the carriage like a cheetah...]

[The ‘colorful scaly-winged boots’ under your feet are faintly shining, allowing wind to rise under your feet, allowing you to run very fast!]

['Grand Bachelor of the Direct Gazing Association for Knowledge' stared blankly at your Yi Qi Juechen's back gradually disappearing into the mist. Hearing the footsteps of the giant creature getting closer and closer to his ears, he quickly reacted. 】
【It follows your footsteps at the fastest speed in its life.】

[Soon, the carriage will appear in your sight... What's strange is that there is an exquisite brass carriage parked next to your simple carriage.]

[The door of this carriage is wide open, and a graceful female bachelor is waving to you anxiously, beckoning you to get in quickly!]

[You rush to the carriage, hold Lorna’s extended hand, and board the carriage in one step!]

[Behind you, the ‘Grand Bachelor of the Direct Gazing Association for Knowledge’ gasped for breath and even climbed onto the carriage.]

【The footsteps of the giant are close at hand!】

[The carriage door is closed, the brass carriage starts quickly, and the sudden acceleration makes you almost fall to the ground.]

[This speed is much more than twice as fast as your defective carriage!]

[The carriage quickly rushed into the fog and drove away from here...]

[The footsteps of the giant thing still stay at the ‘Direct Gaze School Association Ruins’.]

Seeing that he was finally safe, Lin Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

What he never expected was that Lorna would come to the Direct Eye Association to save him.

Lorna's carriage was obviously high-end goods. If it had been replaced by the slow starting speed of his broken car, he might have been discovered by the troll before he could escape from the crime scene...

[‘The Knowledge-seeking Bachelor of the Polysighted Association—Lona’ caressed her chest, obviously also frightened.]

[It tells you that it is teaching your puppet in the office, but the puppet suddenly disappears. It knows that you must be in trouble when you go to look directly at the association.]

[It is still waiting for your promise to be fulfilled, so naturally it cannot let you die in vain.]

[After saying this, Lorna winked at you.]

[You suddenly understand in your heart that the promise it made has two points. One is that your confession will be fulfilled, and the other is that you join forces with it to kill the ‘President of the Multi-View Association’.]

[Lona continues to tell you that it thought that after arriving at the Direct Gaze Association, it would join forces with you again to kill the Direct Gaze Association.]

[I didn’t expect that the trouble you encountered turned out to be the ‘Mysterious Monstrous Overlord’…]

[Rona paused and frowned, seeming to be shocked that a ‘confused monster overlord’ was born in Sophia City.]

[The 'knowledge-seeking Grand Bachelor of the Direct Gaze Association' on the side saw that you had another new force, and explained to Lorna with a flattering face that the Direct Gaze Association was destroyed by a troll yesterday.]

[Rona ignored the chattering and looked directly at the grand maester, but winked at you.]

[You understand Lorna’s thoughts again...]

[Are you going to join forces with Grand Maester Lorna to kill the ‘Grand Maester of the Knowledge-Seeking Direct Gaze Association’?]

Lin Xun smacked his lips, this Lorna is so considerate.

However, he has his own calculations in his heart, and now is not the time to kill people and get goods.

Press 'No' in your hand.

[Lona saw you shaking your head slightly, so she sat back in the car seat, closed her eyes and waited to return to the ‘Multi-viewing School Association’.]

[The ‘Grand Bachelor of the Knowledge-seeking Association’ on the side quickly shut up.]

Lorna's carriage is indeed a high-end product.

It takes nearly half an hour to travel from the Direct Vision Association to the Multi-View Association, and it only takes more than ten minutes to reach the destination.

Lin Xun took this moment to open the body panel with great anticipation.

View the attributes of the President of the Direct Eye Association.

[Body—President of the Knowledge-Seeking Direct Gaze Association]

[Real name: Unknown]

[Phaseality: 113% (45%) compatibility exceeds the critical point, and the quality of the body is improved!]

[Body quality: epic level]

[Body level: 50]

[Body Equipment: Knowledge Cane of Glory (Epic Level Equipment) A small wooden cane with mottled patterns on it. A shining pure white crystal is inlaid on the top of the cane. There are countless tiny characters in the crystal like a sea wave.

Surge. Wearing this equipment, the spells you release will ignore most of the enemy's spell resistance, especially causing damage to defensive knowledge skills.]

[Body equipment: Association President's robe (epic level equipment)... Wearing this equipment, you will be able to greatly increase your resistance to knowledge-based skills!]

[Hull Equipment: Pre-stored Spell Ring (Epic Level Equipment)]

[Shell Skill: Knowledge Grating (Epic Level)]

[Body Skill: Knowledge Shine (Rare Level)]

[Shell Skill: Spear of Knowledge (Epic Level)]

Looking directly at the president's body, with the bonus of his talent, it has become the same as the earth giant, reaching an astonishing epic level.

And the body level of this body is as high as level 50!

The president’s weapon ‘Knowledge Cane’ is an unexpected surprise. It can ignore the enemy’s spell resistance and cause great damage to defensive spells.

He no longer has to worry about his knowledge being too low and unable to penetrate the ‘knowledge grating’.

Looking at the rows of epic skills, Lin Xun felt a sense of accomplishment.

Only the skill "Knowledge Shine" destroys the formation, and it only has a pitiful rare level.

The same was true for the two maester bodies he had obtained before. He suspected that the upper limit of this skill was only the rare level.

Otherwise, with the strength of the president and the bachelor, this shouldn’t be the case.

Compared with the Grand Bachelor's skills, the Guild President's skills have no new body skills except for quality improvement.

After Lin Xun thought for a moment, he knew where the president was strong.

You must know that the two eyeballs exploded by the president are of epic level, and the eyeballs will definitely come with powerful special skills.

He opened the inventory and first clicked on the exclusive prop 'Leader's Appearance'.

Appoint the level 50 president as a ‘leader’!

[You have appointed the body of the ‘President of the Knowledge-Seeking Direct Gaze Association’ as your leader!]

[The body level of the follower ‘Grand Bachelor of the Knowledge-Seeking Association’ has been increased. The current body level is: 50 (5↑)]

[The body level of the follower ‘The Sunken Earth Giant’ has been increased, the current body level is: 50 (7↑)]

[The body level of the follower ‘The Yellow Bishop of the Sunken White Moon Church’ has been improved. The current body level is: 50 (28↑)]


A wave of text flooded the screen, and the levels of all the shells in the shell column were raised to level 50.

Lin Xun's strength has made a qualitative leap.

He turned to look at the two newly obtained epic eyeballs among the items.

Can’t help but look forward to the new special skills...

This chapter has been completed!
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