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Chapter 207: Colorful seashells and unintentional thieves who worship fire

【Do you want to search for available items in the cabin? 】


【You find a blueprint on the wooden table.】

[You have obtained a ‘simple navigation chart’ (map)]


[You find some fresh water and food in the barrel in the corner of the cabin.]


【You haven't found anything useful anymore.】

【Do you want to leave the cabin? 】

Lin Xun quickly opened the inventory to check.

['Simple nautical chart' (map): A nautical chart marking the route, sailing direction, sailing distance, etc. The destination is an island country surrounded by the ocean. With this map, you will be able to follow the guidance and go to the named '

Sakura's exotic land.]

"Although there are navigation charts to guide us, the ship's mast is broken and we don't know if we can still reach land."

[You exit the cabin and return to the deck...]

[The blue waves of the sea reflect the sparkling sunlight, making you unable to open your eyes. The hull of the ship rises and falls with the waves.]

[The end of the sight is still the same horizon.]

[You take out the 'simple navigation chart' and want to follow the route guidance and go to the destination. 】

[You feel the wind direction at this time, and the body skill ‘Elementary Navigation Knowledge’ comes into play...]

【As long as you raise the sail on the mast, you can use the sea breeze to sail to your destination.】

[But unfortunately, the mast has been broken, and the sails on it have been torn and damaged by the strong wind, so you can only drift with the tide. 】

[What’s even more regrettable is that the ocean current and wind direction at this time are not consistent. Going with the current will only make you farther and farther away from the ‘Sakura Falls’, and you will be lost in the endless sea forever...]

Lin Xun's eyes widened.

The underworld game presented him with an unsolvable situation.

There is no other source of power such as oars on this single-masted ship. Otherwise, with the strange strength of the earth giant, it might be possible to change the direction of the ship just by paddling.

The resources provided by the underworld game are extremely limited, and it is obviously impossible to solve the dilemma simply by relying on the 'simple navigation chart' and the body's 'primary navigation knowledge'.

Suddenly his eyes lit up.

Open the item bar and look at the 'Subspecies Sea Dragon Orb'.

Use this item to dive and swim normally.

He tries to click on the prop.

[The ‘Subspecies Sea Dragon Orb’ you are carrying is shining brightly. Do you want to jump into the sea and swim to your destination solely by human power? 】

Lin Xun clicked 'No' with a black line on his face.

The underworld game reminded him.

I don't know how far away he is from Sakura Falls. If all the bodies are exhausted and he hasn't reached the destination yet, then he may have to reduce the upper limit of his soul strength a little bit in his wandering soul state.

"The ship is broken and cannot be repaired. How do we get to Sakura Fall?"

He was lost in thought.

According to the resources currently provided by the underworld game, it is basically a dead end.

[You are bored, and suddenly you hear a woman singing faintly in the distance...]

[You walk to the stern of the boat in search of the sound, follow the singing and look into the distance, and see more than ten beautiful women playing in the sea.]

[Their nude figures exposed on the sea are so enchanting that you can’t take your eyes away.]

[The beautiful woman also noticed you standing at the stern of the boat.]

[Their eyes turned wildly, and then they dived into the sea and disappeared.]

[Just when you are sighing that the beautiful scenery is fleeting...]

[Women are popping up at the stern of the boat. The closer you are, the better you can see their beautiful faces and naked figures.]

[Through the clear sea, you find that apart from being extraordinarily beautiful, the woman is just like ordinary people. Under the water, the empty valleys, orchids and luxuriant grass are looming. 】

[Across the side of the boat, several beautiful women with different looks wave to you, inviting you to play in the water. 】

【Do you want to go into the water and experience the exotic customs? 】

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes and started operating decisively.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘President of the Knowledge-Seeking Direct Gaze Association’! 】

[You open the dense eyes on your face...]

[Countless pure white characters appear out of thin air, flocking to the woman closest to you! 】

[Her charming smile suddenly froze, and her head exploded instantly, staining the sea with blood.]

[You defeated ‘Same Princess Deep Sea’, and your experience points increased slightly! 】

[You have obtained the ‘Nishang Seashell’ (item)]

[When the remaining women saw their companions die tragically, their affectionate looks became ferocious and ferocious. They opened their red lips, revealing sharp fangs, their slender jade fingers turned into sharp claws, and their white feet under the water turned into giant tails. 】

[More than a dozen ‘Abyssal Shark Princess’ slapped their giant tails on the sea surface, then jumped up and jumped onto the boat. They waved their claws and rushed towards you...]

[You raise your staff and recite the incantation silently...]

[The pure white knowledge grating will firmly protect you!]

[The ‘Deep Sea Shark Princesses’ frequently attack you, but they are unable to break through the solid knowledge grating. 】

Lin Xun thought for a while, why not take this opportunity to try the Xiaolongren's new weapon.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘original hermit seeking knowledge’! 】

['Chain Blade - Call of the Underworld' appears in your hand. Two bloody and ferocious short-edged sword handles extend out of flesh and blood chains. The ends of the chains are rooted in your forearms, wrapping around your wrists. 】

[The poison in your blood is transmitted to the blade through the chain of flesh and blood, the bright red chain of flesh and blood turns pitch black, and the chain blade ignites with surging black dragon flames.]

[You throw out a chain blade, and a chain of flesh and blood stretches out, entangling a 'Deep Sea Shark Princess'. 】

[You jerked your wrist, and the woman flew straight towards you. Before she even hit the ground, the sharp blade penetrated her swollen breasts with the black dragon flames.]

[The woman’s fair face was instantly stained with a layer of black and gray, and the wound on her chest was corroded by flesh and blood.]

[You pull out the short blade, and the dark dragon flames burn away the blood stained on the blade.]

[You defeated ‘Same Princess Deep Sea’, and your experience points increased slightly! 】

He continued to attack the next mermaid. The chain blade weapon was not only capable of close combat, but could also attack enemies within the extended range of the flesh and blood chain.

The dragonman's own bloodline power is equivalent to being able to enchant the weapon twice, which not only has the original poison damage of the weapon, but also adds the additional damage of the dark dragon flame.

More than a dozen mermaids fell to pieces in an instant under his attack. It is very appropriate to describe them as chopping melons and vegetables.

"The dragon man's chain blade is a bit lethal to these low-level monsters. These bodies may still be useful. I have to ensure the integrity of the bodies."

Lin Xun had enough fun, so he put the dancer's hidden sword on the dragon man and stabbed through all the remaining mermaids.

[You look at the dead shark corpse in front of you...]

[The body of 'Deep Sea Shark-hime': a half-human, half-fish monster in the deep sea. The female is Shark-hime with a beautiful appearance, while the male is Shark-hime with an ugly face. This kind of monster often attacks sailors, seduces them into the water, and separates them.

Eat it. It died from a fatal wound that penetrated the heart. Resistance: 94% (55%)]

【Do you want to possess this body? 】

[You are possessed by the body of ‘Same Princess Deep Sea’! 】

Lin Xun opened the panel to check.

The monster's attributes are higher than that of the envoy, but the body he wears can only be described as useless.

But monsters are not without their merits.

Perhaps using these monster bodies, he can successfully cross the sea.

He opened the inventory and checked the props he had just obtained.

['Nishang Sea Shell'*8 (Props) A colorful small shell, collected from the deep sea. From time to time, the sea shell floats out a faint mist, which is like a dream. Deep Sea Shark Princess usually uses this kind of shell to cover her plumpness.

[Use this prop to temporarily cover up your alien form and become like a normal person.]

Lin Xun's eyes lit up.

Fukasame Sharahime used this thing to transform the fish tail into legs.

The effect of 'Neon Shang Haibei' may be more effective in his hands.

Lin Xun tried to use the body of the Deep Sea Shark Princess to dive into the sea water, and found that the swimming speed was extremely fast, much faster than the other bodies.

As for the mermaid, who is originally a sea monster, with the blessing of the 'subspecies sea dragon orb', the physical energy consumed by swimming can be ignored.

To be on the safe side, Lin Xun threw away the useless bodies in the body column and filled them with Deep Sea Shark Princess.

"Four mermaids are enough for me to cross the sea."

He was about to start the battle across the sea when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"This is the starting point. If an ordinary apostle enters this chapter, how should the process proceed?"

"Without the myriad faces, it would be impossible to possess a mermaid, and it would be impossible to cross the sea."

"Is it possible that we will encounter other incidents next?"

Thinking of this, Lin Xun temporarily gave up the idea of ​​crossing the sea manually.

He returned to the ship and waited silently.

After an unknown amount of time, the text of The Underworld Game continued to be displayed.

[You look at the stern of the boat out of boredom, where the corpses of ‘Deep Sea Beauty’ are lying scattered. Although the lower body of the fish tail cannot be used, it is edible. 】

【Do you want to light a fire and cook a seafood dinner?】


Lin Xun thought there was some special incident, but it turned out to be a spoof of the underworld game.

Just as he was about to press 'no', his sixth sense as an experienced player alerted him.

There is no hunger limit for the body in the game. As long as the wandering soul possesses the body, it does not need to eat or sleep. It only needs to rest and recover when the physical strength is exhausted.

In the underworld game, the option of eating appears at this time, and it is probably not for eating.

Games often make spoofs, but Lin Xun feels that this time the text is more intentional...

He thought for a moment and then chose 'yes'.

[You get up and go back to the cabin, take out the broken and dusty stove and return to the deck. ]

[The firewood has been eroded by the previous storm and has become a little damp. You have to try several times before you can light the firewood.]

[The strange thing is that the flame you lit is not bright yellow, but a dark flame. 】

[Thick black smoke sprang out from the stove and surged straight into the sky...]

Lin Xun was startled. At this time, he was not possessing the dragon man, but the body of the envoy.

Where does the black flame come from?

Just when he was doubtful, the game text continued to beat.

【You have been contaminated by a layer of karma fire!】

What the hell?

Lin Xun waited for a long time and found nothing unusual, so he opened the panel in confusion.

A new attribute has been added to the panel [Calamity Fire: Level 1]

This new attribute is not in the body panel, but in the apostle panel.

Just below the amount of knowledge!

"Could it be..."

Lin Xun's mind changed rapidly.

After conquering the 'Omniscient World', he checked other strategies on the Apostle Forum.

No new attribute like ‘knowledge’ will suddenly appear in any chapter.

At that time, he concluded that the amount of knowledge is a unique attribute in the omniscient world.

And the first level of karma fire that appears now is probably a unique attribute of this world.

From this point of view, could it be that the chapters in Hell difficulty all have similar unique attributes?

【Black smoke curls up into the sky.】

[After a long time, you suddenly feel something in your heart and look back...]

[I saw a long ship appear on the sea level at some point. The long ship filled up its sails and sailed straight towards you...]

[You raise your hands and look, and when the longship gets a little closer, you can clearly see that it is a three-masted warship, with several large crossbows on both sides of the ship.]

[Compared to your small boat, this warship with a small displacement is enough to be called a behemoth. 】

[The warship is getting closer to you...]

Lin Xun squinted his eyes, and after a moment's thought, he decisively returned to the cabin and clicked on the refresh function of the rest book page.

Immediately, all the monster corpses lying on the stern of the boat disappeared, leaving only a trail of blood.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘Sunken Ancient Theater Dancer’! 】

[You open a pair of dark eyes, take smart dance steps, and your figure quickly disappears...]

[You return to the stern of the ship. The warship that was far away in the horizon just now is less than a kilometer away from you. You can even see the silhouettes of people on the ship. 】

[You remain invisible and wait for the warship to approach...]


[The three-masted warship has come abreast with you. The tall ship has laid down two heavy side rails, causing the small ship to stagger. 】

[Several figures with bowls tied on their heads walked down holding spears, daggers or bows and arrows...]

[You discovered the ‘unintentional thieves who worship fire’! 】

【Do you want to attack them? 】

[You continue to remain invisible, lurking secretly...]

[They pulled along the side of the boat to your boat, and immediately checked around, only to find the empty cabin and the stern with stains of blood.]

[The lack of living people seemed to make these thieves angry. They stabbed the deck with their spears and then cut through the hull. 】

[Seeing that the sea water was rising and the boat would be submerged in a short time, the thieves laughed loudly and stepped on the side planks to return to the warship...]

[Do you want to follow them quietly and board the warship together? 】

[You remain invisible, follow quietly, and come to the warship...]

[On the deck of the three-masted warship were dozens of "unintentional fire-worshiping thieves". When they saw that their companions who had boarded the ship returned empty-handed, they were all furious, but they had no choice but to return to the cabin angrily. 】

[The warship turned around and headed in the other direction...]

[According to the guidance of the ‘Simple Navigation Drawing’, you understand that the warship is about to sail to ‘Sakura Falls’. 】

[There are still a few thieves on the deck guarding the helm. Do you want to attack these thieves, or sneak into the cabin? 】

The envoy body in the body column has sailing skills, but can only operate a single-masted boat.

It seems that this three-masted warship cannot be piloted by one person.

Instead of killing all the thieves, it is better to take a smooth sailing boat to Sakura Falls.

But the best way to go along is to break into the enemy's interior.

[You continue to remain invisible and sneak into the cabin quietly...]

This chapter has been completed!
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