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Chapter 217 Glazed Pure Fire, Chaos Source Dragon

[You write down the location marked in the letter and leave the tavern...]

[You pass through alleys and streets, heading towards the city gate...]


[The streets at night are deserted. In the distance is the edge of Fugang City. The erected city wall is not as tall and strong as you might imagine. It is estimated to be only as high as a two-story building. 】

[Under the city gate, there are several sword-wielding warriors guarding it...]

The samurai Lin Xun possessed at this time was also a security officer in the city. He was considered a colleague with the garrisoned samurai, so he did not need to switch to a ninja body to sneak out of the city.

Just say hello to the warrior guarding the gate and you can easily pass through the gate.

[You arrive at the wilderness outside the city and proceed according to the location marked in the ‘anonymous letter’. Soon you are far away from ‘Fukang City’ and arrive at the agreed upon location. 】

[There is a tall and sturdy cherry blossom tree here, which is very eye-catching under the bright moonlight.]

[A figure under the tree has been waiting here for a long time. You step forward and see that the man is dressed in black and has a mask on his face to hide his face. He does not look like a ninja in his attire. 】

[Because most ninja costumes are tight-fitting, with the cuffs tied tightly to facilitate movement, and the person in front of me is wearing loose black clothes, so he is obviously not a ninja.]

[When the man saw you coming, he drew out the sword from his waist without saying a word, and struck you with one sword!]

[The strong wind blows against your face, and you have no time to dodge, so you have to raise your sword to fight.]

[When the two swords intersect, there is a crisp 'ding-dong' sound, and the sword in your hand breaks into two pieces.]

[The sword light continued to strike at you with unabated force. You took advantage of the force and hurriedly retreated, only feeling a chill in your chest and abdomen.]

[The edge of the sword scraped against your skin and cut your coat, almost disemboweling you...]

[The man retracted his sword, and a hoarse voice came from under the mask. I'm afraid you are no match for it with this appearance. It's better to change to your real appearance and fight with it. ]

"What it really looks like?"

Lin Xun's eyes widened, and he guessed that this man might have noticed the odd thing about him having multiple vests in the duel arena just now, so he invited him to come and fight outside the city.

The real appearance is probably the body of a dragon man.

However, the word 'real' is a bit ambiguous. You must know that the little dragons used 'Nancy Clothes Seashells' during the duel. The transformation power of the prop made the body no different from that of ordinary people.

This person saw through his many shells, but I wonder if he realized the true appearance of the little dragon man.

Now that the concealing effect of the 'Neon Clothing Seashell' has long disappeared, if the body of the original hermit is switched, the true face of the dragon-headed body will be revealed.

"If you ask me to use Xiaolongren, I have to listen to you?"

The person in front of me is not a good person, and it is difficult to defeat him with the body of a warrior.

Now that he was in the wilderness with no one around, Lin Xun didn't need to pretend and just showed off his cards.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘fallen earth giant’! 】

[A voice of surprise came from under the man's mask, you, who taught you the art of transformation, can actually make you have two human faces. 】

[You stride forward, raise the ‘Ancient Dragon Tooth Giant Stick’ and launch an attack brazenly! 】

[The huge stick creates strong wind pressure when swung, hitting the enemy with unparalleled force.]

[The enemy felt your terrifying power and did not hold the knife to resist the attack, but quickly dodged and retreated...]

[The giant stick fell to the ground, with a loud bang, it stirred up countless smoke and dust, and the strong wind lifted off the man's mask.]

[You can see that there is thick short black hair on its face, a short jaw slightly protruding from the face, and two furry long pointed ears on the top of the head. It does not look like a human, but more like a dog's face. 】

[You discovered the ‘tracing the origin of the Night Sending Dog’! 】

[Seeing the terrifying power of your attack, it let out a strange scream and ran away. Its speed was as fast as lightning...]

[In the blink of an eye, the 'Night Sending Dog' that traces its origin will distance itself from you and will disappear into the vast night...]

"If you can't beat me, you want to run away. Can you run away?"

Lin Xun sneered and switched bodies.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘President of the Knowledge-Seeking Direct Gaze Association’! 】

[Looking at the figure running further and further away, you suddenly opened a pink eye...]

[Special skill, ‘Happy Smoke Vision’ is activated! 】

[I saw the figure suddenly stiffened, and the inertia caused by the wild running made it fall to the ground. The body of 'Ye Sang Dog' on the ground kept twitching, and it was impossible to get up for a long time. 】

[You slowly walk to his side, raise a hand, the 'Pre-stored Spell Ring' flashes with light, pure white characters emerge, converging into a giant spear, the tip of the spear is pressed against the chest of 'Night Sending Dog'. 】

[As soon as it makes any movement, the ‘Spear of Knowledge’ will penetrate its heart!]

[You look at the horrified ‘Ye Sang Dog’ and threaten him to tell you the whole reason why he invited you. 】

[‘The traceable night dog’ claims that unless you reveal your true identity, even if you kill it, it will not reveal anything...]

[The pure white light gun gently penetrated forward a few inches, blood overflowed, and the pain made the 'Night Send Dog' bark wildly. 】

[Even though the spear was about to pierce its heart, the dog-faced monster just kept barking in pain, but never revealed the truth. 】

[It reiterates again that unless you remove the 'Art of Change' and reveal your true form, you can't expect to get any information from it. 】

"Puppies have very strong bones."

Lin Xun secretly thought that if he wanted to kill the possessed monster and obtain relevant memories, he might not be able to obtain the information he wanted simply by relying on his character.

The name of this monster is the ‘Origin-tracing Night Sending Dog’. It does not have the prefix ‘fire worshipper’, but a new prefix that has never been seen before.

The monster obviously does not belong to the sworn camp of 'Canggu Tianyan', but is a member believer of the new camp...

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘original hermit seeking knowledge’! 】

[The ferocious appearance of the dragon-headed body is particularly frightening under the miserable moonlight. If anyone passing by sees you like this, they will probably faint from fear. ]

[The 'Night Sending Dog of Traceability' shrugged its nose, sniffed carefully, and looked at your appearance. Not only was it not afraid, but it was barking excitedly. 】

[It hurriedly knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to you repeatedly, and said excitedly, it turns out that you are really a descendant of the old gods. It was indeed right...]

[You don’t need to remind me again, the ‘Night Sending Dog of Traceability’ was so excited that he was a little incoherent and told you everything...]

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! [The origin of all living things in the world comes from the great god ‘Chaos Source Dragon’. Whether they are humans or monsters, they are all the subjects of the god. 】

[Under the guidance of the 'Chaos Source Dragon', the world was peaceful, and everything seemed as warm as honey... until a blazing pale flame came into the world! 】

[With the advent of the flame, absurd remarks have become rampant: evil thoughts are growing in the world, and it will fall into eternal darkness. Only by getting close to the pale flame that reaches the sky can the evil thoughts in the heart be purified with the 'glazed pure fire'. 】

[At first, no one was willing to get close to the flame, until the thief who was a thief became a saint next to the pale flame, until the heinous criminal laid down his butcher knife next to the pale flame...]

[At this point, the spark of the new god ‘Canggu Tianyan’ became a prairie fire and swept the world! 】

[There are more and more believers in the new god, the incense is getting stronger and stronger, the flames reaching the sky are getting stronger and stronger, and the war between the new god and the old god is also igniting unknowingly. 】

[The temples of old gods collapsed one after another, and the shrines of new gods rose up...]


[Thousands of years later, ‘Canggu Tianyan’ became the real god among the world, while the defeated ‘Chaos Source Dragon’ was called the evil god. 】

[These monsters who still care about the old gods have become the remnants of evil spirits...]

[‘Canggu Tianyan’s’ divine power is like a prison, sweeping away the evil spirits in the world, and there is no suspense in suppressing the evil god ‘Chaos Source Dragon’, it is just a matter of time. 】

[As the remnants of evil spirits, they are also ready to die together with the old gods.]

[However, I don’t know when the pale flame became pitch black, and people who were close to the flame were no longer purified by their thoughts, but instead quietly breed raging evil thoughts in their hearts. 】

[Since then, the ‘glazed pure fire’ has turned into the ‘fire of misfortune’… The ‘remnants of evil spirits’ have a premonition that the power of the divine dragon that shocks the world is about to make a comeback! 】


[The 'Original Night Sending Dog' looks at you with tearful eyes. It tells you that due to the dog demon's talent, it can smell the special smell on your body in the duel field. That is something only the descendants of the old gods have.


[At that time, it believed that you were a descendant of the old gods and a descendant of the divine dragon. However, the moment you manipulated the ‘Calamity Fire’, it simply couldn’t believe its eyes. 】

[Have the descendants of the old gods also defected to the new gods? If this is true, then wouldn’t it be a big joke for these ‘remnants of the evil gods’ who are still lingering and struggling! 】

[It is determined to ask you to meet outside the city. If you have really surrendered to the New God, then it will risk its life to kill you here...]

[But who would have known that your ‘skill of change’ has been practiced to an extent that is unprecedented and unprecedented. You are constantly changing into different human appearances, but you are still unwilling to use the fire of karma or reveal your true body. 】

[Especially the second human appearance, it is really powerful. It knows that even if it sacrifices its life, it will not be able to reveal your true identity, so it wants to lure you into a pre-set trap...]

[As a result, you changed your appearance again, and its plan was aborted...but it finally saw your true form, and confirmed that you did not enshrine the power of your incense to the new god.]

[Although it still doesn’t know how you control the karma fire, it is enough to know that you have not surrendered to the enemy.]

[These 'evil remnants' want to regain the power of the dragon from the 'Chaos Source Dragon'. The first thing they have to do is to find the descendants of the old gods. That's why they are so excited when they meet you. 】

[After saying this, the ‘Night Sending Dog Tracing the Source’ has burst into tears with excitement. It chokes with sobs and asks you if you are willing to go with it to the ‘Longze Temple’ hidden in the mountains? 】

After Lin Xun understood what 'Sending Dog at Night' said, he finally had a general understanding of the world background of this chapter.

His little dragon body contains the blood power of the ancestor of the hermit, and he was mistaken by the 'Ye Sang Dog' as a descendant of the old god.

Now it seems that the status of this 'descendant of the old gods' is not low, and if he joins the oath camp, he will probably get a lot of benefits.

However, in this chapter, the ‘Canggu Tianyan’ side is clearly dominant, and joining the ‘Chaos Source Dragon’ camp is not a good option.

He suddenly remembered that before he arrived at Yingluo, he learned from the memory of the Fire Worship Envoy that the 'Zhuchi Empire' was currently falling into the quagmire of a war between gods.

Could it be because of the revival of the old gods...

"Let's go and take a look at the situation first. Maybe we can get some benefits."

[You wave away the ‘knowledge grating’ and nod in agreement. 】

[The 'Night Sending Dog of Traceability' was overjoyed and hurriedly stepped forward to lead the way. After walking a few steps, it suddenly shrugged its nose again. 】

[The Night Sending Dog hurriedly turns back and tells you anxiously that he smelled a dozen people rushing towards this place. These people have a strong smell of blood, and they are probably here to find you. 】

[It recommends that you let it run away quickly. If your true bodies are seen by others, it will be a life-or-death situation. 】

【Are you going to run away with the ‘Ye Sang Dog’ who traces his origin? 】

Lin Xun thought for a moment and pressed 'No'.

He suspected that the defeat of the swordsman in the duel just now triggered subsequent related events.

Don't run away in a hurry, it's still the early stage of the chapter, and the strength of his body can crush a lot of monsters.

You have to take advantage of now to get more experience rewards, otherwise the difficulty will only become more and more difficult as the chapter progresses.

[You shook your head and rejected Ye Sang Dog’s suggestion to escape.]

[It can only silently pick up the mask that fell before, and put it back on its face to cover its face.]

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘fire-worshipping warrior on foot’! 】

[The thunderous sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance, and then a group of knights on horseback came in the moonlight.]

[The war horse gallops and will arrive in front of you soon. The leader is a tall and powerful warrior covered in armor. 】

[You discovered the ‘fire-worshiping horse warrior’! 】

[The warrior on the horse is holding a spear, pointing the tip of the spear at your head, telling you condescendingly...]

[You ordered others to defeat the young master's swordsman in the duel arena and ruined young master Otaki's plan. You really deserve death. 】

[Now for the sake of you being a samurai, it will give you a more dignified way to die, which is - committing suicide by committing seppuku!]

[The horseback samurai pulls out the wakizashi from his waist and throws it in front of you.]

【Are you going to pick up the dagger and commit seppuku?】

"Cut your uncle!"

Lin Xun decided to turn all these samurai who had a good life into experience points to vent his anger.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘original hermit seeking knowledge’! 】

[Moonlight shines through the layers of branches and leaves of the cherry tree, and the shadow of the tree is projected on the dragon-like face.]

[The 'fire-worshiping horseback warrior' was startled, shouting 'the remnants of evil spirits', and stabbed you with a spear!]

[The tip of the gun is burning with the dark and evil ‘fire of misfortune’! 】

[The power deep in your bloodline bursts out from your body, and the raging dragon flames sweep along the flesh and bone chain wrapped around your wrist, all the way to the chain blade. 】

[You wave your sword to block the stabbing spear, then wave your hand, and the blade burning with dragon flames shoots straight out!]

[The horseback warrior screamed, and was pierced through the heart by the chain blade, falling off his horse and dying.]

[You defeated the ‘Fire Worshiping Horseback Warrior’, and your experience points increased slightly. 】

[You have obtained the ‘weak spirituality of enlightenment’*1]

[You obtained the ‘Otaki Family Samurai Order’ (item)]

[The rest of the warriors saw your move and defeated the leader. They did not fight you alone, but swarmed up and stabbed at you with dense spear points! 】

[You twist around and throw out the two chain blades, and the black dragon flames sweep across the battlefield!]

[You defeated the ‘Fire Worshiper…]

【You defeated...】

[For a moment, people were overturned, and all the warriors fell off their horses and died. The last two warriors realized that something was not good, so they turned around and fled the battlefield as soon as they pulled the reins. 】

[The sharp tip of the knife penetrated from the back, and then pierced the armor from the chest. The chains were pulled, and the two corpses were dragged back to their original places.]

[All the warriors who attacked you, no one survived, their lives were taken away, leaving only corpses on the ground. 】

[The ‘Original Night Sending Dog’ on the side took off his mask and couldn’t help but sigh, the power of the dragon has reappeared in the world...]

This chapter has been completed!
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