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Chapter 300 The Battlefield of Sun Heroes, Strange Deaths

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘mountain hunter of Rangoon’! 】

[Fragmentary memories of the hunter’s lifetime remain within the body...]


[The last time my brother who is far away in the royal city sent you a letter was half a month ago.]

[It is very rare that the letter does not show off what beasts it has hunted, what precious furs it has acquired, and how many silver coins it has sold to a noble. 】

[There are only a few lines of scrawled and twisted text in the letter...]

[My younger brother said that the royal city... has changed! 】

[Over the royal city, which is known as the ‘Capital of the Fierce Sun’, the eternal ‘Golden Fierce Sun’ turned blood red without any warning, like the color of blood!]

[Walking under the scarlet sunlight, even the most devout priest of the Divine Light Church will fall into madness and become a monster who only knows how to kill!]

[When you read these lines, you looked up at the sky. The 'Golden Sun' was just hanging there, but there was no blood. 】

[You know in your heart that this is another prank played by your brother, just like when your brother stuffed horse manure into your bed when you were a child, but you still can't help but feel angry.]

[My brother’s joke is a little too big. If the contents of the letter are discovered by the ‘Shenguang Church’, they may accuse my brother of being a heretic and impose the most severe ‘light punishment’. 】

[‘Light torture’ is very terrifying. The ‘Discipline Knights’ of the Divine Light Church tie the prisoner to a pillar, and the bishop-level figure in the regional cardinal group performs the punishment of direct sunlight...]

[In order to show the severity of the punishment, the bishop would not let the prisoner die immediately. Instead, he would expose the prisoner to the hot and brilliant sunlight, slowly losing water in the body until the prisoner became dehydrated and passed out. Then he would force-fed the prisoner salt water and order the nuns to treat him.

This was repeated for seven days, and finally turned into a mummy.]

[You have been fortunate enough to witness the ‘Light Punishment’, and you have a very deep memory of this cruel punishment...]

[You decided to burn the letter after reading the letter. Although my brother is suspected of blaspheming the blazing sun, it was just a joke and there was no heretical malice. 】

[You patiently continue to read your brother’s prank letters...]

[My younger brother said that the people in the royal city are all crazy. Under the scarlet sunlight, people are desperate and crying. They either sink into monsters or die under the claws of monsters. 】

[Finally...a figure radiating golden sunshine appears. 】

[The figure is so majestic that it seems like just one stretch of the hand can pluck the sun from the sky! 】

[That is the Titan Titan that people worship and only exists in the legend of the "Four Heroes of the Sun", known as the "Defender of the Golden Sun" - Dan! 】

[‘Dan’ is here to save the royal city and the believers who worship Him! 】

[The ferocious and crazy monsters were so fragile under the feet of the Sun Hero. The Sun Hero destroyed most of the fallen monsters...]

[With the arrival of ‘Dan’, more sun heroes will also arrive. 】

[People thought that the panic would subside, and the monsters would all be destroyed by the mighty power of the heroes... But people were horrified to find that the three sun heroes who came later were radiating scarlet light like blood, like the sun in the sky.


[The three heroes did not come to save the royal city... but raised their butcher knives and swung them at their former colleagues and the Titans who protected people.]

[The royal city turned into a battlefield for the heroes of the sun, and the surviving people fled the royal city one after another...]

[My younger brother also fled with the people, heading for the place where the bloody sun has not yet shined, which is where you settled - the 'Moonlight Country' St. Lance! 】

[My brother tells you to pack all valuable items and the most critical food, and wait for your brother to arrive in St. Lance to avoid the bloody sun with you...]

[You have heard the priest in the church say that if a person thinks that the world is full of crazy people, then it is not the world that is crazy, but that person’s head.]

[Looking at the twisted and scrawled handwriting in the letter, you feel that the matter is a bit serious, maybe it is not just a prank.]

[After you think carefully, you judge that your brother should be bewitched by heretics, resulting in mental disorder, and needs to take the church's holy water to cleanse his soul.]

[You burn the letter and secretly make up your mind to hunt a few more beasts in exchange for valuable holy water for your brother...]


[As you expected, half a month has passed, and you haven’t heard any news about the fall of the royal city, and your brother has not been exiled to ‘Saint Lance’. Everything is just his crazy talk. 】

[Soon you will be able to collect the silver coins needed to buy holy water, as long as you work hard to hunt a few more beasts...]

[The broken memory ends abruptly.]


"I'm not going back to the peaceful world before the end..."

"But it's time to enter the battle between demigod heroes!"

According to the known plot, the demigod titan ‘Dan’ is unable to defeat four opponents with two fists, and will be defeated by the remaining three ‘Heroes of the Sun’. He will eventually be sealed under the ‘Saint Lance’ and plant the seeds of the filthy Blood Sun…

The Moonlight Town ‘Saint Lance’ is the checkpoint town where he first entered the Blood Sun world. Most of the content in Chapter 323 takes place in the town named ‘Saint Lance’.

According to the hunter's memory, his residence is located in St. Reims.

The places where hunters often hunt cannot be too far away from St. Reims.

The forest Lin Xun is currently in is probably located southwest of St. Lance, the home of the ancient tree people - the 'Secret Forest'!

[You are possessed by the body of ‘The Greedy Wolf Star Lord of Desire’! 】

[You wield your sword in the air, fly up into the sky and look toward the northeast, and sure enough you see a large town.]

[Unlike the ruins in your impression, the town is very prosperous, and the tall iconic building ‘Artemis Bell Tower’ is intact. 】

[This makes you extremely convinced that that town is the moonlight town of ‘Saint Reims’! 】

"You are worthy of playing the game of the underworld. How can I have such a good god-level start... It turns out that the battle between demigods is waiting for me later!"

Lin Xun suspected that the reason why 'Dan' was not sealed elsewhere after his defeat, but was sealed underground in 'Saint Lance', was probably because the battlefield of the Sun Heroes was about to be transferred to 'Saint Lance'.

In other words, he not only has to face the other twenty-three candidate apostles hiding in the darkness, but also has to face the final demigod war!

The rest of the apostles have not experienced the "Forgotten Afterglow Abyss" underground in "Saint Lance". Even if they obtain memory information similar to that of the hunter's body, they probably have no way of determining that the final battlefield is in "Saint Lance".

Even if he hadn't triggered the hidden plot of the Titan Titan "Dan" before, even if he learned the hunter's memory, the information about "Dan" would only be mentioned in a text like "Civil War of the Four Sun Heroes".

"Fortunately, compared to other apostles, I not only have an upper hand in terms of combat power, but I also have a certain advantage in information."

Returning to St. Lance not only has these advantages, Lin Xun can even receive the hidden rewards he received before!

For example, the 'Tree of Life Sapling' guarded by the ancient tree people, the body of the 'Earth Giant' in the tomb of the giant orc territory, and the props that improve the quality of the giant's bloodline...

【What is your next move?】

【1. Go to the moonlight town ‘Saint Reims’. 】

【2. Go to the territory of the giant beastmen. 】

【3.Looking for traces of the ancient tree people.】

Lin Xun thought for a while, and the most valuable reward to him should be the 'essence of the giant's bloodline'.

In Chapter 323, the earth giant's bloodline was upgraded twice, and both bloodline props were located in the tribe of giant orcs.

The current easter egg chapter is difficulty six, and the underworld game will definitely increase the strength of the monsters...

Of course, what Lin Xun was worried about was not this, but that he didn't know when the Hero of the Sun would arrive at St. Lance, nor did he know where the remaining twenty-three apostles were hiding.

To win the position of disciple, you must defeat other candidates and... survive the war between demigods!

He was about to press the option when he saw the "Kill" option of the underworld game flashing.

Click to view, and you will see that the status of Unknown Apostle No. 13 has changed from 'alive' to 'death penalty'!

The underworld game also marked the remaining time of Apostle No. 13’s ‘death punishment’ as 1 hour.

This apostle died once in a short period of time from the beginning to now, and had to remain in a wandering state for a full hour!

Not long after, he saw that the apostle's 'death punishment' time was reset to one hour, which meant that he died again in a wandering spirit state.

Immediately following the announcement of the underworld game...

[Unknown Apostle No. 13——Death!]


Amos told him that after death, the apostles would be resurrected at independent hidden resurrection points. The resurrection point of each apostle's death was different and would not be exposed to the outside world.

As long as he is not found by other apostles during the wandering soul of death penalty, even if he dies once, there will not be much loss.

As for Apostle No. 13, the entire process from the death penalty period to the reduction of the upper limit of soul strength to death took less than a minute.

"Could it be that Apostle No. 13 happened to be resurrected next to other apostles every time he died, so he was killed as soon as he was resurrected?"

"Being killed twice in the form of a wandering soul, the upper limit of the soul strength will return to zero, and the apostle's body and soul will also die..."

【Suddenly, you feel a strange breath approaching quickly! 】

[You land on the ground and look deep into the forest...]

[I saw a figure with flashing red light emerging from the woods...]

[You encountered ‘Unknown Apostle No. 17’! 】

【Are you going to run away immediately or kill it? 】

The text of the game in the underworld flashes in rich blood and trembles constantly.

Lin Xun didn't have time to think and pressed the latter decisively!

[The true energy in your body is surging, and you are holding the sword secret in your hand, and the ‘Star-Shifting Immortal Sword’ turns into a sharp sword light...]

[The figure flashing red light seemed to want to escape immediately, but before he could take a step, he was pierced through the chest by a sharp sword light! 】

[Blood spurted out like a waterfall, the figure slowly fell to the ground, and its body turned into dots of light and disappeared...]

[You defeated ‘Unknown Apostle No. 17’! 】

[Because your invasion authority is higher, you can plunder a piece of loot from the apostle. 】

[Please select the category of loot you want to plunder...]

Lin Xun quickly clicked on the equipment category, but his mind was not on the combat items at all.

He saw the "Kill" option of the underworld game flashing again.

Click on the 'Kill' option to view.


[Unknown Apostle No. 17 - Death penalty, remaining penalty time is 59 minutes and 55 seconds!]


[Unknown Apostle No. 17 - Death penalty, remaining penalty time is 59 minutes and 59 seconds!]


[Unknown Apostle No. 17——Death!]

Like the previous apostle No. 13, the apostle killed by Lin Xun also died twice in a row in the wandering spirit state within a short period of time after the death of the body!

The first underworld game will also reset the death penalty time, and the death of the second wandering soul will directly declare the death of the apostle...

"It can't be such a coincidence!"

The easter egg chapters of each disciple campaign are different. No one knows the specific situation in the easter egg chapter. The chapter information that Yamos told him also came from the organization.

Lin Xun suspected that Yamos's information was wrong, and that random resurrections could not happen to be resurrected next to other apostles every time.

If the underworld game did not do this intentionally, it can only mean that... the place where the apostles are resurrected is more dangerous. They exist as weak wandering souls and will face death as soon as they are resurrected!

"In this chapter...can't you die even once?"

He suddenly realized that the other apostles died because they could not reshape their bodies during the death penalty period.

And he doesn't need to reshape his body, he just needs to possess other main bodies.

"Do you want to die once and see what happens after resurrection?"

Lin Xun thought about it carefully for a while, but gave up the idea. If he didn't seek death, he would not die. If the resurrection point was really a desperate situation, then the price of trial and error would be too high.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The equipment revealed by Unknown Apostle No. 17 is only epic level, and it is also a stretched foot greaves armor.

Lin Xun conveniently moved to the equipment slot of the Earth Giant, already thinking about how to kill the other candidates and survive the Demigod War.

He pressed the option to go to the orc territory.

[You wield your sword and fly into the sky, flying towards the direction of the giant orc territory in your memory...]

[Your weapon ‘Star-Shifting Immortal Sword’ has the effect of increasing the speed of the sword, making you fly faster and faster...]


[The strong wind blows in your face, and as your sword flies, the trees in the forest below your feet become sparser.]

[You know, you are about to reach the edge of the 'Deep Forest'...]

[You look up and see that the mountains at the edge of the forest are unusually strange. They are completely different from the giant beast tribe mountains you have seen before. 】

【Do you want to continue to drive the sword deeper? 】

Lin Xun frowned.

What's going on? Even though the chapter difficulty is different and the timeline is different, how can the terrain change?

Could it be that the time dimension of the two chapters spans too long and has changed forever?

[You continue to fly with your sword, and follow the general direction in your memory to arrive at the sky above the 'tribe of giant orcs'. 】

[When you look down below, you won’t see the valley where the ‘Virgin Blood Orcs’ live, nor the territory of the ‘Giant Orcs’. 】

[Underfoot is a wilderness of mountains and rivers, with only lush vegetation and trees. 】

[When you land with your sword, the scenery you see is completely different from what you remember...]

[Are you going to stay here and search carefully, or return to the ‘Deep Forest’? 】

Lin Xun did not believe in evil and chose the former.

He spent a long time, but except for finding an occasional beast, he could not find any trace of the life of the 'Giant Beast Man'.

As a last resort, he could only return to the Deep Forest.

"What the hell!"

Not being able to find the 'Giant Beast Man' means that the 'Giant's Bloodline Essence' is gone.

Lin Xun could only retreat to the next best thing and look for the ancient tree people.

When he first entered Chapter 323, he was still a rookie and could only lure out the tree people by setting fire to the forest.

Now that he is no longer Wu Xia Amon, all he has to do to find the tree man is fly around the 'Secret Forest'. With the tall body of the ancient tree man, it is very difficult to completely hide his traces.

This chapter has been completed!
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