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Chapter 312 New boss and new life, and the beginning of a new chapter!

"Lin Xun, congratulations!"

"Congratulations on your promotion~"

"That's the headquarters. It's a place I never dreamed of."


In the hotel box, everyone toasted and drank together, including not only the apostles from the intelligence team, but also Wang Zong and Lu Caiyi from the armed team.

"Lin Xun, remember I was the one who brought you into the organization. In just a few months, you will be transferred to the Yunjing headquarters..."

Ye Xiaoqi's face turned red after drinking, she patted Lin Xun's shoulder and sighed.

The female boss only announced to the public that Lin Xun was transferred to the Yunjing headquarters, but did not disclose the news that he had entered the 'Apostolic Committee'.

After all, the span of being directly promoted from a local team member to a member of the parliament is too amazing. Unless he has made great contributions, it is difficult to explain the reason.

Even though he announced to the public that he would be transferred to the Yunjing headquarters, many colleagues were envious and marveled that he had risen to great heights like a rocket.

Everyone sent their blessings to him, who would be transferred to Yunjing tomorrow, and celebrated until late at night.

After Wang Zong drained the water, he was about to leave the hotel and go home, but he saw that only Lu Caiyi was left in the box.

The girl in white looked at the wine glass on the table in a daze.

As someone who has been there, he knew what was going on at a glance.

That boy Lin Xun went undercover to become the twelfth disciple. He is about to join the 'Apostolic Committee' and be promoted to a member. The battlefield will be broader in the future.

Maybe I’ll go to Yunjing, maybe I’ll go somewhere else, but I won’t stay in Wencheng.

The brat and Yiyi have always been ambiguous and their relationship has not been confirmed yet.

Even if the two of them have been staying in Wencheng like this, they will be separated after the long-distance transfer. Is there still a chance to continue in the future?


"Team Leader Wang!"

Wang Zong just wanted to open his mouth to comfort him, but was interrupted by the girl.

"Team Leader Wang, can you write a recommendation letter for me?"

"I, I want to go to Yunjing... to join 'Kunlun'."

Wang Zong was immediately confused.

‘Kunlun’ is a high-level military organization affiliated with the Apostolic Committee. Shangguan Yu, who previously formed a team to capture Easter Egg Bookmarks, is Kunlun’s patrol envoy.

Compared with the Heavenly Punishment Forces in various provincial capitals, Kunlun is at a higher level and is a top-level military organization.

It was the front line of the war against the New World and the institution with the highest death rate among official organizations.

For those who are promoted to council members, joining Kunlun is far inferior to having mixed seniority at the local level.

As long as you can survive in Kunlun, you don't have to worry about not being promoted, and there are many members of the parliament who have been promoted from Kunlun.

With Lu Caiyi's strength, he is indeed qualified to join Kunlun, but... it's too dangerous!

The death rate in Kunlun has always been high, and too many apostles have died.

Wang Zong always treated Lu Caiyi as his own niece, and even trained her as his successor.

After he retires, he will recommend it to the organization, and the position of leader of the Wencheng armed group will definitely be given to Lu Caiyi.

Why would a weak young girl with a good armed group leader go to that cannibal battlefield?

Yiyi probably did this because she wanted to keep up with that brat...

She must really want my support now, but how can I dare to let her join Kunlun with confidence?

Wang Zong's loyalty to the organization is impeccable. If the organization asked him to join Kunlun, he would rush to Yunjing to report tonight without saying a word.

But when Lu Caiyi said he wanted to join Kunlun, his first reaction was absolutely not!

He wanted to refuse. As Lu Caiyi's boss and the leader of the armed group, as long as he did not recommend him to the organization, even if Lu Caiyi persisted, the probability of joining 'Kunlun' was very slim.

Wang Zong opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but the girl looked at him so firmly, with a hint of hope and even pleading.

He picked up the red wine bottle on the table, raised his head and drank the entire bottle.

Wang Zong wiped the wine stains from the corner of his mouth and waved his hand as if admitting defeat: "Go, go..."

"Thank you, team leader!"

Wang Zong drove away the cheering girl and stayed alone in the box, pouring wine one bottle after another.

"You brat, if you dare to let Yiyi down, I'll do whatever it takes to...fuck you. I can't seem to defeat him even if I try my best."

Lin Xun, who was full of wine, said goodbye to his colleagues and declined the invitation from his female boss.

I was about to take a taxi back home when I happened to meet Lu Caiyi downstairs of the hotel.

In his memory, he seemed to have watched Lu Caiyi leave. It was not until Xiaobai appeared in front of him again that Lin Xun realized that he seemed to have really drunk too much.

Lu Caiyi was stunned and couldn't help asking: "Are you waiting for me?"

"Of course, Xiaobai, why are you so slow? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Of course he would not admit that he drank too much because he was such a tough talker, so he replied smoothly.

"All it takes is you to get you into the car safely, and then I can go home with peace of mind... burp."

It happened that a taxi was passing by on the side of the road. Lin Xun stopped the taxi and stuffed Xiaobai in without any explanation.

He felt that the girl seemed to want to say something to him, but he was so drunk that he didn't care so much.

As he watched the taxi drive away, Lin Xun suddenly slapped his forehead and realized that before leaving, he should give the girl a... promise?

"Forget it, next time, it's not like I won't go back to Wencheng anyway."


The next day, Lin Xun and his female boss took a flight and arrived in Yunjing.

Looking at the tall buildings in front of him, he recalled the shabby three-story building of the intelligence team, and couldn't help feeling that the headquarters was the headquarters. It was really rich and impressive.

The external name of the Apostolic Security Council is the 'General Administration of Security Agency Affairs', and the surrounding area is heavily guarded. It is an existence that ordinary people will take a long detour after seeing the signboard.

According to Li Xingyue, after he joined the 'Apostolic Committee', he still had to continue his undercover career, but the person in charge of him was no longer Li Xingyue, but a big shot at the headquarters.

The female boss will help him settle the matter of joining the association and then return to Wencheng to continue to be in charge of the intelligence team.

Lin Xun was very curious about who the big shot was, but the female boss deliberately kept it secret and only said that he would know after meeting him.

After passing through layers of security, the two successfully entered the headquarters building.

This chapter is not finished yet. Please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Lin looked at the people coming and going and found that they were all elites in suits and leather shoes. They did not have the freedom to dress like the Wencheng Intelligence Team.

The female boss next to her was still wearing a formal suit, which fit the scene perfectly, but he was dressed casually, which made him look a little eye-catching.

Li Xingyue seemed to be very familiar with the headquarters. She led him into the elevator and swiped his card to go straight to the 15th floor.

After arriving at the 15th floor, he entered another elevator and swiped his card again to reach the top 25th floor.

Lin Xun had some idea that the new boss could work on the top floor of the headquarters, so he was definitely a boss among bosses.

I just don’t know if this new boss will be easy to get along with.

Li Xingyue treated him very well. If Lu Caiyi was the favorite of the armed group, then Lin Xun was the treasure of the intelligence group.

If he suddenly had a harsh and harsh boss, Lin Xun would probably not be used to it.

The two came to an office, and the secretary at the door greeted Li Xingyue very familiarly.

The secretary knocked on the door lightly. When a middle-aged man's reply came from inside, the secretary opened the door and invited the two of them to enter.

Behind the desk are two sets of mahogany bookcases, with a bright red flag hanging between the bookcases.

A strong man in a black Chinese tunic suit was staring at him with burning eyes.

The middle-aged man is quite handsome, and his expression is gentle, but somehow he gives people an inexplicable sense of distance.

It's like you know that this person is elegant and easy-going, and has no hostility towards you, but that is the friendly attitude he has developed from being in a high position for a long time, and it is the natural sympathy of those in power for the weak.

Its true majesty is revealed to those enemies who you have to look up to.

While the middle-aged man was sizing him up, Lin Xun was also observing the new boss.

He was surprised to find that the face of this new boss was vaguely similar to Li Xingyue.

"Could it be that...this is my other husband, no, the father of my female boss?"

Lin Xun couldn't help but secretly thought.

"You are Lin Xun, right? I've heard Xingyue talk about you many times... You are indeed a young and talented person."

The middle-aged man stood up, shook hands with him, and smiled like a spring breeze: "I am Li Long."

"You are very welcome to join. The parliament needs energetic young people like you."

Lin Xun held the hand of his new boss. He didn't understand what was going on, so he could only come up with a routine reply as a businessman, and said vaguely:

"Thank you for your leadership's attention. It is an honor for me to join the organization and the parliament. Only by working hard and diligently in the future can I live up to the leadership's care for me, the organization's expectations of me, and the people's trust in me..."

Li Xingyue on the side couldn't help but raised the corner of her mouth and interrupted him: "Lin Xun, it's rare to see you looking serious. Let me introduce you formally..."

"This is Li Long, the deputy speaker of the parliament, and my uncle."

"This is my right-hand man, a member of the intelligence team... No, from now on I should be called senior councilor, Councilor Lin Xun."

Lin Xun's eyes widened.

The deputy speaker of the ‘Apostolic Committee’ is actually the uncle of the female boss? Apparently he is still a biological uncle?

No wonder Ye Xiaoqi once told him that the female boss’s background was very powerful and scary.

There are three heads in the parliament, one speaker and two deputy speakers. They are the highest leader of the parliament and the highest leader of the official apostles.

The three Speakers do not have a false position like the Honorary Speaker, but are real powerful men with veto power over all proposals in the Parliament.

"Xingyue, I am very satisfied with Councilor Lin Xun. You have a good sense."

Li Long smiled slightly at his female boss, indicating something.

Li Xingyue didn't know what she was thinking of, and her expression was a little unnatural. Then she changed the topic and told Lin Xun about joining the parliament.

For elected senior members, the fact that he joined the organization too briefly and has insufficient qualifications is not a big problem.

The only and most fatal problem is his special status.

In the new world, as soon as a 'twelfth disciple' is promoted, a senior member of unknown origin appears in the official parliament, which can easily arouse suspicion from others.

In this regard, the official final decision was to give him the status and treatment of a senior member, but he would not be announced as a new senior member, and he would not be included in the member's files.

While Lin Xun is still undercover, he cannot participate in the formal parliament, nor can he propose proposals or vote.

Only after he completes his mission and returns to the organization can the official reveal his identity and give him the official status of a senior councillor.

Such a move is the official responsibility for the safety of the undercover member and is also the greatest protection for him.

His file will be transferred to the military agency "Kunlun" under the "Apostolic Committee" and he will become an ordinary traveling envoy.

When the New World Reformed Church assigned him a pastoral area, Lin Xun could go to the pastoral area to graze.

Lin Xun didn't have any objections to this. As a former migrant worker, he always hated meetings, so it was just right for him not to participate in boring meetings.

After finalizing the relevant matters, his future boss will be Li Long. He and Li Long will have a single line of contact to report some confidential information obtained as a disciple.

The organization also arranged a private residence and a special car for him...

In the evening, Lin Xun sent his female boss to the airport to say goodbye to her who had taken great care of him.

Before leaving, Li Xingyue hugged him generously and indicated that he would contact him frequently in the future.

"Work hard, and one day I will be promoted to the headquarters and become your boss again..."

The words of the female boss seemed to be still in my ears, but the beauty was already 30,000 feet away from the ground, flying towards the city more than 1,000 kilometers away.

Lin Xun returned to the residence arranged for him by the organization.

He refused the housekeeper and nanny who took care of his daily life, and lived alone in a small villa slightly away from the city center.

The appearance of the two-and-a-half-story villa with a small courtyard looks unremarkable, but when you open the door, it makes people's eyes shine.

The new Chinese style decoration is simple and elegant. Not only does it not appear simple, but it has a sense of moisturizing and silent luxury.

Lin Xun is not picky about where he lives. He lives in rented houses and small villas, but now he suddenly changes to a big place. Looking at the big house, he can't help but feel empty.

The closest buildings here are several hundred meters away from other buildings in the villa area, and there are abundant green plants for privacy.

According to the secretary who arranged for him to move in, this place is an official property and belongs to the Envoy's Association, so he can feel completely at ease.

Lin Xun thought for a while, then cautiously pulled up the curtains and checked the villa carefully to make sure there was no hidden surveillance and eavesdropping equipment before he felt relieved.

He was not wary of Li Long and the organization, he was just worried that there were bad people among the masses.

Soon, he released the elf balls from the Valkyrie, the Nine-Tailed Fox, the Snow Girl and the Slippery Ghost.

Several of the summoned animals were used to living in rented houses, and when they came to their new residence, they couldn't help but feel a little curious, touching here and there.

"Valkyrie, it's time to cook dinner. The ingredients are all in the refrigerator in the kitchen."

"Yuki-onna, um, go and tidy up a few bedrooms..."

"Don't look for it, you scumbag. The computer is no longer here, it's in the study room!"

"Nine-tailed fox... do you want to play the game about where the tail is hidden?"

He saw a few summoned objects, and the familiar warmth suddenly returned.

"My new life seems not bad, but I don't know where the Reformed Church will arrange my pasture..."

After enjoying the dinner cooked by Valkyrie, Lin Xun finally decided to get down to business.

"It's time to start a new chapter!"

Book of Salvation, start!

In the library, click on the giant book floating in the center.

[Do you want to start the next chapter and go on the next journey of salvation? 】

[You can randomly enter the fifth difficulty chapter.]

[Since you have obtained a D-level or above evaluation in the chapter, you can randomly enter the sixth difficulty chapter.]

[Since you have obtained a B-level or above evaluation in the section, you can randomly enter the sixth difficulty chapter (Nightmare). 】

[Since you have obtained an SS-level evaluation in the chapter, you can randomly enter the sixth difficulty chapter (Hell).]

With Lin Xun's character, unless he gets stuck on a certain difficulty level, he will stay on that difficulty level and repeatedly clear dungeons to improve his strength.

Otherwise, he will only be brave and diligent, and constantly challenge higher difficulties!

[You chose the sixth difficulty chapter (Hell)!]

【You have entered the doomsday chapter.】

【Chapter 76324956】

"It's still a familiar recipe, a familiar taste..."

Lin Xun didn't know which level of difficulty he could successfully advance to before encountering the desperate situation of having to quit the chapter.

But he had a hunch that even if it was stuck, it would definitely not be on the sixth level!

This chapter has been completed!
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