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Chapter 367 The Death of the Four Angels and the Promotion of Demonic Fortune

[Not far away, the 'Angel of Condemnation' seemed to see that you were at the end of the road. It grinned and shouted again, advising you not to struggle in vain. If you hand over the wet nurse's umbilical cord earlier, you can suffer less physical pain. 】

[You glared sharply, vibrating only half of the bone wing, and rushed towards it...]

['The Angel of Condemnation' folded his arms and looked at you coldly, without making any counterattack gesture...]

[You have just approached it, and the familiar sense of crisis rushes into your heart again!]

[The negative status of 'Deadly Plague' greatly affects your perception and reaction capabilities. Before you can dodge, the sharp cold light of the bone blade blooms again! 】

[You only feel a chill in your waist, blood spurting out, and severe pain. You can no longer maintain your balance and fall to the ground involuntarily.]

[A tragic wound runs diagonally upward from your left waist until it expands to your right shoulder, almost splitting your upper body in two!]

[The ‘Cruel Angel’ appears in front of you, his eyes are full of cold murderous intent, and the edges of his bone wings are stained with blood. 】

[You collapsed on the ground, unable to support your body to stand up and continue fighting. You only felt that your vitality continued to disappear with the flow of blood...]

[You suffered near-fatal injuries!]

[The 'Angel of Condemnation' suddenly shouted angrily, asking the 'Angel of Cruelty' to be more careful and not to damage the wet nurse's umbilical cord in your body...]

[In the distance behind you, you can hear the desperate cry of the Poisonous Scorpion Legionnaires. They are unable to break through the obstruction of the Ascended Army, and can only watch you fight against four extremely powerful angel warriors with one person's strength. 】

[In their eyes, the invincible legion commander is in dire straits under the siege of four angel warriors and is about to die...]

[They stab the enemies with their spears like crazy, trying to get close to you to support you, but they can only be pushed further and further away by the continuous stream of enemies. 】

[All the scenery in front of me began to blur, and the originally clear sound was intermittently transmitted to my ears, and I no longer heard it clearly...]

[On your deathbed, you only feel a foot like a raptor's claws stepping on your head. You try to open your eyes wide, but you can only see the cold, emotionless eyes of the 'cruel angel', and the bones that continue to enlarge in front of you.

Blade Hanmang...]

"It's now!"

In a desperate situation, he has been waiting for this moment!

Lin Xun quickly opened the inventory and looked at a prop.

['Feathered Angel's Heart' (epic-level prop):... With this prop, you will be able to choose whether to use this prop to resurrect the body without damage when the 'Feathered Angel of Purgatory' dies. If you choose to resurrect the body, 'Feathered Purgatory Angel' will

Angel' will be resurrected at the death position with full status, and gain a 20% increase in strength and agility attributes!]

This prop is the key to living towards death, and it is the magic weapon that can make a comeback despite death!

[A chill ran down my neck, and the things in front of me were spinning. In a daze, my eyes fell to the ground, and I saw a headless corpse with only half of its bones and wings left. 】

[The soldiers of the Poisonous Scorpion Legion screamed in despair, regardless of parrying to resist the enemy's attack, and stabbed out their spears like crazy...]

[The laughter of the ‘Angel of Sin’ is ringing in my ears. Quickly cut open its belly and take out the wet nurse’s umbilical cord...]

[The 'Cruel Angel' was about to follow what he said and slashed at the headless corpse with his bone blade, but saw that the corpse turned into dots and disappeared. 】

[At the same time, your senses are also plunged into endless darkness...]


【you are dead!】

[Your death triggers the passive effect of ‘Feathered Angel Heart’. Do you want to choose to resurrect the body without damage? 】

[If you choose yes, you will refresh all status, eliminate all injuries and fatigue, resurrect at the place of death, and gain a 20% increase in strength and agility attributes! ]

Lin Xun pressed the 'Yes' option hard.

[Stars of light emerged out of thin air, gathered in one place, and formed a complete body of the 'Purgatory Angel'! 】

[You opened your eyes suddenly and saw the shocked and astonished expressions of the four angel warriors. Countless feathered beings on the boundless battlefield looked at you in disbelief.]

[The noisy and ear-splitting roars and killing sounds have almost subsided again. Only the poisonous scorpion army in the distance behind you, the soldiers cheered enthusiastically, shouting "Firefly" to bestow divine grace and perform miracles! 】

[‘Plague Angel’ was the first to react. It sneered and mocked, so what if you can be resurrected? 】

[You can be resurrected once, and they can kill you once. Even if the demon god ‘Firefly’ gives you the rare resurrection ability, there must be a high price for using this ability. 】

[Let’s see if your vitality is stronger, or their attacks are sharper! 】

[The ‘Angel of Sin’ clenched its huge fists, its joints crackling, and it grinned cruelly, claiming that this time it would personally tear your stomach apart, pull out the wet nurse’s umbilical cord, and see if you can be resurrected again...]

Lin Xun opened the skill bar. At this time, the "Purgatory Angel's Arrival" was on cooldown. Because of his death, it was refreshed and reset. The skill cooldown was eliminated and it can be used again!

Due to the effect of the 'intact wet nurse's umbilical cord', the success rate of feathering is increased to 50%.

The luck value of the life-changing artifact has only been restored to 18 points because it was just used.

"Victory or defeat depends on this!"

He took a deep breath and quickly pressed the life-changing artifact to use it.

Don’t look at the result, just click on the mythical skill - ‘Purgatory Angel’s Arrival’!


[You have consumed 15 points of luck value from ‘Sakura Yasaka Qiongquyu’, and a small amount of your own luck attributes have been improved! 】

[The mythical skill ‘The Arrival of the Purgatory Angel’ is activated! 】

[The ‘lucky gold coins’ you carry are shining brightly...]

"Huh?! Damn it, I am indeed the European Emperor!"

Lin Xun's eyes were filled with ecstasy.

The 'lucky gold coin' that had not taken effect for a long time suddenly triggered its effect at this time.

[The endless battlefield suddenly became dim, oppressive and dark, falling into silent silence...]

[A bright and holy light falls from the sky, forming a majestic and brilliant beam of light, covering your whole body...]

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [Countless feathered people stop and attack involuntarily, and their eyes follow the holy light falling from the sky and fall on you.]

[The light is pale and holy, brilliant and deadly...]

[As the holy light from the sky falls to the ground, a dazzling crimson color appears around you, like hot magma spewing out. A strong smell of sulfur fills the battlefield. Your ears are filled with the wails of unknown creatures suffering pain, as if you are in the deepest part of Hades.


【And you are the purgatory angel who purifies filth and judges sin!】

[The familiar cold light of the bone blade beside you erupts again, and the ‘Cruel Angel’ takes advantage of the critical moment of your emergence and promotion to launch a sharp and fatal blow! 】

[However, before its bone-wing blade could touch you, it was severely bounced away by the Xuanhe light beam, and you curled up and flew backwards!]

[The four angels are all looking at you in horror. They can feel that you, bathed in the holy light, are increasing your strength at a terrifying speed...]

[They use roars to hide the fear in their hearts, and use their strongest attacks to block your transformation process. 】

[However, you, whether it is the bone wing blades, the colorful poisonous mist, the fierce iron fists, or the blood-red stings, have not been able to break through the giant pillar of holy light that falls from the sky. 】

[You are bathed in the holy light, and your body changes drastically. The bone wing spikes on your back become even larger, and your feet turn into two sharp bone blades. 】

[A head full of snakes with trigger threads flying and dancing wildly, and sharp claws and bone spurs on both hands, making them even sharper.]

[Your body continues to expand, turning into a huge angel nearly ten meters tall in the blink of an eye!]

[Endless power fills your body, and you have been successfully promoted to a ‘mythical’ Purgatory Angel! 】

[The quality of your body and skills have been upgraded to ‘mythical level’! 】

[The brilliant beam of light gradually extinguished and dispersed, leaving only the 'Angel of Purgatory' standing quietly overlooking all things. 】

[The powerful power of the demigod permeates your body, enough to wipe out all enemies in front of you!]

[The remaining soldiers of the Poisonous Scorpion Legion were greatly inspired. They shouted your holy name fanatically and shouted that they would follow the Legion Commander to the death! 】

[The four angels all looked at you in horror, and the ‘Angel of Condemnation’ murmured, This, this is the power of a wet nurse and her offspring. 】

[‘Plague Angel’ couldn’t suppress his scream of fear, run away, run away, run back to Hallownest!]

[You look down at the four archangels who are fleeing quickly, regardless of the army of Ascended Ones...]

[A bloody giant sword appears in your hand. The blood light of the giant sword is dim, but the powerful pressure it displays makes the feathered person who is slightly closer to you collapse to the ground, unable to resist at all. 】

[You show a cruel smile that is inconsistent with your holy face, the sharp bone wings behind your back plunge into the ground, and the mythical skill - 'Crutal Thorns and Bone Spurs' is activated! 】

[The forest of thorns that appeared instantly covered a large battlefield, harvesting the lives of thousands of feathered beings in one fell swoop! 】

[You defeated the ‘Feathered Legionnaire’*2861, and your experience value increased tremendously.]

[The power in the body begins to boil, and the body level of the ‘Epished Purgatory Angel’ increases. The current body level is: 86 (1↑)]

[As thousands of feathered people die, the blood of the giant sword in your hand surges, and the rich blood almost fills the entire battlefield!]

[The substantial scarlet aura gathers into a bloody ribbon, surrounding the 'Sword of the Bloody King' and exuding terrifying power!]

[You raise your hand and hold the giant sword flat, and the point pointed by the sword is the four angels running away madly...]

[The cruel murderous intention that does not match the ethereal voice echoes on the battlefield for a long time...]

【Judge here!】

[The four archangels are evil heretics who have abandoned Allah!]

[The figures of the four archangel warriors suddenly sank. They were extremely heavy after running away so quickly. They seemed to have some kind of invisible shackles on them, and their movements were filled with a feeling of heavy stagnation. 】

[They tried hard to vibrate their bone wings, but they couldn't get into the air and could only stay on the ground.]

[They ran with all their strength, but they felt the towering mountains pressing on their backs, making their steps difficult, and their escape speed was slower than ordinary people walking.]

[You have successfully applied the negative status of ‘Strong and Powerless’ to the enemy! 】

[The four angels knew they could not escape from the battlefield, so they gathered together in despair, trying to unite the four of them to resist your next attack. 】

[Only by condensing the four scattered forces together, can there be a glimmer of hope to compete with the extraordinary demigods who have reached the strength of a wet nurse and his offspring! 】

[You lick the corner of your mouth and reveal a bloodthirsty smile.]

[The bone wings on the back plunge into the ground again, harvesting the lives of thousands of feathered beings as the source of blood power.]

[You defeated the ‘Feathered Legionnaire’*2917, and your experience value increased tremendously.]

[The dim giant sword in the hand once again erupted with dazzling blood light, and the rich blood light shot straight into the sky, dispersing the layers of clouds and mist. 】

[Mythical weapon stunt—‘Bloody Judgment’ activated! 】

[The breath of endless blood spreads throughout your body, and endless thoughts of killing occupy your heart and fill your mind.]

[You just want all the enemies that stand in front of you to be crushed into pieces!]

[You turn into an exploding bloody meteor, instantly crossing the battlefield, rushing towards the four archangels with unparalleled momentum...]

[Wherever the meteorite passes, a wave of blood-red flames sweeps across the earth. Countless feathered beings standing between you and the four angels have no time to howl in agony before they are mercilessly crushed into blood and minced meat. 】

[The bloody impact instantly divided the battlefield, leaving a deep ravine full of broken limbs!]

[And at the end of the meteor's impact, there are four faces of despair and fear...]

[Blood spurts out, the battlefield echoes with the sound of sonic booms that can shatter eardrums, and blood-colored air waves lift countless feathered beings away. 】

[The meteorite that burned out its blood turned into a huge 'purgatory angel' again, and where the four angels originally stayed, there was nothing left except minced flesh and blood all over the ground...]

[You defeated the ‘Feathered Legionnaire’*5764, and your experience value increased tremendously! 】

[You defeated the ‘Echoed Divine Dragon’*12, and your experience points increased significantly! 】

[You defeated the ‘Echoed Angel of Sin’, and your experience points increased tremendously! 】

[You defeated the ‘Echoed Plague Angel’, and your experience points increased tremendously! 】

[You defeated the ‘Echoed Bloody Angel’…]

【You defeated...】

[The power within the body begins to boil, and the body level of the ‘Epished Purgatory Angel’ increases. The current body level is: 89 (3↑)]

[Your special attribute ‘Hive Consciousness 8’ has been improved, and your current status is ‘Hive Consciousness 12’! 】

[You are holding a bloody giant sword and looking down at the battlefield. No one who has emerged dares to look at you. 】

[With frightened faces, they no longer charged forward without the command of the four angels, but stopped, turned around and fled backwards...]

[Suddenly, the sound of wailing and shouting resounded throughout the battlefield, and the army of Ascended Ones all retreated! 】

[You single-handedly reversed the situation on the battlefield, causing countless armies of feathered ones to retreat and flee in fear!]

"It's a pity that in addition to the experience points rewards in the test copy, there are only special attribute rewards for killing the four archangels."

"Otherwise, it would be a big gain if we could get a few unique angel warrior bodies..."

[The hoarse but energetic shout of the ‘Adjutant’ came from the distance behind him…]

[Please give an order from the commander of the army! Should we pursue the enemy?]

[You look back and see the 'Adjutant' among the only ten or so Scorpion soldiers left. He is covered in blood and one of his arms has disappeared from his shoulder. ]

[Facing the soldiers who are covered in scars but with fanatical eyes, you take a deep breath and shout an order...]

【The whole army is pursuing!】

【Kill any living enemy you see! 】

[The Poisonous Scorpion Legion raised their arms and shouted, pursuing relentlessly, leaving their backs to their enemies...]

Lin Xun took advantage of the transformation effect to kill many enemies in one fell swoop and gain a large amount of experience points.

The body level has been upgraded again, reaching a high level of 90.

Finally, the short duration of the ‘Purgatory Angel’s Arrival’ subsided.

The Feathered Legion had long lost its will to fight decisively. Even after seeing his transformation end, they did not step forward to fight again, but retreated and fled desperately.

[The number of enemies you have killed has reached the breakthrough point, and the accumulated ‘Devil Fortune’ has reached the critical value! 】

"Well, Dan Mo Fu?"

Lin Xun vaguely remembered that Tanlang Xingjun had a passive skill called ‘Xingkui Lingshu Demon-Defying Mysterious Technique’.

The effect is that every time you kill an enemy, you can accumulate some 'Demon Merit', thereby improving the skill quality of the 'Xuan Gong', and also improving the quality of Greedy Wolf Star Lord's body.

It’s just that this thing has no progress bar, and it doesn’t show the ‘Demon Merit’ gained by killing monsters. Over time, he forgot about this skill...

"The monster was obviously killed by the Purgatory Angel, and Lord Greedy Wolf Star can also obtain the 'Demon Merit'... Does this all work?"

He quickly opened the panel to check the skills of Lord Greedy Wolf Star.

['Xingkui Lingshu Dang Demon Xuan Gong' (epic level skill): With this skill, every time you kill an enemy, you will accumulate some 'Dang Demon Fortune'... The quality of this body will follow that of 'Xing Kui Lingshu'

Improved with the improvement of Demon-Dang Xuan Gong!】

The skill description only states that after possessing this skill, killing the enemy will accumulate the 'Demon Merit', and it does not clarify whether it was killed by Greedy Wolf Star Lord or another body.

In the eyes of other apostles, this inaccurately described BUG is not considered a BUG at all. Even if they know that there are loopholes in it, they cannot exploit it. Only Lin Xun, who is extremely talented, can turn this BUG into his own advantage.

[Your body, ‘The Greedy Wolf Star Lord of Desire’, possesses the skill ‘Xingkui Lingshu Demon-Slaying Xuan Gong’, which is overflowing with ‘Demon-Slaying Merit’, and the quality of the skill has been improved! 】

[‘Xingkui Lingshu Demon-driving Mysterious Technique’ has been upgraded from epic level to legendary level! 】

[The quality of the body of ‘The Greedy Wolf Star Lord of Desire’ will be improved along with this skill, to the legendary level! 】

[Due to the compatibility bonus of your soul talent ‘Thousand Faces’, the compatibility of this body exceeds 100%, and the quality of the body is upgraded to legendary level! 】

Lin Xun browsed the panel and found that the quality of Greedy Wolf Star Lord's body had indeed been upgraded from the original legendary level to the legendary level.

It's just that except for the improvement in the quality of the body and the 'Xing Kui Ling Shu Demon Swallowing Mysterious Technique', the rest of the skills remain the same.

"I have killed so many monsters along the way, and now I have killed tens of thousands of monsters on the battlefield. This passive skill has finally been improved."

"It's really not easy..."

Greedy Wolf Star Lord only needs to upgrade his body quality with monster-killing skills, which seems to be much easier than Xiaolong people's promotion, but in fact it is not.

The number of kills required to upgrade Greedy Wolf Star Lord to the body quality is too great. If Lin Xun hadn't accidentally entered the battlefield dungeon, he wouldn't have been able to advance to Greedy Wolf Star Lord until the year of the monkey.

Moreover, he estimated that Tanlangxing Jun wanted to accumulate the merits of being a demon, and he also had certain requirements for monster levels or quality. Most of the monsters in normal difficulty and nightmare difficulty might not be able to meet the requirements.

"The seemingly abnormal and powerful skills actually have hidden limitations."

Lin Xungang was just about to harvest some more experience points and ‘Demon Merit’ when a prompt came from the underworld game.

[The army of Ecstatic Ones all retreated, running backwards like crazy, kicking up smoke and dust all over the sky. This time they were no longer marching in a hurry, but actually running away! 】

[The cheers of the Scorpion Legion echoed throughout the battlefield, and the ‘Adjutant’ and the surviving soldiers came to you, looking at you with fanatical admiration in their eyes.]

[Although they are covered with bruises, they support each other and kneel down on one knee towards you, shouting loudly...]

[Follow the legion commander to the death!]

[Follow the legion commander to the death!!]


[You have won the small-scale battle!]

【You passed the test of ‘Librarian’! 】


Lin Xun twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling that he still had something to say.

"Is this the end? Don't...I haven't brushed enough yet."

This chapter has been completed!
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