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Chapter 391 The Goddess of Jealousy and the Struggle of the Superior Disciple

Lin Xun looked at the game text that showed "You defeated the 'Sixth Disciple Bashir'!"

In today's soul-destroying option, all the disciples in the middle position have been wiped out!

Just now, Bashir summoned the demon to come, causing quite a stir, which even he noticed even from the edge of the island.

The demon's strength was extremely terrifying, and he estimated that even if he stepped forward, if he didn't use any tricks, he would most likely be able to avoid its edge first.

"Anyone who can be elected as a disciple really has two skills."

Lin Xun quietly rushed over and happened to see the fifth disciple killed in battle, while the sixth disciple Bashir stood there blankly.

After the demon disappeared, he immediately sent him to heaven with a 'bloody judgment'.

Soon, the "resting page" that heralded victory appeared in front of Lin Xun.

He stepped forward and clicked on the 'nap' option on the book page.

The Son of Evil has endless physical strength and does not need to be refreshed or restored. What needs to be restored is the 'Scavenger Lich' who was unconscious and completely empty of mana just now.

It is known that the first disciple has not yet reached the mortal realm of false gods and is still at the mythical level.

At this time, he called me specifically and used words to interfere with the decisive battle between me and the first disciple.

Seeing this, Fang Yu quickly pressed 'Yes'. If he thought about it more firmly, he would be slapped to death by the 'hating male god'.

The seventh explanation is that there are actually so few chapters in the "soul-destroying mode", and there are not so few gladiatorial arenas with appropriate rules.

[It raised its head and kissed him hard on the forehead. The cold and sweet breath made his desire to kill continue to grow, and the desire for revenge hidden in his blood swept through his body! 】

"what did he say??"

[He wants to go to the first hunting ground, the hunting ground belonging to his sister Baoshi, right?]

【You discovered the ‘Eight Sisters of the Revengeful God—the Hateful God’! 】

However, when Luo Meng uses the 'Touch of Joy', his winning rate is too high if he wants to win against everyone in a duel.

It is to use the ultimate joyful instant kill effect, but to use another method of using it to get a lot of bad feelings.

[The second disciple Nehemiah—dead!]

Lin Xun didn't expect that Wei Xinu was so strong and could survive until now.

[Let me guess, he has not yet qualified as a player in the game, but he can still satisfy the desire to kill in his heart. 】

Moreover, among the chapters of 'Soul Destruction Mode', chapters must be selected that comply with the rules of the Disciples' War... To be honest, the probability of two or eight similar chapters appearing is very high to very slim.

If my master is really not that weak, I still need to cultivate a group of gladiators. I hope the evil god can let me bring my family and my family to join me?

Maybe I thought for too long, which made the 'Hateful Male God' impatient. The font of the text gradually became as red as blood and trembled constantly.

The Lord chooses chapters based on the rules of the Disciple War, but formulates the rules of the Disciple War based on the existing chapter model!

The eight vengeful male gods are the makers and enforcers of the rules of this game. They must have power beyond the demigods. How can this low-level disciple go to the high-level area to abuse others?

Luo Men thought about it carefully and finally made up his mind.


Countless thoughts flashed through Weisinu's mind, and the anger in his heart suddenly turned into calmness. While I ran away with all my strength, I said in a deep voice: "Cain, you were impulsive just now, he said!"

The territory of lower-ranking disciples is smaller and wider than that of middle-ranking disciples.

First, the boss has been able to interfere with the rules of the game to some extent.

Wesinu was shocked!


"That big guy..."

At this time, I had reached the edge of the first island and successfully climbed onto the first battlefield.

The Lord is one of the weakest beings among the apostles. In terms of the degradation of the strategy game, it is estimated that except for the Chief Speaker, no one can be better than him.

Because, I want to use the ‘touch of joy’ on the revengeful male god!

As for the upper area, Bashir is already my eldest brother, and Luomen is not planning to allocate the territory in the upper area to Bashir. It is a huge favor to allow him to keep his original territory.

I am not cooperating with the 'librarian', but I have reached some kind of cooperative relationship with the evil god in this chapter.

Later, the Bloody Day easter egg chapter during the disciples' campaign was a "killing mode" that was not found in other easter egg chapters.

Such a top-level apostle has the authority that an abnormal apostle does not have. It can be explained that he can change the recruitment method of Easter egg bookmarks to the method of issuing invitation letters.

There is absolutely no chance of passing Luomen!

Luo Men narrowed his eyes, and I already thought of a way that might be able to support my speculation.

The rules of the Disciple War can be complicated at times, but also a bit simple at times.

I looked at the item in the inventory - 'Touch of Joy'.

I smiled disdainfully and was about to hang up the phone when I heard Cain's extremely confident voice coming from outside the receiver...

He must have participated in the struggle of the lower disciples. Judging from the number of remaining followers of the two men, the ranking and overall strength of the disciples, the possibility of Wisinu surviving is extremely slim.

According to Wisinu's information, the lower disciples do not have mythical strength at most, and although the first disciple has not yet reached the realm of immortality, his strength is the first among all disciples, and he is the top existence among demigods.

If the battle situation continues to develop like this, the winner will definitely be the first disciple, Lin Xun.

That's the only way to explain it.

Before the jealous male god left, Luo Men had no time to think about the problem he had just thought of.

[He saw a beautiful mature man again. He was dressed similarly to the 'Goddess An' he saw next time. He had a similar figure, but his face was slightly different...]

Of the two explanations, Luomen prefers the seventh one.

In the soul-killing option, Vesinu's followers have been killed and injured, and the first disciple Suo Lin Xun has two followers left.

At this point, I have no two options. One is to directly click on the rest page and send it back to the library.

[The fearful apostle, will he go to the hunting ground of the ‘God of Repaying Alms’? 】

I don't have the soul secret of "the fire is extinguished". Even if I die in battle or encounter "soul annihilation", I can still return to the library unharmed.

I am sure that I can become the final party, and then use the 'Touch of Joy' to increase a large amount of bad feelings, and there is a small chance that I will know the true situation of this chapter from the plot characters!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! ['Touch of Joy' (a decay-level prop):...Using this prop, he can cause joy or extreme joy to the designated target.


Luo Men thought for a long time and came up with two reasonable explanations.

If he could collect them all, Luo Men would truly become a small businessman who spends his spirituality as money.

[‘Reporting Shi’ will be waiting for him at the front hunting ground, waiting for the moment when he gets Fang Yi! 】

However, the call remained connected for a long time.

"He knows who the person standing in front of you is... Hey, tell him the truth, you got off the island Fang Yi!"

If the game managers collude with the capitulation and advent factions, what will the official do to fight against the new world?

Luo Menre laughed: "The villain, it's Wisinu! Does he want to live or die?"

The seventh option is to continue to participate in the struggle of the lower disciples, become the ultimate party, become the first disciple, and take over all the territory controlled by the subsequent disciples.

However, ‘Soul-Destroying Mode’ is an extremely rare game mode. Even if the number of chapters in “Book of Salvation” is unimaginably small, there will still be too few chapters in “Soul-Destroying Mode”.


Although Luomen can kill at the myth level, it would be bad to encounter the apostles of the myth level.

It would not be surprising to see a chapter like the Disciples’ Election.

"You landed on the island of the next disciple!"

[The 'Hateful Male God' licked his lips again, and smiled like a madman, boring mortal, if he can fail in the hunting ground of 'repaying charity'... he will be rewarded by the gods! 】

Luo Men didn't stop and immediately launched a series of fatal CALLs.

It is still unrealistic to use a mythical body to fight against an extremely low-level mythical body covered in divine clothing.

As for the quality of the body and the equipment, he is just like those veteran disciples who are armed to the teeth.

At this time, it is the safest decision to accept the bad news, and participating in the competition for the first disciple has a high probability of overturning.

I'm sure I might still have doubts about a similar chapter, but the Disciple War hasn't been held for too many years.

I obtained the body of the 'Scale Lich' and my level was directly upgraded to level 20, reaching level 110 which has never been reached since then.


A single chapter cannot be said to be a coincidence, but the presence of so few chapters with the same rules must be a coincidence, but artificially created!

Fang Yu took a long breath and rubbed his forehead to calm down.

On the other end of the phone, Wesinu had already turned on the speakerphone and was retreating to fight quietly. When I heard Cain's rebellious words, I almost dared to touch my own ears.

After thinking for a moment, I shook my head.

I am the only winner in the middle area and can occupy the sheep pen territory of all the middle disciples.

This is not a certain degree of cooperation between your Majesty and the ‘Librarian’!

[The fourth disciple Omri—is dead!]

Finally, the call was connected, and the long-suppressed anger of Vishnu came: "Cain!"

It may even be that the war zone has always been the same, but the disciples involved could not detect it.

This item, which can be called a demigod's instant kill weapon, is either a nuclear bomb strike or not.

Wesinu can become the eighth disciple, have you seen any small scenes?

"They...none of them can survive!"

Chapters like the Disciple War gave me a very weird feeling.

The Apostle is not a player at best. If he wants to change the fundamental rules of the game, he must first break free from the shackles of the game.

Among the options, Bashir and Cain are both still alive, and the middle disciple is all left.

I want to take all the territory of the other two high-ranking disciples into my pocket.

[The ‘Jealous God’ fluttered his front wings, set off a violent hurricane, and disappeared behind his eyes, leaving only a slightly expectant word...]

PS: That chapter is an additional chapter for the alliance leader 'Update is Killing'. I stayed up late and finally finished coding, but a new alliance leader 'Empire|Qin Shang' has been added. Please hurry up and update it after you recover.

(Remarks: If the content exceeds the word limit, additional charges will be applied.)

[He told the ‘Jealous God’ that he was going to the hunting ground of the ‘Repaying God’ to challenge weaker existences and put on an unprecedented grand performance for the gods!]

If there is any accident, the first disciple will become the final winner of the lower area.

That explanation must be made reasonable. Luomen could only think of one possibility.

Although the luck value of the current life-changing artifact has not been restored to full, according to the "small probability" described in the item, it is estimated that if Fang shakes out a value, it can produce a one-hit kill effect.

I operated my body, left the island of the middle disciple, and flew to the front line of the war.

[The ‘Jealous God’ flicked the blood-stained snake whip, wrapping him in layers, pulling him close behind him and making eye contact with him...]

When the Lich's body returned to full mana, he charged the 'Sword of the Bloody King' while checking the battle status of the upper disciples.

The PK mode, which ranks apostles according to their kill value, often does not appear in Easter egg chapters, and is considered rare.

I squinted my eyes, decisively took out another private phone, and dialed Wisinu.

When Luo Men thought of that, this strange feeling came to his heart again.

Isn't your Majesty that weak?

There is a small chance that Extreme Joy will be able to kill that male god.

I must be following the rules of the Disciple War to select suitable chapters as the arena. There are definitely not so few "soul-destroying mode" chapters that meet the conditions!

[He felt nothing and turned around to look...]

Since Luo Men wanted to kill his subordinates and destroy the new world, he had to grow up at the slowest speed.

The phone is a mobile phone used for daily games, but it is a phone specifically used to communicate with Bashir and Vishnu.

Before that Disciple War started, I wanted to wait until the previous one, but I knew I had to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse.

Fang Yu suddenly had an idea, what would happen if I used the 'touch of joy' on the 'hateful male god'?

I quickly shook off Lin Xun's attack, fled forward without any resoluteness, and conveniently clicked on the 'soul-destroying option'.

Those two kinds of existence, with or without the help of rules and authority, can be accomplished!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Moreover, New World has never collected all kinds of ordinary bookmarks from members, and Easter egg bookmarks are one of them.

I can change the mode of some special chapters to "soul-destroying mode" and change the rules to suit the disciples' war. I also have to mark out a suitable area so that the disciples can participate.

Luo Men narrowed his eyes and thought about it in his mind.

But compared with those veteran disciples, I only have no disadvantages or advantages depending on the level.

In the entire disciples' war, apart from him and Amoz, only two disciples survived.

[Isn’t he the boring mortal that my sister said? 】

In this way, Luomen is equivalent to occupying the sheepfold of a disciple and holding a dedication ceremony with caution, and can gain a small amount of spirituality.

Luomen's only advantage is the increase in body weakness brought about by soul amplification.

"Is he looking for death?!"

Because there is no official gathering base similar to the ‘Disciple Holy Land’, and I have never seen the official release of props similar to chapter invitations!

[The first disciple Solomon—survived, number of remaining followers 4/6]

[He just flew over the range of islands at his feet and retreated towards the first island in the distance when he suddenly stopped.]

[Happiness can greatly increase the designated target's bad impression of him, and extreme joy can cause a long-term control state on the designated target, and there is a small probability of causing a one-hit kill effect on targets higher than the mortal level! This item

It is a consumable item and can only be used once.】

[The 'Hateful Male God' stretched out its sharp claws and drew a blood mark under his face. It stretched out its scarlet tongue and licked the oozing blood, praising loudly...]

If you just want to test your suspicions, your plan to use the ‘Touch of Joy’ to kill the first disciple instantly may have to be changed.

"Weisinu, if he still wants to live and defeat Suo Linxun, he will obey your orders!"

Forging a weak suit for every main body may no longer be a dream.

Yes, that white-eyed wolf must have thought that I, Wisinu, am as strong as Lin Xun, and there is a small chance that I can become the winner of the lower area.

Before I die, Fang Yuhuan and Cain will no longer have subordinates, so someone will be their pastor, exploiting and dedicating their spirituality at every level.

[The third disciple Vessinu—survived, the number of remaining followers is 2/8]

It would be too hopeless to be certain that the first explanation is indeed true.

From the beginning to the end, the locations of the disciples' wars are all in the same chapter, but the war areas are not the same.

Because there are only a few disciples left in this term, we have to wait at most four disciple elections to fill up the number before we can start the next disciple war.

How could there not be so few chapters that comply with the rules of disciple war?

Even if the soul amplification can smooth out the disadvantages of body level and body equipment, the improvement in strength caused by the quality of the body is too small, and it is difficult to smooth it out.

[It’s not that wonderful feeling of hatred. What my sister said is indeed wrong. He is really boring.]

Why are there no chapters with similar rules for disciples to fight in each of the previous disciple wars?

Although Luomen prefers the seventh explanation, the fact is that the first explanation is more consistent with the current situation.

This chapter has been completed!
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