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Chapter 441 The truth buried in the abyss

[The ‘Abyss’ is destined not to die, and the demon clan is also destined to become the masters of this world again! 】

[He encountered another nameless evil god in the vast starry sky. That evil god has been exiled in the starry sky for endless years, and his divine power has been exhausted...]

[‘The Abyss’ defeated and swallowed it, took control of another supreme authority, and transformed into a more powerful and majestic existence! 】

[He created another intelligent species, "Star Spirit", and returned to the world in the name of "Stars". He is bound to regain everything he lost...]

[The evil god ‘Almighty True Knowledge’ split into a clone called ‘Servant of the God of Knowledge’ during his slumber, and ordered him to control the world on his behalf. 】

[The 'Servant of the God of Knowledge' supports lowly humans and savage dragons, making them the masters of all living things, and driving out the demon clan to annihilation...]

[When the ‘stars’ return to the world, the head of the evil gods and the source of disorder, the ‘Almighty True Knowledge’, has long since awakened, and the world has become unrecognizable under the rule of humans and dragons...]

[With the arrival of the ‘stars’, the flames of vengeance of the second divine war sweep across the entire world!]


[But the road of righteous revenge is always full of twists and turns. Because the power of the 'Almighty True Knowledge' is too evil and sinister, the evil god once again became the winner of the divine war...]

[The ‘abyss’ has sunk, the ‘stars’ have dimmed, and all living things have once again succumbed to the enslavement and oppression of the terrifying evil god. 】

[But how could the ‘Devils’ and ‘Star Spirits’ surrender like this? How could the ‘Abyss’ and ‘Stars’ fall like this? 】

[The ‘Abyss’ is destined not to die, and the demon clan is also destined to become the masters of this world again! 】

[You read this aloud and couldn’t help but sigh, secretly sighing that this mythical history is really a history of blood and tears. The ‘Abyss’ has suffered repeated defeats and battles, and its perseverance is admirable. 】

[On second thought, it is also possible that the starry sky is vast and the ‘Abyss’ may want to escape after being repeatedly defeated, seeking another world that has not yet been destroyed. 】

[It’s a pity that the ‘Abyss’ was never found, so I returned to this world as a last resort. 】

[Even if the stone tablet next to you has some magical power to maintain protection, it will not be able to withstand the erosion of the long river of time.]

[This results in the traces of the written text on it being different from old to new. The most weathered and worn part is the first paragraph, which is the paragraph about the first divine battle. 】

[The second is the passage where the 'Abyss' went into exile in the starry sky, and later returned to this world in the name of the 'Stars', and was defeated in the second divine war...]

[The third paragraph of text you are going to continue talking about now, the traces look relatively new, it seems that it was just compiled and engraved not long ago, and there are basically no traces of weathering and wear. 】

[You look around. Even though the demon kings in the hall are very familiar with this history, they are still immersed in it under your emotional narration. ]

[They have different expressions, some are angry and unwilling, some are depressed, but most of them are full of expectations and excitement. 】

[It seems that what you are about to describe is the beautiful vision they have been looking forward to...]

[You take a deep breath and continue to speak loudly according to the words on the stone tablet...]

[After defeating the ‘Abyss’ this time, I gave up all my divinity and made a desperate move! 】

[But this does not mean surrendering, it means rebirth in Nirvana, ultimately defeating the evil god and taking back everything!]

[The evil god ‘Almighty True Knowledge’ swallowed up another supreme authority and fell into a long sleep to digest the authority. 】

[How could he know that while he was sleeping, the ‘abyss’ would eventually be reborn in another form? 】

[At that time, no one can stop the progress of ‘Abyss’. 】

[‘The abyss’ is destined not to die, because ‘when you are staring at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you’! 】

[The demon clan is also destined to become the masters of this world again, because the 'Son of the Abyss' is about to be born, and he will destroy the 'Almighty True Knowledge', replace the 'Almighty True Knowledge', and be reborn as the real 'Abyss'! 】

[After you narrated the last paragraph of the text on the stone tablet, many demon kings under the altar couldn't help but raise their arms and shout the sacred name of the 'son of the abyss'. 】

[But they didn’t even cheer a few times before they realized that the so-called ‘son of the abyss’ was just the lowest form of ‘goat-horned devil’. 】

[He, no! How could it be possible for it to kill the ‘Almighty True Knowledge’ and lead the demons to become the master of the world? 】

[When you told the history of the ‘Abyss’, many demon kings already believed that you were the ‘Son of the Abyss’. 】

[It’s just that they can’t accept that the ‘Son of the Abyss’ is so low in strength, and they can’t believe that you can complete the last paragraph of the inscription. 】

[Many of the demon kings suddenly felt like ‘heaven is going to kill me’. 】

[Why is the ‘Son of the Abyss’ the lowest level ‘goat-horned demon’? With such low strength, how can he kill the ‘Almighty True Knowledge’ and be reborn as ‘The Abyss’? 】

[You know, the history of the speech just now is just a foreshadowing. You must do something at this time to make all the demons believe that you can save them. 】

[You look around and say loudly, since they can’t accept the fact that you are the ‘son of the abyss’, prove it to them. 】

[Of all the demon kings here, which one dares to come forward and challenge you at the cost of your life to verify your identity? 】

[As soon as these words came out, not only was there an uproar under the altar, but even the face of the ‘Devil Shaman’ beside you changed suddenly. 】

[The ‘Devil Shaman’ is very close to you, and it can clearly feel how much power is contained in your body. 】

[Although your power is much higher than that of the ordinary 'goat-horned demon', you are still in the category of low-level demons. It is simply impossible to challenge the demigod-level demon king! 】

[The 'Devil Shaman' quickly dissuaded, respected 'Son of the Abyss', you are the only hope for the revival of the demon clan, and you are the only opportunity for the great 'Abyss' to revive. 】

[The demon kings will only be unable to accept the fact that your strength is low at the moment, but they believe that as long as they give you enough time to rise and grow, you will definitely become a true 'son of the abyss'. 】

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [Some slightly rational demon kings under the altar also agree with the 'devil shaman''s view, but more demons have different opinions.]

[A short and thin demon suddenly said that it is willing to challenge the ‘Son of the Abyss’! 】

[If this ram-horned demon is the 'Son of the Abyss' mentioned in the stone tablet, and can lead the demons to become the masters of the world, there is no way they will be defeated by its 'Abyss Pain Demon'. ]

[If the ‘Son of the Abyss’ cannot even defeat an ordinary demon king, then it is an absurd joke to hope that he can defeat the ‘Almighty True Knowledge’! 】

[The 'Devil Shaman' immediately yelled angrily and wanted to stop the 'Abyss Pain Demon', but many demon kings under the altar agreed with its proposal. ]

[The two demon kings began to argue and confront each other. The one with the smallest number of people already believed that you were the ‘Son of the Abyss’. Now seeing that you are so confident, they have subconsciously recognized your identity. 】

[They believe that you are the only hope of the demon clan, and you should not put yourself in danger just to verify the ridiculous truth.]

[If an accident occurs during the battle, it will be a huge loss that the demon clan will never be able to bear. 】

[However, most demon kings are constantly supporting the 'Abyss Pain Demon'. What it says is indeed very reasonable. If the 'Son of the Abyss' can die in an ordinary challenge, it means that you are not a 'Son of the Abyss' at all.

[The warlike genes inherent in demons also make them look forward to the next life and death challenge. 】

[The 'Abyss Pain Demon' always disagreed with the 'Devil Shaman', and even wanted to use its own identity to suppress this challenge. It spoke out again...]

[The shaman is simply worried that it will kill the ‘Son of the Abyss’ in the duel, causing the demon clan to completely lose hope...]

[Hehe, it can swear to the great ‘Abyss’ that it will never let this ‘goat-horned demon’ die in a duel, and it will not even let the ‘goat-horned demon’ suffer any injuries...]

[If the goat-horned demon is really the 'son of the abyss', then even if it dies in a duel, it will not complain at all. 】

[After saying that, the ‘Abyss Pain Demon’ immediately made an oath. 】

[The ‘Devil Shaman’ opened his mouth and found that there was no reason to stop the challenge of the ‘Abyss Pain Demon’. 】

[It turns to look at you with a tangled expression, as if seeking your opinion.]

[You are not afraid at all and say with a confident look, since the ‘Abyss Pain Demon’ wants to use his own life to verify your identity, of course you will fulfill it...]

【But you have a condition!】

[You inherited the will of the "Abyss" and were born here, and you also inherited the last weapon of the "Abyss", which is a big killer weapon used to deal with the "Almighty True Knowledge". 】

[And the price is to be born in the original, weakest form of a low-level demon...]

[This ability originating from the ‘abyss’, or supreme authority, is a top-secret trump card. You must not show it to anyone. 】

[Otherwise, the price of exposing your trump card will be unbearable for the demon clan.]

[So, you need an absolutely closed place, a place that cannot be perceived by anyone, as the place for this duel. 】

[As soon as this statement came out, there was a lot of discussion under the altar. Immediately, a tall and strong demon covered in red came out and said loudly...]

[You want to duel in an absolutely closed place? You won’t be able to see the duel scene. Who knows if you have any cheating methods. 】

[As soon as he finished speaking, the demon kings in a circle around him stared at him like he was mentally retarded, making him feel uncomfortable.]

['Devil Shaman' sneered, a 'goat-horned demon' could defeat the demigod-level 'Demon King' by cheating? You idiot with a brain full of muscles, tell it, what is this cheating method?

[The red demon king was immediately speechless. The 'Devil Shaman' continued, if there could be such a method so that the lowest 'goat-horned demon' could kill the demigod-level demon king, the demon clan would have long ago

Killed all the humans.]

[The 'Devil Shaman' immediately made a decision and said that there is indeed a completely closed place in the ethnic group that can isolate anyone's eyes from exploring. Even the devil can't pay attention. ]

[It's just that it's not a suitable place for a duel...but this duel is of great significance, as it dares to offend the ancestors who have passed away.]

[The 'Devil Shaman' announced loudly that the duel between the 'Son of the Abyss' and the 'Abyss Pain Demon' will take place in the 'Ancient Tomb'! 】

[Although they cannot watch the duel, the ancestors who have passed away will witness the power of the ‘Sons of the Abyss’ for their descendants! 】

[The red demon is still unwilling to give in, but the words of the 'Devil Shaman' have blocked all the objections. Even the person involved, the 'Abyss Pain Demon', can only acquiesce, and naturally it can no longer object. ]

The duel place called the 'Ancient Tomb' was not far from the sacrificial site. A group of demon kings got up and left this place, heading towards the 'Ancient Tomb' in a mighty manner.

Lin Xun left the sacrificial site and saw what the real "abyss" was like.

I don't know how deep this place is underground. There is no sunlight, but there is a strong burning sensation in the darkness. The surrounding temperature is extremely high, making it an absolute restricted area for life.

Only physically strong species like demons can survive in the abyss underground for generations.

"No wonder these demons, although they believe in the abyss, always want to return to the surface and become the masters of the world again. This place is indeed not for humans."

On the way, the 'Devil Shaman' never left his side, trying to test him with his words, but also contradicting himself to protect his identity.

At this time, this ‘Devil Shaman’ should be the most complicated demon in the audience.

The entrance of the 'Ancient Mausoleum' is like a temple, located above the 'ground', and its real internal mausoleum is buried deep underground.

With the sound of "rumbling", the entrance door of the mausoleum opened, and the duel parties entered the underground mausoleum, while a group of demon kings were waiting outside the mausoleum.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Whoever can walk out of the mausoleum standing upright in the end will be the winner of the duel.


[No one is around, it’s quiet...]

[Just after entering the first tomb, the ‘Abyss Pain Demon’ couldn’t wait to sneer and said, despicable low-level demons who dare to pretend to be ‘sons of the abyss’ will have to pay the price. 】

[Don’t worry, it will follow its oath and will not kill you, but it will make you endure the most painful torture!]

[After you step into the underground mausoleum, the uncomfortable feeling of being watched by countless eyes disappears immediately.]

[You know that there is no need for the ‘Devil Shaman’ to deceive you. This place can indeed isolate you from all exploration and gaze. If your identity as the ‘Son of the Abyss’ can be confirmed, it will be one of the biggest beneficiaries. 】

[But if you are a fake, then after you die, it will definitely be the next person to die. 】

[So even if you make rude requests, as long as your identity can be verified, it will support you unconditionally. 】

After Lin Xun confirmed that it was safe, he didn't bother to fight with this guy.

This 'Abyss Pain Demon' is a 'Demon King' rather than a 'Great Demon King', and its strength is only at the level of an ordinary demigod.

Facing the 'Son of the Abyss' with two bodies of the 'Great Sage', he could not survive even one round.

To be on the safe side, he did not switch bodies directly, but used the 'Queen Bee Phase' to complete the duel.


[You have set the ‘Goat-Horned Demon’ as the ‘Queen Bee’, and the other bodies in the body column have become ‘Drones’! 】

[A tall figure wearing a magic robe appears behind you. The ‘Great Sage’ raises his staff, and dozens of dragon spears shoot towards the ‘Abyss Pain Demon’. 】

[It is preparing to kill you face to face. Seeing such a strange sight, it can’t help but turn pale with fright...]

[Many dragon spears instantly penetrated the body of the 'Abyss Pain Demon' and nailed it to the wall...]

[It seemed to want to open its mouth to say something, but it tilted its head and died on the spot, its face still retaining the temporary fear.]

[You defeated the ‘Abyss Pain Demon’, and your experience value increased slightly. 】

[You have obtained ‘a small piece of spirituality that travels around the world’*1]

【You got...】

Lin Xun easily defeated the challenger with one shot of the Dragon Spear.

The demon was strong enough to possess him, and he also took its body into his pocket.

This chapter has been completed!
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