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Chapter 460 Test Reward, Despair Dragons in the Abyss

[Soul talent: Thousand Faces 5, your soul has a unique taste, is all-encompassing, and accepts all comers. It can easily possess all bodies. Talent effect: greatly improves the affinity for the body (65%)

, body slot 16】

"All-inclusive, no one will be rejected..."

Lin Xun looked at the description of soul talent thoughtfully.

The soul talent has been with him since the beginning of the game and is the key to his rapid improvement in strength.

This talent is undoubtedly very perverted. After killing strong enemies, you can increase the number of monsters possessed by the phase. It can also increase the quality of the body by half a level when the phase reaches the critical point.

Although compared with some other soul talents that can directly increase combat power, such as Lu Caiyi's 'Endless Power', such as Wisinu's 'Overdraft Evolution', etc., the multifaceted effect has a smaller gain in combat,

But its auxiliary ability, or the ability to quickly increase strength, is estimated to be able to throw off all the apostles.

However, until now, when it reaches the level of the 'immortal' god, the multifaceted effect has begun to be a little weak.

The most obvious thing is that after the phase exceeds the critical value, the quality of the body can no longer be improved.

Whether it is Frenda, the Great Sage who looks directly at it, or the newly acquired Executive Officer, Thousand Faces cannot improve the quality of the body to 'immortal' by breaking through 100% of the similarity.

Even when Lin Xun possessed the executive, before the effect of 'The Beginning of the Holy Spirit' had subsided, that is, when his flesh and blood authority was still in the realm of a god, the panel showed that the quality of the executive's body was 'immortal'.

With the blessing of phase, he was promoted to the 'Immortal Level'.

"Is Thousand Faces a soul talent that is strong in the early stage and weak in the later stage?"

Although the talent description only has two lines of text, but based on the text and the power and authority behind it, he vaguely feels that his power and authority are not simple.

Either it is just like the conjecture just now, the multi-faceted talent is a talent in the early stage, but it becomes useless in the later stage; or the power hidden behind this talent is so powerful that it may exceed imagination...

"Thousand Faces looks weak and weak now. It should be because my talent improvement progress is too slow, causing the talent to still stay at the level of 5."

According to known information, the soul talent will be truly developed at 7 o'clock, showing a substantial improvement.

Soul talent 7 needs to be improved with mythical divinity items. According to the unspoken rule of reducing one level from divinity drops, mythical divinity corresponds to the "immortal" god who controls power.

It is estimated that only when the soul talent reaches 7, can one's soul talent evolve in the direction of power.


[The 'librarian' saw that you had understood something, so he took off his monocle, took out a bookmark from his arms, and handed both to you...]

[You obtained the ‘Librarian’s Monocle’ (prop)]

[You have obtained the ‘anchored bookmark’ (prop)]

['Librarian' said to you, normally you cannot get any physical reward in the test content. This special test is different. Since you have obtained the power in advance, the test reward becomes a physical reward for defeating the executive.

and the body, so the bookmark rewards are not rich...]

Lin Xunxin said that if he hadn't activated the "Beginning of the Holy Spirit" in time and used the power of flesh and blood to piece together the corpse, this divine body would have never been with him.

But then I thought about it, the dismemberment of the executive officer was due to the apostle's own improper operation, although in that kind of fierce battle situation, there was no way for the demon king's army to show mercy...

After removing the compatibility bonus of the executive's body, the compatibility of the body itself reaches 82%. It can be possessed even if it does not have a thousand faces. It is obviously a reward body given by the underworld game.

The value of an 'immortal' god's body that meets the standard is indeed immeasurable. It cannot be said that the reward for the test is too little, but rather that it is too much.

As for the anchoring bookmark... he has successfully obtained an anchoring bookmark through the internal channels of the 'New World'. After completing this chapter, he can enter the anchoring evil god chapter.

The reward-anchored bookmark feels a bit redundant, but if you think about it from another perspective, this thing has a lot of uses, and it is definitely not too little but not too much.

[The 'librarian' continued, Apostle, the test has ended successfully, the rewards have been distributed, and his mission has been completed. It is time to say goodbye. 】

[When you truly create ‘immortal’, remember to go to the library to find his body, and you will be able to learn more about the truth about the end of the world. 】

[As the 'librarian' recited a spell silently, the figure faded and disappeared, along with the bookshelf and rattan lounge chair outside the library door...]

[You just talked with the 'Administrator' and left the 'Devil Shaman' aside for a long time. It didn't have any dissatisfaction, but was quietly waiting for your reply to the proposal of the 'Bloodbath Pole Star Society'...]

[After all, as the 'Son of the Abyss', you returned to the surface and came to the human world just to collect blood debt from the demon clan. 】

[However, the world on the ground is too dangerous. If the school of knowledge discovers the existence of a large number of demon kings and ‘sons of the abyss’, disaster will be waiting for you. 】

[After the Pole Star Society fully repays the blood debt, you will have no reason to stay in the human world anymore, and you will obediently follow them back to the abyss...]

[Do you want to agree to the ‘Devil Shaman’s’ proposal? 】

Lin Xun thought carefully and chose to refuse.

Now he has the body of an executive. Although he has not reached the level of immortality, he can use his identity to completely control the Polar Star Society and make this villain organization serve him.

[Although you rejected the proposal of the 'Devil Shaman', you did not make your words too serious, nor did you ask the demon kings to return to the abyss immediately. Instead, you let them and the demon kings' army enter the painting of the 'Star Cage' first, waiting for you.

Let’s find out the situation later.]

[The 'Devil Shaman' followed your instructions and took all the remaining demon kings into the teleportation painting. In the blink of an eye, the library became empty, leaving only you and Lorna. 】

Seeing that he was finally free, Lin Xun opened the inventory to check the rewards dropped by the executive.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Excluding spirituality, strengthening stones, materials and other items, there are only three props that the executive can really explode.

It is estimated that the rewards were reduced due to the external force of the Demon King's Legion.

[‘Scroll recording star magic’ (immortal-level item): The scroll records a powerful star magic called ‘Celestial Astrology’! 】

[‘Celestial Astrology’ (immortal-level skill): Observe the relative positions and relative movements of celestial bodies and stars to explain or predict the fate and behavior of things. This is the favor given to you by the stars. 】

[Using this skill, you can designate any living target within the current field of view to perform ‘astrology’ to obtain an astrological prophecy. 】

[The accuracy and clarity of the prediction will be inversely proportional to the strength gap between you and the target person. The smaller the strength gap, the clearer and more accurate the prediction will be. 】

[It costs 1 point of soul strength to release this skill (not the upper limit of soul strength), please use it with caution. 】

"Damn! Why does omniscience, the abyss, or the stars have great prophecy?"

Lin Xun seriously doubts that the prophecy ability of Abyss and Stars is a copycat version. It may come from the act of "assimilating" the servant of knowledge in Abyss...

The executive's skill list already has the skill of 'Celestial Astrology', so there is no need to learn it again, and the current remaining soul strength does not allow him to use this skill.

['The twisted divinity of stargazing' (mythical item): A little bit of divinity left after the death of the immortal god. In this mist-like divinity, a twisted figure can be vaguely seen looking up at the starry sky alone.

【Use this prop to gain 1 point of divinity.】

"Mythological level divinity is now available, and even eternal level divinity is available... In the underworld, you should give me another legendary level divinity."

If Lin Xun can obtain a legendary divinity at this time, he can immediately upgrade his talent to level 7.

He has killed quite a few demigods in this chapter, but the explosion rate of this divine item is really touching.

No wonder it is said that killing monsters and killing monsters is not the best way to obtain divinity. Opening treasure chests, completing tasks, and encountering god statues are the correct ways to obtain divinity.

If it weren't for the reward mechanism of the special test this time, it would probably be difficult to obtain divine items from the executive.

As for the 'Mysterious Monster Overlord' that he had high hopes for before entering the chapter, he did not appear at all. Not to mention the overlord, even the ordinary monsters did not appear.

After Lorna's explanation, he realized that the truth was very dark...

Monsters such as the deranged monster, like the demon full of treasures, are creatures that are kept in captivity to cut leeks.

However, the captive areas have been changed from underground caves to remote towns. In those places, the imperial school will not provide support, but will allow the monsters to continue to devour each other and grow. Only when a 'mysterious monster overlord' can be born will scholars be sent to harvest.

In the fourth chapter, the ‘Mysterious Monster Overlord’ was waiting to be harvested, but the Ji Xing Society knew the news in advance and almost succeeded in intercepting it...

At this time, if he bites the bullet and directly uses the two divine items in his pocket, he can directly upgrade his soul talent to level 7.

However, this is too wasteful. Divine props are very rare and rare. Such waste will result in being struck by lightning.

Lin Xun restrained his impulse and decided to upgrade his talent to 7 at once after finding the legendary divinity.

['The Fire Paint Seal of the Polar Star Society' (special prop): A small golden fire paint seal is carried by the executive officer. It not only has all the transmission authority within the Polar Star Society, but also controls the headquarters of the Polar Star Society'

The total authority of the Star Annihilation Array.]

[With this prop, you can ignore the restrictions on teleportation authority in the headquarters of the Polar Star Society; with this prop, you can activate the extremely destructive ‘Star Annihilation Magic Array’ at the headquarters of the Polar Star Society…]

[The remaining reserve energy of the ‘Star Annihilation Array’ is 500/500]

"Ignoring the teleportation authority...that means I can now find the ancestor of the Dragon Clan."

"And with the overall control of the star annihilation circle, even if we encounter the high priest of the stars, we can use the circle to kill it even if we don't have to be an executive."

['Lona' saw that you were ready, so she left the library with you and returned to the 'Painting Storage Room'. Of course, you did not forget to pick up the teleportation painting from 'Star Cage' before leaving. 】

[With your departure, the entire library disappeared together with the abrupt wooden door...]

[You come to the painting of 'Abyss of Despair' that occupies the entire wall. This time you are carrying the 'Pole Star Society's Fire Seal', and as expected, there is no limit on teleportation. 】

[You took Lorna and stretched out your hand to touch the painting. The giant painting rippled like water. You did not resist and were pulled into the painting together with Lorna...]




【Transmission successful!】

[You open your eyes and find that your eyes are extremely dim, the cold, damp and rotten stench fills your nose, and the desperate and powerless wails echo in your ears...]

[You are on the top of a solitary peak. The peak deep underground is so tall and the wind is biting. 】

[You look down at your feet, and you can vaguely see countless small figures that are half dragons and half humans. Their hands and feet are shackled and they form a long team, driven by many ferocious monsters and marching into the distance. 】

[Those ferocious monsters are very familiar to you. They are the "Star Monsters" of the dependents of the stars, also known as "Star Spirits". 】

[On the ground, the 'Star Spirits' enslave the half-dragons... And in the mid-air in the distance, those dragon clans with relatively pure blood have returned to their ancestors and become giant dragons soaring in the sky. They are also being conquered by many 'Flying Star Spirits'

Driving with the 'Star Skeleton Sacred Beast'.]

[Rona beside you explains to you in a deep voice that there is an extremely hard stone at the bottom of the ‘Abyss of Despair’, from which rare pigments used to transmit paintings can be extracted. 】

[Half-dragon people with mixed blood need to perform heavy mining labor in exchange for food, and the dragons also have to spray dragon breath constantly, using dragon breath to help the half-dragon people soften the stone for more efficient mining. 】

[Half-dragons who slack off a little bit during labor and fail to meet the quota will be executed, and their bodies will be dismembered into various magic materials.]

[Labor is only one part of their enslavement. In addition to labor, they also have to undergo blood extraction on a regular basis. Those half-dragons who become sick or die due to the loss of blood will also suffer the same fate. 】

[Giant dragons are the focus of blood extraction. Every time the day comes for blood extraction, the dragons’ shrill howls will echo throughout the day, turning this place into a veritable ‘Abyss of Despair’. 】

[There is also an even more disgusting form of slavery. Among the dragons, dragons with higher bloodline can transform into human form, and the dragons from the green saint clan are mostly female, and their appearance is very outstanding after changing into human form. 】

[Not only do they have to endure heavy labor, but they also have to endure the dirty desires of many members of the Polar Star Society...]


[Under Lorna’s explanation, you only feel as if a huge boulder is pressing on your chest, making you a little breathless.]

[These devout dragons who are loyal to the ‘Almighty True Knowledge’ all ended up like this because of the rebellion of the ‘Servant of the God of Knowledge’. 】

[Their ancestors sweated and sweated on the battlefield of gods, killing countless enemies and sacrificing countless lives. Later, at the request of Allah, their power was voluntarily sealed. They were originally the sons of heroes, and they were the most devout believers. However, because of the servants of God,

Rebellion and reduced to such a miserable end.]

[‘Lona’ turns around and faces the building in the distance behind you...]

[Only now do you notice that there is another building on the lonely peak. It is a magnificent and huge star observatory. The observatory is in the shape of a ladder and is made of countless black boulders. 】

[You look up to the sky and look up. This is an abyss hidden deep underground. You can't even see the stars, let alone the stars. The symbolic significance of building such a large-scale star observatory here is far greater than the actual significance. ]

[The existence of this observatory is like a silent declaration that the dragon clan, enslaved by the ‘bright stars’, will never be able to see the sky again. 】

['Lona' tells you that the ancestors of the Dragon Clan are imprisoned at the bottom of the mountain below the observatory. The interior of this mountain has been hollowed out, and the observatory is the only entrance to the mountain. 】

This chapter has been completed!
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