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Chapter 528 How to collect cheating and skipping classes, City of Luoyi

Xibo, which produces Shibao molybdenum gold, is an ancient place name, but today Xibo is called Luoyi. Shibaogou is located in the mountains south of Luoyi. This is recorded in Zhu Chi's geographical chronicle, but the location is recorded

More vague.

Luoyi happened to be Lin Xun's next stop.

Another auxiliary material with clues is the Xuanhai Ice Soul Crystal, which is produced from the "Xuanhai Dragon Palace" deep in the sea of ​​​​the Eastern Xuanhai. It is a necessary thing for the practice of the monsters in the sea in ancient times. Hunting and killing the sea monsters with certain skills can

There is a high probability of obtaining this item.

Now that the demon clan has been destroyed, and the sea monsters have long since disappeared from the Zhuchi coast, it is not easy to obtain the Xuanhai Ice Soul Crystal.

As for the locations where the other three auxiliary materials are produced, there are no clues at all at the 'Tianlong Grottoes', 'Yang'an Diyin' and 'Yongdong Longji Mountain'. Lin Xun repeatedly checked Zhu Chi's geographical annals and found no clues.

He squinted his eyes, and countless characters flashed across his eyes.

It is known that Luoyi and Dongfang Xuanhai are on the route eastward to Penglai. From this aspect, it can be inferred that the remaining three auxiliary materials may also be on the preset route of the underworld game.

But even if you know this, it is not easy to collect the five auxiliary materials.

Take Shibaogou in Xibo as an example. Shibao molybdenum is not produced in Luoyi City, but in the vast mountains south of the county. If the specific location information and exact clues of Shibaogou are not known, even if Lin Lin

If you are passing through Luoyi while looking for a way, you will most likely miss this thing.

"This is a bit difficult to handle..."

After thinking for a long time, he came up with two methods.

The first is to go back to Kunlun and ask Lu Wu.

As an old monster who has lived for countless years and was originally a loyal subordinate of the old dragon, Lu Wu might know the specific location of the five materials.

The other method is a method of skipping class that is similar to cheating.

This method cannot be implemented by the apostle player himself, and must be coordinated by other apostles, because the underworld game will block all items related to the chapter in the library during the apostle strategy chapter.

There are apostles in the official organization who will cooperate with other apostles when a certain level is lacking certain materials, and use this method to bypass the restrictions of the underworld game.

With this thought in mind, Lin Xun decided to take a two-pronged approach.

On the private beach of the seaside hotel, the warm and humid sea breeze blows, blowing the white gauze under the awning.

The man was lying on the therapy bed with his upper body naked, his eyes slightly closed, enjoying the pleasant afternoon massage in the SPA with essential oils applied on his back and soft hands.

Suddenly, the phone rang loudly.

Yamos took the phone and when he saw the caller, he immediately stood up and waved away the serving girl.

"Xiaoya, what are you busy with?"

Yamos glanced at the deserted golden beach, where the waves were gently crashing, and respectfully replied: "Lord Cain, my subordinates are in the pastoral area of ​​Qiongya Province."

"The previous disciples left many old subordinates here, and the newly appointed agents were having a hard time coping. So my subordinates came here together with the arsonists to completely calm down the lambs in the pastoral area."

"Sir, please tell me what your orders are."

"In this case, you first do what I say..."

After hearing Cain's voice on the other end of the phone, Amos felt a chill in his heart. He immediately opened the game and followed the adult's instructions to search for items in the Book of Transactions.

After some searching, he couldn't find what he needed.

"Sir, these materials are not in the Book of Transactions."

"Go to the Artisan's Book, in the name of creating exclusive equipment, and use the Artisan's Book's sales system to see if you can generate materials."

After hearing the words, Amos immediately obeyed.

When an apostle player has created a complete set of exclusive suits through the Book of Artisans, the creation authority will be greatly improved.

Even if you don't have a specified material in your pocket, you can enter the material name and specify a certain material to have the Craftsman's Book generate a crafting drawing.

There is a small probability that the apostle will obtain blueprints and props by killing the blacksmith NPC in the chapter. However, although the blueprints and props that were revealed are equipment with rare special skills, most of them are incomplete.

At this time, you can enter the names of each material into the Craftsman's Book based on the materials recorded on the incomplete drawings, and there is a high probability that the drawings can be restored.

The higher the completeness of the obtained drawings, the greater the probability that the Artisan's Book can restore the drawings. If the drawings are too incomplete, only the main materials can be retrieved. Although the equipment drawings can also be generated, the properties of the original equipment will be very different.

A BUG that is not a BUG appears here.

Because the materials missing in the blueprints can be generated from the Craftsman's Book and purchased at full price.

Therefore, as long as the apostle's crafting authority is upgraded, all materials that can be used to build equipment can be purchased from the Book of Craftsmen by spending a lot of spiritual energy in this way.

Following Lord Cain's instructions, Amos searched for several materials through the art of craftsmanship and tried to generate drawings.

The Craftsman's Book shows that three of the five materials can generate crafting blueprints, namely 'Xuanhai Ice Soul Crystal', 'Caihua Glazed Gold' and 'Vajra Sand and Stone'.

After Yamos generated the blueprint, he clicked on the material purchase option of the Artisan's Book, and almost said "f*ck" when he took a look at it.

[‘Xuanhai Ice Soul Crystal’ (material) spiritual value: 20,000,000 points]

[‘Caihua Glaze Gold’ (material) spiritual value: 15,000,000 points]

[‘Vajra Sandstone’ (material) spiritual value: 18,000,000 points]

You must know that building a high-grade equipment often requires more than ten kinds of materials, and the three materials required by Lord Cain add up to 53 million.

"What kind of artifact is Master Cain trying to build?" Yamos couldn't help but let out a breath of cold air.

The prices of these three materials are not much different. They are obviously not main materials but auxiliary materials. Even one auxiliary material costs more than 10 to 20 million. How much spirituality does the main material require?

Moreover, Lord Cain provided five material names, two of which cannot even be generated from the Craftsman's Book. Those two materials may be the real main materials. How high is the value of the equipment created from them?

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Yamos opened his mouth, but still held back the question.

"How can I ask more about your lord's affairs? It's better to have one less thing than one more thing. I just have to do the work. Don't talk too much and ask too many questions."

He was about to report the situation to Lord Cain, but suddenly realized something was wrong and was stunned.

"Last time, Lord Cain grazed his cattle and gained hundreds of millions of souls after the dedication ceremony."

"Hundreds of millions of souls are enough to create more than ten sets of exclusive equipment. This shows that Lord Cain's creation authority is definitely higher than mine."

"But my lord, why didn't he go to the Craftsman's Book to buy the materials himself, instead of asking me to generate the drawings?"

"Could it be..."

Yamos subconsciously covered his pocket, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

All the clues point to one place, that is, Lord Cain wants him to pay for the material!

You must know that more than 50 million souls is not a small number. Even if Yamos still retains its own pastoral area, it will take nearly half a year to make up this number.

"This...this, what should I do?"

As if a restraining spell had been cast on Yamos, he stood there helpless and broke into a cold sweat.

After panicking for a while, he took a deep breath and told himself to calm down.

Ask yourself, Master Cain really treated him well.

Lord Cain killed all the disciples' competitors in the Disciples' War, leaving corpses strewn across the fields and rivers of blood. There has never been such a tragic battle in the Disciples' War.

However, Lord Cain killed all his competitors but left him alive.

Your Excellency not only spared his life, but also retained his title as the second disciple, and even showed mercy by retaining his pastoral area and allowing him to live with you, so that he could have the capital to make a comeback.

The most important thing is that judging from the fact that Sir Cain has built such expensive equipment, Sir Cain's strength may have grown to the point where he can only look up to him but cannot catch up.

The Lord's kindness and power have already shown his sincerity towards this subordinate. If he doesn't know what to do and doesn't want to repay the Lord, will he still hang out with the Lord in the future?

"Your Excellency, you don't care about these tens of millions of souls, but you want me to express my loyalty!"

Yamos thought about it, and the hesitation in his eyes gradually became firm. He gritted his teeth and said to himself: "Isn't it just more than 50 million souls? If you grit your teeth and empty out the small treasury, you can always make it up by borrowing some more!"

He said to the adult on the other end of the phone: "Lord Cain, I will send you some materials in a moment!"

"My lord, please wait a moment!"


Lin Xun was confused when he heard the busy tone from his cell phone. What kind of plane was Yamos doing?

Before he even asked about the prices of the three materials, Yamos hung up the phone in a hurry.

Lin Xun didn't know that Yamos on the other end of the phone had already contacted various acquaintances in the organization to borrow money.

The three pieces of material not only emptied Yamos's small treasury, but also caused Yamos to bear a large foreign debt...

Soon after, the underworld game prompted Lin Xun to receive a new email in his book of letters.

He took Senior Brother Baixiang to use the 'Star Boundary Jump' to return to the Kunlun teleportation point, and clicked on the letter option on the rest page.

[Amos: Lord Cain, this is a small thought of my subordinate. Please don’t refuse, you must accept it! 】

The letter was followed by attachments, three freshly baked materials, 'Xuanhai Ice Soul Crystal', 'Caihua Glaze Gold' and 'Vajra Sand and Stone', lying neatly.

Lin Xun couldn't help but smile and replied when he saw the implication of the statement.

[Cain: Well done, I have felt your piety. 】

Yamos waited for a long time with his cell phone, and finally received a reply from Lord Cain.

When he saw the content of the reply, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Yamos knew that as long as he did not make any principled mistakes in the future, he would be able to hold on to this thick thigh.

"The equipment made by Lord Cain is so expensive, the equipment must be of a very high grade."

"And the body can only wear equipment that is half a level higher than itself at most. This shows that Lord Cain may have broken through the boundaries between humans and gods and created immortality."

"Damn, this is really fast. It's so annoying to compare people to each other..."

"So your Excellency will be promoted to a saint soon, and after your promotion, won't I be able to become the first disciple?"

After pondering for a while, a huge feeling of surprise filled Yamos's body.

After a disciple is promoted to a saint, he can no longer take charge of a pastoral area. He heard that for immortal-level apostles, spirituality is no longer important and can only be regarded as a long series of numbers.

There are things more important to saints than spirituality. Only after being promoted to saints can the Lord bestow more important things on saints.

If Lord Cain is promoted to a saint, he will not only have an immortal saint boss behind him, but he will also inherit part of Lord Cain's pastoral area and gain inexhaustible spirituality.

"These more than 50 million souls are well spent!"

Lin Xunbai procured three pieces of materials and completed more than half of the collection task in an instant.

Among the remaining two materials, the 'Shibao Molybdenum Gold' already has a vague location, and you should be able to find it with some effort after arriving in Luoyi. Only the 'Tianlong Grottoes' that produced the 'Bixia Corundum' have no clues.

After Lu Wu heard that he had obtained the secret method of building Wanglong Altar, he couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised.

[Lu Wu told you that building the Dragon Watching Altar is the responsibility of the Mirage Dragon Clan. He does not know how to use the secret method, but now that you have learned the secret method, everything will be much easier to handle. ]

[Originally, He expected you to try your luck and encounter a Dragon-Wang Altar that has not been destroyed by gods and Buddhas, but now you can build it yourself. 】

[As for the specific location of several materials, there are a lot of mineral deposits in the world, and the war between gods is too long ago, so he has to look through classics and scriptures to find out.]

[You wait here for a while, and he will tell you after he finds the clues...]

Not long after, Lu Wu came back with good news and bad news.

The good news is that the three material locations are clearly recorded in the classics, and the records are extremely clear and accurate.

This includes the exact location of Shibaogou in Xibo, which is not as vague as the geographical records of Xiang Zhuchi.

The bad news is that the ‘Tianlong Grottoes’ where Bixia corundum is produced only has a general location, and it is located on the boundary of Yongning Prefecture.

And Yongning Prefecture includes more than ten large cities and dozens of small towns and counties, including Bingzhou City. The scope is really too large.

Lin Xun's prediction was correct. The materials were distributed in the surrounding areas on the eastbound road, and Bingzhou City was the last large city on the way from Luoyi to the capital.

However, it is a bit difficult to find Bixia Corundum based on this bit of information. We have to find out more details after we get Bingzhou City.

Lin Xun bid farewell to Lu Wu and left Kunlun. He and the White Elephant Demon spent most of the day flying at high altitudes and finally arrived at 'Luoyi'.

However, what he saw was shocking.


[The former prosperous county and city below are now in ruins, with only a few buildings still standing in the city.]

[Looking around, countless people are wandering aimlessly on the ruins, like zombies.]

[Their eyes are full of endless malice as they wander, but their mouths are grinning, laughing silently.]

[The corners of the laughing mouth almost reached to the base of the ears, and the weird smile sent chills down the spine.]

[The white elephant demon couldn't help but shuddered when he saw this, and said to you, little junior brother, what is going on in this mortal world? ]

[We, brothers and sisters, are traveling all the way eastward. Why does this world become more and more like hell the closer we get to the destination? 】

[Looking at the monsters at your feet who have completely fallen into extreme evil, you sigh, Senior Brother, it’s not like hell, but our senior brothers are in hell...]

This chapter has been completed!
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