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Chapter 7 Invasion of the Apostles

Chapter 7 Invasion of the Apostles

[Corrupted wolf dog body: The wolf dog was infected by the fallen power, and became deformed and increased in size. The remaining blood hole on the forehead and the shocked and unwilling eyes revealed that it died in a sneak attack. Affinity: 46 (+15%)

The affinity is so low that it cannot be possessed...

Lin Xun fell into deep thought. In reality, the bodies of the animals he saw had very low resemblances.

Relatively speaking, the humanoid bodies that had been possessed before had very high characteristics, and with the blessing of the multifaceted talent, they could be easily possessed.

Combining the compatibility of the young knight, the old priest, and the nun of the opposite sex, Lin Xun guessed that the more similar the body is to himself, the higher the compatibility will be.

[You ascend the spiral staircase leading to the second floor of the tower.]

【You go up the stairs and come to the second floor of the tower.】

[In the vast hall, brightly lit, under the orange light, tall bookshelves are neatly set up, row upon row, containing countless books. The unique fragrance of ink rushes into your nose. You can vaguely hear an old voice chanting silently. 】

[You walk through the bookshelves, looking for the sound, and find an old man in black robe sitting in a rocking chair, wearing a single-sided glasses, reading silently from the book in his hand. 】

【Do you want to come up and say hello?】

[The red light flashes in front of your eyes, and the whole world is faintly trembling.]

What a joke! Even if I die, I must die with dignity.

[You used a small piece of spirituality that is about to disappear*3]

"Fuck!" Xu Zhi almost shouted, covering his mouth, holding back his ecstasy, and carefully raised his head to look at the teacher in front of the podium. Seeing that he didn't notice, Xu Zhi turned his eyes back to the screen of his mobile phone.

[You have been invaded by unknown apostles...]


[You used the weak spirituality that is about to disappear*5]

If you are lucky, you will find the bookmark of the first person you met after fighting monsters. It is a one-time prop that can be used to invade the new apostle, which can be called a welfare easter egg.

[2. Raise the short gun in your hand and let him know what cruelty means!]

"Forget it, forget it... I'm unlucky, I ran into a bug." He comforted himself and began to reshape his body. "Fortunately, I still have some spiritual props on my body. I will go to the NPC to buy some supplies now, otherwise

There’s no way to defeat the mini-boss.”

Newly promoted apostles often don't know how to keep spiritual props. They will use them when encountering monsters that burst out of spiritual power. They will have some on their bodies more or less.

A series of unexpected plots made Lin Xun twitch his lips.

[A figure with a flashing red light appears in front of you. The familiar figure seems to be the new apostle just now. He is approaching you with a dagger raised. 】

"Fuck!" Xu Zhi punched the desk hard with a bang, which attracted the attention of the whole class.

Xu Zhi hunched over, holding his cell phone.

[2. Raise the short spear and fight hard to let him understand what it means to be a scholar who can be killed and not humiliated.]

So he decisively chose 2.

[You have inherited the spirituality of the invading apostles: 105]

[You have obtained the "Invasion Bookmark"]


What the hell? I've been hacked?

[The old man stood up, with a mocking look in his eyes. He recited a spell silently, and his body gradually became translucent.]

[You are using a large piece of spirituality that is about to disappear*1]

[Brave apostle, you show a cruel smile, raise your weapon, and face the intruder...]

[You easily defeated the invasion apostle "Big Brother", and your experience points increased slightly. 】

"Damn! I just used up the spiritual items. This is the only 75 spiritual points I have left..." Xu Zhi cried silently and silently chose 1, "Brother, please do it. I was wrong. If I knew you were so fierce

, how dare I invade you."

[You obtained the librarian’s monocle (rare prop)]

However, the text on the phone continues to display.

[The old man in black robe looked at you in astonishment, losing control of his expression, and even the monocle on the bridge of his nose fell to the ground. He hurriedly cursed and disappeared, and disappeared...]

Wang Defa? I'm already level 5, why did I die at the hands of a rookie? There must be a bug in this game!

Xu Zhi couldn't believe his eyes.

[The other party rejected your begging for mercy and stabbed you with a knife...]

【You have been invaded by unknown apostles!】

【1. Kneel down and beg for mercy, praying that the apostles who are also favored by God will show mercy and spare your life.】

Before Lin Xun came back to his senses, the game text continued to be displayed.

"Xu Zhi! What are you doing? Playing with your phone during class time? You will be a senior in high school next year. Are you still in the mood to play with your phone? Hand over your phone!"

【You have returned to your chapter.】


[The red light flashes in front of your eyes, and the whole world is faintly trembling.]

When entering the first chapter, he met the librarian in a secret room and received an invasion bookmark. Then... he died, died of the apostle invasion, and lost all his spirituality.

Invading a new apostle is like beating a child to torture a child, giving away spirituality for free. Isn't this a welfare?

Xu Zhi quickly clicked to use...

[You have obtained a guardian bookmark (prop)]

【What should you do?】

Doesn't this mean that there are other players? In fact, he is not the only one who has gained magical powers in the game...

Amid the ridicule of the librarian, he obtained another revenge bookmark.

[1. Force him to kneel down. If you are in a good mood, you may choose to spare his life. 】

The hateful old man in black robe told him, remember the apostle who invaded your chapter, and when you become stronger, you can use the Revenge Bookmark to regain what you lost.

【What should you do?】

【you are dead!】

[Invasion bookmark (prop): After using it, you can invade the chapters of other apostles. After defeating the apostle, you will get unexpected benefits. 】

Xu Zhi fell into a sluggish state.

【1. Kneel down and beg for mercy, praying that the apostles who are also favored by God will show mercy and spare your life.】

As a "veteran" player who has just entered the second chapter, he knows that the "bookmark for first timers" is a welfare item.

The teacher in front of the podium yelled, hating iron for not being able to become steel.

[You got the bookmark (prop) of the first person you met]

Lin Xun slowly typed three question marks, but the expected word "death" did not appear. He killed the intruder and defeated it easily.

【you are dead!】

[You dropped 75 points of spirituality.]

Xu Zhi's smile froze.

Xu Zhi pressed the second choice, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes, and he showed a cruel smile.

[The invasion failed, the apostle ‘Swordsmith’ easily defeated you and inherited all your spirituality. 】

[2. Raise the dagger and fight hard to let him understand what it means to be a scholar who can be killed but not humiliated.]

[You have defeated the ‘Stranded Murloc’, and your experience value has increased slightly. 】

[The weak apostle with the white light shining on his body will tremble with fear when he sees you. The powerful apostle, how should you treat him? 】

[You step forward quickly, planning to talk to the old man.]

Lin Xun was shocked. This word game was not a stand-alone game, but an online game!

[A figure with flashing red light appears in front of you. It is the Invader Apostle. He is approaching you with a short gun. 】

As a veteran gamer, Lin Xun knows that anyone who dares to take the initiative in PVP in the game has a few tricks up his sleeve.

Xu Zhi prayed silently, praying that the new apostle named "Swordsmith" would let him go.


[You gain spirituality: 75]

[The old man in black robe raised his head with a playful look. He shook his head and refused to talk to you, and handed you something.]

The big blood-red characters trembled, and Lin Xun suddenly came back to his senses.

[The invasion is successful, you defeated the apostle ‘Brother Da Diao’]

[You invaded the chapter of the unknown apostle.]

[You raise the short spear in your hand and stab the weak apostle cruelly...]

[You have gained 75 points of spirituality and you are returning to your chapter.]

Lin Xun grinned, but it was a pity that he only had one invasion bookmark, otherwise the income from PVP would be significantly higher than that from PVE.

It's endless fun to fight with others.

He clicked on the inventory and looked at the rare item he had obtained previously - the librarian's monocle.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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