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Chapter 94 The blood essence of the ancestor giants

【Do you want to push open the lid of the huge stone coffin in front of you?】

[You are so big that you stretch out your claws and place them on the coffin lid. With muscles all over your body bulging, you slowly push open the coffin lid in front of you...]

[In the giant stone coffin, lies the remains of a giant beastman that has long since decayed and dried up.]

[There were no burial objects in the coffin, only a small sparkling object.]

[Looking at the familiar light, you put this item in your bag without hesitation.]

[You have obtained the ‘nameless chunk of spirituality’*1]

Lin Xun opened the inventory. This spiritual item was worth a thousand spiritual points.

There are dozens of huge stone coffins in the hall, which means...

"Get rich!"

Lin Xunliang glowed and quickly pushed open the next huge stone coffin...

[You have obtained the ‘nameless chunk of spirituality’*1]

[You have obtained a ‘nameless piece of spirituality’*1]

[You have obtained the ‘nameless weak spirituality’*1]

[You have obtained the ‘nameless chunk of spirituality’*1]


[You have looted all the huge stone coffins in the tomb hall, do you want to explore deeper into the tomb?]

Lin Xun opened the inventory.

Not every spirituality harvested in the hall is worth a thousand spirituality points, but there are also ones worth five hundred and three hundred.

But even so, after opening all the spiritual blind boxes, he gained a total of more than 18,000 spiritual points!

"This wave will take off immediately!"

He grinned.

If the giant orc chief outside learns that his ancestral grave has been dug, he will probably rush in and give him another slap in the face.

Lin Xun thought about this and quickly chose to continue exploring while the duration of the giant beast pill had not yet ended.

[You pass through the huge stone coffins lying horizontally and walk towards the depths of the tomb hall.]

[At the end of the hall is the familiar huge arch. The arch is covered with a shimmering film, so you can't see clearly what's behind the door.]

【Do you want to step into the arch?】

Lin Xungang was about to click 'Yes' when he suddenly remembered something.

Choose No immediately.

[You stay at the entrance of the huge arch, and you are so greedy that you want to continue digging three feet into the ground. Unfortunately, you have already looted all the coffins in the hall. It is better for you to enter the arch as soon as possible.]

【Do you want to step into the arch?】

"Haha, it's really hard to hide it."

Lin Xun originally tried it on a whim, but he didn't expect that the treasure was really in this hall.

He opened the inventory and found a prop lying quietly in it.

['The Totem Pole of the Bloody Orcs' (Key) The totem pole as big as an arm is made of some kind of stone, with images of giant orcs and mountain monsters carved on it. When the dirty blood orcs were repairing the tombs of the giant beast chiefs,

There are some unknown secret shackles left in the mausoleum. Using this totem pole can open the corresponding shackles.]

Lin Xun looked at this prop and continued to choose to stay at the arch.

The game text urges him to enter the arch, which means that the treasure left by the Bloody Orcs is likely to be hidden in the hall.

[Persevering apostle, you search carefully around the walls of the tomb hall...]

[You found an incongruous pattern among the stone patterns carved on the wall.]

[You squat down with your huge body and poke it gently with your sharp claws. Stone chips fly on the wall, and in a blink of an eye, a hole the thickness of an ordinary human arm is revealed.]

Lin Xun's eyes lit up and he quickly opened the inventory.

Quickly click on the 'Totem Pole of the Bloody Orc'.

[You will insert a totem pole that is as big as a toothpick into the hole.]

[The totem pole fits perfectly into the hole. After being inserted, a faint clicking sound can be heard from inside the wall.]

[After a while, several gaps appeared on the wall, and a small hidden stone door quietly opened.]

【Do you want to enter the ‘secret room in the mausoleum’?】

"Fortunately, I was careful, otherwise I would have missed the reward."

Lin Xun pressed 'Yes' without hesitation.

[You are too big to enter the stone door that is only half a person tall.]


Lin Xun quickly opened the body bar and clicked on the dancer's body.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘sinked ancient theater dancer’.]

Switching the body will not refresh the body status, such as injuries, gains or weakening BUFFs will be retained one by one. Lin Xun does not have to worry about the enlargement state of the giant beast pill disappearing directly.

【You enter the ‘secret room in the mausoleum’.】

[The secret room is dark, you use the light in the tomb hall to observe the room.]

[This secret room is cramped and small, with only one stone treasure box in it.]

【Do you want to step forward and open the treasure chest?】

"There's no way a stone chest can turn into a Mimic."

[You opened the stone treasure chest...]

[You have obtained the ‘Memory Tablet of the Chief of the Bloody Orcs’ (data)]

[You have obtained the ‘Giant’s Bloodline Essence’ (special prop)]

The two props were not a good harvest, but the second special prop aroused Lin Xun's interest.

Open inventory.

[‘Memory Stone Tablet of the Chief of the Bloody Blood Orcs’ (information)]

[In the eyes of the giant orcs, we are enslaved tools, slaves, and beasts... Such a dark life has lasted for countless generations of foul-blooded orcs.]

[We also tried to resist and launch a war, but the gap in strength and size caused our clan to collapse. The failure of the war made our clan’s life even more miserable.]

[Fortunately, we still have the last glimmer of hope.]

[In order to maintain the grandeur of the chief’s mausoleum, the giant beastmen have to arrange for us to repair the mausoleum every few years. It is precisely because of this that I discovered the ancestor giant who was enshrined and worshiped deep in the mausoleum.]

[The strange thing is that every few years when I enter the tomb, the remains of my ancestors are always a little smaller than the last time I saw them. By chance, I learned a shocking secret...]

[The crystal coffin is originally a container used to condense the bloodline of the ancestors and awaken the ancestors. When the bloodline power of the ancestor reaches its peak, it will open its eyes and be resurrected, and the crystal coffin will automatically open.]

[Unexpectedly, the chief actually used the characteristics of the crystal coffin to seek power for himself...]

[From now on, I will secretly collect the blood essence from the remains of my ancestors. These blood essences contain supreme power, which can purify and sublimate the blood of my family.]

[Unfortunately, because the bloodline of our tribe is too complex, the tribesmen cannot withstand such great power after taking the essence, and they all fall into madness and die. The tribesmen who can withstand the evolution of the bloodline have not yet appeared.]

[Recently, the remains of the ancestors have become smaller and smaller, and the behemoth chief’s desire for bloodline has not diminished but increased.]

[I heard that the chief has begun to attack criminals from his own clan, ostensibly to execute them for violating the clan, but in fact to suck out the meager ancestral blood in their bodies.]

[This undoubtedly shows that the blood of the ancestors' remains has been squeezed to the limit, so the chief who is obsessed with the power of blood is treating his fellow tribesmen... let them eat dogs!]

[My life is coming to an end. I will leave this secret room in the mausoleum and use the key to open the secret room as a treasure passed down to the clan.]

[Senior generation, I hope you can withstand the power of the blood of your ancestors, defeat and destroy the giant orcs, and rebuild the glory of our foul-blooded orcs...]

Lin Xun carefully digested the contents of this information prop.

To the effect, the leader of the foul-blooded orcs, who could not bear the oppression, secretly intercepted part of the blood essence of the ancestor giants and used it to enhance the strength of his tribe and resist the giant orcs.

And the ancestor giant seems... to have been drained dry?

"I'm so fucked!"

Lin Xun went through a lot of hardships to get here, but the game of the underworld told him that the biggest reward was gone.

The ancestor giant is the body he dreamed of, and now it has been drained and turned into medicine dregs.

What else can the dregs of medicine be used for?!

Lin Xun suppressed his anger and looked at another prop.

[‘Giant’s Bloodline Essence’ (Special Props)]

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