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4684 - Woke Up

Mu Qianxi's series of attacks combined caused a lot of trouble for the impostor.

He said calmly: "Qian Xi, you have already advanced to the level of God Emperor. Are you so unsure of your own strength? You are using these methods to waste all your mother's efforts to improve your strength!"

"It seems that you are very anxious to get beaten!" Mu Qianxi sneered.

The spiritual power of the God-Emperor level burst out with extremely powerful force, as fast as lightning, and extremely ferocious.

The person in front of her has Xiaobai's qualifications and Xiaobai's potential. She simply cannot easily win by a higher level like she can with other people.

If it weren't for the advantage of her physical body, she probably wouldn't be able to withstand ten moves from him.

"Master!" Seeing their master being forced back by this guy, Wuwei and Xiaohong rushed forward.

Their level is obviously not enough for God level.

Fortunately, the skin is rough and the flesh is thick and durable, so it can still buy its owner some time.

Jiucai's soul method exploded, the strongest soul method she currently controls.

The young master of the soul clan did not use soul magic for defense. He was cunning and used secret treasures for defense.

Then, he said calmly: "It was so dangerous. I almost had my soul hurt by Qian Xi. It's a pity that this is the Soul Clan. With our Soul Clan's research on souls, we can still protect you enough."

Mu Qianxi raised her sword and swept away again. The young master of the soul tribe waved his palm and used thunderous means. The wind of his palm was so strong that it could shake thousands of mountains.

A stronger sense of oppression came, and Mu Qianxi was too far away from his spiritual power level.

You can only dodge and defend, and it is difficult to find opportunities to counterattack.

Under the strong pressure, he had to quickly adapt to the power of the God Emperor.

It’s not easy to win! You just have to persevere.

"Boom--" There was a loud noise from the other side.

The palace in front of me was trembling, and Guisi climbed up stiffly from the ground.

"Fight! I'm really not good at it. You haven't defeated Qian Xi yet, so you're going to get beaten!"

The young master of the Soul Clan's face darkened. Even if the Eternal Chain did not enter the Soul Clan with full power, it was still so strong.

Even Guisi, one of the three major soul arts, can only hold him back for so long.

A Nian did not rush to deal with the young master of the soul clan, but looked at the main hall ahead and said: "Qian Xi, let me help you save him!"

The silver chain penetrated the invisible barrier outside the palace.

The ghost silk threads were entangled by lightning, and at the same time, it also felt the tingling sensation of electricity in its soul.

The facial features that were originally uncoordinated became even more chaotic.

"The eternal artifact is too terrifying! After a short fight, he captured the law of my soul thread movement, and can... replace it!"

Facing the chain filled with the aura of ancient chaos, its soul thread looked a little pitiful, helpless and weak.

The weird soul threads turned into chains.

The next moment, the human-shaped cocoons wrapped in them instantly turned into snow sculptures.

The chains disappeared, they melted like ice and snow, disappearing completely.

Immediately afterwards, the impostor who had attacked Mu Qianxi before and injured her was also trapped in chains.

However, the battle between Jiuye and the soul clan leader has not yet concluded.

After all, they are experts at the level of the God-Emperor. No matter how powerful Jiuye's power is, it will not be easy to deal with them.

She looked at Gu Baiyi who was sleeping in the palace, "A-Nian, has it been solved? Xiaobai will no longer be copied endlessly by the soul clan's unscrupulous people and used as a test subject, right?"

A-Nian looked at Mu Qianxi and said, "I'm not sure. The Soul Clan's methods are more than that. First of all, you have to make sure whether he can wake up? And after he wakes up, will he still be the same person you are familiar with?"

"Without the sword soul, there is no difference between him and me?" the young master of the soul clan said coldly and pitifully.

The person on Hanxue's bed opened his eyes.

The next moment, the vast and dangerous soul power attacked him, as if a pair of invisible hands were strangling his neck.

All his soul defense artifacts are of no use at all, because they can only defend against other people's soul power, but cannot defend against his own.

In pain, the counterfeit face became particularly ugly.

The soul and body derived from him are unable to be stronger than him?

"Why? Why is it still not as strong as you?"

With his soul drawn out, he merged with the awakened Gu Baiyi.

The physical body is reduced to ashes and smoke.

Mu Qianxi met a pair of indifferent eyes, and her whole body exuded an extremely cold feeling.

A cold voice came out, "Mother, it's time to finish."

Mu Qianxi's heart trembled slightly, he woke up!

But now Xiaobai gave him the feeling that he was very similar to the leader of the Soul Clan, more like a complete Soul Clan.

Because there is no sword soul anymore?

The leader of the Soul Clan appeared. She was neatly dressed, elegant and noble. She was a little messy now, but she was not injured.

Jiuye appeared next to Mu Qianxi, held her hand tightly, and looked at the mother and son in front of him warily.

A satisfied smile appeared on the face of the soul clan leader, "I would say, give up those unnecessary obsessions and unnecessary emotions, and completely become a soul clan, only then can you become truly powerful.

As expected, mother has put the most effort into you, so naturally you are the strongest, and they are all your stepping stones."

The surrounding space was distorted, and a familiar figure appeared. Mu Qianxi's eyes hurt when she saw it.

How long has it been since Xiao Bai returned to the Soul Clan? The leader of the Soul Clan has created so many gadgets. He is really an unreasonable lunatic. "They each learn a soul method to practice to the extreme, or learn alchemy, weapon refining, or formation techniques.

! Or practice a top spiritual skill to the extreme and defeat them. Everything they control is yours, and your strength will

will be further improved.”

This is a person, not a machine. If you install a program, it will become one. If you upgrade the program, it will improve.

This kind of terrifying fusion method, even if it is the same soul, Mu Qianxi does not think it is a normal method.

Mu Qianxi stood in front of Gu Baiyi, "Xiao Bai, you just woke up and your brain is not clear enough. Why don't you calm down first! Don't be affected by this crazy woman."

She also hated these counterfeiters and wished they could disappear completely from the world, but she didn't want them to disappear in this way.

Gu Baiyi looked at Mu Qianxi coldly, "Qianxi, I am sober and want to become stronger."

He still knows her, which is normal. The other replicas also know her.

But the way Xiaobai looked at her gave her a very different feeling than before.

Even so, she still thought it was him.

The next moment, Mu Qianxi saw cracks on his snow-white skin.

She used her soul to sense it and found that his soul was even worse, riddled with holes and countless cracks.

The leader of the Soul Clan said: "You stopped him because you wanted him to die. He just fused one of himself, so there is no way for him to live well. Only by constantly fusing can he survive and become stronger."

As soon as the white shadow flashed, Gu Baiyi had already bypassed Mu Qianxi and started fighting with countless replicas.

Mu Qianxi clenched her fists. What the Soul Clan leader said was true. She looked at the Soul Clan leader coldly and said, "You actually forced him to this point?"

This chapter has been completed!
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