Wang Wei handed the list to the others and said: "Everyone should count her hands. Don't kill her. When the time comes, she can just return her as she is."
"Really?" Someone asked in a low voice immediately.
After spending so much effort, they finally managed to escape such a large circle, went to the port city, invited Master An, found the Jin family, and secretly reached an agreement with Jin Chengwang, only to find the opportunity to get all these things.
If you don't find out the secret of Huazhao Liquor, why don't you just return the things?
"Of course you should keep what should be kept. There is no need for these ordinary things." Wang Weidao said.
"Yes, yes, you are right! Why didn't I think of that?" Someone immediately said to please him.
"But what will happen then? One million trees to compensate her? There are more than 100 trees here, adding up to more than 100 million..." someone whispered.
Wang Wei frowned: "We'll figure it out then. Your task now is to study these things! If anyone can find out the plant and process for extracting medicinal wine, we will reward you with 1 million yuan!"
With one sentence, everyone's enthusiasm suddenly rose. No one cared about how Wang Wei would lose money. They only thought about how they could make money.
Wang Wei stood in front of the glass cover and looked at the plants inside.
Those who are under special protection are of course the most suspect.
Someone immediately came up and said, "Should I open it?"
"No." Someone objected: "I think shining it must be a kind of protection. Maybe it can't come into contact with the outside air?"
Everyone immediately looked like "Are you talking human words?"
What green plants do not come into contact with the air?
This glass cover protects it, probably because it is afraid of being bumped.
The two opinions quarreled.
Wang Wei suddenly said: "Open it."
The sound disappeared immediately, and someone stepped forward and carefully removed the glass cover.
Nothing much happened.
Someone came forward to collect samples, pick a few leaves, scrape some bark and so on.
But things like the Golden Bark Tree can't even get close to it.
Especially when you shake its branches and leaves, the poisonous capillary fibers on it suddenly float.
The Huazhao Yang tree has especially high fiber.
The man who was clinging to the small tree picking leaves suddenly felt his nose was a little itchy and painful, and he couldn't help but sneeze.
One breath of wind made the leaves of the tree tremble.
His head accidentally touched a few leaves.
This is ruined.
"Ahhh!" The man suddenly rolled on the ground and screamed.
Everyone was so frightened that they quickly backed away.
Those who were brave ran out of the gate directly.
Wang Wei was protected behind him, took a few big steps back, and quickly calmed down.
"Hurry up and see what's going on with him?"
No one will come forward, just watch with your eyes.
The man's forehead was red and swollen, and he looked like he was poisoned.
But it was only a little red and swollen, so why did he scream as if he had been poured sulfuric acid?
"What's wrong with you?" Wang Wei shouted.
"It hurts, it hurts! It hurts so much! Ahhh!" the man shouted desperately.
Maybe the shouting was too scary and made people feel the same.
Suddenly someone said: "Why do I feel a little pain?"
"I have a sore throat."
"My nose hurts."
"Oh, why do I have a nosebleed?" Someone touched it and shouted in horror.
Wang Wei also felt that he had a sore throat. He didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but the pain became more and more painful and he felt like he couldn't breathe.
"We must have been poisoned! Arrest Hua Zhao quickly!"