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Chapter 1889

Midnight watch.

The two of us dragged the body to the bathroom upstairs. Qin Xida sat on the sofa and wiped the barrel of the gun with a cloth. He raised his eyes and said: "Brother, this is the second person to seek revenge from you. Tell me the truth.

Did you take something important from someone else?"

"No! Brother Qin! I told you! This person's target is not me, it's purely an accident!"

Qin Xida sat on the sofa with his hands spread out. He said with a smile: "One yesterday and one today. Both of them carry knives with them, and they don't have ID cards or anything to prove their identity in their wallets."

, so these two people are 100% desperadoes on the road."

"Brother Qin, are you scared?"

"Haha, I'm afraid??"

Qin Xida took a puff of cigarette, pointed at me and said: "You don't know what I went through in my early years! In Guangdong, when I was fourteen years old, I helped people travel by water to fly! As long as the money is available,

, I dare to transport things that no one dares to transport, and I dare to kill people that no one dares to touch! Don’t say it’s just these two people, you’re just trying to get twenty people to come, I won’t be afraid of you.”

He crossed his legs and said in a deep voice: "For so many years, I have only one principle in dealing with people and doing business. No matter you are a human, a ghost, a monster or a monster, anyone who betrays me secretly will die! Dare you!

Anyone who touches my brothers, friends, and family will die! Anyone who blocks my wealth and fortune will die!"

"Brother Qin, you are awesome. I can't compare to you. I have never even killed a chicken in my life."

"Ha ha!"

Qin Xida laughed heartily and said: "Me too! I am very caring, and I encourage everyone to solve common problems in a civilized manner! Furthermore, I usually help the old lady cross the road, and I also donate to rural hope primary schools and left-behind children.

Over one million!"

"Look, you don't believe it, right? Wait!"

Soon, Qin Xida ran and found a bunch of honorary certificates for me to see. They were all stamped with red seals, which read: "XX rural primary school. Sincerely thank Mr. Qin Xida for his loving donation. On such and such day of such month and year,

I am issuing this certificate to express my gratitude."

He carefully received the certificate, pointed at me and said, "So, those of us who are capable should still show some love to society! Because with greater ability comes greater responsibility!"

An hour later, before I left, Qin Xida said: "Brother, if something happens to you in the future, go to Guangdong and mention my name there. No one will let you live on the street."

"Well, I understand, brother."


"Hurry up! Pack your things quickly!"

Liangzi helped move things into the trunk, and he couldn't help but ask: "Cousin, what happened, you are so worried!"

I patted his shoulder and said seriously: "Liangzi, listen, I'll leave this to you. If you encounter any problems that can't be solved, just go to Yueyue. If anyone asks you where I went,

, you absolutely can’t say that, do you understand?”

"Understood! Cousin, please be careful on the road!"

Xiaoying hugged the child and said: "Holy boy, holy boy, say goodbye quickly."

I smiled and said, "You're only a few months old, how can you talk? Go back quickly, it's cold outside."

I hugged Xiaoying Liangzi separately, and then drove away overnight.

The reason why I am so anxious is because I smell a dangerous atmosphere, and the source of this danger is either the Puppet Society or the Changchun Society, and I cannot afford to offend either one.

In the past two days, strangers have been coming to Dr. Fan one after another! Just this time, if I hadn't met Qin Xida, who is not even afraid of ghosts! The development of things would have become unpredictable.

My head told me something when I was 16 years old, "Thirty-six strategies, walking is the best strategy." If you smell danger, just run away quickly. You will definitely not go wrong.

"Yunfeng, shall we go directly to Hunan?"

"No, I need to go to Fujian first." As the car was driving on the expressway out of Beijing, I looked at the rearview mirror and said, "There is a friend in Fujian who has been waiting for me for a long time. I hope she is still alive."

This chapter has been completed!
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