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Chapter 1938

After I went back, I was a little unhappy because I lost face in front of Xiaoxuan and Baotou.

I do have three major strengths.

First, there is nothing much to say about looking for dragons and looking at antiques.

Second, when riding a motorcycle, I can corner and drift. As long as there is a road, I can ride very steadily no matter how bad the road is.

Third, climb a tree, let’s say a ten-meter-high sycamore tree. I can climb it in three minutes.

The old Gu King suddenly "disappeared", and people in the Miao village generally believed that he was buried in the fire. We will definitely not talk nonsense about this, and as for Guicao Po and Panpan, they will not talk about it.

I learned from Panpan that there was a professional herb collector named "Aji Nanqing" in the village next door. This man would definitely be able to climb up.

So I asked Panpan to take us to find this person, but unexpectedly, this person went into the mountains to collect herbs a week ago and has not come back yet, and the time of his return cannot be determined.

We had no choice but to wait for this man to come back. During this period, I was busy and ran all over the fields and woods near the village, but I couldn't find any valuable ancient tombs.

People here don't believe in Feng Shui, so people are either buried in water or in caves after death.

In addition, I also studied those two books in my spare time. The author of this ancient book is unknown, but it contains many strange views.

For example, ancient books say: "Human's yin and yang change with the four seasons. If the penis does not move and the yin and yang are closed, it is like a snake dying, so it always moves to guide."

It means that if a man’s penis is not used for many years, it will break down and the yin and yang will be out of balance, just like a snake trapped in a hole that cannot escape and eventually dies. I don’t quite agree with this point of view, because if you look at it from this point of view, then all monks

Everything is broken?

In addition, I noticed a kind of exercise recorded in ancient books called "Yin Yang Eight Benefits Exercise", which should be the method of gathering yin and replenishing yang that has been spread among the people.

The eight benefits are: "One is to stabilize essence, the other is to calm qi, the third is to benefit the internal organs, the fourth is to strengthen the bones, the fifth is to regulate the pulse, the sixth is animal blood, the seventh is to benefit the liquid, and the eighth is the body."

Many people don't understand classical Chinese, so I try to translate it into vernacular using my own understanding.

The primary preparatory pose is to put on no clothes, face the moon, take twelve deep breaths when there is a moon at night, then let yourself stand up, then press it down with your hands, and let go when it hurts.

In this way, it will bounce back, and this action will be repeated for sixty times.

After two months of preparatory practice, you need to learn the next trick. Let the piece stand up first and prepare two large basins. One large basin is filled with boiling hot water and the other is filled with ice-cold cold water, and then go back and forth.

Sit in and change the water every three minutes until the hot water is completely cold.

After getting up, still face the moon and lift your arms vigorously.

At this time, the whole body should be tense, hold it still, then close the mouth, look up, and at the same time, grasp the ten toes of both feet downwards as hard as you can. This process lasts for ten minutes.

After you are proficient in these two moves, you will reach the "Practical Combat Chapter".

During the process of sharing a room, you should always pay attention to the "five signs, five desires, and ten movements" displayed by the woman.

The five signs refer to the five signs that the other party is about to produce, the five desires refer to the five kinds of thoughts of the other party at that time, and the ten movements refer to the ten subconscious actions of the other party.

For example, open your lips slightly, twist around, lift your legs and lock your waist, straighten your thighs, etc.

There are still three steps below. In the end, you can achieve the ultimate goal of gathering yin and replenishing yang. These three steps are actually harmful methods, so I won’t go into details. I definitely won’t do it anyway.

If you take your partner's "yin" and make up for your own "yang", the partner may lose appetite, be listless, and have difficulty sleeping; at worst, his life may be shortened, his whole body may be sore, he may suffer from asthma, and even walking may become a problem. In the end,

Died from vaginal discharge.

I was shocked after reading this book. No wonder the old Gu King’s first four wives were dead. There were rumors in the village that they were fed the poison because they made the old Gu King angry. Now it seems that is not the case. They should all have been harvested for a long time.

, and finally passed away and died.

Again, these things must not be learned...

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