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Chapter 577

Chapter 577

At around 2 a.m. in the middle of the night, I saw that the soil turned out had changed color, and I immediately shouted to stop.

Bean Sprouts and Brother Yu ran over with shovels.

"Be careful, I think I saw something."

After digging through it with a flat shovel, Bean Sprout suddenly shouted: "I found it! There is something in the soil!"

I carefully pulled it out and saw that it was a round bronze tripod with one leg missing.

The round tripod is covered with green rust, and there are two circles of pattern lines on the waist. The upper circle of the pattern lines is decorated with a dragon pattern, and the other layer is engraved with cloud and thunder patterns.


"From the Warring States Period...?"

When I saw the unearthed things, it was like Wu Xilin said, this is not a Tang tomb!

This round tripod is in the style of the Qin Dynasty. This is a fucking tomb of the Warring States Period!

I was so frightened that I didn’t dare let Xiaomi use the hook machine to dig. What should I do if I found something bad? Xi’an was the capital of Xianyang during the Qin Dynasty. This tomb has never been robbed, so there must be a lot of good stuff.

I tied a rope and went down to the bottom of the pit to take a closer look. There were old blue bricks, which were the top bricks of the tomb. They had all collapsed and were mixed with the tomb passages.

By looking at the arrangement direction of the exposed blue bricks, I discovered that this should be an "A"-shaped tomb from the Qin Dynasty during the Warring States Period, and it was buried very deep.

Qin tombs are rare, and people in the industry generally say "Ya, Jia, Zhong, Shu".

This refers to the form of tombs. Zhongzi-shaped tombs and A-shaped tombs are generally the tombs of nobles. Sub-shaped tombs are slightly worse. Vertical pit tombs are the worst and are used by civilians. The Qin Gong Tomb discovered in Baoji is the Zhongzi-shaped tomb.

The tomb of the Sulfuric Acid Plant is in the shape of A.

Because the entire tomb collapsed, all the funerary objects in the ear chamber niches and other places were crowded into the soil. I pulled the soil a few times and one thing was exposed.

The soil is all red soil, and the silk curtains have oxidized and adhered to the soil, turning into large blocks of red soil. In some places, you can even see gold thread hooks.

There are the largest number of round tripods, and there are also bronze basins (for face washing) engraved with eye feather patterns, silkworm cocoon jars, double-lined jars, jade figures made of local jade, and a large number of broken pottery jars.

"Put down the rope!" I shouted upward.

Because the tomb collapsed and everything was mixed together, I packed whatever I picked up. I basically didn’t have time to take a closer look, so I sent bag after bag of things up and put them in the cargo compartment that Brother Yu drove in.

When nothing could be found on this layer, I asked Xiaomi to open the hook machine and go down a little further to continue digging.

Then two shovels revealed the coffins. There were several rotten coffins buried in the soil, and the coffins had been crushed and deformed.

I looked at several deformed coffins and thought, "If it's right, this could be the ancestor of Jiang Yuan."

Although the entire tomb collapsed, the overall coffin was still intact. This type of coffin was two sizes larger than the usual ones, with some black and red paint remaining on the surface.

"I'm sorry, everyone."

He used a shovel to pry open the coffin, revealing the bones of the dead man lying inside.

After so many years, no one moved, and I immediately noticed something was wrong.

When I opened several other coffins, I found that the skeletons of the dead were all identical.

These bones, from the knee joint to the ankle, are all facing backwards!

I was puzzled at first, and then a word suddenly occurred to me.

"Reverse body burial."

I have only heard of it, but have never seen it. The history of reverse burial is older than secondary burial. There is a saying that after death, before the body was stiff, the family would break the joints of the deceased, and then, after burial,

The whole thing is reversed.

The old burial scriptures say that this is done to let the dead know that they are dead and will not turn into ghosts and linger in the world to harm their families. I think Jiang Yuan's family's backward way of worshiping ancestors should be related to this strange reaction.

Dismemberment is related.

I found a small hole at the waist of the dead man's bone. This hole is the waist pit. The waist pit has been popular for a while. The reason why the waist pit is left is because people in the past sometimes dug underground water when they dug pits. The ancients believed that it was

The water of the Yin River leads to the underworld, so the waist pit is considered to be the entrance to the underworld after death.

I removed the bone and shined a flashlight into the waist pit.

I couldn't see anything underneath, it was dark and deeper than I imagined.

I didn't dare to reach down, so I reversed the cyclone shovel and used the stainless steel shovel handle to poke around. Maybe there was some treasure inside.

I grabbed the shovel and just sent it down.

Instantly, a chill spread along the shovel handle to my hand.

Very cold.

Just that moment.

My breath turned deep white.

This chapter has been completed!
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