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Chapter 757

Chapter 757

I suddenly thought of Lao Hu.

He lives in a hut outside Guizailing, and the hut is very close to the pond. If he wakes up early, will he hear something?

Fortunately, it was a thief who took away the statue, but I was worried that it might be a fellow thief, and it happened at this juncture.

"Have you got your flashlight?"

Dou Sprout touched his trouser pocket and said, "I didn't take it, I put it on the bed."

"Just wait for me here."

I ran back to get the flashlight and told the boss to go to Lao Hu's place to have a look. Xiaoxuan said she wanted to go, but I said no, Master Xue can just go with us. Too many people would be bad and it would attract people's attention.

"Go quickly."

The journey was less than two kilometers, and the three of us walked quickly all the way to Lao Hu’s place.

At about 8 o'clock in the evening, when I passed by the pond, I shined a light with my flashlight. The water was calm and sparkling.

The hut where ranger Lao Hu lives has no electricity. He hasn't slept yet. From a distance, he can see light from the window. He must have lit a candle.

"Shh, be quiet."


Walking lightly to the window, Dou Sprout and I took a look inside.

"Who is he playing chess with?"

Douyazai whispered: "Didn't you see, Fengzi? He was playing chess with himself, not with a ghost."

"Da da da," I knocked on the door.

After opening the door, Mr. Xue first dispersed the smoke when he saw the people, and spoke a few words with Lao Hu in the local dialect to express his intention. Lao Hu frowned, thought for a while, and let us enter the hut.

After lighting candles and sitting on the pony next to the briquette fire, Uncle Xue asked Lao Hu if he heard anything in the early morning.

Old Hu held a cigarette and said something.

I understood the general idea, and the general meaning was that he basically didn’t dare to go out after 8 o’clock in the evening, so he stayed indoors and played chess. However, he got up early, and seemed to hear something moving outside around 5 o’clock in the morning.

Seeing that he was almost finished burning his cigarettes, I quickly handed him one and asked what noise I heard. Lao Hu didn't smoke, so he took it and clamped it to his ear.

Old Hu said that he had just woken up at that time. It was still dark outside and the room was cold so he didn't want to get up. It must have been around five o'clock when he heard a popping sound in the pond, which sounded like something fell.

In the water.

Hearing this, Master Xue and I looked at each other.

Before leaving, Lao Hu suddenly stopped us and gave us three purses sewn in blue cloth, similar to amulets.

I thought it was given to us, but I didn't know that Old Hu asked for fifty yuan. He said that if we saw the Yin soldiers, this amulet could save our lives.

None of the three of us believed him, so we treated the fifty yuan as asking for information and gave it to him.

When he came to the pond with a flashlight, Master Xue pointed to a place five or six meters ahead and said, "That man died there, lying face down."

"On that day, the water surface was bubbling, do you remember?"

I nodded and said I remembered, I saw it clearly at that time.

"This water is a bit cold." Dou Sprout tested the water temperature and then started to undress.

"What are you going to do?"

Douyazai took off his down jacket and stuffed it into my arms. He twisted his neck and said, "A hundred years of analysis will be useless. Now I will come in handy. I guess this pond isn't very deep. I'll swim down and have a look."

Give me the light."

"Swim down? Can you do it, Ya Zai?"

"Don't let your legs get cramped. I'm not good at water."

Dou Sprout quickly finished taking off his clothes and put on red shorts.

Dou Sprout was so cold that he trembled all over and said, "Fengzi, don't you know what I used to do?"

"I said I rode on a whale, but it's true. I also rescued several people at sea."

"Don't talk about this huge pond, even if it's fifty meters deep, my aunt used to call me Water Monkey, Little White Dragon of Zhoushan."

Seeing how confident he was, I thought about it and said:

"Then...Xiao Bailong, be careful."

This chapter has been completed!
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