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Chapter 994

Chapter 994

He shook his head and said: "Chen Guo... there is too little information that can be found. Who buried Xia Weishu in the sarcophagus? Did Xia Weishu himself move the tomb of Chen Hugong from Zhoukou to Daoxian? These historical mysteries are not

It can be figured out in a short time.”

"Let's not talk about this for now."

"To avoid long nights and too many dreams."

"We kept the personal print, sold everything else and everything else for money, and then quickly divided the money."

"Is there a buyer? So soon?" I asked in surprise.


He smiled and said: "As long as the news spreads, everyone will rush to get the good things from my hands, Wang Xiansheng. If there is no one, no one wants it."


"Boss Qian? Liu Yuanning? Or..."

He shook his head and said: "Boss Qian, Zhuangzi, is wrong. Although he is rich, he only likes to collect Buddhist things. He is not very interested in bronzes, ancient jade, and doesn't like them. Naturally, he can't offer a high price. We have to sell them at a high price."

"As for Liu Yuanning... I learned from a friend that he recently received a batch of goods from Yeluzi, and the money in his hand has not been released, so it is not appropriate."

He knocked his head on the table and continued with a serious face: "That's what I think. There are Brother Tian's shares in this batch of goods. I recommend one person, and Brother Tian recommends one person. Let the two fight for it. Who will give it in the end?"

If the price is high, we will sell it to whoever it is."

Pa tower.

Tian Sanjiu snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "Yes, what Wang said is right. The one with the highest price will get it. A group of my brothers are also waiting to share the money."

He told the buyer he wanted to find.

I have dealt with the rich man named Li in Hong Kong before (not the one with glasses, not the same person, but both have the same surname). I still remember the giant snow scene picture of Huang Gongwang hanging in his house. It is now worth


This man named Li likes to collect cultural relics from various small countries in ancient times. He bought them and hid them all in his small warehouse, and went to play with them when he had nothing to do. We didn't get the money that time because Sister Hong ran away with the check.

, Yao Wenzhong was also very unhappy because of this incident.

Those who do what we do have their own sales channels.

We don't collect. Collecting is the fun of big bosses. We just sell money and we are only happy when we get the banknotes.

Tian Sanjiu's channel buyer is a man named Wan, who is nicknamed "Ghost Wanli" in the industry.

This man has a lot of money and is very powerful. He dares to take anything, even the terracotta warriors and horses. The iron brake of the Ming Dynasty Iron Buddha Temple that Tian Sanjiu obtained in Xianyang was sold to Gui Wanli.

This person resembles an old scholar, with a black and white background.

In 2007, the Cultural Heritage Bureau pursued a Western Zhou bronze ware in the Old Summer Palace, "Ying", which was auctioned by Christie's abroad at the time. Although the pursuit was not successful in the end, Gui Wanli helped a lot.

The shipping location has not yet been determined, and I still need to contact Tian Sanjiu. I was unable to help at that time, and no one knew me.

At around one o'clock in the afternoon, Tiedan came back and told me, smelling of alcohol, "Brother, I went to check it out for you. The door of the Guizailing hut you mentioned is locked, and there's no one there at all. You don't need to go there."

"I understand, Brother Tiedan, thank you."

"Well, I'm leaving then. I have something to tell you."

Where has Master Hu gone...

Is he a ranger? Or has another identity... I can't figure it out.

"Brother Yu, are you free this afternoon?"

"What, where to go?"

I said I wasn’t going anywhere, but I suddenly wanted to go out and get some fresh air.

"Well... why don't we leave at half past two? No one will recognize me even if I'm wearing a hat and a mask. It just so happens that I also want to go to the barber shop and see if they can draw my eyebrows."

"Through eyebrows?"

"Brother Yu, didn't you think so after listening to Ah Chun?" I asked.

Brother Yu immediately shook his head and said, "No, it has nothing to do with that woman. I just don't think she looks good."

"What are you drawing?"

Douyazai interjected: "Brother Yu, you look like a bad guy now. If men are not bad, women will not love you. Why did you draw him?"


A little after two o'clock, Brother Yu and I changed our clothes, put on hats and masks, and got on the bus from Xingfu Village to the city.

I don’t have a clear destination, I just feel too depressed and want to take a breather, walk around and take a look.

The sun was shining brightly, the scenery outside the shuttle bus was beautiful, and people were chatting and laughing with each other. These were two completely different worlds from the dark and damp underground tombs.

After arriving in the city, Brother Yu went to the barber shop and had his eyebrows painted.

After he came out, I almost squirted out a mouthful of water. What was this? It really didn't look good. It looked like there were two black caterpillars crawling over his eyes. Brother Yu frowned, which made it even worse.

I went to ask and found out that the barber in the barber shop was no longer out, and the young man who painted Brother Yu's eyebrows was a small worker, an apprentice, with no skills at all, and he painted it blindly.

I called the barber again and did it again. This time it was better.

While walking on the street, we unknowingly came to the entrance of an antique market. This place is called Baiwanzhuang Antique Street.

I reached out and touched my back pocket, and just in time, I touched more than ten copper coins.

This chapter has been completed!
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