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Chapter 33 Food Corrodes the Soul

 Several students saw a slender figure from a distance and came directly over.

Xiao Nianzhi held a lantern in his hand, and there was only a flickering light in the darkness, so the students could not see clearly.

However, no one would come from the backyard at night.

Therefore, it must be Xiao Nianzhi!

When she saw it now, it turned out that it was indeed the case. Su Guiyu immediately laughed: "Whatever Miss Xiao does, we will eat whatever she wants. We don't have to choose."

Among the others, two of them had drank Xiaodiaoli Soup before. Other than that, they had only heard of it but had never tasted the delicacies made by Xiao Nianzhi.

Therefore, everyone is looking forward to it and anxious.

At this time, I was too embarrassed to choose, so I just wanted to taste it.

Therefore, as soon as Su Guiyu said it, everyone followed suit.

Hearing what everyone said, Aunt Cui smiled and nodded: "Okay, we have to wait a while, Yuan Niang has just arrived."

While they were talking, Aunt Cui had already returned, and Xiao Nianzhi started to take action.

When she came over, she saw the tofu and immediately cut the tofu into small pieces.

The remaining three pieces of tofu were cut into small uniform cubes by Xiao Nianzhi.

After cutting, Xiao Nianzhi scooped up vegetable oil and put it into the pot.

The amount is huge, and it looks like it needs to be oily.

Aunt Fu helped light the fire, while Aunt Cui had already gone to get the bowl.

When the oil temperature reaches 70%, Xiao Nianzhi starts frying the tofu.

Although the tofu was not tender, it was not firm either.

Therefore, after putting it in the pot, Xiao Nianzhi didn't dare to stir it. After waiting for a while and watching the surface slowly turn a bright golden color, he took a colander and started to stir it gently.

After the tender white tofu has been heated to high temperatures, the water vapor inside begins to rise, and the skin slowly changes color.

When the surface turns into an attractive golden yellow, the inside slowly vacates and turns into a light beige color.

The aroma of beans and oil together ignited the smell in the canteen!

The rich aunt took a look and saw that at this time, the tofu had been fried until it was golden in color and crisp and tender on the outside.

Xiao Nianzhi took it out and started to control the oil.

This also needs to be fried again, which will make the tofu fried more thoroughly and make it more tender and delicious when eaten.

While waiting for tofu to control oil, Xiao Nianzhi was not idle either.

She turned around and chopped the onion, garlic, and dogwood into pieces. She then put the cumin seeds and dogwood together and pounded them into powder.

Her movements were quick and smooth, and she could not help but marvel at the students not far away.

"The body is like flowing clouds and flowing water, and the heart is like the bright moon and clear wind."

"The flowing clouds and flowing water are a fairyland on earth."

"It's like I dare not speak in a dream!"


Several students couldn't help but praise.

Their voices were not loud, and Xiao Nianzhi could hear a few words from a distance, but not clearly.

And when she is devoted to doing one thing, she rarely gets distracted and pays attention to other things.

After preparing all the seasonings, she adjusted the batter water according to the ratio of flour to starch.

Then stir up the firewood, heat the pot, and when the temperature comes up, take a spoonful of oil from the pot where you just fried the tofu and pour it in.

The oil temperature has not yet cooled down. At this time, hot oil is put into the pot, so the temperature in the pot rises very quickly.

Xiao Nianzhi looked at the temperature through the dim candlelight and threw in the minced onions and garlic.


The crackling sound of delicious food plays the first chapter of late-night snack.

After listening to the students not far away, they could no longer read the poem and sigh, and their eyes suddenly focused on it.

It was just a pop of incense, but they seemed to see countless delicacies, carrying thousands of troops, rushing towards them!

After the aroma of onions and garlic exploded, Xiao Nianzhi quickly poured in the pounded cumin and dogwood powder.

The spiciness of dogwood is actually enough.

Although it is not as exciting and amazing as Xiaomi Spicy, when stimulated by the high temperature of hot oil, the taste is really tempting.

The students covered their noses, feeling choked, but couldn't help but reveal a little space between their fingers, as if they wanted to smell more of the strong fragrance.

The two kinds of seasonings were put into the pot, and Xiao Nianzhi stir-fried them quickly a few times. Then he added cold water, soy sauce, sugar and a small amount of salt according to the amount of tofu.

White sugar can enhance the taste of food and increase the thickness of soup.

The cold water has driven away all the passion, but the fragrance of delicious food is still in the air, spreading non-stop.

Moreover, cold water only carries a certain aroma, accumulating more aromas, and only when the time is right, more attractive and mellow flavors will be stimulated again.

While the water was not boiling, Xiao Nianzhi turned around and fried the tofu again after controlling the oil.

The time required for re-frying is shorter, because the tofu is fried for another 20 to 30 seconds to make the skin of the tofu crispier.

At this time, if you take a bite of the tofu, it will almost become crispy on the outside.

However, when the thick soup is poured in, the crispiness will gradually turn into tenderness. After it merges with the soup, it will burst out with another taste.

Fragrant and stunning.

The refried tofu is quickly taken out again to control the oil.

As for the pot on the other side, the water boiled in a short while.

Xiao Nianzhi stirred quickly, and then poured the mixed batter water in.

After the batter water is poured in, it needs to be stirred constantly to prevent it from condensing and sticking to the pan.

Until the flour water and the soup were completely integrated, Xiao Nianzhi quickly suppressed the burning firewood, and at the same time put in the minced garlic, chopped dogwood, and white sesame seeds.

I also chopped some coriander, but considering that some people didn't like to eat it, Xiao Nianzhi didn't put it in together, but put it in a bowl and prepared a spoon so that everyone can help themselves when eating.

The aroma of beans, oil, spicy and garlic invaded the first corner of the canteen.

The nearest rich aunt ate a white-flour steamed bun before Xiao Nianzhi arrived. As a result, at this time, smelling the fragrance, she felt as if her stomach had turned into a bottomless pit.

The kind that can’t be fed enough!

Just this tofu, if I don’t give her two bowls, she won’t be able to sleep tonight!

However, there are still students.

Moreover, the smell of frying attracted more students.

After Su Guiyu, two more waves of students came in.

As soon as we walked in, we were hit by the aroma of delicious food, and then everyone didn’t want to leave.

Seeing Xiao Nianzhi put down the fire in the stove, the rich aunt stood there stirring the soup in the pot, and couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Are you ready?"

Aunt Cui was also anxious, and she fiddled with the bowls back and forth.

When the rich aunt asked, she also hurriedly poked her head towards the stove.

Fried tofu looks more luxurious, after all, it uses a lot of oil, but...

It smells really good!

Xiao Nianzhi glanced at the tofu that was controlling the oil, and shook his head: "You have to wait a moment to control the oil, otherwise the taste will be affected."

You need to control the oil in the tofu, otherwise it will affect the taste too much.

Just imagine, take a bite, it's soup on the outside, but fragrant oil on the inside...

Just thinking about this will reduce your appetite by half.

This chapter has been completed!
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