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Chapter 340 Milk Snack Pack

 Once the meal bag is baked, the sweet and charming taste will make people want it.

Many craftsmen in the official kiln live here with their families. When the children smell this smell, they immediately break their guard.

No, they just cried and got beaten last night, why are they here again today?

Woo hoo, God, save me, save us!

This scent is really killing me.

They are just a bunch of kids!!!

Children or not, Xiao Nianzhi didn’t notice this, she was just looking at the fire.

The baking room here is slightly different from the one in the academy.

You know, in modern times, each oven has a different temperament, so you need to pay careful attention to the temperature.

What's more, there are different conditions in the baking room and cellar. She has to keep an eye on the time to prevent it from overcooking and burning it, which will make it unpalatable.

Today’s breakfast is the simplest milk meal package.

The rich milk aroma and the alluring sweet aroma are intertwined and intertwined, making those who smell it unconsciously stop and want to take a closer sniff.

Yan Changxia didn't light the fire this time, but she stood at the door of the barbecue room.

Wave after wave of strong fragrance poured over her body, making her drool uncontrollably.

This is too delicious!

So, how much food did she miss during her absence?

But, it’s not important!

Now she is just thinking about herself.

Her sister, hehe!

It’s just cheaper than Uncle Wang.

However, if you think about it carefully, you are not marrying into someone else's family.

She is still a member of their family, so she can still be shameless enough to take advantage of her!

I just don’t know, what do you think about it?

If she doesn't want to, Yan Changxia thinks that she can introduce her to her eldest brother.

In Yan Changxia's opinion, her eldest brother is quite a good person.

As for her second brother...


"Think about it, are you okay?"

"Can I eat it?"

"Think about it, why is it so sweet?"

"Think about it, what kind of tea is this?"


Yan Changxia had many questions, and Xiao Nianzhi patiently answered them all.

Of course, the last dish is naturally to match this meal package.

Lemongrass lemon black tea.

It might taste better if there is bergamot.

However, this thing does not exist now, just think about it.

Lemongrass is not bad, and it is an excellent combination with lemon.

In other words, fresh lemon is so versatile that it goes well with everyone and is delicious to drink.

The tea is ready, the lemons have been beaten, and the lemongrass has been added.

By the time the first cup of lemongrass and lemon black tea was poured into the bowl, it was almost time in the baking cellar over there.

Xiao Nianzhi decided to take it out and take a look.

As soon as the lid is opened, the rich fragrance hits you instantly.

Xiao Nianzhi dodged immediately, avoiding the heat all over his body, but not the overwhelming fragrance.

Fragrant and delicious.

Xiao Nianzhi liked it very much and even sniffed it twice.

However, it’s only two mouthfuls. If you smell it too much, you will easily get tired of it, and you may not be able to eat it anymore.

There is a layer of white sesame seeds sprinkled on top of the milk meal buns. Now they are roasted at just the right temperature and the outside is charred. The sesame seeds still maintain their original color, but they have become drier.

Each round and cute meal bag is squeezed into the baking pan. Without smelling the smell, just looking at the appearance gives people a sense of sight: I am delicious, come quickly.

Yan Changxia couldn't help but swallow her saliva, and Xiao Nianzhi quickly took out the meal bag with a clip.

Put each two together on a plate.

Yan Changxia reacted very quickly and consciously took the plate, two meal bags, and a bowl of lemongrass and lemon black tea.

The morning meal is delicious.

Although this morning meal looks weird, it’s just delicious.

Yan Changxia took her share and quickly went to the dining table.

However, she was not in a hurry to eat, but was waiting for Xiao Nianzhi to come with her.

Xiao Nianzhi divided some more between Hongshuang and the others, one for each of them, so there was still some leftover.

In fact, for the waiters, two meal bags are really not enough.

But divide it like this at the beginning. If it’s not enough, you can add more yourself.

After everyone finished sharing, Xiao Nianzhi also picked up two, poured a cup of tea, and went to find Yan Changxia.

The meal bag is well grilled, with a charred exterior and a soft and sweet interior. When you bite into it, it feels like you are biting on a cloud.

Yan Changxia was immediately surprised by the taste: "Wow, it feels like biting a cloud."

Hong Shuang and Hong Zhu also nodded in agreement.

The guards didn't say much, but they nodded along.


It's just too small, only one for two people.

It feels like the food is gone before you even taste it.

Fortunately, Xiao Nianzhi is generous and they can add it themselves.

After several guards finished eating, they went over to pick it up together.

Seeing the guards passing by, Yan Changxia, who originally wanted to say something else, swallowed the meal bag in his mouth and shouted: "Leave two for me!"

There are so many people, and if everyone gets a point, this set is actually not that much.

Seeing the little girl's eyes widening with anxiety, Xiao Nianzhi couldn't help but laugh: "It's okay, let's steam some lotus root powder and cinnamon sugar cake to eat later."

When he heard that there was something to eat, Yan Changxia's attention was indeed attracted.

This thing sounds like it's made of lotus root powder, osmanthus honey, and sugar. I know it will be delicious.

Yan Changxia bit her meal bag and couldn't help but look forward to it.

In the palace on the other side, during the morning court, the matter of conferring an official title on Xiao Nianzhi was discussed.

Several officials who broke the defense were isolated by all parties yesterday, and after being sprayed by Mr. Zhao, they all behaved like quails.

High-ranking officials have stopped saying anything. What can others do?

The censors looked left and right, always feeling that something was wrong.

But, can I say it?

Several people looked at each other, and they all knew the answer from each other's eyes in a tacit understanding: No.

Since His Majesty mentioned this matter in the morning, it means that the Sacred Heart has been determined, so they should stop doing useless work.

Everyone was silent, but some were supportive.

This matter started to go through the process after the morning meeting.

To make Xiao Nianzhi an official, even if it is just a seventh-grade official, the required procedures must be followed.

Rewards such as Xiangjun also need to go through the process and register information to facilitate the receipt of various benefits in the future, not to mention court officials.

First, the Ministry of Personnel needs to draft corresponding documents and enter Xiao Nianzhi’s personal information.

Information including ancestry, kinship, etc. must be registered one by one.

The Ministry of Personnel enters the corresponding official information, and Xiao Nianzhi is considered to be on the list.

Although seventh-grade officials do not need to attend the morning court, even if they catch up with the court meeting, they still have to go outside the palace to listen to the wind.

However, at least they are officially on staff.

After entering it at the Ministry of Personnel, it needs to be sent to the Ministry of Household Affairs for registration again.

After all, the salary distribution of officials needs to go through the Ministry of Household Affairs, so there must be corresponding information here.

It will take about three to five days to complete the entire process, including information registration, receipt by the corresponding department, and a series of other matters.

Of course, this is under non-urgent circumstances.

If the matter is urgent and the official in the corresponding position is urgently needed, the corresponding department will rush.

There is no rush now, so let’s go slowly.

This chapter has been completed!
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