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Chapter 360 Mutton Soup

 However, no one cooks here, and only makes tea. Xiao Nianzhi was afraid that being special would be bad, so he thought about it and asked his two subordinates first.

They have no idea about cooking in the Yamen.

Xiao Nianzhi was worried and asked other colleagues nearby.

I found that no one objected and were looking forward to it, which made me feel relieved.

When he came back, Cong Xiangwu also explained in a low voice: "No one is very good at these things, so it is convenient to just go out for a bite."

The main reason is that there is no dedicated kitchenette and it is not easy to clean all the items.

This is an office and they don’t have a dedicated water well.

Daily water needs to be collected nearby.

The nearest well is at the Si Agricultural Supervisor, which is several hundred meters away.

After listening to Cong Xiangwu's explanation, Xiao Nianzhi nodded clearly.

She now has a maid and a bodyguard.

Yan Xingxuan prepared a carriage to ensure her daily commuting, and Chang Shan also worked part-time as a groom.

As for Siam Lan, it is not convenient to show up at Xiao Nianzhi’s office, so she arranged to go back to Xiao Mansion.

In order to ensure Xiao Nianzhi's safety, even if Yan Xingxuan and the others left later, Chang Shan would still stay with the Yamen after seeing him off.

This also makes it easier for her to go to the garden when needed.

Therefore, Chang Shan is a good helper. If you use more water, you can ask the other party to help you... It should be okay, right?

Xiao Nianzhi thought uncertainly.

Knowing that he could bring food or even cook here, as long as he could find a way to bring the water back, Xiao Nianzhi began to wonder, what will he eat tomorrow?

Yan Xingxuan also knows that it is not good for him to be around here all the time.

However, he was reluctant to leave.

If there are too many people and it’s too noisy, then send some back?

Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked at Yan Changxia.

The other party was looking here and there, curious about everything.

At this time, Yan Changxia had not noticed that there was a person who was secretly poking at her and preparing to send her back.

The first day was spent getting used to the office, and it was soon time to get off duty in the evening.

Xiao Nianzhi cleaned up briefly, said hello to his two subordinates, and then packed up and walked back.

Yan Xingxuan and the others naturally saw each other off all the way. In fact, he wanted to follow them into the Xiao Mansion, but...

Not very good.

So, in the end, they watched Xiao Nianzhi enter the door, and then the uncle and nephew simply packed up and prepared to go back to their respective homes.

Yan Changxia actually doesn’t want to go back.


Nowadays, it is not like in the official kiln or the Imperial College, where you have places to eat, live and play.

The Yamen of Shanglinyuan is really not very big. Unless you go to the garden outside, the space is too small.

Moreover, Xiao Nianzhi now has an official position, and they are always around him, which also disturbs each other.

No matter how unhappy Yan Changxia was, he could only honestly return to the house in the end.

After winter, the days become shorter.

After getting off duty, I walked back to Xiao Mansion and found that the sky had darkened.

In fact, it is just Shen Shizheng now, and it is not too late.

Isatis Lan was waiting at the door early in the morning. When she saw Xiao Nianzhi getting out of the carriage, she hurriedly handed over a hand stove, fearing that she would be frozen.

Xiao Nianzhi nodded, thanked him, said goodbye to Yan Xingxuan and the others, and then strode back.

When they returned home, Walnut and the others had prepared dinner early and were just waiting for her to come back to eat.

The Xiao family's father and son don't come back every day, so everyone in the house just eats together, rarely having to worry about anything.

But, it’s different now!

The eldest girl will have to go back to her hometown for food and accommodation every day.

This made Aunt Qin and the others very happy. Uncle Zheng originally thought that it would be worth it to drive Xiao Nianzhi to him every day.

However, the eldest girl now has Chang Shan, so he has no chance to show off.

Xiao Nianzhi had never had a chance to come back before, but now it is rare for her to come back. Aunt Qin and the others went out early in the morning to buy.

In the evening, the three of them crowded into the kitchen and had a lot of trouble.

Just in time for Xiao Nianzhi to return home, the steaming hot meal was ready to be served.

The host is Xiao Nianzhi himself, so Aunt Qin set up a small table so that the dishes are compact and convenient for Xiao Nianzhi to eat.

However, because she was afraid that the eldest girl would think too much, she asked specifically before setting the table. After knowing that Xiao Nianzhi didn't mind, she went ahead with the operation.

In winter, mutton is the most nourishing, so Aunt Qin made mutton soup today.

After being guided by Xiao Nianzhi, Aunt Qin's craftsmanship has also improved significantly.

Tonight's stewed mutton soup was delicious and fragrant, the mutton was soft and delicious, and the soup was rich in flavor and extraordinarily delicious.

Xiao Nianzhi couldn't hold it back and took a sip of soup first.

A strong fragrance enters the mouth, and a warm flow flows into the body.

This bite is warm and comfortable.

The most important thing is that the taste is really handled well.

Xiao Nianzhi was not stingy with his praise, nodding towards Aunt Qin: "It tastes good."

Hearing Xiao Nianzhi's compliment, Aunt Qin smiled so hard that her teeth were almost blinded.

She was not in a hurry to eat because she just wanted to see what Xiao Nianzhi thought of the mutton soup.

This is also convenient for her future improvements.

You know, Aunt Qin thinks she is very good at making soup.

However, after meeting the older girl, I discovered...

I used to be too shallow.

However, she is also constantly learning and improving.

Now that I was praised, I went to eat in high spirits.

Xiao Nianzhi ate by himself, while other servants went to the kitchen or cubicles to eat.

Xiao Nianzhi took two sips of the mutton soup before starting to taste other dishes.

Pan-fried chicken until fragrant, braised duck with delicious flavor, and after oiling, stir-fry fish fillet with sauce...

Every dish tastes great.

Compared with when I first came here, Aunt Qin's craftsmanship has indeed improved a lot.

Xiao Nianzhi had a delicious dinner, and then drank a large bowl of mutton soup.

After eating, I was covered in sweat.

Between the lips and teeth, there seems to be a trace of the freshness of the mutton, the tenderness of the radish, and the beauty of the soup...

A table of dishes, this mutton soup, really satisfied Xiao Nianzhi.

After dinner, I simply rested for a while and made simple plans for tomorrow's work.

Although Xiao Nianzhi has not officially started the handover work yet, she still knows a little about the general process.

So, after thinking about it and making a simple plan, I got up and took a shower.

It's getting colder and colder today, so bathing will definitely not be as frequent as in summer.

Because if you don’t keep warm enough, you can easily catch wind and cold.

In an era when medical conditions were not very good, and a small cold could easily be cured and die immediately, bathing in winter was mostly enjoyed by the rich and powerful.

For example, if Xiao Nianzhi needs to, he can arrange to take a bath every day.

Aunt Qin, Walnut and the others must have tidied up the clean room early in the morning and worked hard to raise the temperature to make Xiao Nianzhi comfortable.

However, servants like Aunt Qin and the others sometimes may not be able to take a bath for half a month.

This chapter has been completed!
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