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Chapter 376 Sauce-flavored Grilled Fish

 Yu Bin is looking forward to this polo match.

Of course, the main reason is that it is not only the competition between their two departments, but also other departments on the same day, so they can also watch the excitement of others.

What’s the point of just going to team building on your day off?

We all have to come together!

When Xiao Nianzhi heard this, he realized that he was not going to suffer this hardship, and he suddenly became energetic again.

Sure enough, eating other people's melons is more interesting than your own!

While a few people were chatting and laughing, this pot of delicious stew was ready to be cooked.

In fact, the appearance of this one-pot stew looks very ordinary, but I can’t stand it, it’s delicious!

The aroma at the moment when the pot was lifted directly hit everyone's face. Chen Zuo even squinted his eyes uncontrollably and sniffed. He was like a drunken man, addicted to it!

After reacting, he was still a little embarrassed.

But, it really smells good!

He originally loved to eat spareribs, but now there are so many things available in one pot with the spareribs. The taste is really delicious!

Chen Zhu felt that the icing on the cake was nothing more than that.

When it was about to come out of the pot, Xiao Nianzhi heated their dry food on the basket again.

After it is heated, it is quickly divided into everyone's plates.

This will prevent moisture from accumulating and affecting the taste of the pasta.

After the staple food was distributed, the dishes were distributed to everyone.

Xiao Nianzhi also didn’t expect that the meal sharing system would be implemented in the work unit.

Everyone puts it into their own bowls and eats their own without affecting each other.

Delicious and hygienic.

It was the first time that Yu Bin joined the gourmet team. He was not stingy with his praises. From his eager tone, it seemed that he was afraid that he would be kicked out of the gourmet team if he showed up too late: "Well, this taste is just right.


As he spoke, he nodded towards Xiao Nianzhi: "Xiao Dianshu's craftsmanship is unmatched by ordinary people!"

Yu Bin also thought about it before calling out Xiao Nianzhi's profession.

After all, Xiao Nianzhi is a woman, so it would not be nice for him to directly refer to him as a brother.

However, if you call me by name directly, it will seem too unfamiliar and polite.

So, after thinking about it for a while, I directly chose the position and called it this way, which is pretty good.

Xiao Nianzhi said modestly: It’s just home-cooked food.

Chen Zhu had already started eating. While eating, he tried his best to pay attention to his posture.

However, the ribs are delicious!

I can’t control it, I can’t control it at all!

Chang Shan was as silent as ever, just quietly cooking.

However, he was also a little worried.

That is...

Isn’t their cooking team getting bigger and bigger?

If there are more people, the ingredients are not a big problem, but one stove is obviously not enough.

Moreover, if Xiao Nianzhi is the only one doing it, how long will he be busy?

Xiao Nianzhi didn't worry too much, he just enjoyed the food quietly, accepting praise from his colleagues from time to time, and just saying a few words of humility was enough.

For tea after the meal, Xiao Nianzhi chose refreshing lemon black tea.

The lemons were fresh, which made several adults a little surprised. They asked curiously, and when they knew it was a gift from Yan Xingxuan, they smiled knowingly. No one was embarrassed to ask for it.

Although fresh lemons are relatively easy to transport, it is not easy to transport them.

They'd better give it a try and don't go too far.

In fact, Xiao Nianzhi doesn't have much left in his hands. Although lemons are relatively easy to store, they won't last long.

And if you leave it for too long, the moisture will be gone and the taste will be much worse.

Therefore, Xiao Nianzhi is slowly being consumed.

After finishing the delicious stew, everyone enjoyed afternoon tea for a while.

Chen Zuo thought, let's buy some snacks tomorrow. In the afternoon, it will be more delicious with black tea.

Yu Bin thought that his cook also had a few snacks that he could prepare. Today he would go back and ask if the other party could make a few snacks in the past few days so that he could use them to enjoy his meal.

As for Changshan?

Well, he thinks that he can protect his master, but what about the rest?

Don't think about it, you have no money, no one, and no ability, and you can't do anything.

After several people had finished their tea, they went back to their respective rooms.

Then, Xiao Nianzhi fished for another whole afternoon, and then returned to the Xiao Mansion after checking in.

The Xiao family, father and son, still haven’t returned today.

Xiao Nianzhi ate and drank, and then went to sleep.

Suddenly, Xiao Nian brought a big grass carp that he had packed up for duty.

Of course, I also brought some side dishes.

Today’s lunch preparation: Sauce-flavored grilled fish.

In the morning, Xiao Nianzhi fished.

At noon, Yu Bin and Chen came over by a familiar road.

One brought snacks from home, including pomegranate cakes, walnut cakes and sesame steamed cakes, and the other brought snacks bought on the street, including dried hawthorns, dried peaches, dried apricots, melon seeds and dried meat.

The variety is very rich, and at first glance, it looks bloody and expensive.


Well, he is responsible for lighting the fire and helping others.

The big grass carp has already been prepared at home, but the actual grilled taste will be different.

However, Xiao Nianzhi didn't have much time, so he fried it directly.

Now come here, just adjust the base of the sauce, and then put it in the pot to cook.

Put the side dishes as the base, put the fried grass carp on top, and then wait for it to simmer slowly over low heat until the temperature comes up, the side dishes are cooked slowly, and the fragrance comes out, and you can eat it.

A new way to eat every day, Chen Zhu felt that except for the secretion of more saliva in his mouth, everything else was reduced!

His money bag is getting increasingly empty!

But I can’t control it.

Yu Bin is okay. Although his official rank is not high in recent years, he has also purchased a lot of property.

Therefore, if you are greedy and eat something, you have nothing to worry about.

The aroma of grilled fish is the kind that comes from boiling a frog in warm water, and it becomes more and more intense as time goes by.

At first everyone thought it was okay, it was just fish and it’s not like they had never eaten it before.

But, slowly, their eyes began to look uncontrollably, always looking at the pot, thinking secretly: When is the best time?

Not feeling better yet?

It’s so fragrant, can you eat it?

Can’t eat it yet?!


Chen Zhu originally thought that he could control his saliva today.

After all, when the grilled fish is first fried, the sauce is really rich and very tempting.

However, after the cold water was put into the pot, the strong aroma was cooled down, and then the fragrance slowly came up over low heat. Chen Zhu felt that he could withstand such a test.

He was secretly glad that he shouldn't be too embarrassed today.

However, he was soon slapped in the face.

Written by Chen:.

Compared with Chen Zhu's reserved and awkward manner, Yu Bin was much more generous. After being hit by the rich aroma of soy sauce, he turned around and asked: "Dian Department, are you ready? Can you eat it? I haven't had it before.

I feel hungry, and as soon as this smell comes out, I feel empty in my stomach. If I don’t eat something, I’m afraid I won’t be able to soothe the five internal organs.”

This chapter has been completed!
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