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Chapter 383 Friends’ Current Situation

 Princess Qiuyang's face still shows a bit of childishness that has not yet bloomed, but she is very thin, her complexion is unusually fair, and her lips are light-colored. It can be seen that she is not in good health and has insufficient energy and blood.


When he spoke, his voice was low and he was walking slowly. The other person was already breathing slightly. If you listen carefully, you can hear the breath between the other person's words, which is obviously longer than normal people.

This also shows that the opponent's energy and blood are indeed insufficient.

However, people are very beautiful, with Jiangnan graceful beauty and fragility inherent in them, which will make those who see them unconsciously feel pity and love for them.

Xiao Nianzhi took a quick look and didn't look at it again, so as not to offend the other party.

When Princess Qiuyang waved, her eyes also stayed on Xiao Nianzhi for a moment.

However, he only looked at it for two more breaths and quickly took it back. His expression did not change. He just smiled and said to Yan Changxia: "I am not in good health and can't walk fast. Sister Mingyue, let's go first."

How can Yan Changxia have the nerve to let a princess line up behind him? Forget it if you don't see her, but if you see her, it's hard to get ahead of her.

No matter how much she was favored by her father and loved by her royal grandmother, she was still just the prince's daughter and a little princess.

There is still a lot of difference between me and the princess.

Therefore, when Princess Qiuyang said this, she immediately shook her head: "No, I'm tired after walking for a long time. Sister Qiuyang, let's go first."

The two gave way to each other, and then Princess Qiuyang nodded slightly and led the two girls from the Yu family up the stairs.

One of the girls from the Yu family glanced back when she walked upstairs, but quickly looked away.

This glance might have fallen on Xiao Nianzhi, or it might have fallen on Wei Zhiqiu.

The two people were almost standing side by side. They didn't know who the other person was looking at, but they both clearly felt it.

Because after Xiao Nianzhi noticed it, he did not raise his head immediately. Instead, he waited until the feeling of gaze disappeared and then subconsciously turned his head to look at Wei Zhiqiu.

Then, he met the other person's eyes.

Wei Zhiqiu was actually quite curious: "Who do you think she is looking at?"

After asking, I smiled: "So, who is looking at whom?"

Xiao Nianzhi shook his head slightly, saying that he didn't know either.

She doesn't have many interactions with these noble ladies in the capital.

It is said that the two girls from the Yu family came back from Jiangnan, so it is even less likely that they would have crossed paths.

So, look at her?

Not quite.

But look at Wei Zhiqiu...

It doesn’t seem very similar.

Neither of them thought about it. When they looked at each other, they couldn't help but smile, which made Yan Changxia smile blankly.

However, she didn't think much about it. Seeing that Princess Qiuyang and the others had already gone up, she hurriedly called on her friends to join them.

After sitting in the private room, Xiao Nianzhi asked Yan Changxia in a low voice: "I didn't see Miss Zheng today."

Aunt Yu hadn't heard from the other party for a while. When Xiao Nianzhi asked, she couldn't help but feel a little curious, so she turned her head and looked at Yan Changxia.

Wei Zhiqiu didn't know much about Miss Zheng, but he was curious about it. She also looked at her curiously.

Being watched by so many people, Yan Changxia didn't feel any pressure. After thinking about it, she whispered: "I heard it from my mother and concubine. I don't know the inside information yet, so we sisters can talk about it."

Forget it, don’t spread rumors to harm me!”

Hearing what she said, Xiao Nianzhi nodded solemnly, and Aunt Yu also straightened her expression.

However, Wei Zhiqiu thought about it and asked in a low voice: "Is it the matter that Miss Zheng wants to marry the Lou family?"

Yan Changxia:......!

The little girl's face quickly collapsed.

She looked at Wei Zhiqiu with a rather resentful expression, and after a long time, she finally gritted her teeth and said, "Do you know about this? My mother-in-law said that the internal information has not been confirmed for the time being and cannot be spread outside!"

Hearing her complain like this, Wei Zhiqiu thought for a while, and then said uncertainly: "Is there a possibility that I am not an outsider?"

After all, Wei Zhiqiu has spent most of his time in the palace with the eldest princess recently.

Therefore, she really knows many things.

Yan Changxia thought about the other party's recent position and understood that they had much more inside information than their mothers.

The little girl was not discouraged and nodded quickly: "Yes, the Zheng family wants to marry the Lou family. The mother-in-law said that Qingqing is the legitimate daughter. If nothing else happens, she will definitely marry the Lou family's legitimate son. But the Lou family

The head of the family has three legitimate sons, all of whom are excellent, as well as a pair of twins, and there are countless legitimate sons in other families and clans. It all depends on how the two families negotiate."

The Lou family, the Zhang family of the Queen, and the Zhao family of the Crown Princess are actually on the same side.

Although the Zheng family is now prominent, they are still under the influence of the Queen Mother.

The Zheng family now wants to bundle their interests more firmly and make the chain of interests more diverse. They also consider that once the Queen Mother goes west, they will also have a community of interests to support each other, so that they will not be alone if something goes wrong.

The wood is hard to support, and there is complete silence.

Xiao Nianzhi also understands this mutual interest bundle.

In such a big family, your own wishes are never the first factor to consider.

Whether you want it or not is in conflict with whether you can do it.

Therefore, sometimes, Xiao Nianzhi is quite grateful for his status.

Although it is a bit difficult, there are people taking care of it, and many things are relatively free. It is not that my whole life has been planned from the beginning, and I can only follow this line.

As for whether you want to or not?

It's not important.

Once you have enjoyed the glory and wealth that your family has brought you, you should shoulder the corresponding responsibilities and obligations.

Wei Zhiqiu actually wanted to ask, is Miss Zheng willing?

However, she soon thought that this was the capital, not the world where she was.

And even in the world she lives in, not everyone is free to choose the life they want.

Sometimes, the higher the status, the more power, but the less freedom.

After thinking about it, Wei Zhiqiu couldn't help but feel happy that although his mother had not cared about him for many years, she...

Nowadays, she will not interfere too much. Even when the Queen Mother asks about her marriage arrangements, her mother will say: I will listen to her.

Moreover, her mother quietly told her in private: You can talk about feelings, but don’t take responsibility.

To put it bluntly, you can talk about love casually, but love cannot be concluded easily.

Although Wei Zhiqiu was shocked by this, he agreed and was grateful.

When she heard that Zheng Qingran was going to marry the Lou family, Aunt Yu also thought carefully about the legitimate sons of the head of the Lou family.

It is true that people are like dragons and phoenixes, at least the reputation outside is pretty good.

Aunt Yu has stayed in the palace for most of her life, so she naturally knows where so much freedom comes from in life.

After knowing that the couple in the Lou family were good, Aunt Yu nodded.

When you mention Zheng Qingran, you will inevitably think of Guo Sixue.

Xiao Nianzhi sighed softly and whispered: "I don't know how Miss Guo is doing."

This chapter has been completed!
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