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Chapter 39 Rubbing Pearls

 When Aunt Yu left, she only carried a food box.

It contained unfinished milk tea, unfinished pearls, and half a bowl of secret red beans prepared by Xiao Nianzhi.

For Aunt Yu, pearl milk tea is her new life-extending artifact, and it is impossible not to bring it!

She was afraid that she would be thinking about this bite during the two days she returned to Zhuangzi.

Then I couldn’t eat well and couldn’t sleep well.

So, take it away!

Xiao Nianzhi sent her out and then came back, simply packed her things and waited for Xiao Siye to come over.

Now that people are here, she goes back to the house to pick up her luggage, locks the door, and follows Xiao Siye out the door.

Once you get out of the door, you can get on the carriage directly.

The carriage that picked up the students couldn't come directly to the door, not because they were afraid of walking on the mountainous road, but because the Imperial College wouldn't let them.

They are all crowded at the door, what if something happens to them?

However, the peak has passed at this time, and Xiao Siye is a master, so it is normal to do something special.

When they came to the carriage, the driver looked familiar. He was the one who sent Xiao Nianzhi and Aunt Yu back to Zhuangzi last time.

Seeing Xiao Nianzhi stunned, Xiao Siye motioned to her: "That's the coachman Lao Zheng. It's getting late. Come in quickly if you think about it."

Xiao Nianzhi nodded and got on the carriage.

After going in and sitting down, after waiting for a long time but there was no movement, she couldn't help but open the curtain and asked in confusion: "Uncle, won't you come in?"

There is a generation difference between the two of them, and they are relatives, so they are not afraid of riding in the same car and causing gossip.

Of course Xiao Siye also understood this truth, but he deliberately avoided suspicion and did not want to put too much pressure on the little girl, so he smiled heartily: "No, no. I still have something to say with Lao Zheng, so I sat outside and thought about it.

Whatever happens, just call me."

Xiao Siye refused to come in, so Xiao Nianzhi tried to persuade him, but the other party just waved his hand, and she said nothing more.

She sat down in the carriage, and the carriage shook again. The coachman Lao Zheng and Xiao Siye sat on both sides of the carriage. With the sound of a whip whipping, the carriage moved forward slowly.

After reaching a smooth road, the speed of the carriage accelerated a lot.

Because the monthly exams are over today and the students will go home directly for the holidays, there is no lunch in the cafeteria.

Neither Xiao Siye nor Xiao Nianzhi had lunch yet.

He was afraid that the little girl would be hungry, so he motioned to Lao Zheng to drive faster.

Xiao Nianzhi sat in the carriage and thought, it would not look good if he came empty-handed for the first time, right?

Even if you are an orphan, being polite is one thing, being empty-handed is another.

Just like poverty and perfunctory are two different things, they are the same truth.

She only found out about Xiumu yesterday. She didn't have time to prepare a gift, so she had to buy it on the way back.

Buying gifts means going out, and you may run into the hero at any time.

But Xiao Nianzhi was not unprepared, she had already been prepared to kill her in anticipation of the plot!

Therefore, a simple curtain was specially prepared to cover her face. She should not be recognized, right?

With the curtain as a barrier, Xiao Nianzhi felt relieved and quietly opened the curtain to take a look.

After confirming that they had entered the city, she approached the front of the carriage and whispered: "Uncle, stop at a snack shop and let me buy some snacks."

Hearing the voice, Xiao Siye was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "Think you want to have some dim sum? There are some good dim sum in Beijing, let's go to Yiweizhai."

Xiao Siye thought that after going there, he would buy some of everything.

The boys at home don't like this. They don't eat the cakes that the cook steams for them on weekdays.

But Xiao Nianzhi is a little girl, so she might like these things.

Not only snacks, but also dried fruits, snacks, etc. You can buy whatever you want.

Xiao Siye, who rarely buys these things, has already thought about the approximate route and the name of the shop in his mind.

Xiao Nianzhi brought some tea in his luggage, but the quantity was too small. Although the price was not low, it didn't look good when taken out.

Because the types of tea leaves refreshed every day in the delicious kitchen are different, so it still takes time to save a variety of tea leaves.

There is too little tea, so we can only buy snacks. I don’t know if Xiao Siye will stop him if he finds out.

Xiao Nianzhi is not sure either, so he can only wait and see when the time comes.

When they arrived at Yiweizhai, Xiao Siye only said that he was going to buy it for her and asked Xiao Nianzhi to wait for a while.

She followed her out of curiosity, but Xiao Siye didn't object.

The two of them walked around inside, and Xiao Nianwei wrapped a few snacks.

Xiao Siye understood at a glance that the little girl did not want to come empty-handed.

He thought for a while, but didn't stop him. He let the little girl buy it first, and he bought several more later.

The two people quickly carried the snacks out of the door and got back on the carriage.

However, before Xiao Nianzhi entered the carriage, he turned his head and took a look.

The main street in the capital was very lively. Pedestrians coming and going either stopped to inquire about something or looked around.

Xiao Nianzhi narrowed her eyes slightly and got into the carriage, but her heart couldn't help but sink.

When Xiao Nianzhi came out of Yiweizhai just now, she felt that someone was looking at her, and the sight was quite obvious.

At that time, she raised her head once, but found no obvious abnormality.

When she got on the carriage just now, she looked around carefully, including some of the second-floor window positions, but still found nothing unusual.

Although she is not sure who the other party is, and she is still wearing a curtain, it would be very troublesome if Lu Jingyuan noticed her at this time.

It’s true that the other party’s arm is injured and needs to be recuperated, but it doesn’t affect his ability to go out, right?

Therefore, it is still necessary to take precautions before they happen.

This time when I return to Xiao Mansion, I have to come up with the method of making ice from saltpeter.

In fact, in recent years, many people have tried to analyze the remains of ancient books to find out what ancient people used to make ice.

However, it has not been studied yet.

Xiao Nianzhi was extremely grateful for his status at this time. His father was a scholar, his family had a lot of books, and his grandfather had also read books.

If anyone is curious, how do you know how to make ice from saltpeter?

Then, I would find an excuse and blame it on my father or grandfather who is no longer here.

Those people are no longer here, and they are dead with no evidence, so what do you mean by what you say?

I am literate, have read books, and have a collection of books at home. Is it normal to unintentionally break some ancient laws or something like that?

In just a few breaths, Xiao Nianzhi's mind had already seen countless possibilities.

The carriage quickly restarted, and the clatter of horse hooves gradually faded away.

On the second floor diagonally opposite Yipinzhai, the window was covered with only a small crack. The young master behind the window was leaning his chin on watching Xiao Mansion's carriage go further and further away. He waited until it was out of sight, then he

He looked away and said in confusion: "Brother Lu, that was the carriage from Xiao Siye's residence in the Imperial College, right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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