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Chapter 411 Everyone has their own thoughts

 Today I still need to deal with my possible life experience, and Mrs. Guo who is still awake.

Therefore, it is somewhat unsightly to go directly to the value.

After all, before Mrs. Guo woke up, she left the person alone and spread the word, good or bad.

After Xiao Nianzhi sat up, he pressed his groggy head. After a long time, he finally regained some clarity, and then he signaled Islam to go to Chang Shan: "You ask Chang Shan to go to Mr. Yu and help me sue."

Just for a day off, I said there is something going on at home and I probably won’t be able to go today.”

After the glass greenhouse was built and vegetables were planted, Xiao Nianzhi had nothing else to do for the time being.

Therefore, it is okay not to go as a daily mascot.

As for what happened yesterday, Islam followed the whole process and naturally understood it, so when Xiao Nianzhi said it, she immediately responded.

There was no need to go on duty today, but there were still guests in the house. Xiao Nianzhi got up quickly to clean up. Walnut was afraid that Isatis would be too busy, so he got up early to come over to help.

Changshan needed to go to notify and was not at the house for the time being. Silan was afraid that His Highness the King of Wei would come to pick up his girl for duty. Before returning to the backyard, she specifically said to Uncle Qin: "Uncle Qin, if His Highness the King of Wei comes over,

Just tell him the truth."

As for whether the other party wants to come to her door, that's not something she can decide. It depends on the masters' wishes.

Uncle Qin hurriedly responded. Although he didn't know what happened, Mrs. Guo fell ill directly in their house...

Hey, no matter what, I have to inform the master, right?

While Uncle Qin was thinking, Xiao Nianzhi came over.

There are not many people involved in this matter, but the timeline involved is quite long.

After Xiao Nianzhi thought about it, he felt that it would not look good without an elder here, so he asked Uncle Qin to help him and went to the academy to invite the uncle back home.

She didn't hide anything. She briefly talked about her life experience, which seemed to be related to the Guo family or the Feng family.

When Uncle Qin heard this, his expression calmed down and he immediately said: "I will go and ask the master to come back."

Uncle Qin didn't go there in person, after all, the family still needed someone to take charge of the affairs.

Therefore, it was Uncle Zheng who passed by in the end.

When he passed by, Xiao Siye was sorting out books.

As the New Year approaches, Xiao Siye is also very busy, sorting out various books and publishing papers.

This year, there are many students who have passed the Tongsheng Examination, and there are also many children of powerful people who want to study in the Imperial College when they are old enough.

They need to produce a set of papers for the annual examination. Those who pass it can come here to study after the new year.

In addition to the doctors, Xiao Siye and Yu Jijiu also helped produce some of these papers.

When he heard that Uncle Zheng was coming, Xiao Siye just thought he was here to deliver some food, and he was still muttering in his heart: Isn't this the beginning of the month? Why did he come here to deliver something?

Moreover, in a few days, it will be the birthday of the second son of the Zhang family next door, and they will also go there to have dinner. In fact, there is no need to arrange anything. They can return home in a few days and there is no need to send anything.

After meeting Lao Zheng, Xiao Siye was stunned when he heard the other party's simple words: "...but seriously?"

After asking, Xiao Siye realized in a daze that Xiao Nianzhi had always acted cautiously. If he hadn't been extremely confident, the other party would not have directly asked someone to come over and invite him back home.

Without waiting for Uncle Zheng to answer, Xiao Siye turned around in a hurry: "I'll just clean up and tell Brother Yu."

When Xiao Siye returns home, he must explain to others, otherwise others will not know his whereabouts, and it will be quite troublesome to find him if there is something urgent.

When Yu Jijiu heard that it was related to Xiao Nianzhi's life experience, he became a little more energetic.

If it hadn't been a bad sight if both of them left, he would actually have wanted to go there.

However, when I think about it again, both the Guo family and the Feng family are very good families. The Guo family has many generals and a straightforward temperament. The Feng family has a lot of wealth and good conduct.

Both families are easy to get along with, so Yu Jijiu feels much more at ease: "You can go back home and stay with your eldest niece, so that she won't feel uneasy."

After all, how many years have passed, and finally found a relative who is related to the mother, everyone will feel uneasy, nervous, and nervous, right?

At this time, you really need the company of someone close to you.

Xiao Siye nodded in agreement, cleaned up briefly, and followed Uncle Zheng back to his house.

When he came back, Uncle Qin was waiting for him at the gate of the courtyard.

Seeing someone getting off the carriage, he hurriedly took two steps forward: "His Royal Highness the King of Wei is here. Madam Guo sent someone to Feng Mansion to invite someone. They will probably be here soon. Madam Guo, Young Madam Guo and the Third Young Master Guo are all at the mansion."


The Xiao Mansion is not a big place, but it is a very lively place right now.

Xiao Siye is outside the city, so it took a little longer to get here.

Before he came over, Yan Xingxuan had already asked Laishun to drive a carriage over to look for Xiao Nianzhi.

When I heard that the little girl had something to do and couldn't be on duty today, I quickly asked why.

Uncle Qin followed what Isatis said and did not hide anything. He simply explained it.

Yan Xingxuan's breathing became tight when he heard that Xiao Nianzhi was very likely to have found a relative, and that he was still related to the Guo family or the Feng family!

His first reaction was: He had to stand up and protect Xiangxiang, so that the little girl wouldn’t be wronged!

The Guo family and the Feng family, one is powerful and the other has a lot of money, what if they don’t get along well or dislike Xiao Nianzhi?

Although Yan Xingxuan was anxious, he didn't panic. He first sent his bodyguard to invite Yan Changxia to Prince Kang's Mansion. He felt that the more people on his side, the better.

At that time, when the Guo family or the Feng family have opinions about Xiao Nianzhi, or are more critical, they will be able to stand up.

Yan Xingxuan felt that they had to let others know that Xiao Nianzhi had nothing behind him and nothing to rely on!

They are all her supporters, so no one can bully her!

If it weren't for Zheng Qingran's marriage proposal, and I heard that she had recently started to learn housekeeping from her mother at the house, Yan Xingxuan would have wanted to send someone to invite her.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t invite the other party, but if you have a junior on your left and right, you won’t be able to hold up much of the scene.

Yan Xingxuan's brain changed and he sent Laishun to personally invite the eldest princess.

The weather has been cold recently, and the other party is not used to living in Taoist temples, so he has been living in the princess mansion in the city.

After receiving the order, Laishun drove the carriage and ran away.

He doesn't have the footwork or effort like a guard, so he'd better drive honestly!

After making all arrangements, Yan Xingxuan stepped into Xiao Mansion.

Xiao Nianzhi got up early, and after making some simple arrangements, he took the doctor over to see Mrs. Guo's condition.

Last night, after Mrs. Guo fell asleep, the doctor went back.

Early this morning, Xiao Nianzhi sent someone to invite him back again.

The other party's medical skills were pretty good. After checking carefully, he nodded: "It's time for another cup of tea, and Madam will wake up. I'll make some heart-nourishing soup. It will be good for her health."

After the doctor checked the pulse, he took the walnuts down to boil the medicine.

Meng Yu and Guo Yinghui both got up early.

One is not used to living in other people's houses, and the other is that he has always had the habit of getting up early to exercise.

It's just that I don't have much time to exercise today.

After getting up, I spent more time in a daze.

Since his mother-in-law is not awake yet, Meng Yu cannot make other arrangements.

Fortunately, after a cup of tea, Mrs. Guo finally woke up slowly.

This chapter has been completed!
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