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Chapter 435 Little New Year’s Eve

 Xiao Siye is becoming more and more satisfied with Yan Xingxuan, so when he comes to visit now, even if it is on New Year's Eve, he has no objections. Instead, he responds with a smile: "Invite people in quickly."

Fortunately, Xiao Zhou is older and more open-minded about these things.

In addition, Yan Xingxuan's performance is quite good, and the idle prince is not doing anything, so my sister is following him, so I think she will be able to live a good life in the future.

However, Xiao Qing was young, so when he found out about this, he was already very angry.

Now I heard that Yan Xingxuan did not come to the palace on New Year's Eve and came to his house, and my face bulged with anger.

It was difficult to say anything, so in the end I could only snort and whisper: "I'm going to find my sister."

I don’t want to be with my annoying future brother-in-law.


What did he say?

Xiao, who has a flexible mind and is good at reading, and has just passed the Imperial Examination, touched his head lightly and felt that something was wrong.

However, the delicious food wafting from the kitchen has attracted all his attention.

So, what was going through your mind just now?

Not important!

If it smells so good, there must be something delicious. Go check it out first.

Even though I’m making dumplings in the evening, it’s impossible not to have a single dish.

Therefore, the chicken soup must be boiled and the stock must be cooked.

Xiao Nianzhi still had a piece of the old stew that he had received from Yu Shangshu's house. Now he added water and seasonings and stewed the two cleaned rabbits.

Not only rabbit, but also chicken legs and a whole duck.

The duck is divided into two pieces, which makes it easier to eat.

Speaking of which, this duck was sent here by Yan Xingxuan.

There are six in total. One was killed today, and there are five more left in the open space in the backyard.

The rich and fresh aroma of the stock, the mellow aroma of the marinade, and other aromas are intertwined together, making the entire kitchen smell like an alluring gourmet aroma.

Xiao Qing came over following the smell, poked her head in, and asked loudly: "Sister, what are you cooking for something delicious?"

I just heard that the Xiao family father and son were back. Now that he saw the person, Xiao Nianzhi, who was still mixing stuffing, turned his head and said, "What do you want to eat?"

As soon as Xiao Qing heard her sister's voice, she immediately got into the kitchen with peace of mind and leaned close to Xiao Nianzhi: "I will eat whatever my sister cooks. Everything my sister cooks is delicious. I am not picky. I am well-behaved."


Xiao Qing is young, so when she says these words, she won't appear glib and annoying, but rather very endearing and cute.

Maybe it's because the sun is not as poisonous in winter and he goes out less often. Compared to summer, he is not as dark.

Although he is not as white as his second brother Xiao Zhou, he is indeed better than Xia Xia.

At this time, he smiled, showing his little white teeth, and he looked a little cute.

Xiao Nianzhi looked at his pointed little tiger teeth and asked about his studies.

The sweet-talking third brother immediately said happily: "Sister, sister, after I pass the New Year's exam, I can go to the Imperial College to study like my second brother."

In fact, he was qualified last year, but he felt that since he was young, it would be okay to grind outside for another year.

Of course, it was also because I got along well with my classmates, and the strength of Qingsong Academy was not low, so I would not be delayed there, so I was not in a hurry to leave.

The reason why I chose to take the annual examination this year and go to the Imperial College during the Chinese New Year is naturally because I also need to consider the reputation of the Xiao family.

We can't let people think that he is a scumbag and an idiot in his family. He can't even pass the annual examination of the Imperial College. How shameful that would be!

When it comes to his annual exams, Xiao Qing's chatter box opens up. The difficult questions he mentions at one moment are all written by his father, and the next moment he says, it's actually not bad, he can do them all.

After a while, I will talk about interesting things that happened in the examination room.

After a while, he said how the classmate who failed to pass the exam forced a smile and said congratulations to him.


The chirping, coupled with the fireworks in the kitchen, makes the atmosphere of life more intense.

Xiao Nianzhi didn't find it noisy, but found it interesting.

This kind of atmosphere will remind Xiao Nianzhi of her aunt's little cousin in modern times, who was like this.

In front of her parents, she acted aloof and refused to communicate, which made her aunt complain more than once. As the child grew older, she was no longer considerate to her parents. She developed secondary school syndrome and gave her a headache every day.

However, such a cold-faced and cool guy appeared in front of him, and seemed to have lost his temper, chattering about trivial matters in school.

It seems that he is talking about trivial matters, but in fact, what the other party shows is a sense of closeness to him.

He believed that his sister would not talk nonsense or criticize or preach, so he was willing to share it with him.

After talking about the things in the academy, Xiao Qing talked about the excitement in the capital again.

However, since he stayed in the academy every day, he actually had no chance to hear what was going on outside.

Most likely I heard from my classmates, this parent, that family is short-lived. It doesn't make people feel annoyed or irritated, but it reveals a bit of peace and stability in life.

Yan Xingxuan, who lives in the front yard, heard that Xiao Nianzhi was making dumplings in the backyard, and actually wanted to come over and help.

He makes dumplings, but actually...

Anyway, I can cover it!

He had nothing to do at home today, but he practiced for most of the day!

Although there were few finished products and many defective products in the end, he followed Xiao Nianzhi's suggestion and did not throw away the waste directly. Instead, he arranged for someone to send it to Zhuangzi.

He also raises pigs, goats, chickens, etc., and cooks a pot of dumpling soup. They are not delicious, and pigs, goats, etc. are not easy to choose, right?

However, Xiao Siye obviously had no intention of agreeing and kept pulling him to talk about this and that.

Forgive him, he is really a scumbag, he really can’t understand some things!

However, Xiao Siye seemed to be interested in mentioning something, and every time he said it, he would lead to other points.

After Yan Xingxuan heard this, he almost had stars in his eyes.

Xiao Zhou watched from the side and almost couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

The reason why my father did not let His Highness the King of Wei enter the kitchen to make dumplings was because he had many concerns.

If this is a married son-in-law, there must be no problem.

Now that you are not married yet, it is better to just treat her as one of your own and throw her into the kitchen.

Moreover, the other party's status is quite noble, so it is normal for Xiao Siye to have some concerns.

Fortunately, Xiao Nianzhi and the others were large, so even though they mixed a lot of dumplings with different fillings, they were all finished quickly.

Not only dumplings, but all kinds of dishes are also prepared.

In particular, Shuiyun Pavilion’s Dongpo Pork, which Xiao Nianzhi had only copied once before, was copied again today.

The taste this time feels closer than last time.

The texture or taste has naturally improved a bit.

At least, Xiao Nianzhi is satisfied.

However, they didn't notice any difference in the jujubes, but they were definitely delicious.

Boiled cabbage must also be prepared.

Xiao Siye's official rank is not high, and he didn't even have the chance to attend the banquet hosted by the Xilou envoys.

Therefore, this must be arranged.

The soup stock has been cooked since morning, and Xiao Nianzhi added a lot of ingredients to it.

The flavor that has been hanging for a day is rich and fresh. Whether it is added with cabbage or other things, it will be delicious!

This chapter has been completed!
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