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Chapter 453 Honey Bun

 Princess Qiuyang?

The daughter of the Concubine Xian?

Xiao Nianzhi knew that the other party's health was not very good. When she entered the palace a few years ago, Concubine Xian and Princess Qiuyang were sick in turns and rarely left the palace.

Therefore, Xiao Nianzhi did not see each other when he entered the palace last year.

Now that the other party is able to come here, you think he is in good health?

Xiao Nianzhi is not sure, but since everyone is here, he can’t help but ignore them, right?

Xiao Nianzhi simply washed her hands, tidied up, and walked out with the woad.

When Yan Xingxuan's push is right on his head, it's not easy for anyone to use it, regardless of whether it's Chunyang Qiuyang or not.

No one can stop him from pushing noodles!

This is fun!

It’s interesting, I want to play again!

Yan Xingxuan didn't pay much attention to it. Anyway, the eldest niece was quite nice. She had met Xiao Nianzhi before and her attitude was also good.

Therefore, if he doesn't go there, he won't be afraid that his sweetheart will be bullied.

Xiao Nianzhi quickly packed up and went out. Princess Qiuyang came with Yu Moyue and the palace people.

Princess Qiuyang was not in good health, but when she heard that Xiao Nianzhi had entered the palace again, she wanted to come over, and Yu Moyue couldn't sit still.

Yan control said: I want to see my beautiful sister up close!

Therefore, when I heard that Xiao Nianzhi had entered the palace, I specifically asked Princess Qiuyang to come with her to watch the excitement.

Xiao Nianzhi first went to see Princess Qiuyang and then said hello to Yu Moyue.

The two of them were curious. The small kitchen over there sounded very lively to Xiao Nianzhi. What were they busy with?

Xiao Nianzhi didn't hide it, saying that they were getting some food.

When the two little girls heard this, they immediately became interested.

Yu Moyue was really embarrassed to speak, so she quietly grabbed Princess Qiuyang's clothes.

Princess Qiuyang:......

I'm really tired!

However, she was indeed curious, so she asked with some uncertainty: "Can we also participate in it?"

Xiao Nianzhi did not mean to refuse, and said generously: "If the princess's health allows, it is okay."

After all, Princess Qiuyang is in poor health, and Xiao Nianzhi needs to take this into consideration.

In response to this, Princess Qiuyang immediately shook her head and said softly: "It doesn't matter, I will just watch from the side."

I know her body well in my heart.

Therefore, it is good to sit on one side and watch the excitement, and if you sit next to it, you can see it more comprehensively, and maybe there will be more excitement.

The two little girls were willing, and Xiao Nianzhi quickly took them to the small kitchen.

The small kitchen is not big, but it is already crowded with many people.

Everyone was working in full swing.

Laishun wanted to get started so much, so Yan Xingxuan gave him half of the noodles.

At this time, the master and servant are competing.

"Laishun, you can't do it."

"Your Highness, I obviously made a good recommendation."

"If you don't see it, it's better for me."


The two masters and servants got into a fight.

Yan Xingxuan has always been very kind to Laishun, his close servant.

Occasionally, no big or small, it’s nothing.

Xiao Nianzhi is used to it.

Princess Qiuyang was also used to it, but Yu Moyue was not used to it. Looking at this scene, her eyes widened in surprise.

Then she quietly glanced at Princess Qiuyang and found that she was very calm. She slowly adjusted her expression.

She kept telling herself that this was the palace and she had to control her expression well!

The time for a stick of incense has passed, and Yu Moyue has already started to add it.

Princess Qiuyang, on the other hand, sat calmly aside, occasionally sipping tea and watching the excitement.

God knows, she wants to join in.

But her body is so broken!

Forget it, let’s think about it.

Everyone gathered firewood with great enthusiasm, and everyone started working together. All the ingredients Xiao Nianzhi needed were quickly prepared.

Then, wake up and wait.

After waiting for the second awakening, Xiao Nianzhi started to get started.

This step requires her to get started and make it first, and then others will follow.

Red bean paste bread is the easiest.

Take the risen dough and cut it into a suitable shape, then roll it into a pancake, put the seasoned red bean paste filling ball into it, then put it on the dough, then roll it into the shape of beef tongue, and then cut it on it.


Then roll up both sides and place it in a baking pan. Rinse it with a layer of egg liquid before putting it in the oven. Then, you can leave it to time and the oven.

In addition to adding pumpkin paste, Xiao Nianzhi is going to make pumpkin ham and bean paste buns.

This is actually easy to operate.

Roll the risen dough into a beef tongue shape, then add red bean paste and ham, then roll it up and place it in a baking pan, wait for the egg liquid to be rinsed, and bake it!

The more troublesome thing is actually the honey bun.

For Xiao Nianzhi, this is the easiest and easiest to use.

Because whether it is proofing the dough or subsequent preparations, it is simpler and easier than other baked breads.

Honey buns are crispy, sweet and delicious because they are a mixture of sugar and oil.

And it’s high in sugar and oil.

High sugar means sweetness. In addition to adding sugar, you also need to rinse a layer of honey water immediately after taking it out of the pot.

As for high oil...

Well, in order to prevent the bottom of the pot from sticking, you need to pour a thin layer of oil into the baking pan!

During baking, all this layer of oil is absorbed into the honey bun.

So, it’s sweet and oily when you take a bite, isn’t it delicious?

Xiao Nianzhi did not often do this in modern times.

After all, she is not very good at keeping her mouth shut, so if she gets craving for things that are high in sugar and oil, she can just buy some to eat.

After all, I will exercise a little restraint when buying.

However, if you make it yourself...

Well, if you put this baking pan on, you will gain three to five kilograms, right?

The main body of honey buns requires high-gluten flour, and a series of steps for proofing are not much different from the production of other breads.

The troublesome part is the crispy and sweet bread base after it is baked.

For this, you need to use low-gluten flour, cooked sesame seeds, corn oil, or butter, and stir it into a flocculent form. After that, you can take the main body of the bread and dip it in to stick it. When baked, they will directly blend into one.<


When making it, Xiao Nianzhi could already imagine the crispy, sweet and delicious feeling of satisfaction after it comes out of the pot.

This winter, I’m afraid I’m going to gain weight!

Before baking the pumpkin, ham, bean paste bread, it needs to be rinsed with whole egg liquid, and then sprinkled with coconut milk to enrich its texture and enhance its taste.

After everything was done, they started baking directly!

However, because the place is small, we can’t bake them all at once, we have to bake them one by one.

The first thing to bake is naturally the rich, sweet and crispy honey bun!

The time it takes to bake this thing is not too long, less than a stick of incense.

Xiao Nianzhi needs to take some time by himself, and also needs to observe the temper of this roasting cellar.

However, the honey bun is too sweet.

Before it was even cooked, the aroma filled the entire kitchen.

At this time, the temperature in the small kitchen is not only high, but the aroma is also strong.

Princess Qiuyang is the most sensitive to smells. She is obviously the farthest away at this time, but she feels that she can smell it most clearly.

For her, this is like torture!

This chapter has been completed!
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